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9653749 No.9653749 [Reply] [Original]

X-COM thread picked up from >>9611767. One more.

>> No.9653837

I did an Aquatoid large scout where I tossed a grenade into the darkness by the USO door. Blew up, I heard loud death sounds, and later found three dead aiyys there.

>> No.9653882

I plan to play the ps1 version sometime this year

>> No.9654564
File: 20 KB, 256x363, UFO Aftermath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else played ALTAR's UFO series? I thought the games are alright, even though they feel very different than X-COM. Especially Aftermath, which feels the closest to X-COM, but also has some unique elements. Aftermath's soundtrack also nails the dark, helpless atmosphere of the original X-COM's OST.


The sequels aren't as good though, especially Afterlight, which is the weakest game in the trilogy by far.

>> No.9654571

It was a noble attempt at a spiritual successor, but certain aspects of it are really subpar (the sound design really stands out for me in this regard).

>> No.9654908


>> No.9655796
File: 39 KB, 1080x961, 1645482993023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested, where should I begin?

>> No.9655809

Just start at the beginning (UFO Defense).
If the UI feels a little clunky or you're having compatibility issues, get OpenXCom. It provides some very nice QoL improvements, support for higher resolutions, and mods if that's your thing.

>> No.9657203

OXC does still let you throw grenades through floors above you but you won't really need to do it much because aliens don't get stuck on upstairs floors anymore.

>> No.9657726

Would be interesting to play vs an AI that doesnt need to cheat to play good.

>> No.9658439


>> No.9658924

in OXC TFTD aliens can actually use drills. look out.

>> No.9659503

Deep Ones are also an actual threat now.

>> No.9659510

Should I play the original or go for terror from the deep? I'm more drawn to terror due to real life fear of open water but I'll play the original if it is recommended.

>> No.9659940
File: 117 KB, 640x480, Benis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My main memory of Apocalypse was the pain we all went through.

>It was a hugely ambitious project and used a mix of rendered and hand drawn artwork from a variety of graphic styles (which didn't always work - although all the individual bits were great).

>Probably the worst fit was Tim White (an established SF artist) who had been commissioned to do the character designs. I like Tim's work, but his models were intensely detailed and quite unsuitable for reducing to the scale needed for an isometric game of this type.

>The creatures he designed looked great full screen, but reduced to the size they would be ingame they were often unrecognizable blobs.

>I don't know the reasons behind the descion to hire him, only that the problems were apparent to everyone in the art department, and I would have loved to have seen them ditched.
>I'm ashamed to say I was responsible for the green worm in Apocalypse, the worst ingame sprite I've ever drawn. It was frankly impossible to create it while keeping it accurate to the original.

>Scanning the models was tried, but was next to useless, and most of the ingame images were based on handcoloured photos of the original maquettes.

>I like Tim's artwork a lot - but the silhouettes and form of these creatures was too indistinct for this type of game.

Honestly the kamen rider armor suits, the 50s cars and the alien penis guns all look like an eyesore together

>> No.9660223


>> No.9660339

you will take a while to get gud

>> No.9660341

It's advisable to start with the original.
TFTD is more difficult.

>> No.9660378

yeah the bastards didn't used to be able to bean you from halfway across the map

>> No.9661148


>> No.9661342

Sometimes you can catch one. The way the AI works is the aliens will be on patrol mode until they see you or if it's a special rank like a navigator they usually won't leave their post until you approach them. Thing is that in TFTD there's tons of small rooms the AI can't navigate through because it was designed for the much simpler EU maps, and OXC fixes this issue.

>> No.9661775

OXC fixes the smoke/fire limitation so you can fill the map with unlimited amounts.

>> No.9662115

>the sound design really stands out for me in this regard
Yeah, it's probably the only thing UFO Aftermath has over other spiritual succesors. The soundtrack really sells the atmosphere of total hopelessness.

>> No.9662794

>toss grenade over Triton
>two Gillmen and a Deep One knocked out at one blow
Learn to appreciate it because this stunt won't work when the Lobstermen come.

>> No.9662801

Is there a way to edit OXC to make the maps much larger?

Like let's say 4x the current size?

>> No.9662803


It definitely suffers from a jump to a "higher rez" than the two previous games and you can tell the designers were struggling on how to approach the overall visual style.

Like you said a lot of the assets look either too clean and "prerendered" or just like weird blobby shapes. A lot of early Windows games had that issue.as well

>> No.9662807

Sonic Pulsers should be one of the earliest things you research, and you can have them by the first terror mission.

>> No.9662817
File: 242 KB, 802x577, xpiratez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happened with XPiratez?

>> No.9663004

I had two TFTD missions in a row that ended in an alien suicide bombing my soldiers with a grenade.

>> No.9663592

Gay discord drama.
The Xpiratez discord server had a channel where people would do racist shitposting, and some faggots got butthurt over it

>> No.9663819

should see on cruise ships where Bio-Drones light the entire fucking deck on fire

>> No.9663878

I didnt like the Apoc aliens, EU and TFTD had a good mix of classic ayys and gluuubs with simple monsters
Apoc on the other hand look too tryhard and weird, give me a gray alien over any of those any fay of the week

>> No.9663886

>based team makes based mod
Many such cases

>> No.9664005

once you reach turn 20 aliens can see where all your squad is

>> No.9664573


>> No.9665096

I hate the ancient ruins maps in TFTD, I really do.

>> No.9665747


>> No.9665852

What's a good way of dealing with lobstermen? Melee seems to work but sometimes it's difficult to get soldiers close enough to fight. Grenades and Sonic Cannons take too long to kill off these things when there's a mob. I'm trying to get MC but I'm still a ways off from that.

>> No.9666336


>> No.9666346

They're effective, but it's a high risk strategy.
Honestly, sonic cannons are the best bet.
It's just that sometimes the bastards can take 4 hits from them without dying.
They really don't stop being a threat until you can MC them and disarm them and waste their TUs.

>> No.9666758

Two hits usually works for the grunts as they only have 90 health. It goes up the higher rank they are. Drills also assume you managed to get a Calcinite corpse which means you had to do an Aquatoid terror mission or base defense. You only get a 20% chance of the former throughout the game but you may still get a base defense if you shoot down enough subs. Obviously there's also Thermal Shock Launchers which will knock down Lobstermen easily (but not actually kill them).

>> No.9666812

Treating racist shitposts as if you were posting rape videos is SO 2018.

>> No.9666820

With Magnetic Ion Armor, you can float around and not get grenaded by Lobstermen--in the original game aliens are dumb enough to throw grenades at flying soldiers but they don't do this in OXC anymore. The issue is you need massed volley fire to deal with Lobstermen and bunching up invites grenades. Of course you can't fly on terror missions or base defense so grenades can be problem.

An ultra-cheap way to deal with Lobstermen is camping out in the Triton until Turn 20 when the aliens get full visibility and will all come after you so you can just shoot them from the safety of your ship.

>> No.9666843

Thermal shok launchers are my go-to weapon against lobsters, if you really want you can destroy the body once it's unconscious with other explosives but it's usually not necessary since stun damage is so strong against them

>> No.9666857

they have limited ammo and are pretty inaccurate. sometimes i use them but I usually just prefer Sonic Cannons.

>> No.9666864

I can't imagine using discord for anything but communicating with people you are directly familiar with while you are playing something together. With a few exceptions I can just call almost everyone I have on my discord list on the phone if I need to communicate about something not related to fragging noobs.

Meanwhile I see time and again this exact shit happen where people issue statements about blanket bans, distancing themselves wrong wrongthink, trying to scramble and say "that was them, not us!" etc etc. I think any kind of """"community"""" that is built on discord is built on shaky foundations at best.

>> No.9666905

Bring more ammo, problem solved. I like having at least four people equipped with small launchers / shok launchers and an overabundance of ammo in the craft in both UFO and TFTD if I'm anticipating a tough fight.

It's quite accurate in the hands of an experienced soldier, and it does area damage anyway so it's adequate even on a rookie. I figured out only after several playthroughs that small/shok launcher ammo is the only consumable elerium/zrbite costing item that I like to actually manufacture for use, it makes the game so much smoother.

>> No.9666975

Zrbite shortages are hardly ever an issue in TFTD because you always get 50 units from a Cruiser (the TFTD large scout) even if you shot it down and often you end up being buried in more Zrbite than you can use. Also there's always 50 Zrbite in alien colonies that you can steal while EU alien bases do not have Elerium every time.

>> No.9666982

About alien colonies. In part 2 the aliens all spawn in the northern half of the map so you can just avoid that area. The command center is always beneath the engine room so you can locate it easily--sometimes it's in the north of the map which is bad because there will be Lobstermen and Tentaculats up your ass. Just drop a grenade to blow up the command center and run for the exits. The 50 Zrbite is in the engine room but you'll have to shoot out the sections of the floor where it's located to get at it (which needs a Sonic Cannon shot or two).

>> No.9667026

Everything about TFTD I enjoy more than UFO defense. The subtle differences between land and sea battles (fires going out quicker, smoke only obscuring vision and not suffocating characters, making it viable for cover), the more consistent theming of aliens compared to the seemingly random amalgam in UFO Defense, the aquatic environments themselves and the aquatic designs of the enemies, the generally weaker weapons, emphasizing the terrifying menace of the aliens better...All of it, EXCEPT:

Lobstermen. Fucking Lobstermen. The one singular glaring flaw in the entire game, which negates an entire technology tree because of how common-place they become, and how early they begin becoming common-place. You can basically throw gauss out the window unless you are going for a very specific playstyle. There is virtually no reason to not go all-in on Sonic weapons early. Playing the game without editing the files to change Gauss properties or Lobsterman properties makes it a chore. I would recommend installing mods that improve gauss if anyone is interested in playing TFTD for the first time.

>> No.9667040

nah the worst is Ethereals. EU had a significant gameplay balance issue due to how cheap and grossly overpowered they are. Lobstermen are tough but you can fight them with easily accessible tools like stun bombs. Ethereals will huddle in a corner somewhere and mind rape your ass and you can't really fight them without a psionic squad which is difficult and takes a long time to get and train. Their terror buddies are also stupidly overpowered and there's no real way to easily kill them short of spamming Blaster Bombs.

>> No.9667050

I remember not having too much of a problem with Ethereals. I remember just spamming psionic training and abusing psi-amps by the late-game and steam rolled them. Never tried beating the game on Superhuman though, so I'm not sure how ridiculous they can get there.

>> No.9667052

late game TFTD gets pretty fucking easy while EU can be kinda hard even late game. the difference in damage rolls matters too. since in EU ranged weapons do 0-200% damage it means you can get OHKOed even in Flying Suits while TFTD's armor makes you a lot safer due to the lower 50-150% damage rolls. early game TFTD is quite brutal though, especially because you can get Lobstermen as early as Months 2-3 when you're still sporting Plastic Aqua Armor and toy guns.

>> No.9667069

In Superhuman it's all bad, man. most players just don't even bother with fighting Ethereals because it's not worth it. if it's a terror mission you can just abort and take the penalty. otherwise just shoot down their ships for points and don't go to the crash site. the approximate TFTD equivalent of Ethereals is Tasoths, but only their squad leaders can do psionic attacks not the grunts and they also have really low bravery so you can get them panicking easily so not quite as tough.

>> No.9667093

I did an Ethereal terror mission once in a playthrough. It was late game and I had psionic troops. The Ethereals were no big deal because I took along 1-2 bait soldiers with low psionic strength so they could just target them the whole time and it was fun to mind control the orange fuckers. But those fucking Sectopods, man. I had to level 75% of the map with Blaster Bombs to clean them out. If you get really lucky and they have their butt facing you you can shoot them with heavy plasma as that's their armor weak spot.

>> No.9667124

A nice EU strategy once you get Blaster Bombs is to fire into the bridge of the UFO to kill their officers and induce panic among the grunts. This is also especially useful with Sectoids so the leader will stop mind raping you.

>> No.9667125

Kek, I remember just packing my soldiers with high explosives and throwing them at the sectopods and running to cover.

when times got real desperate, I suicide-bombed fresh recruits,

>> No.9667502

TFTD encourages you to switch out your soldiers' equipment for different aliens and mission types while EU you rarely need anything more than just Heavy Plasma and grenades.

>> No.9667610

fucking hate Artifact Sites. psionic shit and Tentaculats up your ass and you cannot skip them because you get a massive point penalty for it.

>> No.9667616

The one good part is that they don't have DPLs because the alien equipment loadout for artifact sites is the same as terror missions.

>> No.9668113

If you go out of your way to get the strongest psionic soldiers possible, then it doesn't matter what the difficulty setting was. Even on superhuman you'll be able to consistently mind control three sectopods or ethereal commanders per soldier from the opposite end of the map.

You might be in trouble if you get an ethereal base defense before you get all that set up, though. I had a fun defense once when I had just recruited 100 rookies for psi screening (50 at a time in 5 facilities) and then the base got attacked.

>> No.9668287

Base defense missions in EU are not nice, arguably TFTD base defense is easier as you have a door between your base and the entrance lift and there are no DPLs. In EU base defense a couple Blaster Bombs can really create a disaster.

>> No.9668730

on island terror missions i hate that basement thing because there's always an alien in there who blasts you in the face when you go around the corner

>> No.9669008


>> No.9669012


I'm permanently traumatized by aliens getting stuck in small rooms and geometry in terror missions.

Sometimes they got stuck in such a way you can only see them from certain angles and when you do, they just one-shot you and then you have to nuke the whole building to get to them.

But yeah, that particular basement/shelter with the hallway is vile.

>> No.9669023


I just remembered that artifact site mission where there's a large inner chamber multiple levels high where usually 4 tentaculats float above and then descend upon you as you enter it. It even has little niches for them.

>> No.9669346
File: 13 KB, 500x305, apoc carnosaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tim white ended up passing away 3 years ago, i remember one of the openapoc dudes getting in contact with his daughter and seeing if any of the assets he had could be released but it doesn't look like anything came out of it? the apoc aliens have honestly grown on me over the years just because they're so fucking weird and grotesque and the whole micronoid thing is a rad concept, but goddamn do they look like fucking eyesores in-game. they had half a decade to develop the game and they still couldn't come up with a cohesive aesthetic, no wonder microprose ate shit and went out of business
i forgot about this, but i'm pretty sure they ended up moving to matrix: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10381.0.html

>> No.9669964

The improved AI in OXC mostly fixes this problem, but island terror missions still have that big basement area that has an alien or two camped out in it.

>> No.9670559


>> No.9671087


>> No.9671581
File: 26 KB, 275x300, 1612843123799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

press S to spit on firaxis and nucom, lmao:

>> No.9672038

so like someone said the fixed throwing arcs in OXC make Deep Ones actually dangerous which they weren't originally. The buggers can take out three soldiers in succession from a quarter of the way across the map.

>> No.9673010

best place to put your starting base is in Europe (EU) or North Atlantic (TFTD) but the game does tend to put alien missions near your bases

>> No.9673045

>day nuCom dies Xpiratez gets updated with an exclusive ending

>> No.9673505

Why no Auto shot on the heavy laser?

>> No.9673848

idk. useless weapon anyway.

>> No.9674764


>> No.9674890

i watched Yeti's playthroughs of TFTD but he was a fucking cheater who used a mod to disable mind control

>> No.9674907

>There is virtually no reason to not go all-in on Sonic weapons early.
Gas cannons are enough to deal with Aquatoids and Gillmen until you have sonic weapons researched, though cumbersome and inaccurate.

>> No.9674927

That guy is like a turbo faggot who refuses to play piratez because of the discord thing.

>> No.9674929

Regarding promotions. A soldier levels up any time he:

>hits an alien with a ranged weapon (doesn't have to kill him, just landing a shot is enough)
>kills or stuns an alien with an area affect weapon
>attempts a psionic attack (doesn't have to succeed, just the attempt is enough)
>performs a reaction shot
>doesn't panic if his morale goes below 50%

Any of these actions will improve the relevant stat as well as health/TUs/strength. Throwing something and hitting the target square improves throwing accuracy but nothing else, nor does it level the soldier up a rank. Soldiers will promote to an officer rank if an available slot exists--if several soldiers of the same rank exist, the one(s) with the highest stats will promote. Mind you that lower ranking soldiers can exceed an officer in stats if they get enough combat experience, but will still not promote as long as no openings exist.

Higher ranking officers improve the lower ranks' morale when present, and they take a greater morale loss if one is killed. Aliens will also deliberately target officers; if an alien has a choice of several targets, he will always pick the highest ranking one.

>> No.9674940

afaik he did have some later playthrough of OXC with psionics enabled

>> No.9674952

I think so but I'm mostly familiar with his playthroughs of the old original TFTD. Yeah the Superhuman Pacific Challenge one was kinda bullshit.

>get terrible scores because of bad/failed/aborted terror missions (understandable though--Superhuman is tough)
>salvage his monthly score by cleaning out an alien colony with essentially naked soldiers and junk weapons as there's no mind control
ha ha like that would ever be possible normally

>> No.9674970

I know some people hate the Rocket Launcher in EU but I like my Rocket Launchers. it's sort of like a pet to me. I always carry one along early game, generally getting rid of it once everyone has Heavy Plasma. It's useful for demolishing structures and dealing with tougher enemies like Cyberdiscs.

>> No.9675012


>> No.9675452

Give me some soldier names for my next playthrough.

>> No.9675514

Duke Nukem

>> No.9676034


>> No.9676597

Is TFTD a slower game than UFO? In the original I would intercept a bunch of ufos in the early months, but in TFTD they rarely show up on the radar for me.

>> No.9676609

you should get roughly the same amount of UFO encounters assuming you put your base in the busy North Atlantic or Mediterranean.

>> No.9677307
File: 108 KB, 776x430, 1615063295408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
I can't believe anyone saved that. I made that years ago for an Xcom thread, suggesting the laser pistol production/sell for...lods emone.

>> No.9677326
File: 180 KB, 667x726, 1658610137555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the first loads of emone xcom edit

>> No.9677348

didn't claim that, just claiming ownership of that one.

>> No.9677541

Honestly I just need a mod that adds

>more weapons
>more enemies

I already played through the game 50x and I love the engine, the entire concept and so on. I would just like more material in the same engine so to speak.

I wish someone made an Apocalypse demake in the UFO/TFTD engine.

>> No.9677548

Play final mod pack or world of terrifying silence? These mods by design are vanilla but more.

>> No.9677697

>but the game does tend to put alien missions near your bases
I've heard that before but I've never been convinced it was actually true from my experience with the game.

>> No.9677706

Not too long ago on OXC I did a nighttime Aquatoid terror mission. it was late game and even with MIA and whatnot still a pain in the rear end, namely because Calcinites will leap from the shadows to punch you to death and armor does not protect against melee weapons.

>> No.9677795


>> No.9677810

it gets an "at least they tried" award in an era where this genre was basically dead.
ufo defense my nigga
avoid terror from the deep at first, it's way harder and more annoying

i actually remembered not really liking apocalypse too much, i played it a lot because it was a birthday gift from my parents because they knew i liked the first two so much...
despite it being confusing as shit for me, i did eventually find a lot of enjoyment but the smaller scale is really weird, as is the vying for favor from different companies and shit...

>> No.9677819

Can any knowledgeable anon redpill me on the battlescape generation? how random it is, my guess is that it is some pre designed tile modules but arranged randomly.

>> No.9678084


WoTS sounds really interesting and has lore-friendly stuff in it so I'll go with that.

>> No.9678425

What's the general opinion of Apoc? Played it a bit and fell in love with realtime mode, makes the battles a lot more fun. But is it a bad game compared to EU and TFTD?

>> No.9678526

Tons of ambitious ideas, overall kind of clunky and ugly to look at. I played Apocalypse a few years ago and overall liked it, though some things like the city combat and keeping track of alien infiltration got on my nerves. On the other hand it was awesome seeing gangs randomly fight each other on the cityscape and accidentally demolish an entire elevated highway, and the ground battles were fun, fast and challenging enough for most of the campaign.

It's not a bad game, but it is an eyesore and I didn't like how slow the progress felt at times because you're so restricted on what you're allowed to buy and research. I didn't end up finishing it. You eventually establish complete dominance of the skies of the cityscape and get an invincible teleporting squad that can finish ground battles in a matter of seconds, and yet when I saw the final series of missions I just couldn't bother slogging through to the end.

It's a cool game to check out but mostly for reasons of pacing and general aesthetic I prefer to revisit UFO and TFTD much more often.

>> No.9678956

Never played Apocalypse and not too familiar with that.

>> No.9679874


>> No.9679979

Reminder that the GOG version of Apoc is broken and you must get the Steam one if you want to give it a shot

>> No.9680282

The rocket launcher will always be there to tuck you in at night.

>> No.9680464


>> No.9681568


>> No.9682150

yeah it's a bunch of modules that are laid out at random. i recently did an island terror mission in TFTD where i somehow got no buildings at all, just grass and hills. some weird RNG there.

>> No.9682710

The alien panic display in OXC is fucked up and doesn't work the way it's supposed to.

>original game
>if an alien panics and its morale goes below 30% the game will tell you it panicked and then center the camera on the alien's location
>instead there's a "Suppress Alien Panic Messages" option
>if you turn this off it doesn't display any notification that aliens have panicked
>if you turn it on, then it just tells you any time one has panicked even when its morale is higher than 30% and does not center the camera over it

>> No.9682767

>as is the vying for favor from different companies and shit...
The factions mechanic is one of the things I actually like about Apocalypse.
But you're right, the smaller scale of the conflict makes it somewhat less satisfying. Saving a so-called megacity just doesn't have the same weight as trying to save the entire world.

>> No.9682839

Apoc makes more sense when you learn it was originally a Judge Dredd game. Hence all the corporations and only one city to defend. At some point it was repurposed to be a x-com game

>> No.9683824

>nighttime Superhuman Snakeman terror mission
Delivers what it promises. Maybe even a little more than that with OXC's fixed pathing.

>> No.9683845
File: 101 KB, 893x506, dsc55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meat counter things are a light source. in OXC those supermarket things are completely dark. i guess some genius edited the MCD data so they wouldn't give off any light to make it harder/more consistent with TFTD terror missions which had no light sources in any of the buildings. oh well, a quick visit to MCDedit fixes that.

>> No.9683861
File: 218 KB, 554x720, ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


incandescent hams

>> No.9683870

they seem to have gotten smoke inhalation messed up as well. the game has several smoke densities and the higher density the smoke is the quicker your soldiers accumulate stun damage. except that doesn't work in OXC, it just always treats it like the lowest density smoke. i know in the original game if you threw a smoke grenade and stood in it a few turns your soldiers would get near to passing out,

>> No.9683964

Is this a mod cause I would download this.

>> No.9684275
File: 195 KB, 1190x744, 85445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm restarting XPiratez for the fifth time, this time i will finish the mod i swear.

>> No.9684856


>> No.9685624

edit the tiles in MCDedit

>> No.9686186


>> No.9686808

>touch down at nighttime terror mission
>can't see in front of me
>toss smoke grenade
>stun bomb goes flying into the Skyranger from the darkness and instantly knocks out six soldiers
You expected that, didn't you?

>> No.9686829

I did a nighttime terror mission in OXC where I fired a Blaster Bomb at a Cyberdisc parked outside and holy god, it blew up four of them and a Sectoid at all once. Now imagine if it was an early game Sectoid terror mission and I had nothing better than laser rifles and I'm faced with 4-5 Cyberdiscs around the Skyranger. I'd just have to abort and take the penalty.

>> No.9687815


>> No.9687908

I looked at the tiles and it's not. The stuff "glows" because the room above it has a lamp inside which is a light source.

>> No.9688190

ah, ok

>> No.9688549

Is there any point in using Gauss weapons in TFTD? I loved the Laser equivalent in EU and honestly tried using Gauss but Sonic weaponry is just superior in every way.

Plus you need to constantly manufacture clips which is a massive hassle

>> No.9688581

>Is there any point in using Gauss weapons in TFTD?
Not really, just use gas cannons which are actually good unlike the EU heavy cannon until you research sonic weapons. You could argue that gauss weapons are situationaly useful but in reality you'd much rather just give someone a drill or a sonic pistol.

>> No.9688652

Gas cannons are effective early game weapons except for their weight and poor accuracy. Also you will want to carry both HE and AP rounds and swap them out if you're doing close quarters actions like inside an alien sub. You will want to quickly jump to either Sonic Pistols or Rifles, and then Cannons. The pistols are quicker to research and effective on Aquatoids and Gillmen in the early months of the game.

>> No.9689473


>> No.9689526

i saw one EU playthrough where the guy does the trick of getting rid of his Interceptors and only attacking landed UFOs, which i guess works if you're that eager to avoid alien retaliation but i'm not a fan of that strategy

>> No.9689580


According to this the chance of Sectoid terror in months 2-3 is 60% but in my experience and from various playthroughs I've watched Floater terror missions seem more common early game.

>> No.9690104

Probability is like that. You´ll need an enormus dataset to see the trend.

>> No.9690357


>> No.9690576

Only real reason to research gauss weapons is to manufacture gauss cannons for profit. But if you do that, then you might as well equip a couple guys with gauss rifles to fight aquatoids and gillmen while waiting to get to sonic weapons. It's not necessary, since the gas cannon is great, but it's nice to have some rapid-fire weapons on hand as well.

>> No.9690896

How alien retaliation works:

>each time you shoot down a UFO there is a chance it will trigger an alien retaliation mission (varying from 2% to 20% depending on the difficulty level)
>the retaliation has a 50/50 chance of happening in either the region the UFO was shot down in or the region the X-COM craft that shot it down was based in
>several alien scouts beginning with a small scout will try and look for your base
>this will progress to two Battleships
>the scouts will fly around at low speed but do not land
>if a scout passes over your base, it may become revealed to the aliens and the likelihood goes up the more facilities your base has
>if they still don't find the base, they give up and the retaliation mission ends
>if aliens do find your base a Battleship will charge into it at full speed and begin a base defense mission
>after the base defense is over, the retaliation mission will restart with a small scout
>they'll keep going for it until they fail to find the base a second time
>if you have base defenses up, you get the bug with Battleships endlessly charging at the base
>also after a certain point, the game will generate scheduled retaliation missions against each region with an X-COM base in it
>the alien race is drawn at random and these scheduled missions will begin after you research The Martian Solution, or anywhere from September 1999 to January 2000 depending on the game difficulty

>> No.9691292

money is more of a problem on lower difficulties than Superhuman as there is less alien bodies and equipment to sell

>> No.9692149

alien bases. tips and advice:

>early game these will usually be Floaters or Sectoids, more rarely Snakemen
>you can beat a Floater base with just laser rifles but the other two I wouldn't recommend without heavy plasma
>Mutons begin showing up in April and Ethereals in July
>a base will always have three 4x4 modules (any random combination of power station/garden/food storage gallery) in addition to the command center
>the aliens always spawn in the 4x4 modules, command center, and some but not all 2x2 modules
>the leaders and engineers can have Blaster Launchers so beware of that
>the engineers and medics will spawn in the power stations, garden, or food storage gallery but if those modules are absent they'll just end up in a random location
>in the central control room are the navigators, leaders, and commander but on a Superhuman base there's not enough spawn nodes
>the control room has just four spawn nodes, but on Superhuman there can be up to two navigators and four leaders with the excess aliens being randomly placed elsewhere
>use Blaster Bombs to sweep the 4x4 modules of aliens, except the garden one because it's full of jaggy passageways you can't snake a bomb through
>each alien base gives you a small score penalty for every day it's operating
>bases have a 6% chance every day of being visited by a Supply Ship
>you may want to leave a Floater base intact so you can eat its Supply Ships endlessly

>> No.9692158

In TFTD colonies the distribution of the aliens as far as I can tell is completely random outside of the Lobsterman commanders in the command center.

>> No.9692190

They always spawn in the north of the map so you can avoid that area as much as possible. On normal missions not bases) the game randomizer sometimes puts all the aliens in a huge clump in one area of the map and other times they're spread out more.

>> No.9692357

but man the RNG can screw you over at times like when you're frantically trying to take down a Chryssalid and all your soldiers' shots either miss or don't do anything when they hit

>> No.9693027
File: 97 KB, 1284x1111, 1660298646400806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st time player, DOSbox or OpenXcom?

>> No.9693164

OpenXcom fixes a lot of bugs and adds lots of qol features. There's no reason to go back to DOSbox

>> No.9693173

The only reason to use dosbox today is either if you played thousand of hours of original and some minor discrepancy of openxcom bothers you or nostalgia factor. You seem to have neither so openxcom it is.

>> No.9693356

Just so you know, your base can get revealed if any UFO passes over it not just a retaliation scout.

>> No.9693501

if you ever watched Lord Finisher's Superhuman Antarctica Challenge playthrough he got screwed over repeatedly by the placement of aliens in bases since the commander always spawns outside the command center and ends up getting killed. He did not get a commander until January 2000 via a Snakeman base defense.

Also in bases the commander just has a plasma rifle he doesn't have a Blaster Launcher like on Battleships/base defense so he's harder to identify.

>> No.9693604

See >>9675012

>> No.9693605

where should i put my starting base?

>> No.9693628

In Europe or North Africa. The latter may be slightly better as it's mostly desert terrain which is easier to fight in than farmland.

>> No.9693675
File: 297 KB, 1440x720, tftd terrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9694009

So you could blow up parts of alien ships in original TFTD but apparently not in OXC.

>> No.9694076

bugs with the tile data that got fixed

>> No.9694208

There have been similar games to that using GOAP AI. Users still complain it cheats, so Dev's don't bother.

>> No.9694702


>> No.9694712

it added to EU several of TFTD's improved features like grenade stacking and stunned aliens dying if grenaded instead of just disappearing.