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9651434 No.9651434 [Reply] [Original]

Playstation core is practically finished, Saturn is getting there, what else is left Jaguar, and then there will be nothing left but arcades which not that many people care about, for Dreamcast we'll need something more powerful, when do you think this will happen is 2025 too optimistic? Is there any talks about it among core developers?

>> No.9651445

MiSTer exists because Terasic DE10-Nano is sold at a $200 loss thanks to subsidies by Intel to promote FPGA programming among university students. There are already more powerful FPGA platforms on the market but they are prohibitively expensive compared to DE10-Nano. If someone were to create a "Mister 2" in the near future, people would bitch about its high cost way much louder, especially given that every current MiSTer owner who already invested >$200 in their setup would be expected to upgrade as well. So right now there's not really an affordable option to start a more powerful FPGA gaming platform.

>> No.9651471

>people would bitch about its high cost
but what else is left, the development will stop eventually anyway because it will reach the ceiling of whats possible on this version, its either do nothing or move to the next version

>> No.9651484

There are still hundreds of arcade boards to tackle. Even with the ceiling reached there would still be bizarre new cores like a recent BBC Bridge Companion.

>> No.9651495

>nothing left but arcades which not that many people care about

Yet Jotego primarily focuses on arcade cores and has the most Patreon subscribers by far.

>> No.9651521

WTF is a bbc bridge companion sound hot lol. Jk, anyway I don't think 2.0 will be here for the foreseeable future for reasons above. Judging on how people spend their free time, I do think that we will see 2.0 as a prohibitively expensive version available for extreme enthusiasts.

>> No.9651529

There won’t be a mister 2.0 until the chipset is no longer produced and even then they will most likely look for an equivalent match

>> No.9651531

honestly the Mister is a mostly pointless and overpriced novelty, nothing it's able to handle through FPGA is noticeably better than what you can achieve through regular old emulation on much cheaper devices that are also often much more powerful

>> No.9651540

I think output options is better than most emulation

>> No.9651543

For a little while there was talk of partial FPGA emulation for systems like N64. Where you'd link a Mister up to something more powerful like a Pi4 and the Mister would handle some of the critical emulation duties with its FPGA while the Pi did the rest of the heavy lifting. I think that idea was pretty quickly abandoned though.

>> No.9651547

This, it's an interesting hobby project and impressive technical achievement but the practical usage is minimal.

If it is true that more capable FPGAs are priced out of an enthusiast's budget then software emulators will probably solve Dreamcast and PS2 before FPGAs can.

>> No.9651548

Once again, the people who actually play games are not the loudest group.

>> No.9651552

Arcades are probably the most interesting area for mister to explore. Console emulation for 5th gen and below is superb, but MAME is a piece of shit.

>> No.9651565
File: 1.28 MB, 2000x1328, DSC_1470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my mister right here

>> No.9651569

Cool Raspberry Pi case!

>> No.9651576

I got mine when furrtek anounced he was working on Neo Geo and it cost me about £250 total for everything which was fairly reasonable, but I agree that it's kinda overpriced now. I'd still say it's worth it for Neo Geo and CPS2 though considering their accuracy and what you'd pay in comparison for a supergun, OG hardware and flashcarts/Darksoft kit

>> No.9651582

It is noticeable, software emulation is awful, the lag is high the screen jittering the sound is off, all these small bits they add up, i don't see its being usable for anything other than development testing, Mister is way better if you actually want to play games

>> No.9651584


>> No.9651585

You don't have to lie to justify the purchase.

>> No.9651592

Its not a lie

>> No.9651607

>lag is high
I see you have used RA with adaptive sync

>> No.9651612

>screen jittering the sound is off
I refuse to believe you’ve even used an emulator in your life
Well I lie because you did say you use mister

>> No.9651613

>>screen jittering
this can happen if you don't have your video sync correctly configured, it's not unusual

>> No.9651631

Enjoy your placebo hardware lmao

>> No.9651698

Thanks I will.

>> No.9651792

Software emulation is let down by the shitty audio and video hardware of standard pcs. So even if the software is 100% accurate and perfect, the end result is still shit.

>> No.9651930

I did and this is what i've noticed.

>> No.9651945

just admit it
you dont actually play vidya

>> No.9651954

what level of cope is this?

>> No.9651967

How is "I like this device and people saying it is bad are posting contrary to my personal experience are shitposters here to argue and not play games" a cope?

>> No.9651976

>if you don't play video games my preferred way, you don't play video games
this is a cope

>> No.9651993

Oh heavens you are right! MISTerbros How can we cope with people telling us we are not having fun correctly in a cost efficient manner?

>> No.9651995

Wrong. Just because you're a casual doesn't mean arcade gaming isn't popular.

>> No.9652001

I think you're making up people to be mad at.

>> No.9652002

Read the post you replied to again. You agree with each other.

>> No.9652004

I am literally shaking with rage...

>> No.9652005

It does annoy me that we rarely have threads talking about upcoming cores, favorite filters, best settings, what we've been playing etc because everyone just feels the need to fight the anti-FPGA defense force.

What I've been playing:
>Mega Man Legends on the PSX core
>Fan translation of Mario Picross 2 on the GB core

What I'm looking forward to:
>Saturn core
>Virtua Fighter core

Favorite filter setting:
>Changing config to 720p and using CRT-Soft in the presets. The new 2560x1440 mode keeps tearing at the top of my screen and I think its because of pixel repetition, I dunno. Nice to have an integer scale at nearly-fullscreen with 720 though, just makes scanlines look better.

>> No.9652025

I can read just fine. Just because you're a casual doesn't mean arcade gaming isn't popular. You have zero basis for claiming that nobody plays arcade games.

>> No.9652061

>got the genuine NeoGeo experience
>didn't have to pay the NeoGeo entry tax
Based as fuck.

>> No.9652069

I always thought the point of this thing was to be able to easily connect to an old tv but it turns out it cant even do that
its a meme machine for people who already fell for the pvm meme

>> No.9652071

>be able to easily connect to an old tv but it turns out it cant even do that

You absolutely can do that very easily and its great. Why do you post lies?

>> No.9652076

Reading between the lines, he probably lives in North America and his consumer TV set lacks SCART sockets.

>> No.9652083

It doesn't need scart. You can use component, S-video and composite. Although last time I checked, the composite output wasn't great and needed an overhaul.

>> No.9652085

>have to get separate external converter to do s-video or composite
>cores have to be specially configured for it to look right

>> No.9652087

Analog IO board to component requires some tinkering on user's part. S-Video and composite requires an additional accessory.

>> No.9652097

Scart to component adapters aren't expensive at all

>> No.9652112

You're not entirely wrong, but software emulation can be pretty damn good if you use a minimal OS distribution like Lakka and know how to setup Retroarch. Most people aren't willing to do all that though and MiSTer is more retard proof

>> No.9652119

What difference does using a specialized distro like Lakka make?

>> No.9652129

>I can read just fine.
(you) clearly can't.

>> No.9652135

Okay, casual.

>> No.9652156

More stability, more predictability to the OS environment - no random background proccesses to steal CPU cycles and cause a random hitch for example, and way shorter boot times. Lakka takes like 8 seconds to boot and you're ready to play a game. In short, the OS doesn't get in the way.

>> No.9652179

That isn't the cause of most inaccuracies in emulation caused by the PC. Lakka does absolutely nothing to fix GPU driver behavior, I/O issues, the fact that Lakka is designed to run on devices that don't offer freesync, etc. By restricting themselves to just one kind of FPGA system, the mister team can solve those issues.

>> No.9652185

That sounds good for low end machines but not really relevant if you don't have a CPU that chokes when idle.

>> No.9652186

Yeah, of course. But my point is that not having to deal with a bloated OS makes emulation a lot more palatable IMO.

>> No.9652189

Maybe I'm biased since I've been using the MiSTer for so long now and I'm used to the simplicity of it, but emulating on anything besides a Lakka setup feels like shit for me these days.

>> No.9652195

But linux feels like shit, so it all evens out.

>> No.9652205

You don't even notice Linux is there when using Lakka though. Same for MiSTer, doesn't it use Linux too for the OS?

>> No.9652324

I am dicking around with the libraries of consoles I never owned in between trying to 1CC metal Slug.

>threads talking about upcoming cores,
It isn't exactly conductive to discussion. I want PGM and Saturn.

>Favorite filter setting:
Being able output to CRT and HDMI simultaneously made me realise how even the best filters suck. The display filters that set it to a Triniton or Sony PVM are my favourites but they make the image too dark.

>> No.9652359

what kind of faggot takes pride in playing a lot of arcade games

>> No.9652386
File: 810 KB, 500x403, c943330fef32b3391da9c0bec01bced1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amiga CD32 support in Minimig core never

>> No.9652496

You're just telling us about your own personality problems now. What kind of faggot talks about shit he doesn't know anything about and then tries to tell us that bullshit like we're supposed to respect his opinion like a fact

>> No.9652589

literally everyone does that

>> No.9652641
File: 757 KB, 1816x2932, 20230209_202811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm marathoning the Zelda games and using MiSTer for everything that runs on it. Currently doing Link's Awakening, took a while to find a configuration for GB games that I liked but I think it looks amazing now.

>> No.9652718

>and then there will be nothing left but arcades which not that many people care about

Except shitloads of people do, MAME would not be anywhere near as big or popular as it is if people did not care

>for Dreamcast we'll need something more powerful

Considerably so, it's highly unlikely this thing can ever do even N64

>when do you think this will happen is 2025 too optimistic

WAAAAAAY too optimistic. Don't forget that the MiSTer project has been using the DE-10 Nano since 2017 as an off-shoot of the MiST project which only aimed to emulate the Amiga and AtariST, the whole point of the DE-10 Nano is for educational purposes which is why it doesn't cost $700-1000+, and for that purpose the FPGA on the DE-10 Nano is actually massive overkill. We will be lucky if there is a replacement in a DECADE, and that is no exaggeration. This thing is massively over-engineered and overpowered for it's purpose, we basically got lucky that it was a great fit for the MiSTer project, originally they didn't think they could get anything more than the SNES out of it when the project started. Until the DE-10 is unfit for educational purposes, which is not going to happen in a long time, there isn't going to be a more powerful FPGA that doesn't cost as much as a decent used car that would fit the bill. And most of those other boards are just the FPGA alone, not a FPGA+ARM CPU+Storage+RAM+additional hardware as well like the DE-10 Nano board is. Other non-subsidized boards that have just the same FPGA as the DE-10 Nano alone are $500-700.

>the development will stop eventually anyway because it will reach the ceiling of whats possible on this version, its either do nothing or move to the next version

There are literally thousands of arcades which people DO care about from the CPS3 down to the beginning of arcade videogaming in the meantime. As well as more obscure consoles and infamous ones like the CD-I. Plus, why does it matter if there is "no more to develop"?

>> No.9652734

Can Mister handle CPS3? What about Sega Model 2?

>> No.9652843

Jotego started working on CPS3 a few months ago, although it will be a while before we see anything.

No idea about Model 2, that one is likely out of reach like how N64 is.

>> No.9652961
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Until it can do Dolphin, Dreamcast, N64, Xbox original, maybe 360, and Windows 98 SE, this thing is worthless.

>> No.9652962

How is the state of Mister these days? Do all the common pre-3d game systems work flawlessly? Been out of the scene for awhile and I am considering getting one. I know pc emulation is good these days but I want something more along the lines of a dedicated "it just works" (at least once set up) solution. Plus it is portable and has native analog outputs.

>> No.9652970

>Do all the common pre-3d game systems work flawlessly?
I have zero complaints with pre-3D or PS1. It just works.

>> No.9652996

>Until it can do Dolphin, Katana, Reality, Midway, maybe Xenon, and Windows Memphis SE

>> No.9653112

I got my MiSTer hooked up to my CyberVision C50 CRT, I use vga_scaler=1 and forced_scandoubler=1

Some cores display just fine and some display for just one second and then fail, any ideas?

>> No.9653190

yeah I'm not touching this until it emulates the LHC. waste of money

>> No.9653197

It sounds like you are.

>> No.9653264

kind of overkill but whatever. beats thos shitty 3d printed mister cases

>> No.9653280

I love you faggots who act like mister users havent been using software emulators for 10+ years

so lets see here, whos the better judge, someone who has used both, or you stupid coping faggots who have never tried it?

>> No.9653304

what if mister 2.0 was just 2 de10 nanos working in tandem?

>> No.9653349

Nah theyre just going to find a similarily cheap fpga to port it to

>> No.9653364

Still don't understand what improvements this has over emulation and wish someone would tell me some things it does better (besides possible input delay reduction.), but it still seems cool.

>> No.9653409

The ao486 van do everything up to Win3.1 era flawlessly
Nonetheless I would love a core that could do Win98 era stuff accurately, original hardware can be a pain to setup and PCem is barely functional

>> No.9653427

Then they would have to call it the MiSTer Wii

>> No.9653443

To be fair, it's a niche product for a niche group. For the majority of people software emulation is good enough. Nobody is saying absolutely everyone should get one of these over a Pi or using their PC, but it definitely has advantages over software emulation.

Where it shines is each of use, input lag, much easier to connect to older analog displays, and able to use your old accessories and controllers as if they were physically wired to the original console. On top of that, there is also the accuracy, which if you want perfection or are a speedrunner matters, but if you just want to play games and don't care if a few things are off it's not for you. Nothing wrong with using one for that purpose too of course, but you can do it for much cheaper.

>Nonetheless I would love a core that could do Win98 era stuff accurately, original hardware can be a pain to setup and PCem is barely functional

Yeah, I would just be happy if it could go up to Pentium 1 and Windows95 era, although there is no way it would also be able to handle Voodoo cards alongside that. Not even my old 3770K could handle that in PCem or 86Box.

But Pentium 1 and N64 is my end dream, sadly those two seem just out of reach of the DE-10, but at least we got PS1 and Saturn, Saturn is quite a bitch to do in software too. Even N64 sucked for the longest time. At least PS2 and later are plentiful and easy to modify.

>> No.9653559

its the first time I've been able to play with audio and video in sync without problems. maybe its just my particular setup, but I was never able to elimate video stutter, screen tearing, and audio crackling. always had to settle for one.

for the longest time I thought the video stutter was the emulators accurately emulating hardware slowdown. literally played like this for years.

>> No.9654124

i love playing the 16 bit era so i am fine if it never gets any more cores, the psx is just a pleasant bonus not why i bought a mister

>> No.9654185


>> No.9654205

>much easier to connect to older analog displays
Does it output component, s-video, composite etc. natively or do you still have to use transcoders?

>> No.9654207

Not really improvement but how it functions is as close as possible to real hardware to the point where quirks are able to be replicated, it is also able to be compatible with accessories and controllers that work with the system

>> No.9654245
File: 338 KB, 1920x1080, Mister Multisystem SD Addon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most popular board for the common "sandwich" design people make has a VGA connector that can be broken out to scart/component IIRC.

But there are different boards that give other output options. The Multisystem for example on top of the standard HDMI and VGA also has a built in SCART, and they are developing an add-on cart that gives you hardware level composite and S-Video. Unfortunately, this cart is not available yet. The only cart available for it right now is the MT-32 cart, and obviously this means you can't have the hardware composite/S-Video out and MT-32 at the same time (Why you would want to output any system that supported MIDI-addons over that though I have no idea since AFAIK all such systems used VGA) unless you use the standard MT-32 addon that uses the User/SNAC port.