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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.91 MB, 646x360, AC2 Matthais Win No Audio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9626971 No.9626971 [Reply] [Original]

I beat the first 5 Armored Games recently here is how I would rank them
1. AC Project Phantasma
2. Armored Core 2
3. Armored Core 2: Another Age
4. AC Master of Arena
5. Armored Core 1

All the games are an absolute blast, MoA's second disc might make it a contender for top game. I feel like Project Phantasma had the most enjoyable story and arena to play through overall.

>> No.9626990

Stop pretending these games are anything but clunky boring kusoge just because you like Souls shit

>> No.9627006


>> No.9627018
File: 2.73 MB, 600x448, AcMoAMech.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These games are extremely unique to me and like nothing I ever really played before. I genuinely had a blast playing through each entry.
What games do you like?

>> No.9627039

Gen 3, but fuck its hard

>> No.9627054

I love that how fun these games appear to play from videos is commensurate with the skill and mech setup of the player--OP your video makes it look very fun. I really need to give these games another shot and not let myself get filtered by the initial learning curve this time. playing a lot of kings field lately has probably at least partially prepared me.

>> No.9627060

>1. AC Project Phantasma
Man of culture

>> No.9627075

Obsessed, posts about games he gates because he can't play them.

>> No.9627078

AC1 and MoA are my favorites but I didn't like Project Phantasma. The arena was nice but the game was too short, I didn't like the missions and I thought the story was too dumb and it doesn't have the atmosphere of the first two games

>> No.9627172

Never played through an AC game but I'm going through AC1 on the PS1 right now and I'm stuck on Sortie 34. Jump up a bunch of floating cubes, all well and good. But then I get to these chambers and a creepy voice speaks to me before I'm met with super strong guys that basically instagib me with mini nukes. This game is unsettling, man.

>> No.9627176

You can run past them but you have to beat them if you want your rank to progress.

>> No.9627242

May have to bitch out and try that. I approach the first fight with around 5000 health and I can make away with around 3000. But the second guy kicks my ass pretty hard. What does rank do?
At least the soundtrack is quite good

>> No.9627245

It's just the difference between 98% completion and 100% completion and different descriptions on the ranking board. You can also cheese them into chokepoints.

>> No.9627248

If you have a grenade launcher, you can lure them into the bottom tunnel and attack as soon as they come into view. Fighting them directly in either shaft is best done with a lengthway FCS.

>> No.9627272

>You can also cheese them into chokepoints.
That's what I did with the first one inadvertently. I just waited at the top and took potshots when he would zoom by. Sometimes he flys up into where I'm hiding and quickly kills me. The second guy always kills me before I can fly up to the top.

>best done with a lengthway FCS.
That makes sense. I think I just bought the most expensive one and called it a day.

>> No.9627965
File: 2.91 MB, 900x378, ACPP Dill Pickle noaudio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it comes down to mapping a good control scheme
Really? I was really disappointed by the first disc of MoA, I had a lot more fun with the arena and missions in Project Phantasma

>> No.9628062

Just rebind, honestly.
Try to make a control scheme that makes sense for you.
Outside of that learn to bunny hop,you will be golden then

>> No.9628065
File: 1.69 MB, 2560x1080, SLUS-00670_2022-12-18_17-47-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its one of the easiest missions if you know what you're doing, just get good jumping legs and you can bypass the entire section and run to the end

>> No.9628082

MoA could be great but the gimped aim tracking make it incredibly annoying to play

>> No.9628113

What gimped aim tracking?

>> No.9628118

Master of Arena is STILL the greatest plot twist in the history of AC.

>> No.9628138
File: 2.95 MB, 832x350, ACMoAKroeger noaud.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My biggest complaint was that the entire first disc felt like a step down from Project Phantasma. The second disc is interesting but I couldn't be bothered with completing it all after the horrendous disc 1

>> No.9628142

The FCS tracking isn't as accurate in MoA compared to 1, PP and later titles. The AC arms lag behind what you're aiming at so more often than not you end up shooting a meter behind enemy ACs if they're moving fast enough.

>> No.9628151

I agree. Iirc it was made to be a remake of 1, and you can tell: the scope of the missions is bigger, the environments more varied, but some of the missions are fucking atrocious to play.

>> No.9628238

nice, i need to revisit this series. i remember playing the original and really liking the sword. ive played 1 or 2 others but cant even remember which ones.

>> No.9628249

Hm, I never noticed any difference at all.

>> No.9628257
File: 206 KB, 736x743, 1673481733497753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the value of these games is going to skyrocket after the new AC releases and millions of Souls fans start buying them up

>> No.9628284

I didn't either at first, then I decided to try using the 1000 shot MG once and the gigantic tracers on that make it really obvious. Long range weapons are a pain in the ass to use.

>> No.9628290

Already has.

>> No.9628295

Oh, I know they adjusted the actual lock-on window of some weapons, yeah.

>> No.9628335

That's not the only thing they changed between PP and MoA. There's a stat in later games that tells you how fast the arms are able to follow your lock on. In first gen AC games this stat wasn't a thing, and every arm tracked targets at the same speed. This global arm tracking speed was lowered between PP and MoA.

>> No.9628373

You haven't seen anything yet. Any bump in price now will look laughable compared to whats coming

>> No.9628427

Why am I going to look? I already own the games.

>> No.9628598

>it comes down to mapping a good control scheme
Except the games actually really assume you're going to use the standard controls with minor deviation. Even in AC1 by doing the camera on face buttons remap you're gimping yourself out of resetting the camera to level by pressing up and down simultaneously and the PS2 games add more complicated button combos.

>> No.9628606

I have the cameras set to Triangle and Circle, I'm not losing anything.

>> No.9628669

>240p PS1 game
>(ultra) widescreen hacks
>texture filtering
>high internal resolution
>emulation, obviously

>> No.9628772

Widescreen is super fucking cheating in PSX Armored Core too, I spend most of the arena with like 75% or more of the lockbox off screen having to rely on radar and lock chimes.

>> No.9628834

I don't think archive.org is going to be raising their prices any time soon, but okay.

>> No.9628891

this, playing armored core is actually superior on an emulator just on control remapping alone. esp older titles that have some of the worst controls in a game ever

>> No.9628897

Mapping a digital input to a joystick is ass.

>> No.9628957

Then just... don't do that? Swapping around buttons to improve the control layout doesn't have to mean using an analog stick as a d-pad, you can still make your d-pad the d-pad.

>> No.9628961

good job op. im unironically proud of you

>> No.9628971

AC short sellers bros we got too cocky

>> No.9628978

If you aren't using joystick fakery then emulators can't do anything you can't already do in game more easily. I think the only game in the series that doesn't let you swap every controller input used in the default controls is AC4 and that's just movement being locked to left stick.

>> No.9629058
File: 2.90 MB, 800x336, ACMoA Bloom noaud.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the games let you configure the controls to whatever you like natively. You don't need an emulator for optimal controls at all

>> No.9629364
File: 51 KB, 320x240, Armored Core (USA) (v1.0).2022-06-20 20.07.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it isn't so much global arm tracking speed was lowered as it was how global tracking worked at all. I haven't looked into MoA's RAM addresses to see if any stat values were stealth added, but it seems like From experimented with a similar effect early on in AC1's development.

The first public demo of AC1 has it possible for you to lose a solid (red) lock on an enemy because of them being too fast. In the final game, all non-missile weapons have a lock speed of instant meaning that it is pretty much impossible to lose lock once a target's in the red box.

>> No.9629446

The 1000 ammo MG was always one of the weapons with shitty tracking because it has a firing delay. It's really fucking rare for a solid ammo full auto gun but all the laser rifles are like that.

>> No.9629721

Any opinions on which is best game to
start the series on? 1 seems like a good place.

>> No.9629980

When the fuck do I finally unlock a dual chaingun back unit in Silent Line? Been wanting it forever for my all machine guns all the time "G-Crawler" build. I know it exists. My Wallet will hate me for it though, fucking stupid ammo costs.

I felt 1 was only okay. 3 is widely considered to be very good, I much prefer it to any of the PS1 games.

>> No.9630024

Good thing I already have all of the PS1 and PS2 games (The only ones that matter).

>> No.9630280

I tried 1 some years ago and got filtered hard. I recently retried the series again starting with 2 and learned to love it. Then i went back and had a blast with the PS1 titles.
I honestly prefer the way the gameplay feels in the first game but its hard to get started with there.
I highly recommend mapping your turning to square and circle, and looking up and down to triange and x. Jump on LT and weapons on bumpers

>> No.9630284
File: 2.95 MB, 1600x674, ACPP Milicona noaud.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enemies don't render outside of the 4:3
The only thing that renders is the environment (barely)

>> No.9630513

1 or 3

>> No.9630542

I got AC2 back in the day, realized that it's impossible to move with a stick and returned the game.

>> No.9631123
File: 2.99 MB, 600x336, AC2AA Lost Field 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9633036 [DELETED] 
File: 1.63 MB, 3456x4608, 1DBB3D56-3A4A-449F-BFB8-721D424D57D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your AC

>> No.9633629

not going to lie, AC2 and AA feel like downgrades after the PS1 games. all the shitty "stand in one spot and shoot at waves of planes for five minute" missions make me really really miss all the underground tunnel levels of the PS1 games. AA at least makes up for it with a bunch of cool boss fight missions and no costs for failing a mission.

>> No.9633806
File: 2.91 MB, 360x270, AC2AA intro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9633829

Anon, it's called タイトル画面.

>> No.9633985
File: 433 KB, 1317x1080, Armored Core (USA) (Reprint)-221217-182837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played AC1 and I was super new to the series. It's good, you just have to deal with the camera at times and the random ass difficulty spikes. The 2v1 fight at raven is super bullshit if you're not prepared.that was my main issue with the game was the random difficulty spikes. one mission be easy, then the next makes me feel insane.
still very fun to play once you get used to the controls.

>> No.9634359

Good thing I know Japanese and those copies are gonna be cheap forever then.

>> No.9634452

Last Raven was already 5000JPY back in 2021.

>> No.9634890
File: 2.86 MB, 650x274, AC2AA HustlerOne no aud.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone experiences difficulty differently in these games. The missions you struggle with all come down to what your mech is designed for, and how willing you are to tweak it

>> No.9635497

>Playing Silent Line
>Press Triangle to see "Spec" in Garage menu

FUCK YOU. They aren't even wrong

>> No.9635540

What AC should I play if I'm more interested in the missions design/story, rather than just customizing the mech? Or it's just not the right game?

>> No.9635612
File: 89 KB, 657x838, True Freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't think that's the vibe. The most hype AC can get is like.... "Bonus extra two in one mission!" or "Your allies turned on you!" and that's about it. You CAN of course just make a really basic solid build and just make sure to maybe update it occasionally andf then just spam story missions and just enjoy the mission briefings and e-mails for your lore but.... I think if you don't get a hardon looking at your three ACs you've built, each with it's own use-case and personalized playstyle... maybe play something else.

>> No.9635629

Literally the first game, it has branching paths and the story is hidden in the details.

>> No.9635657
File: 2.59 MB, 600x448, Early MoA gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of my best mechs never got high ratings in game

>> No.9635668

Sure but the one I think it legit OP is rated "Excellent". I optimized the concept and now it's "Good".

>> No.9635686

>confederate flag shoulder
based and dixiepilled

>> No.9635883

Front mission might be more your speed. AC story is often pretty sparse, with the bare minimum left out there to get a somewhat cohesive storyline, and not in a "figure the puzzle out" good way. The characters are rarely fleshed out and often get two lines of dialogue.
What they do get right is atmosphere though, especially AC1. the murakumo H+ facility mission in 1 is great
You might like PP more than 1 as it has a proper story, as simple as it is.

>> No.9636269
File: 344 KB, 1485x1384, ac controls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I PERFECTED the control scheme in the first 3 AC games.

Using RetroArch:

Add anolog control to left stick/d-pad, then reassign the face buttons to the right control stick. Now you have standard 2 stick movement, and L1/L2 as boost/sword and R1/R2 as fire/ weapon change. It's FUCKING PERFECT.

>> No.9636281
File: 67 KB, 1046x454, control map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9636301

Wow what a new and never seen before discovery that definitely doesn't feel like shit anyways.

>> No.9636309
File: 1.49 MB, 320x240, 1671540254042531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing people bitch about the controls every thread tells me this is not common knowledge.

>> No.9636617

>mapping digital controls to analog
Braindead newfag this is literal shit, all the games allow you to map controls perfectly without an emulator

>> No.9637138

Thanks, I'll check out 1 and PP.

>> No.9637309

PP is good to play right after because you can transfer your save. Just make sure you do not play a PAL version of AC1 as PAL never got the rest of the PSX games.

>> No.9637627
File: 2.81 MB, 720x302, AC1 Sledgehammer NO AUDIO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the kind of player that likes to make one good mech and try to use it the whole game, you can challenge yourself and not mess with the customization constantly if you don't want to.
The first 5 games are all connected. I think Project Phantasma and AC2 have the most in your face story

>> No.9638294
File: 8 KB, 400x343, 4b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can obtain the leg part MLM-XA3/LW. You need to complete the mission with 50% AP and destroy the AC.
Are they fucking with me on this? On the three part mission where you do plane defense and then fight in a sandstorm AND THEN get attacked by an AC, they want me ending with more than 50% AP?!

>> No.9638319

Literally know how to build a decent machine and control it by that point in the game.

>> No.9638332

Anon, eat shit and die. The Corpse Maker AC is using that Karasawa Knockoff and massive multimissible launchers AND a howitzer or something in the left hand. He does like 1k per hit.

>> No.9638336

So don't get hit.

>> No.9638347

Nah fuck that. What a stupid fucking mission. I like multipart ones but this ain't it chief. I should get rewarded just for clearing the mission or even clearing the mission before the support bomber arrives. Saying I need to save 50% AP against a bigdick hitter like that? Fuck it. Don't need the part. Fuck that.

>> No.9638356

>no I won't play well!

>> No.9638362

It’s just an optional challenge calm down anon

>> No.9638379

You can always New Game+ after your first run if you want the part that badly.

>> No.9639604
File: 163 KB, 640x640, Thinking-little-pug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats only like 5 dollars