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9634730 No.9634730 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they make the games so easy after the first one?

>> No.9634738


>> No.9634743

Play the games, 1 is far from being the hardest

>> No.9634751

They didn't, unless you only played Western "easy mode" MM2.
And the first one isn't that hard unless you try to beat the yellow devil without cheating.

>> No.9634758

It wasn't that difficult it was just clunky and had some bad visual design aspects that made it hard to understand what was actually making things fuck you up.

>> No.9634769 [SPOILER] 
File: 881 KB, 640x861, RW1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hardest Mega Man game is this.

>> No.9634776

This and World 3 are more challenging than any NES game for sure but not harder than MM&B and MM9. These two are just balls to the wall

>> No.9634781

I played them all and 1 was the only one to give me trouble.

>> No.9634783

Nah I insist that World 1 is the craziest, your hitbox feels larger than it should be, there's absolutely nothing in the way of E-tanks or any other item that could help force your way through hard parts, shit happens like "if you lose to Enker you need to go through his marathon of a level and face all the MM2 bosses again", the final boss does that cool thing where you can only hurt him with one weapon.

>> No.9634796
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What's CAP-RX?
World 3 what's that?

Anyone know from what TV show is this and which episode?

>> No.9634798

>if you lose to Enker
Yeah but thankfully Enker is a fucking joke even though you expect him to be bullshit just like the rest of the bosses in this game when you just spam their weakness and hope they run out of hp before you do

>> No.9634851

It's what weaboos call Mega Man III on the game boy

>> No.9634853

The GB Mega Man games are called Rockman World 1-5 in Japan. Hard to believe the GB collection did not exist because retards at Capcom lost their source code.

>> No.9634861

MM1 is only hard because it plays the worst

>> No.9634879
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Well, that's fair. Really though I just had a bitch of a time with the stages. I found it way harder than any of the console ones.

World 3 is the GB game with half MM3 robots, half MM4 robots, and Punk.
The common lexicon these days is to just call it III, using Roman numerals for the GB games and Arabic numerals for the console games, but World is the actual Japanese subseries name. And I just happen to have images for them lying around on my HDD.

>> No.9634910

How exactly is Mega Man 1 much harder than the others? Outside of certain sections, it's pretty straight forward.

>> No.9634929

Some pretty brutal bosses that can kill you in three hits
Some of the trickiest platforming in the whole series (Ice, Guts)
No E-tanks, no Eddie, nothing
Some really fucking bad weapons (Ice, Guts)

>> No.9634943

>No E-tanks, no Eddie, nothing
It's almost as if the game was built around not having any of that

>> No.9634950

Megaman 3 is way harder than Megaman 1.
Those stages where you fight the Megaman 2 robot masters are hell also the weaknesses are impossible to guess since there is no logic in them.

>> No.9634953

That doesn't make sense considering the bosses do more damage on average than in any other MM game which does have them

>> No.9634961

It's like they built upon the previous game and made changes or something.

>> No.9634965

Which was the game before Mega Man 1?

>> No.9634967

>Megaman 3 is way harder than Megaman 1.
Everybody knows that 3 and 4 are harder than 1 but for some reason people who have never played a Mega Man game feel the need to start threads parroting popular internet opinions that came to be out of fucking nowhere. I don't know maybe it was originally people who played 2 on ''''''''''''normal'''''''''''' mode and then decided to go back and try the first game only to find it harder and never touch the series again

>> No.9634969

Yeah but iirc almost all of them die in no time too if you know their weakness

>> No.9634978

Sure, and it's not like there are too many to try. But I'm not saying 1 is the hardest game anyways, just saying the ways in which it is harder than others.
I second MM3 as the hardest on NES, and Dr. Wily's Revenge in general.

>> No.9635019

Everyone knows that MM & Bass is the hardest (playing as Mega Man, as Bass is much, much easier)

>> No.9635028

>as Bass is much, much easier
Capcom tried their hardest to make sure that you wouldn't see the credits regardless of what character you were playing as and therefore made him weak against bosses

>> No.9635042

But he isn't? His default weapon is shit against them since it can't be charged and after every single hit they flash and can't be hurt for a long ass time, but other weapons work just fine and with his dash and double jump he has a much easier time avoiding them.

>> No.9635057

I don't know man for me it was a struggle. But the stages themselves are so much easier, yeah. It especially feels good to breeze through all of them after a playthrough as Mega Man

>> No.9635132

>3 is hardest
No way. That game was easy.

>> No.9635154

Buster only it might be the hardest because the Doc Robots are absolutely miserable to avoid with their gigantic hitboxes.

>> No.9635196

MMIII Dustman has the hardest stage in classic Megaman. It's long as fuck and every jump is overly precise. It's crazy bullshit.

>> No.9635198

Rock Man.

>> No.9635392
File: 21 KB, 245x206, sonson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's CAP-RX?
CAPcom Rockman X

All Famicom games had a unique ID code, and Capcom displayed theirs very prominently on the boxes.

>> No.9635401

Just played through III because of this thread and you are not kidding.
>first four stages have been pretty trivial, onto the second set
>decide on Dust Man because his pattern has always been pretty easy to dodge
>that extended crusher sequence where there's barely anywhere safe and you need to time slides to not get crushed as you clear away the blocks
Holy fuck
Also those platforms that come apart when you step on them, from MM3 Shadow Man? Those things fucking suck in III also.

>> No.9635520

This is a videogame show called "Video Power" it aired in the 90s and had cartoon segments mixed with videogame reviews. Kinda captain N style
You can find both on youtube sir

>> No.9635642
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1200, son son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon you are the best.

>> No.9635648
File: 20 KB, 256x229, Megamanibox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rapes you

>> No.9635652
File: 278 KB, 655x524, 93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rock!, have this energy tank and keep on rolling sir.

>> No.9635656
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>> No.9635658

loved that show, at the end the winner got to go on a video game shopping spree. wanted to do it so bad

>> No.9635664

How many episodes there are? What year?

>> No.9635762

>oh boy, the color hack is out, guess I better play this
>ehh I'll do Cut Man's stage first, he's always easy as fuck
>why does it take 8 shots to take out these bladed guys
>why do they deal so much damage
>why are the scissors invincible
>why is my hitbox so big
>why don't enemies drop energy
I had to restart and go for Fire Man instead lmao

>> No.9635829

2 was a refinement over 1.
If you discount the addition of a password system and E-Tanks to restore health when you're in trouble, they made important changes.
>Boss patterns are more manageable, but are still challenging whilst somewhat fair (though Air Man cannot be survived indefinitely as some patterns are undodgeable)
>Different levels provide different mobility items, making runs from multiple starting points more viable (lots of players need Item 2 to finish Heat Man's stage)
>The score system was culled, leaving more room for item drops from enemies to restore health, weapon energy, or extra lives (the drop rate was reasonably generous, too)
>Level design was less unfair, fewer precise jumps that need you to jump at the last pixel of footing

There was also just that the Metal Blades were too good of a weapon, It was effective against most enemies and bosses, and had very low energy usage on top of being spammable, AND was eight-directional to boot.

>> No.9635838

Bass reinforces that you need to use the correct weapons against bosses to defeat them, because the Bass Buster just isn't viable due to the long-ass invulnerability bosses get.

They made a conscious choice to do that, but to waive the invulnerability of the first boss in the Robot Museum intro stage; the Green Devil.

>> No.9635860

This was the first MM game I ever played when I was like 5. I couldn't beat a single stage

>> No.9635891

WoW oP yOu MuSt Be SuCh A sKiLLeD ViDeO gAmE pLaYeR!!!!!!

Also: kill yourself

>> No.9635906

Reddit post.

>> No.9635923

MM1 is only hard because of gay shit like Foot Holders being bugged, and falling momentum increasing to terminal velocity whilst standing still on a moving platform. If the game actually functioned as intended it would be pretty simple.