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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 227 KB, 800x1122, mr_gimmick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9628031 No.9628031 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it feel like your feet are covered in butter making you slide off fucking everything?

Most overrated NES game. Fuck Mr. Gimmick.

>> No.9628036

skill issue

>> No.9628040

its notoriety stems from scarcity, graphical prowess, and youtubers needing clickbait

its not a bad game as a child in the correct era you would have played the absolute shit out of it

>> No.9628079
File: 12 KB, 279x180, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most overrated NES game
agreed. its super shit. little samson is fucking great though. it sucks its so expensive though. I wish limited run games or retrobit or whatever would print a million of them and just crash the price of the carts.

>> No.9628087

it's a gimmick

>> No.9628092

Just get the Japanese version (Lickle), there is no text in either version, and it is easier and cheaper to buy a Fami cart. Chip connectors to play Fami carts on NES are plentiful and easy to find, you might even own one already if you got really early NES carts like Gyromite and Stack Up.

>> No.9628112

For me it's the opposite

>> No.9628132

ITT: Angry buyfags who emulated for 30 seconds to "debunk" an expensive game. It's actually a great game if you properly play it and get good.

>> No.9628136

Just emulate or buy a flashcart.

>> No.9628159

Adquire proficiency.

>> No.9628167

Considering the NES can’t do rigorous calculations it has a phenomenal physics engine.
Also that box art really doesn’t sell the game.

>> No.9628208

Most NES games aren't really sold on the box art.

>> No.9628213

Action games used to have different controls and physics. Each game would have its own thing, be it Mega Man's slippery movement, Adventure Island's jump mechanics, the strict movement of Castlevania, etc etc etc

This filters the zoomer who is used to his modern games and "retro indie metroidvania" which all have the same physics and controls.

>> No.9628298

Once upon a time that's all you had to go on unless you paid for a magazine subscription, especially for smaller games without the budget for TV ads. The front of the box had to grab your interest enough to get you to look at the back of the box and even then you might end up skipping a great game because of the screenshots and copy not selling the game well enough. You couldn't just go online and pull up endless reviews for every single game in existence.

>> No.9628504

I think Hudson just wanted to replicate SMB physics but weren't good enough.

>> No.9630003 [DELETED] 

Imagine getting filtered by the best game on the console.
just kys

>> No.9630008

Hudson didn't make Gimmick and the physics are nothing like Mario. This game is made by Sunsoft who is responsible for some of the best games on the console.

>> No.9630013 [DELETED] 

>just kys
What is your issue with his post exactly?

>> No.9630016


>> No.9630018
File: 193 KB, 800x1145, 1666614824435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese one is better

>> No.9630029

I got a copy if you want it, thinking of selling the entire collection. I’ve got captain saver holy diver all the good shit. Someday the right sucker will come along and relieve me of this burden

>> No.9630052 [DELETED] 

Import fags go to hell.

>> No.9630163 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 228x271, goldeneye_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> muh imports
what you trying to play gimmick in garbage ass 50fps retard?

>> No.9630269 [DELETED] 

Just get a flashcart, tranny

>> No.9630298

You got recca?

>> No.9630328
File: 164 KB, 730x631, Screenshot at 2023-02-04 02-15-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain Harlock's bird just waiting to give you a ride

>> No.9630457

Armadillo is the superiour NES physics-based jankformer.

>> No.9630494

gimmick is quite... gimmicky funnily, but that's kind of its charm and identity.
this one on the other hand is just an average standard jp action platformer.

>> No.9630552

I was referring to Adventure Island

>> No.9632663

>unironically defending Gimmick's garbage gameplay

Why are weebs so cringe?

>> No.9632761

why does jap games trigger you so much auster?
is because they are the better than the garbage you grew up with?

>> No.9633853

Nice inglés you got there, amigo

>> No.9633983

I'd sat Gimmick feels really good to play once you get a grasp on its mechanics and physics. My only fault with the game is that once you learn it, the games is very short (including going for the good ending). I guess it's nice how concise each level is, but I wish there were more stages that either let you play with or test you on the physics.

>> No.9635381

You bet. I got rendering ranger too. Lived in Japan 15 years started collecting as soon as I moved there

>> No.9635385

Gimmick is based filtered zoomer

>> No.9636227

Limited Run Games have been getting a lot of backlash lately because they fired their community manager when the self-admitted harraser creator of the bronycon complained about something she posted 6 years ago (He started searching for cancel-whorthy material because she supported Hogwarts Legacy)

>> No.9636496

Gimmick >>>>>>> Samson
Inept + you're emulating. Your opinion's worthless

>> No.9636742

That's pretty sweet. I've been looking for a copy of recca for a while but every listing I've seen has been over 400$

>> No.9636939

god I hate modern people and modern internet

>> No.9637221

Improve your skills.

>> No.9638117
File: 218 KB, 480x448, cv3_blocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most overrated NES game.
For me it's Castlevania 3. The level design in that game is fucking atrocious.

>> No.9638204

Yeah III has a lot of "that part" in the levels, but calling all of the level design atrocious is an exaggeration.

>> No.9638524

>omplained about something she posted 6 years ago
Lemme guess this one:
mentally ill faggots will never be real women

>> No.9638992

She said that she was scared of trans women going to female bathrooms

>> No.9639193

If anybody would print a re-release it would be Strictly Limited Games. They're run by ININ Games, who has the Taito license. They do randomly reprint old games, but who knows if they'd ever get around to Little Samson?