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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9645808 No.9645808 [Reply] [Original]

which is the best?
which is your favorite?
which is the worst

>> No.9645814

the movie
the krauser fight
movie 1

>> No.9645841
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i meant the games anonkun

best = fatal fury real bout 2
favorite = fatal fury special or 3
worst = the first one but its still fun imo

>> No.9645878

Best: Garou MOTW
My favourite: Garou MOTW
Worst: Fatal Fury Wild Ambition

>> No.9647237

Hakyokusaiken school

>> No.9647769

I was never too into the games although I did slightly enjoy messing around with them. But I love the anime movies. We more than any of the Street Fighter anime stuff except for the motion picture.

>> No.9648429

the stages in FF3 are godtier

>> No.9648442

FF Special for soul and good old-school SF2-esque gameplay (planes are broken though)
RBFF2/Special for easier, more modern, more streamlined experience and actually working planes (the art style is kinda ugly though)
MOTW for top tier graphics and a fair share of combo 'tism (see: braking), just prepare for small roster that is not-so-balanced

>> No.9648460
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The best? Fatal Fury Real Bout Special on the Sega Saturn. Why? Because I used to play the actual physical copy of it over twenty years ago and it was fun.
Please note that it may actually be called something like Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special but I can only NOT understand moon runes so much.
And Blue Mary. I dig Blue Mary. And when you beat it you get Blue Mary singing and pictures with some animations. How cool is that?

Now, not necessarily the worst, but I've been emulating the Sega Genesis Fatal Fury 1 & 2 games and they're actually pretty good and "respectable version(s) of the game(s) for the more limited hardware" of the Genesis. You can even use the six button controller with that mode button for easier-to-perform moves in the second game.

>pic related

>> No.9648503

Best: Fatal Fury Special
Favourite; Real Bout 2
Worst: Wild Ambition

>> No.9649064
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my wedding ring i mean

>> No.9649087

>the movie

>Be Terry
>Refuses to elaborate


>> No.9649116

Doesn't hold a candle to PEOPLE CALLING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L9_ktgkbCE

>> No.9649232

You bitches had to post these and make me feel nostalgia. Back when animu had soul.

I still remember the ads for the Samurai Showdown animu that I never actually got my hands on as a kid and still never saw.

>> No.9649253

Was a simpler time indeed

Also I'll echo some of the other anons ITT and say that my favorite one is Fatal Fury Special

>> No.9649264
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, [Kuraze] Fatal Fury - The Motion Picture (BD 1080p Hi10p FLAC Chap) [B0756A9B].mkv_snapshot_00.10.47_[2020.01.27_06.01.57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They put out the Fatal Fury OVAs and Movie in HD blu ray. Track em down or yohoho, just enjoy them.

>> No.9650198

It was always weird how anime Terry had that metal plate hat

>> No.9650212

FF Special
FF 1

>> No.9650213

based ZI:KILL enjoyer
btw it's "keep on calling"

>> No.9650245

>which is the best?
>which is your favorite?
>which is the worst
Fatal Fury 1

>> No.9650256

Wild Ambition plays like a shitty 3D version of Real Bout, it can't be the worst because even a shitty 3D Real Bout can still be entertaining.

Fatal Fury 1 is the weakest one in terms of gameplay, but at the same time it's one of the most soulful ones because you're fighting exclusively in Southtown.

>> No.9650257

i love ff3 and real bout 1. ff3 has the most beautiful stages i've seen in a 2d fighter. i also like the technical plane switching gameplay and it's a very charming game all around. real bout 1 has a more modern gameplay based on combos and is probably more fun, sadly the stages pale in comparison.
later real bout games lost a lot of the soul (no story, sprite art too much like street fighter alpha), and MOTW has shit characters and lacks the plane switching.

>> No.9650258

Just stick to Capcom games.

>> No.9651038

>m-m-muh terry

>> No.9651049
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OP here
i have the vhs tapes but if the dvd has extra shit ill pick it up

>> No.9651063

Best: Garou
Non-meme best: RBFF2
Favourite: I like Wild Ambition, maybe because it was one of the few PS games I had, and also because it felt so much better to play than SF EX.

>> No.9651084 [SPOILER] 
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I don't remember the features on the Blu Ray I just liked the HD quality. Discotek doesn't lame out their releases. It's nice to see all the detail that was always there but fuzzy VHS footage made harder to appreciate.

>> No.9651096
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>> No.9651145
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>> No.9651148
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>> No.9651153
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>> No.9651154
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>> No.9651195

the last krauser fight for the 1st half is so damn good. movie krauser>>>game krauser

>> No.9651224
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>> No.9651245


better, full song, and lyrics.


>> No.9651263

maybe ill just download it?
im entitled to it right?
i own the tapes anon

>> No.9651283
File: 256 KB, 818x1280, 47824528-F824-4D9E-87C7-49AB71168C45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldnt download a car

>> No.9651329

thought the whole dame series was on YT...

>> No.9651376
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You do whatever you want, I'm just informing you it's out there.

>> No.9651848
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I prefer the original Real Bout and FF3. I like the three planes

>> No.9651850

Why are you saying special is the best and posting the original real bout?

>> No.9651874

Has anyone played the original HNG64 version pf Wild Ambition? Was it as bad as the Playstation port?

>> No.9652043