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9636976 No.9636976 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Halo CE so universally beloved? What went right?

>> No.9636992

Halo CE was plenty divisive. It's Halo 2 and 3 that were universally beloved

>> No.9636994

>it's going to be another 100+ post Halo thread in which people retroactively shriek that the game was not a success launch and that no one played it

>> No.9636997

The online mode, the huge maps with stealth routes, fun powerful vehicles with great Bangie controls, comfy aesthetic, simplicity, fun physics and friendly fire

All things the sequels ruined

>> No.9637001

>Halo CE was plenty divisive.
Not really
>It's Halo 2 and 3 that were universally beloved
Because only retarded people played them. Imagine playing competitive FPS with a controller

>> No.9637005

CE was 100% looked down on, AFTER 2 launched. A very few incredi-autistics, decided they liked Halo 1 more and would mention it any chance they could. Compounded by the fact so many people that didn't own xbox or had never played Halo said they "hated Halo" and "it is a shit game", it definitely made the first one seem like it had actual hate from real players.
Same happens to this day with releases all over.

>> No.9637008

>Everything better in sequels

>> No.9637012

It is and always was extremely popular. And obvious reasons to prefer 1 over 2 would be mouse controls, better online, much better graphics on PC with way superior aesthetic (just comparing Death Island with all the brown shit in 2 or the Blood Gulch versions) and everything mentioned here >>9636997

The series just kept taking itself too seriously and adding more and more retarded mechanics and antifun realism m

>> No.9637021

>CE was 100% looked down on
It's the highest rated Halo game ever in terms of official and user scores, it sold more than 2 according to NPD (the 8M is Microsoft marketing with no source) and still played today

>> No.9637031

*sips baby bottle* Halo, now that was retro

>> No.9637053

Back in my day that was the FPS for Madden-tier faggots. Real FPS fans played PC FPS.

>> No.9637056

Early marketing. Literally years in advance. Just like elden ring.

>> No.9637129

water looks worse

>> No.9637567

Halo came on PC. It had better graphics and bigger levels than most quake engine slop of the day.

>> No.9637581

>Halo fucking 2
>antifun realism
>the game that took away the health bar, added dual wielding, energy swords, stealth field on demand, a giant alien tentacle monster, the Scarab Gun, goofy english alien voices, numetal licensed tracks, a zombies gametype, the list goes on...
I am constantly disappointed by the people I share this board with

>> No.9637608

>zombies gametype
that was a community created custom mode that required people to play along

>> No.9637686
File: 557 KB, 802x606, 4RW9nZp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of sloppy, check out this gigantic crosshair designed for console babbies

>> No.9637720

>posts a mod

>> No.9637753

Halo never appealed to me. CE or otherwise.

>> No.9638265

not a mod, cope

>> No.9638443

Not that many kids had decent computers at that time, many more managed to con their parents into getting them consoles.
So this was the best FPS they ever played.
Endlessly recycling maps weren't a big deal to them because they were consolefags.

>> No.9638485

Left looks better.
Right is just compromising the artistic integrity.

>> No.9638609

>hip fired gun doesnt have pinpoint accuracy
What's wrong with that?

>> No.9638679
File: 2.90 MB, 654x480, haloflare.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game looks so bad on PC

>> No.9638690

Same. I must have tried playing it half a dozen by now but it just doesn’t interest me at all.

>> No.9638692

Is this supposed to look good

>> No.9638695
File: 439 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2001 Pc game for comparison

>> No.9638703

I didn't like the fact that Master Chief was some 7 foot tall supersoldier in humanity's most advanced set of armor ever created but he would still die if he fell off of a 10 foot cliff.

Especially later on where they did that shit from 3 or whatever where he literally falls through the atmosphere and lands on the ground without any sort of parachute and is somehow perfectly fine.

>> No.9638706
File: 88 KB, 960x720, max-payne-remake-1-2-thumbnail_ngqt.h720[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts screenshot from the 1998 build of Max Payne
Here's one from the finished game

>> No.9638707

why are you such a lying faggot?

>> No.9638708

looks awful, levels are obvious cuboids

>> No.9638729

It was released in your formative years.

>> No.9638731

Just to clarify, I have no dog in this fight. I was just posting an accurate Max Payne screenshot.
I think Halo CE is an incredible game. I really don't understand why this board still wants to console war decades after the fact. No point when all of these games are easily accessible. Just enjoy games.

>> No.9638790

Halo CE did not have an "online mode" you fucking retard faggot

>> No.9638795

It did on pc

>> No.9639134

Somebody run this through FaceApp and put a smile on him

>> No.9639170

As a console peasant growing up in the 90s without a PC, the only shooters I had access to were Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and maybe Rainbow 6. Rainbow 6 was too tactical for my childhood mind to fully enjoy.
When my friend invited me over to their house to play their brand new Xbox, my 13 year old mind was blown away. High quality music, amazing graphics, huge levels in both co-op and frag matches, good selection of guns including alien weaponry and they all feel different thanks to the built in rumble pak, vehicles both human and alien that significantly increased your power.
So we hop into multiplayer and it's myself and 3 other friends, and then his brother and his 3 friends can somehow connect to my friends Xbox and we have a 4v4?! Amazing times were had. I'll never experience those moments again for the first time ever.
So basically just nostalgia.

>> No.9639394

>10 years later
Who gives a fuck about peechit

>> No.9639562

Just marketing and hype building
Every halofag talks about the hype surronding the game and how exciting it was to see all the ads and media related content.
The game itself is below average.

>> No.9640138

Played the original trilogy for the first time last year. I think it still holds up. Combat is strategic in a way most other "grounded" fps aren't: it's more like a fighting game where you're trying to trick the enemy into a spot where you can get their force field down. Very fun, and the campaign as a whole captures the feel of 80's/90's sci-fi action movies and pulp stories that the des must've loved.

>> No.9640692

>Halo 1
>Better online
Halo 1 on Xbox doesn't even have online

>> No.9640782

>friends can somehow connect to my friends Xbox and we have a 4v4?! Amazing...
This kind of talk pretty much sums up why so many people sing Halo's praises today: they were literal children that only ever played console, so if your only experience with multiplayer is split-screen, then yeah networking consoles together is going to blow you away. For the people with access to a PC and internet and a wide variety of online games to play, this wasn't impressive.

>Endlessly recycling maps
Revisiting the same map twice where they make some changes is one thing, at least they made an effort to make them look different (with different lighting/environmental effects) but copy pasting the exact same looking sets of corridors over and over in particular levels, that's something that gets old fast.

>> No.9640864

Left unironically looks better. You would not get those starkly dark shadows in those shallow indentations in the middle of a bright sunny day.

>> No.9641068

>Why was Halo CE so universally beloved
Only by americans, it wasn't a thing outside xbox despite PC port

>> No.9641086
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>t. never played xbconnect

>> No.9641087

couch coop halo till 5am was peak fun times with friends

>> No.9641118

Not for normies, there was a way though and it was pretty cool.tt4axs

>> No.9641468 [DELETED] 

Halo isn't doom or quake 3 or tribes ascend but it stands up to most of the hitscan stuff that was on pc when the original wave of boomer shooters died off, I've played rtcw and nolf, halo wasn't some obscene downgrade only console peasants could entertain.

>> No.9641504

I've gone back and played hitscan stuff on pc from the early 00s. halo is never going to match the multiplayer of 1.6 and tribes but acting like its campaign is some unspeakable downgrade that only console peasents could enjoy is bullshit. no one lives forever, rtcw and fucking blood 2 weren't that good.