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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 84 KB, 640x908, MP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9644914 No.9644914 [Reply] [Original]

We are here to discuss one of the greatest achievements in the field of digital interactive entertainment.

>> No.9645009

What's your favorite environment? I really like Phendrana Drifts.

>> No.9645065

>Tallon IV's atmosphere is gone
>The nebula doesn't even look similar and is moved; now the scene is too dark to even see the asteroids
Even the logo wasn't safe from the NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN treatment!

>> No.9645067

So thoughts on the remaster? It looks surprisingly ambitious and even lets you choose the original controls

Probably what MP4 will look like

>> No.9645074
File: 677 KB, 1680x1803, soulless_remaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9645075

They fixed the awful pixel leaves in the cutscene and low res water so I'm optimistic

>> No.9645078

That's a case of differen't not worse. Also the low poly ring in bottom looked bad

>> No.9645082

>That's a case of differen't not worse.
It's the same game; different is worse as it's supposed to be a recreation.

>> No.9645084

Mate they didn't even care, the proof is in the asteroids.

>> No.9645095

bro the top is 21 years newer and doesn't even look as good as a 360 game. wake the fuck up.

>> No.9645098

I can't play anything but the original NA version, the changes to the lore confuse and enrage me. I want to try emulating with an HD texture pack, though.

>> No.9645108
File: 974 KB, 1033x705, remake looks better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top looks a lot better and actually like a planet instead of an old low res orange

No one distrusts remasters more than I do but I will start complaining once there are actual reasons and not just autism. Plus it's not final yet

>> No.9645112

I always thought MP1 was ugly while everyone else was raving about how beautiful it is. Not surprised the same people now complain about obvious technical improvements. It's just a silly fanbase

>> No.9645118

>low res
>low poly
Nobody is arguing the original game was pushing more teraflops; the purpose of the remaster should be to make what was there look better, instead of missing the point/removing it outright.

>> No.9645127

>Plus it's not final yet
it's as final as it gets, it's available for purchase right now

>> No.9645312

>the purpose of the remaster should be to make what was there look better
Which they did, see >>9645108
Metroid Prime had a lot of poor geometry and puke textures

>> No.9645454

it's funny how i posted threads about Prime several times for a week last month, and here we are, remaster time

>> No.9645467

Soul and soulessness, two sides of the same coin. Looks more like two cheeks of an ass from here.

>> No.9645471 [DELETED] 

There's already a thread up. >>9644470
Migrate to it, retards.

>> No.9645494 [DELETED] 

>some dumb attempt to talk about the remaster instead of just saying in straight up
No thanks

>> No.9645496

It's literally a video game rule that
better means worse and
worse means better
It could look like real life and people would say the GC game looks better

>> No.9645504

real life is a shit game

>> No.9645510

Right shows the Impact Crater which is a critical part of the game's story.
Left shows nothing.

>> No.9645521 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 383x345, b-b-but it's.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus it's not final yet

>> No.9645675

>Which they did
>Can't see the asteroids
>The nebula, geometrically, doesn't even look like it's calling you to the planet
>The planet's atmosphere is very thin now
Am I insane for saying the artistic decisions are inferior?

>> No.9645693
File: 618 KB, 982x1200, 1675925027243938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically take meds. It's obviously better overall

>> No.9645695

Damn, original Samus looked like an Ayy, puts Anja Taylor Joy to shame

>> No.9645719

But you agree that the things I've described are true?

>> No.9645773

The thinner atmosphere around the planet is literally more realistic in the remaster. You sound autistic

>> No.9645780
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1675924816052339.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9645791

We're not describing realism, never remind that Tallon IV may not have the same atmosphere as the Earth, never mind that you can actually see the Earth's atmosphere from a similar distance.

>> No.9645798

Oh yeah, I'm the one who's been bitching about the intro level but so far I'll be the first to say the rest of the remaster is great

>> No.9646091 [DELETED] 

Overrated AF.
/v/ tourist detected

>> No.9646092

It looks like a switch game you fucking idiot

>> No.9646213 [DELETED] 

Feeling like a big man?

>> No.9646248

Aside from making her facial structure uglier (heavier jaw, lower cheekbones, more slope to her forehead), I just think it's ironically sexist to give her blush and mascara when before she didn't have makeup before. Why is Samus putting her face on when she spends 99 percent of her time alone in the suit?
It's not even that it's the only less than beautiful depiction of Samus, it's just the depressingly banal predictability of the current year mandate of using technology to make games realistically uglier when they could be using it to make better games.

>> No.9646338

Well the top one looks like a goblin and the bottom actually like a fit woman

>> No.9646346

And how does that improve the game in the slightest way?

>> No.9646495

Right is a result of upscaling
Not a problem at original resolution

>> No.9646507

Be lucky they didn't just transplant her current "Zero Suit" head into the scene.

>> No.9646541
File: 109 KB, 1900x1080, 8m332lb13er71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's why I was trying to be fair, it's not like she's gorgeous in every game, it's just this remaster has that certain strain of modern realism that is immediately identifiable as trying to homogenize female characters to a standard of ugliness. If they had plugged in the Dread head it would be low effort, this is putting in a lot of effort to make something worse.

>> No.9646649

Now remastered!:

>> No.9646706

I thought the intro looked fine? What was wrong with it?

>> No.9646768

Here: >>9645065

>> No.9646773
File: 124 KB, 1080x1281, pipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badly-maintained ship? Nope, now it's all perfect down to the pipes

>> No.9646775
File: 78 KB, 825x960, NINTENDO HIRED THIS MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene is just embarrassing

>> No.9646869 [DELETED] 

These all look fine. Stop seething you fucking autists.

>> No.9647880

I like it, puts a lot of emphasis on this room having windows and it just feels nice and warm

>> No.9647883


>> No.9647919

Why the fuck does that image say "textures" when not a single asset is remotely the same?

>> No.9647926

Yes, windows.
>a window is an opening in a wall, door, roof, or vehicle that allows the exchange of light
They are holes in the roof which exist to let in light.

>> No.9648373 [DELETED] 

most soulless new pic yet

>> No.9648420 [DELETED] 

i want to like the bottom but I know I'll be a cuck

>> No.9648467

I thought the original was pretty dull, no idea why this game is jerked off so hard. I expected something much better.

>> No.9649248

Do you hate the control scheme?

>> No.9649370
File: 87 KB, 646x917, actual_dev_from_the_original_game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual dev who worked on the original metroid prime
Well it's on the Switch, it's going to sell millions no matter what

>> No.9649386 [DELETED] 

>that tweet
go back to discord and stay there. just look at the replies, i dont get why he chose the blurriest lowest resolution picture to nitpick

>> No.9649846

The pompousness of assuming you know this was a mistake and not an intentional change.

>> No.9651387

I mean he got a point. The doors opening when you shoot the hologram barrier makes more sense than shooting a primitive metal door
Is the texture completely gone in the remaster or just very transparent?

>> No.9651403


>> No.9651406

the door is now illuminated by that light

>> No.9653141

What's her ethnicity?

>> No.9653259

Looks German/Dutch and a bit of Slav

>> No.9653478

sounds Irish

>> No.9653526

If first names are an indicator of ethnicity then at least a third of the global population is Jewish

>> No.9653567

Do you not know that each county uses their version of Christian names?

>> No.9653578

Samuel is pretty consistent across languages

>> No.9653579 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 540x360, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are here to discuss one of the greatest achievements in the field of cuisine.

>> No.9653581

except jewish?

>> No.9653583 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 10d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are here to discuss one of the greatest achievements in the field of digital interactive entertainment.

>> No.9653613

I just pirated it. The new dual stick controls make it worth playing alone.
I have no idea if they've added any new content, so far it looks like a texture pack and better controls.

>> No.9653615

I think it looks great but I saw someone talk about how the beam weapons have that thing like Hunters had: Where you hold the fire button to autofire for a few shots, THEN you start charging. I'm not sure I like that change.

>> No.9653627 [DELETED] 

>mods get pissy if you criticize their retarded hyperbole
Metroid Prime is a bad game and no amount of deleting messages or bans will change that fact.

>> No.9653873

>can't strafe

>> No.9654650
File: 269 KB, 927x748, metroid-prime-not-fps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroid Prime is explicitly not a first person shooter

>> No.9654736


>> No.9654754

That's pretentious as fuck, it's a first person shooter.

>> No.9654780

Realism, even done well, can detract from the experience. Its why the book is always better than the movie adaptation- the world exists exactly as the end user wants it to.

>> No.9654842

You could call loot shooters rpgs since they have level up mechanics, doesnt make them one. It was a great design choice to solve the problem of shifting a traditional 2d game to 3d.

>> No.9655045

he worked on the door for months originally. it seems natural to see it all fucked up and call it how you see it.

>> No.9655052

the one on the left is the original.
the image is unfair because of the compression on the video grab for the remaster even.

>> No.9655068

>Game is in first person perspective
>You shoot things until they die
It's an fps.

>> No.9655075

>source is wikipedia page
You lost

>> No.9655102

genres aren't mutually exclusive. it seems pathetic when fans jump up and down demanding it not to be an FPS too.

>> No.9655337

They could have just done a straight port with new controls, the graphics were good as is and still look good

>> No.9656398

GoaT after ocarinna

>> No.9656404

Lmao you must be really retarded, and not just because you are using Wikipedia as a source

>> No.9656631

They are literally marketed as RPG's. The difference between Destiny and Final Fantasy is that one has actual gameplay. Anyway, Metroid Prime is a first person shooter, just one with bad combat

>> No.9657923

the whole game is graphically different

>> No.9658125

>not old enough to remember interviews with the developers and Nintendo itself calling it a "First Person Adventure"
Come back when you're old enough to drink

>> No.9658150

It's a fps but it's also an action adventure. It definitely doesnt follow a lot of the norms of a FPS game.

>> No.9658809

Are those Metroid Prime threads subtle shilling for the remaster, or did it just cause such a rise in interest for the game?

>> No.9658976


>> No.9658979 [DELETED] 

Both. Zoomers are paying full price for goyslop demake and infecting /vr/ with their stink.

>> No.9658994 [DELETED] 
File: 2.54 MB, 480x356, get-out-leave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9659409

She looks like Kim from BCS in the remaster (in a good way)

>> No.9659418

it's not both. you faggots threw money at the screen the moment they shadowdropped

>> No.9659451
File: 1.09 MB, 828x921, 1624870058327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is foundational to my interest in video games, I first played it in 2002 when I was like 8. Every inch of that world is seared into the deepest parts of my memory. IMO the greatest thing Nintendo ever published, and I'm so glad the remaster is as amazing as it is.

>> No.9659454

Probably Tallon Overworld. The comfy rainy weather and atmosphere, and that god-tier music.


>> No.9659548 [DELETED] 

I thought the goyslop thing was funny when it was actually about food, using it to refer to video games is so retarded its unbelievable. The meme leaving /ck/ and /fit/ was a disaster.

>> No.9659597
File: 1.34 MB, 1000x1249, Ellen_Ripley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love this design, I hate how the smash ZSS looks like a model, this actually looks like how old Samus would canonically be.
Youre insane if you think her facial structure in the remaster looks worse, she barely even looks human in the original.
The makeup is a slightly more valid complaint that I honestly wouldntve noticed if not pointed out. I can excuse it since its an extremely light amount of makeup that youd usually see in movies and Samus is supposed to be inspired by Ellen Ripley even if she doesnt look much like Sigourney Weaver.

>> No.9659615

the real question is why is the gravity suit now blue

>> No.9659630

>I'm a zoomer

>> No.9659632

>actually like a planet
Realism fags truly need to be gassed

>> No.9659640
File: 136 KB, 600x340, 2d_endings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate how the smash ZSS looks like a mode
Samus was always a model
>this actually looks like how old Samus would canonically be.
Metroid Prime is chronologically early when she's young

Why do you guys let your headcanons run rampant?

>> No.9659646

Some people just don't want characters to be hot.

>> No.9659702

Prime gravity suit was always more blue than purple for some reason.

it's just weird how people blame Smash when Metroid games did this to themselves.

It has made me start to think that a lot of this discourse originated because many people's first Metroid is Prime, which clouded a lot of people's view when they saw that Samus, even though Prime Samus is actually an outlier.

>> No.9659703

1994 is late millennial. I'm gonna be 30 next year

>> No.9659705

I hate ZSS but for a completely different reason: her Fusion appearance was easily hottest of them all and it got replaced too quickly!

>> No.9659709

ah, my bad. you're a protozoomer

>> No.9659713

Yeah I hear you. A part of me dislikes ZSS due to it's standardization, and we no longer get unique outfits every game now.

>> No.9659880

Kek I was too busy playing games then reading about them. Plus it doesn't change the fact it's a fps.

>> No.9659919

Myst is a first person adventure, Metroid Prime is a shooter

>> No.9660109

I've never played Prime, should I play the original or just get the remaster?

>> No.9660130

The remaster is fantastic and the most accessible legit way to play the game unless you have a GameCube copy or manage to get your hands on a copy of Trilogy. The visuals and controls are great, and the sounds, music, progression, map layout and overall content are 1:1 to the original, unlike the Dead Space remake. Essentially, if you play the remaster, you're getting the full experience, and a good representation of it at that.

If you're a purist and want something closer to the untouched experience, download PrimeHack for Dolphin and play the Trilogy through that. Also a great way to play all three games. But keep in mind that the Trilogy lacks some of the minor touches the original GCN edition had.

>> No.9660146

>unless you have a GameCube copy
I have a softmodded Wii with Nintendont, so availability isn't a concern. Are the new controls and other improvements enough to warrant playing the remaster instead?

>> No.9660148

>I have a softmodded Wii
play the wii trilogy

>> No.9660171

The new controls are certainly more intuitive, but the game was originally designed around the more involved aiming controls and stuff. So when you play the remaster with twin stick control, it's super fucking easy. Like I am on Normal and have not come even close to dying at any point. I think the remaster supports a control option that mimics the original though, but I haven't tested it. It also has the Wiimote aiming controls if you're into that. If you have a Switch-compatible GC controller, it can be used to control the game exactly as it was on the original hardware. Visually the remaster is exceptional, and runs at 60FPS somehow despite the Switch's dogshit hardware.

Ultimately, I would recommend the remaster without any caveats, unless your mission is specifically to play the original code of the game in its purest form. The remaster is a straight visual upgrade without sacrificing any of the original's art direction or atmosphere. Control options are varied enough to give you whatever you want. It's got extra accessibility options, and some bonus features like concept art and 3D model viewers that the original didn't have.

TL;DR The remaster is definitely worth the purchase

>> No.9660218

Really I don't know which is the best version between the original and the remaster. It's weird.
Some places obviously look better. Some places are just NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN level of soulless, looking like shitty unreal engine garbage.

Some things in the original actually look better too (left door) >>9649370

The thermal vision looks worse too in the remaster.
The vibe of Phendrana is slightly different too, not worse it seems just a bit different with those textures.

>> No.9660230

>How to convince people that the remaster looks better

>> No.9661102

I don't understand the people saying the remaster looks better in this image. The original's colors pop more, there's more stars in the sky, and the nebula looks a lot more pronounced and center stage while the remake's looks more like an afterthought

>> No.9661115
File: 751 KB, 1024x1024, 05-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the concept art gallery the same as the original game?

>> No.9661139
File: 1.58 MB, 6400x3600, ryujinx_capture_2023-02-14_05-30-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have both.

>> No.9661146

>31 images just for that section
And also the original one? that's fucking great

>> No.9661241

I half-remember one of the devs saying that Prime's Samus was modeled on Uma Thurman, though that could be something I read on GameFAQs eons ago.
New one looks closer to Gwen Christie.

>> No.9662092

I'm replaying the trilogy version because of the remaster. I think this is my 3rd or 4th playthrough since the Trilogy version came out. Going for a 100% playthrough.
The "Hunt down twelve artifacts" quest is pointless and adds nothing to the game except forcing you to backtrack. A lot of the fun of backtracking in Super Metroid is that most of it is optional: you're not forced into it, but you can get tons of new items and the 100% completion bonus. Progression to Mother Brain is tied to defeating the 4 main bosses.

But the Prime artifact quest is just needless padding. The game would benefit if you just cut the whole thing out. There's so much going back and forth between empty rooms.
I like Prime 2 better, but I remember it being even worse in that game.

>> No.9662507

Loved it

>> No.9663613

it's good

>> No.9664038 [DELETED] 

>An attractive, blonde, white, feminine-looking woman in a western-developed game in 2023
>It's a remake of a 20 year old product


>> No.9664083

The remaster is dogshit. Why are people incapable of making good remasters?

>> No.9664093

Oh boy I sure do love having an obnoxious pulsating light with bloom in the corner the entire playthrough, what a magnificent improvement to my gaming experience!

>> No.9664108 [DELETED] 

Go back to your containment board.

>> No.9664114 [DELETED] 

Lurk moar

>> No.9664190

i dropped 1 and 2 at the artifact quest. good games but that is just dogshit

>> No.9664510

>the doors
>beam lights on the environment
>the fake reflections in Chozo ruins on one prop

Without mentioning these three things, why is the remaster dogshit? What makes it top-to-bottom, universally bad? Not even worthy of playing? What is a remaster you would hold in higher regard and why?

>> No.9664528

>The "Hunt down twelve artifacts" quest is pointless and adds nothing to the game except forcing you to backtrack.
Funny, this is exactly what makes Prime better than the sequel. In Prime you can organically collect these throughout your playthrough, and you're actually encouraged to with the hints you get a couple hours in. In the sequel, the hints and the item that allows you to even pick the fuckers up are the absolute last things you get in the game. It was, undeniably, designed to pad game time. And that's why 1 is better than 2.

>> No.9664557

As a kid, I always found it fun to have that chunk of the game to go back to every area of the game while completely maxed out with upgrades and equipment. Like rather than the game ending too quick after you get the Phazon suit, I got time to enjoy the fully geared version of the character and play around with it.

>> No.9664565

You can use that time to round up any final missiles or energy tanks you're missing. Being forced into a tedious scavenger hunt just as the game is climaxing is an egregious misstep, and they're going to have to fix that if they remaster 2.

>> No.9664741


>> No.9664768

>I always found it fun to have that chunk of the game to go back to every area of the game while completely maxed out with upgrades and equipment.
Yup. I always love an excuse to go back to previous areas. Also why I liked the green stars in Galaxy 2

>> No.9664787

Green stars at least remix what you're doing in those same locales. Prime 2's scavenger hunt is just forcing you to retread covered ground with nothing new in it.

>> No.9664798

It's a jank fps. Were it anything but metroid it'd have been forgotten instantly.

>> No.9664817

It was different than super metroid, so i hated it. I watched a buddy play some of it when it came out and was never interested enough to play it. Also, its on the gaycube.

>> No.9664827

The bottom image is not from the original Gamecube game.

>> No.9665603

Yeah it looks worse than the original GameCube game since the low polys and textures aren't masked by a 480i composite output

>> No.9665650

Did they re-do the music for the remaster or is it the original stuff?
I hate music redos on remaster games.

>> No.9665664

Nope, sounds and music are the same as the original game.

>> No.9667169

Didn’t think it could be better than Super but it kinda is

>> No.9667237

>pew pew but now with text boxes
>greatest achievement

>> No.9668445


>> No.9669014
File: 87 KB, 800x794, 366158-rez-dreamcast-manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are here to discuss one of the greatest achievements in the field of digital interactive entertainment.
I'm in.

>> No.9669171
File: 201 KB, 512x256, 1651509265972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9669174


>> No.9669179

The pompousness of not knowing who that is.

>> No.9670647

>those three things on their own with no other factors render the game completely unplayable to you

Genuine autism, imagine having to live this way

>> No.9670854
File: 57 KB, 736x485, Dark Samus Concept Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that's why 1 is better than 2.
Once you get to the keys fetch quest, you can basically just drop Prime 2 and not miss much of anything. Emperor Ing failed to impress me: seemed surprisingly easy.
But I still prefer Prime 2 to 1.
I think Metroid games are at their best with a horror edge, and Prime 2 takes things in a direction no other game in the series really has.
It's a totally unique aesthetic.

>> No.9671226

I'd just beaten Prime 1 on Primehack with M+KB yesterday, and I can concur on that. I remembered my first playthrough being difficult on the GC, but it was a breeze after I played with the default Primehack controls. Only fight that lowered my energy significantly was Meta Ridley, bastard was tricky to shoot his mouth at.

>> No.9671228

>bastard was tricky to shoot his mouth at.
I beat the Trilogy version of the game two days ago. The hype from the remaster made me want to play it again.
Meta Ridley was kicking my ass with the Wii controls until I switched off "lock on free aim". He's much easier to hit if you play with the original controls. Go figure.

>> No.9671546
File: 149 KB, 820x997, 148-1481353_super-smash-bros-zero-suit-samus-smash-ultimate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this samus

>> No.9671905
File: 3.80 MB, 1920x1080, Samus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just testing if you can actually post webms above 3MB now

>> No.9672334
File: 176 KB, 1440x1080, enterprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was bored and felt like asking chatGPT to write a script for Star Trek TNG about Dark Aether. Multiple takes of it were made, feel free to call me a faggot for being overly polite to the bot. I don't know why I practice nice mannerisms to an algorithm but whatever.

Enjoy (or don't)


>> No.9672337
File: 20 KB, 400x800, 1339433599879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck, since when?

>> No.9672354

This thread illustrates to me plainly why bluepoint have jobs instead of bricks thrown through their abandoned office's windows.
Expected better of /vr/. Can't spot the art direction's forest for technically improved trees.

>> No.9673575

I don't think it's so cut and dry. There's things I dislike about the remaster for sure. Mostly lots of little details like beams no longer lighting surfaces, lighting being off, door shields not functioning the same way (and being harder to read because of it), computer panels and screens having way less detailed textures, the triangular grid pattern on Samus' visor, Samus' face in the ending cutscene...
Phendrana really bothers me actually. It was the one area they should have nailed, and I think the original looks superior. The lighting, the rock textures they used, and the snow textures as well: it all has a greener tint, where OG Phendrana was much bluer/whiter.
But personally I really like the Chozo Ruins area. Yea the lighting is different in some places, but the enhanced detail of the architecture is genuinely cool. Having everything be at a higher resolution in general is nice. Rain dripping off the arm cannon now in Tallon Overworld is very nice. In terms of broad strokes, the remaster does give a good impression at a glance. It's fans like you and me who notice all the little details that are off.

This is a case where it's hard for me to be upset about it. I honestly have never seen a remaster that I really liked or thought was superior to the artstyle of any original game. If I'm eternally critical of remasters anyway, why should I be particularly upset about this one?

>> No.9673597

>Once you get to the keys fetch quest, you can basically just drop Prime 2 and not miss much of anything.
This is what I did when I recently replayed.
>But I still prefer Prime 2 to 1.
And I also agree with this. It's just sad that you basically have to have a separate file just to fight the last boss.

>> No.9673962

game is fun but bosses are not v good, stopped after ridley

>> No.9674019

>stopped just before the final boss

>> No.9674026

cause I attempted the final boss two times and couldn't bother with the bullshit multi coloured metroid room a third time. might've stuck with it if i played it with double stick controls

>> No.9674034

I'm not seeing a problem from a remastering perspective here. Do you enjoy low res planet textures and brown space dust smears or are you just nitpicky by default?

>> No.9674102

You got filtered, be honest with yourself.

>> No.9674116

literal definition of filtered

>> No.9674431

100% Phendrana Drifts, best music in the game

>> No.9674436

Sidehopper Station

>> No.9674440

>Why is Samus putting her face on when she spends 99 percent of her time alone in the suit?
Many 3D females wear some amount of makeup 24/7

>> No.9674445

The original, or the upbeat remix in the second half?

>> No.9674704

I always assumed the lighting was intentionally dim on tallon iv because it was a dying planet

>> No.9674719

You are one stupid motherfucker. I hope you get raped to death.

>> No.9674734

they actually destroyed the lore by removing that giant line across the planet

>> No.9674930

I'm talking about the scene CONCEPTUALLY. Mise-en-scene exists regardless of texture resolution

>> No.9674936

Been a while since I played Metroid, what does the line represent?

>> No.9674954

>Tallon IV has a noticeable scar, left by the collision of the Leviathan on the planet 50 years before Prime. This Leviathan, of course, would later become the Impact Crater. The scar can be seen from space on the planet, and is mentioned in the Galactic Federation Data entry regarding Tallon IV in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (see below). The log states that while the scar is still visible, the planet has largely recovered from the damage done to its ecosystem by Phazon and is once again capable of sustaining life.

>> No.9675028

>planet going to be an uninhabitable wasteland in 25 years

>> No.9675073

rainclouds in Tallon Overworld? clouds over Phendrana?

>> No.9675091

those are just isolated localized climate anomalies from the planet being in utter turmoil which is why they're so extreme. It's not like those places are entire continents or anything so it certainly shouldn't show up from space

>> No.9675732

The original never made sense anyways. It looks like fucking Mars, as if the whole planet is a barren rocky desert, which is obviously not the case.

>> No.9675736
File: 18 KB, 298x298, 27784DB2-8A7C-48F6-9897-47D5062A71CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gamecube enthusiast.

>> No.9675754

Having not played this game and only glancing through the thread I have no clue if these posts are trying to say the remake looks good or that it looks bad.

>> No.9675764

>worthless shitpost
Ban phone posting please

>> No.9676574

I finished it, so I'll post a mini review for you.

There are a few things that look a little different, but for the most part it looks like what I remember it looking like, so I think they did the job well. It's not like Demon's Souls where lots of things were glaringly different with completely ruined music. It's definitely running the same engine underneath all the new models, textures, and lighting work, so it really does feel the same to play it.

The dual stick controls are really good compared to the original and the Wii remote. It feels better to play than the original.

The only unfortunate thing is that the game is way too easy, but that's how it was for me before so it's not like the difficulty has changed in any way. I've also played it several times, so I'm not exactly sure how to gauge actual difficulty for a new player, but I'll share my experiences. On normal mode, I died only one time and it was because I jumped down a shaft filled with electricity. I thought the electricity would do hardly any damage and there is no fall damage, so I just misjudged. I got fried almost instantly. On hard mode, I did die twice to Omega pirate, and once to Meta Ridley. The hard mode is locked until you beat normal mode though, which is pretty stupid.

On Normal mode I beat the game in 15 hours, but a lot of that time was me reading logs because I like getting into the lore stuff. Second time around on hard mode it took 9 hours. I already pretty much knew everywhere to go too, so I made few mistakes when navigating, I think it would take a first time player a while longer to beat it than that.

Overall, I think it's worth a purchase.

>> No.9677212
File: 181 KB, 405x414, Ridley.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone whose favorite game of all time is Prime 1, both look really good, and neither invalidates the other.
Stop cockfighting. I do wish they ported the Trilogy untouched in addition to the remaster but unfortunately that wasn't going to happen, and thankfully the originals are far from inaccessible on an authentic level
The only two sins Remastered commits is not using the NTSC-U Phazon Suit cutscene, and also seemingly not having Fusion Suit whatsoever, though who knows, maybe they'll add the latter as a patch hopefully alongside Dread suit too, but that's getting too hopeful

>> No.9677223

2 cents have been wired to your nintendo wallet

>> No.9678952

the best

>> No.9679116

That sucks but it is literally just a line.

They're going to feel silly once they get to 3 and read that lore though lol.

>> No.9679125

The light suit is my favourite in the entire metroid franchise. (After the orange fusion suit)