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File: 63 KB, 451x346, Technodrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
964993 No.964993 [Reply] [Original]

Sincerely, WTF was their problem!?

Was the programmer going through a divorce? Did they just lose a child? What on Earth would possess them to design the last stretch of that level so that dodging was impossible? The only way it's even possible to win is if you've stocked up on scrolls in the earlier stages and have all of your Turtles in good health. You just run the gauntlet taking it from all sides and hoping that you'll make it to Shredder with some small amount of life left.

What the hell would make a program do that to kids? This is an adaptation of a children's TV program. It shouldn't have a final stage which is almost literally impossible.

Whoever programmed this, they can kiss my ass.

>> No.965004

why do people bother talking about this?
there are dozens of other beat em ups that are all better done. why bother mentioning the mediocre ones?

because AVGN mentioned the game years ago you feel the need to parrot him?

>> No.965013

>because AVGN mentioned the game years ago you feel the need to parrot him?

Is this how it comes off when someone complains about a game that he has previously complained about? I'm starting to see this way too much.

>> No.965017

>The only way it's even possible to win is if you've stocked up on scrolls in the earlier stages and have all of your Turtles in good health.

I think you know what must be done, OP. Get to it!

>> No.965037

In 2006, AVGN complained about a frustrating game from his childhood.... and none were ever allowed to complain about that game again. The end.

I suppose I should place Batman & Robin in my Top 20 films list because Nostalgia Critic complained about it and nobody is allowed to dislike it anymore, huh?

Yes, there are other games to play. I'm aware of that. The NES library has several hundred to choose from. However, as a Ninja Turtles fan in my youth, I wanted to play this one. As an adult, I wanted to go back and beat that game which I had played so many years ago.

Now, I find that it is almost literally unbeatable unless you exploit some of the most cryptic strategies to make it past a seemingly impossible narrow passage overloaded with enemies.

>> No.965064
File: 608 KB, 1206x745, 1025798_595269280517138_1897396387_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game frustrated the hell out of me when I was a kid. that damn swimming stage. ugh

>> No.965440

I'm some kind of mutant freak, I love the swimming stage. I cleared it on my first try too.

>> No.965443

I agree, that underwater section was wayyy more stressful than it should have been.

>> No.965469

fuck i was playing this just a bit ago, game over before the second boss fight, then game over as soon as I make it into the water with 3 turtles and 4 boxes of health between them.

Goddamn I know why I never beat this game.

>> No.965498


>cryptic strategies

Since when is "not getting hit" considered cryptic?

>> No.965504

I remember seeing a playthrough where the guy just threw boomerangs as soon as they appeared, and he never got hit.

>> No.965530

I've acctually found out that the laser rocket dudes in that last gauntlet will have one of 2 specific "movesets" for each new game, meaning that they will have a 50/50 chance of moving in a specific pattern unique for that gauntlet. One pattern will make it possible to simply crouch under them, and run through it with some luck. The other will force you to fight them, since you need to bait them around in order for them to not simply run through you and blast you to kingdom come. I've been using savestates of 2 different games to prove this fact, and I think it's depending on how you played up to that point, since in one game, a certain enemy would always drop a special weapon upon being killed, but not in the other.

>> No.965819


Sounds like pretty basic random number generator weirdness. Are you savestating just before the guy who drops the weapon and killing him just as quickly each time? Be interesting see if it's deliberately planned "If X and Y, then Z" or it's just you've done different things and incremented the RNG differently.

Just in case some reading this doesn't know, random number generators on computers are no such thing, they're pre-made lists that the program draws the Xth item from. This is why timing when you kill something or which order your party attacks in can influence item drops, you're synchronising your actions with the RNG. It's basically like card-counting with more certainty.

>> No.967017


How is it possible to "not get hit" when you can't dodge and enemies don't die in one hit?

>> No.967306

I like James, he's a good reviewer.

But I disagree with him on some of these games. TMNT was really fun to me. So was Fester's Quest (use a turbo controller).

>> No.967327
File: 51 KB, 606x360, 1289135905709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that sea weed that instakills you

>> No.967350

I don't know who "AVGN" is but I had this game growing up and it pissed me off to no end.
That being said I did beat it.

>> No.967374


I agree. I thought Lester the Unlikely wasn't that bad either.

>> No.967380

the water level isn t that hard. as a child, I practiced so much that to this day, I can swim perfectly through it.

fuck he technodrome though. and the fact that its location is randomly generated

>> No.967389

the water level isn t that hard. as a child, I practiced so much that to this day, I can swim perfectly through it.

fuck he technodrome though. and the fact that its location is randomly generated

>> No.967408


I like this game (although the last level does leave a negative impact on my opinion of it), but I can understand the frustration. Most of the familiar Turtle characters are missing and the difficulty is just WAY too hard for any adaptation of a children's cartoon.

"Why's this game so hard? It's for kids! Have mercy."

That one quote pretty much sums up all of my complaints about the game. There are some other games I like which he dislikes. It's not as if I follow his every opinion. I'm certainly not going to have too many good things to say about Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

>> No.967413


I'll just check this room really quickly, then go back and get some health. It won't be the Techno- FUUUUUUUUUU

>> No.967491

But AVGN only highlighted the weird jump and the underwater part early in the game before sperging out in typical fashion and taking the game out.

He didn't make it to some final level / The Shredder. How could the OP be copying someone else? People aren't allowed to like games that any YouTube reviewer / longplayer likes. Why should they be allowed to hate ones that reviewers hate?

>> No.967513

A lot of the old games were impossible like that. No real way to make them any more difficult other than to just have a level of insanity at the end. I am surprised I didn't have a rage induced heart attack as a kid because of how ridiculous some of the shit was. Fuck this game in particular too.

>> No.967531


TMNT is not a beat-em-up.

>> No.967538

>they're pre-made lists that the program draws the Xth item from

That's a really bad explanation. I mean, some games might actually do it that way, but how RNGs are seeded is usually a lot more complex and is something you can't easily manipulate outside of tool-assisted circumstances.

>> No.967542

In cases like this I think it's more likely that they were tested lazily or hastily coded. Maybe some guy tested the levels by spawning with all 4 turtles with full life, played through a few floors and said, "okay I'm taking a lot of damage but it's survivable" and didn't think about how many screens the player would have to actually get through and how much life they would have.

>> No.967541

In the last area where the corridor gets the narrowest there is a trick (as long as the guys behind you are killed or disappear). Just inch your way to the right. When the space guy appears from the right, just duck. He will shoot over you and go off screen. Repeat until the end of the hallway.

>> No.967553


>He didn't make it to some final level / The Shredder.

Actually, he did make it to the final level in his "Nintendo Days Re-Revisited" video, where he went over some games he reviewed earlier and tried to show off more than he did originally. It's beside the point, but still worth pointing out IMO.

I've really got to try and play this game through. It sounds really bad.

>> No.967647

I have mixed feelings about it but I recommend you play it just to have given it a shot.

To me, playing that game was a contest to basically see how far I'd get. Technodrome (and the underground before it) fucked me up EVERY time. OP seriously isn't shitting. the fucking enemies are bullshit. I don't want to spoil it too much but consider enemies that do the most 3 horrible unavoidable enemy attack patterns in a platformer ever and this is the Technodrome and the underground.

Basically everything past the airport is royal bullshit. Fun game up til then though, even with some of the frustrating jumps.

>> No.967693
File: 8 KB, 203x300, turtle man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is not nearly as hard as y'all are making it out to be, takes about 40 minutes tops

It was quite a disappointment though, I was expecting something similar to the arcade and this was the shit we got

>> No.968153

You are doing it wrong.

You wipe out the ones in the room as soon as you enter, then SLOWLY move down the hallway. The second one of those jetpack guys appears, you duck and wait until he backs up off the screen and disappears. Hit the flying guys with the scrolls, but do NOT attack the jetpack guys in the hallway, since that will make them attack. Just move slowly, and you should make it through that hallway without taking a hit.

I used to think that hallway was impossible without some sort of cheat, then I saw a Lets-Play that showed that method.

Either way, as long as you reach Shedder with Donatello, you pretty much have already won. And if you have scrolls, who gives a fuck which turtle you have?

>> No.968189

After about 50 hours of practice.

>> No.968238

tmnt 2 is the arcade port i think

>> No.968253

TMNT 3 is still the best though

>> No.968290
