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9644032 No.9644032 [Reply] [Original]

decided to sit down and play this game for the first time. Why is it consistently on the list of worst Sonic games? I can understand if it's just people loading up an emulator, playing all of the GG sonic games for a few minutes at most per game, and then recoiling simply because it's not a platformer, but otherwise I don't see why someone would hate on it. It's short, but what 8-bit sonic game isn't? Like you'd even want to have a super-long game with no save feature on a system that ate 6 AAs in 5 hours anyway. I also don't see how you could complain about screen crunch or blurry visuals when your comparisons are things like the abysmal GG Sonic 2.

>> No.9644048

I didn't read past the second sentence, this psyop won't work again. I will not play this game, nor will I play Blast, 3D Blast, Tails Adventure and Knuckles' Chaotix. They are bad games. I'm tired of seeing these threads that make me try each of these shovelware titles for the 1000th time just to be dissapointed again

>> No.9644195

I mean, I don't consider it to be as good as our saying, but it's not quite as offensive as people make it out to be (aside from some perspective issues in a few places).
That it supposedly started life as a golf game does cause some of its gameplay elements to make sense.

>> No.9644243

ok settle down anon, and tell me where anon-kun touched you. Did he fondle your sonic spinballs?

I mean really if you wanted me to suggest some kuso for GG, I could tell you to go play Surf Ninjas or Lion King or something.

makes sense, maybe they originally were going to make a game similar to Kirby Dream Course.

>> No.9644245

>Why is it consistently on the list of worst Sonic games?

because sonic moves like molasses

also, all of the 8-bit sonic games are overrated

>> No.9644254

Rolling around at the speed of sound is the entire point of the game. You're not supposed to walk except for making small adjustments. It's unusual but hardly the basis for hating it unconditionally.

I think you are right that the sonic 8 bit games are overall underwhelming (yes take that euro SMS fans who don't shut up about your sonic games) but I don't see this one as being bad, just different. I mean Sonic Blast is much worse, and if you're talking the whole series, at least Labyrinth is over in an hour or so, where numerous other bad games, such as sonic heroes or shadow the hedgehog, force you to play the same bad game over and over again to complete them.

>> No.9644263

The Koshiro one was great
> some kuso for GG
Mega Man on hard mode. Also I wasn't talking about Sonic on the GG in general because. It's just that some of them are pure garbage. Even as a kid I thought they sucked

>> No.9644296

the only sonic game from sonic nega collection plus i hated back when i was a kid with ps2. and i was a sonic fan
enjoyed playing flickies more than this (the ooze was the fucking worst)

dull, slow, hard, tedious, etc

>> No.9644751

Confused by complaint of it being slow. Did you not catch on to the ability to charge up the spindash to a higher strength, or to being able to spindash diagonally and cover more ground, since you didn't run into as many walls?

>> No.9644832

regardless of if it's a good game or a bad game, people will judge it as a sonic game, and a sonic game where you go slow just doesn't feel right to people. it never really felt like a sonic game, idk the actual history of the thing but it gives off the vibes of a doki doki panic situation

>> No.9644904

>Why is it consistently on the list of worst Sonic games?

Because it isn't a good Sonic game.

>> No.9645993

I don't know either, OP. Apparently, a lot of people are too retarded to realize thst he can still go fast by spindashing. Game was always a lot of fun for me.

>> No.9646027

>Why is it consistently on the list of worst Sonic games?

Because you can't go fast, it's literally the plot of the game

But the fun thing is that you have to go fast anyway, since time limit is strict and maze navigation is ass.

I think that's what makes people hate this game, you're just running around collecting keys on tiny fucking screen. It's like playing reduced version of 3D Blast which itself wasn't received very well.

>> No.9646401

Unlocked it in SADX back in the days. Enjoyed a lot of these GG games. Discovered after that it was hated, for some reasons
The most perplexing thing about the game is the cannon that requires some button code to enter???
>I can understand if it's just people loading up an emulator, playing all of the GG sonic games for a few minutes at most per game, and then recoiling simply because it's not a platformer
That's probably what happened