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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 285 KB, 1200x900, EeZs1DYWoAAw6Bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9656172 No.9656172 [Reply] [Original]

>secretly the best game of its gen and a great coop game
>pure gameplay, punishing, great bosses, tons of variety, many different places with unique and unforgettable theming
>only the 1% luckiest Chads played it despite a worldwide release and the beloved predecessor

>> No.9656178 [DELETED] 

>good game not many people have played
ok, and? Where's the fucking mystery, retard?

>> No.9656181

worst konami game ever made

>> No.9656182

what are konami's plans for this series?

>> No.9656187

But I would've 100%'d if not for Project 64 scrapping out after the credits
It's one of their few good 3D ones actually

>> No.9656196 [DELETED] 

>good game
*amazing game
>not many
*barely anyone despite the things mentioned

>> No.9656202

>this game again
I swear to fucking god this is like a psyop. I will give it a try some time later, you win. The only reason I've been putting it off because this board makes it look like another
>this game is better than *insert Nintendo game with similar gameplay here*
And these almost always turn out to be mediocre at best. People who say this shit most likely never played those games as well though

>> No.9656210

PS1 taught gamers that gaming has matured past childish gameplay

>> No.9656214

that would be every contra game except parts of hard corps

>> No.9656218

If we are counting literally all of their games then there are some really bad ones on the original Gameboy

>> No.9656223

>filtered by contra
konami is not for u

>> No.9656229

Loved it though. It's the same niche as Tomba to me just better gameplay in exchange for less sentimental

You frankly don't sound like you can even relax enough to enjoy such an easeful game, too biased and too ADHD from social media

>> No.9656247

>ADHD from social media
Honestly mentioning social media on 4chan makes you the one who sounds tense. I rarely go there but nobody gives a shit when you try to act above people who do use it

>> No.9656249
File: 19 KB, 240x210, cheesethrower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGA is literally harder/less easy to cheese than Contra since 2 with never ending stages you have to do from square one if you fuck up. Stop entering threads about games you don't like because the N64 logo is like your Bat-signal to shitpost

>> No.9656251

>I rarely go there

>> No.9656253

I remind you of this post the next time you listwar with shit like Dr. Slump and Crash.

>> No.9656257
File: 250 KB, 1300x981, mystical-ninja-starring-goemon-nintendo-64-videogame-editorial-use-only-2BYBK78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starring Goemon will always be more soulful even if the gameplay is worse

>> No.9656264


>> No.9656265

The snes game let you play old stuff like gradius from in game. We used to rent mystical ninia all the time.

>> No.9656270

It's at least a very solid 2D action platformer with superb variety and content. Everyone should have played it if you don't hate Edo stuff or sidescrollers

This series has unironically the best mecha fights

>> No.9656291
File: 212 KB, 850x601, __marina_liteyears_tarus_merco_and_lunar_yuke_yuke_trouble_makers_and_1_more_drawn_by_aru_nakajima__sample-00e4b3a946a07f7fae124814506dee09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw it at Best Buy (after playing through the previous one the year before) and bought.

Got to play it co-op the whole way through, too. Any other co-op bros here? Share your stories!

>> No.9656352


Worst shitpost ever

Nobody's trying to convince Snoys, it's Nintendo fans who should play the Goemon games on their own consoles. Better than Mischief Makers (which is also good), Yoshi, Kirby or the licensed games like Tigger for sure

>> No.9656358

Why is Mischief Makers the only Treasure or non Treasure game where HAN'S character design actually looks good and fitting and not like an abomination

>> No.9656367

trying to beat it with the gf is a great time even if frustrating/eyeroll inducing

>> No.9656376

>that fucking water boss level
Why is it always water levels being the worst cancer

>> No.9656421
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, Whomp1.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how it just has Whomps from SM64 and you can even slip under them the same way when they attack

Shame about there still not being a patched version with the intro video and the original start screen

>> No.9656795

The best thing about Goemon is they usually don't have lavashit, though.

>> No.9657179

Can you play it online somehow?

>> No.9657191

Agreed. Especially when they throw in fucking idiot language like "only the 1% luckiest Chads played it" just turns me off every wanting to play any of the shit these idiots recommend. That said, I do own a boxed copy of this game, and it is decent. It's not as good as they're constantly posting it is on this board though.

>> No.9657486

>It's not as good as they're constantly posting it is on this board though
Of course it is. Platforming isn't as tight as the best 2D ones but it effortlessly makes up with the villages, charm, bosses, etc. Much weaker 2.5D games like Tarzan are considered good

>> No.9658946

The piggyback mechanic is perfect for playing with the gf

>> No.9659224

You can play everything online today in one way or another

>> No.9660445

Do all the jumps actually still work while piggybacking?

>> No.9661239

It's just some autist who really wants to talk about it.

>> No.9661298

Lol there were several parts on ganbare goemon 2 where I had to do this with my girl as well.
I could be wrong but apart from secrets I don't think any jumps REQUIRE Goemons double jump so you should be able to piggy back without issues.

>> No.9661503
File: 110 KB, 600x783, Nurikabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most enemies in GGA are actual yokai/japanese folklore ghouls and other underworld creatures. It's the spooky Goemon game.
I guess the SM64 whomps are also based on those

>> No.9662494

>still not in Smash Remix

>> No.9663662

Always glad to see it get attention, even if too late and too little

>> No.9663736

Playing this like it's Mega Man, rushing through levels while spamming projectiles is actually so much fun

>> No.9665286

They're also in Okami but they don't plop on you

>> No.9665796

Why are you here if you don't like to talk about it?

>> No.9666463

Man Japan was a creepy place 1000 years ago

>> No.9666887

I want to like the first one but the design just isn't tight enough and the dungeons are way too basic

>> No.9668380

Konami can't into 3D worlds

>> No.9669165

Is this kid friendly? Looking for something to play in multiplayer

>> No.9669749 [DELETED] 

You don't have to force yourself to make the first post in every Nintendo thread, aggro tranny

>> No.9671629

Tombi if he good

>> No.9671835

Play Goemon 2, /vr/. GGA is okay but its not as good as the first 2 snes games

>> No.9672234

1 isn't that great on SNES, a bit too clunky for it's time and shitty villages. 2 is excellent but way too easy with unlimited checkpoints. GGA is way better, more polished and more complete

>> No.9673283
File: 291 KB, 589x300, psx_goemons2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uchuu Kaizoku Akogingu > MNSG 64

Oedo Daikaiten > Goemon's Great Adventure

Nincels lose once again to the Chadstation.

>> No.9673297

You tried this many times. Comes off as a nintendo fanboy falseflagging to get other people attacking the PS games.
Akogingu is okay but strange, a curious B Team effort.
Oedo is okay but mostly rehashes of the SFC games.

>> No.9673312

>Akogingu is okay but strange, a curious B Team effort.
It's actually A-team effort (KCET, same people behind the Castlevania games) and the best non-linear Goemon game in the franchise.

>Oedo is okay but mostly rehashes of the SFC games.
You mean a refinement over the ideas that the SFC Goemon games tried, and vastly more enjoyable to play than GGA with its 30fps, shitty town sidequests and bad hitboxes.

Keep coping and making up boogeymans that only exist in your head though, Nintendildo.

>> No.9673336

What castlevania games? CV games almost always had different teams outside of the first three and the metroidvanias.
What I mean is Akogingu wasn't by the Ebisu Team and it shows.
Keep seething about Nintendo forever, though. It's nice knowing that you're alone on a saturday night thinking about Nintendo.

>> No.9674638

>Oedo Daikaiten > Goemon's Great Adventure
No, the PS1 games are basically just the SNES games rehashed, GGA is the most ambitious Goemon and feels great to rush through

>> No.9674895

It doesn't seem like they had any plan for the series post n64 and just shit out whatever mediocre games for it

>> No.9674906

I preferred this one when they were both new, but it's way too tedious nowadays

>> No.9674908

treasure character design is always fucking wonky

>> No.9674931

I definitely feel the same way, though I did try Megaman Ledends and found that to be surprisingly good, *despite* having abysmal controls that constitute 90% of that game's actual difficulty, which would be removed if what it has was anything like Zelda style targeting.

>> No.9674989

Play 2

>> No.9675225

>Akogingu, the best non-linear Goemon game in the franchise
Fucking laughable, and you have AIDS. The first new guy does nothing unique. Can't believe they thought they could replace Yae or Sasuke with such a faggot.

>> No.9675247

He has the same utility as Sasuke does, though? Just replace Sasuke's blowing up boulders with Goroko's smashing boulders. Also Yae is a cringey character that only appeals to waifufaggots and is much more generic of a design than those Akogingu characters that you're whining about.

>> No.9675917

Why the worst Pokémon games are the best selling.

>> No.9676336
File: 358 KB, 800x462, kato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5th gen Goemon are all different genres so it's pointless to compare them.
>2d Zelda clone
>MegaMan clone
>3d Zelda clone
>Generic platformer (in 3d!)
Imagine allowing yourselves to get riled up by the faggot anon that seethes all day long about devs for games he didn't get to play

>> No.9676483

This is a retro board. We're not allowed to talk about the latest generations yet.

>> No.9676512
File: 61 KB, 215x230, smug_ninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can be categorised into two categories: linear action-scotformers (which GGA, Oedo, and Shin Sedai fall under) and Willyvanias (Akogingu, MNSG, Kuru Nara Koi!).

It's time to admit the fact that the Chadstation, however, got the best Goemon games of 5th gen, /vr/. I know it's hard, seeing as this is a pro-Nintendo board, but you have to face reality...

Nintendo lost.

>> No.9676601

Why do you even pretend to like Goemon games, auster? Aren't they too japanese for your inbred anglo genetics?

>> No.9677951

Whenever I try getting into Klonoa it just reminds me how good GGA is and I drop it after 5 levels

>> No.9679845


>> No.9679950

Best castle theme?

>> No.9680291

>anything not attacking anything on a Nintendo system

>> No.9680735

More like
>if you don't suck Nintendo's dick you're just a troll whose opinion needs to be silenced by trannyjanny

>> No.9680786

This is a thread about Konami, auster.

>> No.9680849

What do Japanese N64 boxes feel like

>> No.9681713


>> No.9683965

Looks like your mom anon lmao

>> No.9684268

Digging it so far but the lava level (final level of the first world?) is filtering me. Gonna try again later

>> No.9686450

Threadly reminder Mr. Goemon is the only good Goemon, the later ones added too many shitty gimmicks, cringey humour, and are mostly stuck on Cuntendo hardware.

>> No.9686470

Salty bags of coins

>> No.9686604

Kill urself auster