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File: 227 KB, 1244x677, goldeneye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9628704 No.9628704 [Reply] [Original]

So according to people who owned a N64, this is the best FPS game of all time, right?

>> No.9628716

Perfect Dark is the improved version of the game, but the nostalgia for GoldenEye is stronger.

>> No.9628723

If we push the point further, and if GoldenEye is the best console FPS ever, TimeSplitters 2 is the epitome of console shooters since it's the pinnacle of the series before it turned into a generic shooter by the third TimeSplitters game.

>> No.9628813

No, that's probably Half Life 1. Though Half Life 1 was directly inspired by Goldeneye.

>> No.9628820

goldeneye is a decent balance between fat and substance, 60% substance, 40% fat, big open levels with lots of exploration seem to be there out of amateurish map designers believing they need to make big realistic levels when its better to focus on more meaningful content. Perfect dark is the opposite of this.
perfect dark is 90% fat, 10% meat
time splitters is 95% meat 5% fat
time splitters 2 is 20% fat, 80% substance
time splitters future perfect is 30% fat, 70% substance

>> No.9628853

>Big open levels
The snow level that is 95% empty and.... Umm.... Uhh.... Everything else is literally small linear corridors that can be beaten in 4 minutes. The fuck are you talking about.

>> No.9628860
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No, I had an N64 and PC at the time, and I didn't think that, I thought it was very good, but not as good as Doom or Half-Life. Also what the fuck is up with the screenshot? There's some kind of scaling issue and the text looks megafucked.

I think part of it is that Goldeneye 64 is an adaption of a seriously fucking good action movie as well. Arguably the best 007 movie.

Some day, I need to get my old Nintendo 64 up and running again, get a new controller or refurbish one I have, as well as get myself a flashcart and memory expansion. I only had a couple of games for the thing, and I never played the Zeldas, the Banjos, Perfect Dark, etc.
No, I don't want to emulate or use a different controller, the former seems mostly bothersome, and nothing else can compare for the fine precision of the original stick.

There's a bunch of linearity, but Statue is pretty screwy, and Streets is very large and open with varying paths.

>> No.9628889

Yeah Goldeneye did a good mix of everything. Great visuals, sound, story, levels, multiplayer. It was cool to have to figure out what to do for the objectives instead of just key hunting and killing everything.
That was the point. You are in a desolate area with nothing for miles. It was supposed to be a secret area for a satellite.
nah, PD had better features but it was just a shit game in general.

>> No.9628934
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Goldeneye is good but Turok 2 is my fav. This is what I have, all great FPS as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.9629089

What's my fat percentage plz anon?

>> No.9629094


>> No.9629107

That bussy fat tho.

>> No.9629116
File: 20 KB, 237x272, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arguably the best 007 movie
c'mon mate, it's brosnan's best but that's not saying much, it barely scrapes in as a top 10 Bond film

>> No.9629374

it's all very subjective. i personally moved on pretty fast even tho i really enjoyed it

>> No.9629390

Turok 2 would probably be considered the best N64 FPS if more people actually played it.

>> No.9629424

Turok 1 is better than that bloated, mazey piece of shit

>> No.9629425
File: 523 KB, 832x512, brosnan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60% substance, 40% fat

>> No.9629427


>> No.9629503

Not at all. It was fun in couch coop but Doom and Quake blew it out of the water. Great music.

>> No.9629550

Found the noob.

>> No.9629556
File: 50 KB, 500x342, 5107QVRFE4L(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh hmm

>> No.9629571

Nah it's up there, I'd only out From Russia With Love and The Spy Who Loved Me ahead of it.

>> No.9629767

Not even close. The nostalgia for this game is unreal. It's fine, but if it had been released on the PC it would be completely forgotten now.

>> No.9630128

>So according to people who owned a N64, this is the best FPS game of all time, right?
owned a n64, bought ge64 when it was released, completed it within the week after school, never played it again unless someone came over and we had two player matches. nostalgia and revisionist history really is a bitch.
>Arguably the best 007 movie
wasn't even a good movie.

>Turok 1 is better than that bloated, mazey piece of shit
you can just tell you've never played either titles.

>but if it had been released on the PC it would be completely forgotten now.

>> No.9630137

People have made mods specifically to recreate it on PC though.

>> No.9630257
File: 1.41 MB, 1198x595, itsimpossible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a single level in golden eye 64 that tops randy's mission impossible parody in duke 3d episode 4? I honestly doubt it.

>> No.9630260

>wasn't even a good movie.
well it's definitely one of those movies that gets universal praise anytime it's brought up. I've rarely heard anybody say it's not a good movie.

>> No.9630359

>no friends to play goldeneye with
All of you either had very lonely childhoods or are zoomers that think this is a single player game.

>> No.9630554

>Pretending 2 and 3 are different
Retard, what? All 3 did was add more dialogue to play off of.

>> No.9630560

Quake was better on Saturn and Doom was better on Sega 32x/psx.

>> No.9630565

Goldeneye was awesome for those years. A friend showed it to me and it made me buy a n64. But perfect dark was everything that made goldeneye good, but but bigger and better. Perfect dark's multiplayer was like another whole game. Absolute nuts.

>> No.9630812

>guarantied replies

>> No.9630821
File: 33 KB, 750x747, 1644422462687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please watch my playthrough

>> No.9630839

>world finds out that nindeno games are mediocre
yeah no surprise there, they still didn't recover that the gamer public had the chance to see how BOTW mediocre was when you could emulate it in like a week.

>> No.9630840

The impact of the guns and the location based pain and death animations is top notch. Also the music is very good. Also I like that the developers mapped their faces to the enemies and that that is randomized.

>> No.9630921
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, 1648669496116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emulation of this game was resolved 10 years ago

>> No.9631520

No you're gonna turn it into perfect dark!

>> No.9631610

Goldeneye is in the top 10 for sure, people forget that the Bond franchise was on life support after the two Dalton films sucked all the fun out of it. They had a lot riding on Goldeneye, and if it had sucked there’d have been no more Bond movies.

It was the first console fps (and one of the only fps’s period) to get everything right, in the right amounts. That made it a classic, and I know ymmv etc, but people were still doing Goldeneye tournaments in the late 2000s. Could you say that about Doom or Quake more than a decade after their releases?

>> No.9631652

>but people were still doing Goldeneye tournaments in the late 2000s. Could you say that about Doom or Quake more than a decade after their releases?
While I agree with your point, but to be fair, people have been playing Doom and Quake with people around the world since their release basically. You don't exactly have that luxury with Goldeneye.

>> No.9631658

The single player is better then the multiplayer.

>> No.9631751

>So according to people who owned a N64, this is the best FPS game of all time, right?

>> No.9631757

It may still be an FPS but it plays radically different.

>> No.9631780
File: 2.64 MB, 1280x1024, E32TMV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people forget that the Bond franchise was on life support after the two Dalton films sucked all the fun out of it.
I really don't get people who say this.

I fucking love Roger Moore's stint, his movies are my favorite, and generally he's who I think of when I hear someone say James Bond. They're weird and have this sense of levity and slightly fantastical wonder which captivated me even as a kid, but they were also serious in tone, the stakes and motivations always felt real, even when it got mildly out of hand with Moonraker, the tension was there, and there was some grim violence to back it.

Dalton's 007 is like an opposite to Moore's, and that's why I really love those movies. This James Bond is more grounded and cynical, more dark and brutal, he's far more cold blooded towards his much more cruel enemies, he doesn't hesitate to kill, and there's just far less levity and goofy fun. Some who love Moore's movies hate that, but I love it, BECAUSE it's very different, and because it's closer to the books, straying from that isn't inherently a huge problem, but there's a value in capturing it.
The Living Daylights was probably the most 'realistic' movie yet in the series, with a spy plot which was actually very grounded and well planned, featuring fight choreography which felt quite real, yet also very elaborate and creative, the opening fight with the assassin in the kitchen is incredible in setup and execution, by far the best brawl in the series. Yet it still has that 007 charm, it still has the far out gadgets, it still has the gorgeous girl, it still has the lively music, and the scheming mastermind.

As much as I love Moore's 007, that was a long stint, and it couldn't go on forever, moreover the change in direction was ultimately very good, A View To A Kill was already nudging towards that, and I love that movie for it. Sometimes a series of works alters its direction, and sometimes that doesn't have to be bad.

>> No.9631785

I wouldn't say best of all time. But it's good. A bit weird and esoteric compared to some other shooters but it's still a solid game.

>> No.9631791

People getting lost in Archives isn't unheard of at all.

>> No.9631797

I'll give you the PSX Doom but the 32X one? Really?

>> No.9631820
File: 246 KB, 1920x818, GEtype563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not great
Surreal opinion to me. It has a very good 007, a fantastic villain, and great supporting cast, all who do a wonderful job. The script is strong, the action is well coordinated, the soundtrack provides great tension and drama, and the visuals are very strong. It's an exciting movie to watch.

What kind of fault do you find in it?

>They had a lot riding on Goldeneye, and if it had sucked there’d have been no more Bond movies.
Goldeneye is comparatively toned down in 'edge' and brutality to The Living Daylights and License To Kill, and while I think Pierce Brosnan does an excellent job, I also think that as 007 he's just kinda 'so-so' overall. It does however keep up the same grounded tone of the Dalton ones, more so even, but the movie would probably have been very similar if they had gotten Dalton to do it as his last one. The way the brutality was comparatively toned down was likely in regards to the response of many fans to the previous two, and it'd most likely have been the case even with him as the star.

>people were still doing Goldeneye tournaments in the late 2000s. Could you say that about Doom or Quake more than a decade after their releases?
Yeah, actually, there was still some competitive Doom and Quake gameplay by 2003 and 2006, far less than during their heights of course, but that was also the case with Goldeneye, which didn't have much for netplay options for some time. You didn't strictly need to physically travel for competitive Doom and Quake multiplayer.

>> No.9631830

32X Doom is playable, it has good controls and runs well, but the music (which is like 40% of the game's charm) is dildos, and there's a lot of stuff just plain missing, it's like a Shareware version of not just the first episode, but the second and third ones too.
Doom 64 isn't really worth comparing to, as it's not so much a port as it's an almost all new game.

>> No.9631912

And? 90+% of archives is meaningless empty space.

You can literally beat the level in 1 minute. In fact it's a time to unlock a chest if I recall.

>> No.9632064

That's true, a lot of it is pointless. What I'm trying to say is a first time player might spend an abnormal amount of time in a level, only to see the target time and realize they could have beaten it in a fraction of their time.

>> No.9632316

You're not gonna do that right away though, you won't know where Natalya is the first time around, you don't know where Mishkin and the safe is the first time.

>> No.9632334

32x Doom should have been delayed to spring of 1995. That way, the port would have at least have more levels up to e3m2.

>> No.9632335
File: 15 KB, 328x370, 1648598967919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time player here, the archive level literally had me running around for over 10 minutes

>> No.9633697

>It was fun in couch coop
>couch coop
I love when PCfags expose themselves as have never played the game

>> No.9633708

i am intrigued by your fat to meat ratios. what do you put them at for the classic pc fpses?

>> No.9634142

>What is GoldenEye X?
>GoldenEye in Perfect Dark's engine
hoping this shit becomes a fully completed project before i die....

>> No.9634149

Dude, nobody plays pc games.

>> No.9634249

I just finished Goldeneye for the first time and want to move on to Perfect Dark next. How does it compare in terms of difficulty?

>> No.9634784

In short: bc Bond is a fantasy for men. A secret agent who lives an exciting and dangerous life but still has charm, culture, knows every social grace, and routinely bags beautiful women (all for country, of course). Bond viewers don’t want a realistic spy film, they want the fantasy; the Dalton ones removed too much of the fantasy element from the character. Brosnan‘s take seems to project that much better than Dalton’s. Nobody’s ever going to equal Connery, which Moore understood.

All I remember was participating in a lot of makeshift tournaments in hs and college. The ones that weren’t Halo were invariably much older games, like Goldeneye, mk64, or smash. Mostly because that maximized the number of people who would/could play and got interested in attending. Doom/Quake shit never happened afaik, and pc lan games like StarCraft were something you did with maybe two other people. Plus girls weren’t going to play StarCraft no matter how much they liked you.

>> No.9634805

You aren’t wrong but I personally loved the Dalton films. I saw them all during the holidays when they would run marathons on cable tv. Living daylights for me is one of the best Bonds.

You aren’t wrong again. Also, the lobbies for Goldeneye source even though it was broken when I played it, we’re always full. Idk where the “if this had been on pc” mantra came from seeing as how PC gamers were trying to recreate it in source and people were playing it.

>> No.9634818

Having read some of the Flemming novels recently, it's actually interesting how much he doesn't come across as a charming character. He comes across as a weird psychopath, mostly. Like, he's not in the job to have fun and be a playboy, but because being a professional killer is what someone like him is good at.

But obviously that's not what audiences associate with the idea of James Bond.

>> No.9635045
File: 24 KB, 640x304, the living daylights 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In short: bc Bond is a fantasy for men.

>A secret agent who lives an exciting and dangerous life but still has charm, culture, knows every social grace, and routinely bags beautiful women (all for country, of course). Bond viewers don’t want a realistic spy film, they want the fantasy; the Dalton ones removed too much of the fantasy element from the character.
Nigger, how are they NOT fantasy? Milkbottle bombs, knockout gas keyrings, a literal ghetto blaster, a super car with skis, a jet thruster, seeking missiles, and tirepopping lasers, which can also cut a car in half and has a self-destruct function. The Living Daylights alone is full of pretty standard fare 007 gadgetry (License To Kill has its own share). Then you've got shit like riding a cello down a snowy mountain, a staged political assassination, a ridiculous as fuck automated sliding door for a shop being used for a kill, and hanging on to a net of cargo out the back of a plane while struggling to fight off a super assassin. Let's not forget the weirdo fuck arms smuggler who fancies himself a military genius, or the incredible and wild fight scene in the beginning of the movie.

I don't know about you, but none of that shit sounds mild, or easygoing, or like common things in most people's daily lives, this is still a very extreme exaggeration of real life espionage. Sounds like it would make an exciting adventure though.

>Brosnan‘s take seems to project that much better than Dalton’s. Nobody’s ever going to equal Connery, which Moore understood.
Fucking DALTON understood that, he rejected earlier offers because he thought he was too young at the time, but also because he could never match Connery, an opinion he still holds. He himself may have wished for the slightly more grounded angle with the grimmer 007, because that's closer to the books which he was already a fan of, but he was hardly the main creative drive behind the movies he was in.

>> No.9635110

usually low on fat. fat describes extraneous shit that doesn't add much tangible to the game but may enhance things like settings and atmosphere but ultimately isn't much to actually play. Not being very precise but doom, quake would be low fat (5-10%), duke3d, hl1, some fat (15-20%) this isn't to say one is better than the other. Want 0% fat in a game? Play space invaders. Like the little details and maybe wanna peep over what's going on in that odd corner of a level that there's no key objectives in? That's a little extra fat to chew on.

>> No.9636424

If you didn't have a PC and a console like the N64 at the time, you just sucked.

>> No.9636447

>It's not a big or open level because the big open parts are technically not necessary if you already memorized exactly where to go!
This is like arguing that all mazes are straight lines just because the incorrect paths don't get you to the end.

>> No.9637451

I only got into Bond because of Goldeneye on the N64, while playing it me and my friend watched Goldeneye and then the two Dalton movies, loved them all (except for License to Kill). Never did get into the older Bond movies. Only watched the next Brosnan one but it sucked. Only watched the first two Craig ones and didn't care for them. Rewatched Goldeneye and it's still the shit.

>> No.9637495

Its is more than just an fps really. The other objectives or even going off course in a level is what made it so great back then.

>> No.9637509

How have you stored your games? in a sack of mud?

>> No.9637519

Speak English, retard.

>> No.9637817

Most people’s conception of Bond comes from the movies; they’ve never read the novels and probably won’t, so what hews closest to the books is irrelevant. The Bond brand is the one Cubby Broccoli and Connery brought to life. And while the novels did well, they received mixed responses when they were published and probably would’ve been forgotten had it not been for the movies. And in the movies, for various reasons, Bond is a debonair, cool, ladies’ man who has no problem using violence to achieve his aims. He is not the comparatively cold-blooded killer of the novels. He doesn’t drink to forget, he drinks because he likes it. I guess what it comes down to is: the Bond of the popular imagination, embodied in most of the films, has outgrown and superseded the novel’s version of the character.

Also this, most people here never saw Bond until the game exposed them to it. I had only seen a couple Roger Moore ones before I played the game. The game made Bond cool to me, and after that I really enjoyed most of the other films.