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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9626072 No.9626072 [Reply] [Original]

>go on arcade forum
>literally zero discussion of actually playing the games
can we have a thread about arcade gameplay here? Or will this thread also get less than five replies?

>> No.9626075

Isn't a thread about "arcade gameplay" a bit broad?

>> No.9626082

Fightcade is pretty good with friends.

>> No.9626084

Literally post anything you want as long as it's related to playing the games. Any secret, any complaint, any strategy. Anything.

Today I finally learned how to do j. mk, cr. mk xx super with Ryu in SSF2X, for instance. Also managed to hit meat f. hp, cr. mk xx super a couple of times. In training mode. We'll have to see about matches.

>> No.9626085

I like a lot of arcade games by Data-East. Spinmaster kicks ass.

>> No.9626089 [DELETED] 

>Noooo!!! it doesn't have autistic faggot tranime fans posting their shit opinions that no one cares about

>> No.9626091

Not much chatting going on in the lobby.
Maybe there's some discord somewhere but I really don't want to reinstall that cancer.

>> No.9626097
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Thoughts on Superman the arcade game?
This was both my first shmup and beat'em up and 16-bit game all in one.

Tip: when fighting luthor aim for the shiny spot in the cab of his vehicle. He will flash when you hit that spot.

>> No.9626103

i don't know could we? you're doing a pretty shit job at making a thread about playing games, sounds more like your blog desu senpai

>> No.9626107
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who here /milkcrate/? used to stand on one of these to play mortal kombat when i was 7. bigger kids would challenge me thinking i was free but i was already honing my autism at that point and held my own.

>> No.9626108

I want to play punisher but i don't have any friends to play it with.

>> No.9626109

aero fighters is a good vertical shooter

>> No.9626110

The trick for doing this is you input the first qcf right when you see Ryu make the first hit on the opponent right before he lands. You have time to hit confirm this, proceed with a normal cr. mk xx fireball buffered motion to complete the second qcf. You don't have to be super fast with it.

>> No.9626112

angry and controversial OPs are how you get replies on 4chan. That and porn.

>> No.9626116

I used one of these to play Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja and Ghosts n' Goblins. Somehow as a kid I managed to get to the beginning of the third stage in both games.

>> No.9626126

i think the strikers series is better
but i do love dolphin

>> No.9626129

is it though?
why would I play it over 100 other different shmups with a similar theme?

>> No.9626134

Post a score and anons will possibly try to beat it. I'll do a run later tonight even though I have little experience with the game. Default settings parent rom.

>> No.9626551
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Let's do a little Punisher primer.

>> No.9626562
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playtips from the game flyer

>> No.9626570
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The basic instruction card in Japanese.
It basically says the same thing but also mentions you can throw grenades by pressing both buttons during a jump.

>> No.9626579
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Super Kick: Down, Up+Attack
Super Air Kick: Forward(x2), Jump, Down+Attack
Special Ending: finish the game without having to continue to see a different credit sequence (badguy parade).
On 2nd area of first stage, the enemy Cool will appear for few seconds from a open door, then he will flee: if you're fast, you can kill him before he disappear with the handgun that the players draw automatically in that moment.
When you're in the 2nd area of stage 2, the gangsters' mansion in Florida, there are 3 jail cells in which 3 girls are being held hostage. Break open the cells and then stand still. The girls will give the players thank-you hugs that restore energy to their lifebars.
At the end of the 2nd stage you'll fight against the Guardroid. At the end of the room where the battle is set, you'll found an huge bed and a painting in the wall. Destroy this objects for obtain extra weapons and energy that could help you during the fight
In the 3rd stage (the harbor) you'll encounter several cars, where gangster carrying machine gun will exit from there for attack the players. If you destroy those cars before they'll exit from there, they'll disappear in the explosion: also, you can see the poor driver carbonized after the car's explosion!
The Punisher and Nick Fury's personal handguns are usually drawn automatically whenever enemies carrying firearms - and also the robots called 'Pretty Boy' - turn up. With the exception of the robots, which are tougher to deal with, try to refrain from killing the enemies armed with guns until after you've killed some of those who aren't carrying guns. This certainly comes in useful during the showdown at the end with the Kingpin, who's drawn much larger here than he was in Sega's own "Spider-Man - The Videogame", made 2 years earlier.

>> No.9626592

Most arcade games follow the same formula of easy first level, batshit insane hard remainder of the game up until the last level when they know you're committed and everything just instantly kills you so you have to keep pumping quarters. The vast majority are simply not enjoyable past a single freeplay play through.

>> No.9626595

you're ignorant, anon

>> No.9626610

>literally zero discussion of actually playing the games
Those conversations probably happened years before you arrived. Don't forget to necropost every time you join a forum, they love the nostalgia it brings.

>> No.9626613

It had really nice graphics but the beat 'en up sections were liquid shit.

>> No.9626643

Sad that those guys don't really play the games anymore. They'll spend hours configuring a front end for 5000 games then not even play anything.

>> No.9626647

Not him, but because it's better than those

>> No.9626661
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Western control panel for The Punisher.
Not a fan of the height of those joysticks.

>> No.9626690
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Capcom's standard controls for CPS1 and CPS2 games were a Seimitsu LS-32 and PS-14-E buttons. That would be the "official" controls for The Punisher, or as near as anyone could say for this sort of arcade game.

Since PS-14-E buttons are not made anymore the next best thing is the PS-14-G, which is basically identical as far as I can tell with very minor changes in photos.
But I've never used a PS-14-E.

>> No.9626695

What makes it better than a game like 1944: The Loop Master?

>> No.9626757
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There we go. This should be easy for someone to beat. I only played two credits. One to get a feel for the game and one actual run.

Fun game. A lot different from Cadillacs.

>> No.9627370

Not if it's a real arcade forum they won't. They'll be shitting on people who sell 5000-game setups to schmoes they end up trying to help because the sellers can't or won't.

The members themselves spend ages restoring, upgrading, loving, and, yes, believe it or not, playing games. I have to admit i spend far more time on the first three and less on the fourth. But the fourth is still the most important. Vintage electronics are like vintage cars. If you can't drive it/play it, you're not doing it right.

I have to admit that's kinda true. I'll totally tolerate random necros until you happen across a thread i like and then i'm all in, lol.

>Western = USA

>> No.9627380

>discuss everything an arcade game has to offer and more for ages
>random 2023 newfag shows up wondering why no 40+ dads are enthusiastically talking about pulling off geese's pretzel move in the forums right NOW
you're gonna have to actually find an active arcade community and yes it will most likely be on discord and involve twitch faggotry. or build a time machine

>> No.9627419

I've been playing the Sega model 3 romset lately and I've been really surprised by how many amazing games on the system are almost unknown.
Doesn't surprise me that most of these games didn't get ported though, most of em rely on unique control schemes. I wish I had gotten to try them at the arcades

>> No.9627530

I used to lug around a stool when I was all of 5-6 at our local arcade, thinking back is ridiculous that they used to turn me loose in there for a few hours

>> No.9627562
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running through my fatal fury carts i just picked up for cheap

they all seem to be running ok
im not an expert on the series or anything
i am just trying to collect every mvs title with mai in it

>> No.9627586

mame taught me that most arcade games actually aren't very fun

>> No.9627630

This, and it's one of the biggest disappointments of my gaming life. They were all literally designed to munch quarters, nothing more. This is why most arcade ports are more enjoyable to actually play since they had to rebalance the difficulty.

>> No.9627643

There's kind of a reason that the only genres that really survived out of the entire era were beatemups, racing games, shmups and fighting games, but I'd still say there's a pretty respectable amount of genuinely good/enjoyable arcade games out there

>> No.9627661

arcade emulation is usually disappointing, playing the physical machines is a completely different experience

>> No.9627664

mame ruining the gaming experience for multiple users, many to never return

wow surprising

>> No.9627691

Sure, for deluxe/sitdown cabs and other genres that offered a unique experience or playstyle, but 90% of everything out there was standing in front of a cab with a fairly standard control setup, it wasn't that unique. The so-called "atmosphere" could be hit or miss depending on the arcade itself

>> No.9627703

even b-tier games were\are great provided:
large crt
good sound
decent button setup
friends\multiplayer scenarios

shit like sengoku, cadillacs and dinos, fightan titles etc
NONE of that shit is very fun alone anon
especially on a laggy lcd panel with sharp\ugly pixels

>> No.9627735

Why would you need to play alone on a Mame setup? Even before shit like GGPO/Fightcade or wizard bullshit like Parsec you just plug in a second controller and have fun

>> No.9627784

the other anon answered this
the ambience\feeling is missing
you are just using jank in your messy room

>> No.9627883

I hung out with my friends nearly every day for like two-three years straight playing fighting games through MAME, still some of my favorite memories. Arcade ambiance can nice but it's also somewhat overrated

>> No.9627895

you get the point then
you gotta have a proper scenario for things to be fun

most arcade titles wont hold solo attention for long . most lack depth or are v gimmicky

i miss the era of random dudebros and fighting games - 2006-2009
rip manuel

>> No.9628435

I remember being able to speak my mind and get some dudes seething in all chat. They've probably trannied it up by now though, I'm sure shit's censored now.

>> No.9628562

They are just video games. Many of them are crap, a few are great. Not much different from console gaming.

>> No.9628575

You can curse all you want in the lobby but if you want to spam the N word then yeah you're probably going to get banned.
Overall, fightcade remains a place where you need a thick skin if you want to participate.

>> No.9628580
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>amazing games on the system are almost unknown.
Such as?
One of them I know is Emergency Call Ambulance.

>> No.9628592

COUNTING ARCADE PORTS do you guys figure you have put in more time playing arcade games or console+pc games?

>> No.9630507

>>discuss everything an arcade game has to offer and more for ages
I've been on those boards for almost twenty years now and there was never much discussion of gameplay back in 2005.

>> No.9630598

>Not if it's a real arcade forum they won't.
They sure will. It will just be their own Hyperspin or Coinops set-up instead of a commercial multicade.

>> No.9630604

>They were all literally designed to munch quarters, nothing more.
Nonsense from a person who with a surface understanding of arcade games.

>> No.9630606
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real arcade games have never been tried

>> No.9630664
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Took another run at it and got to the stage three boss. Then promptly died like a bitch.

>> No.9630716

Dashing is so much easier on a d-pad.

>> No.9630726

Arcade games have difficulty adjustments.
I always start games on the easiest possible settings and work my way up. Always did that with console games too. It's how I got better at games without getting too frustrated.

>> No.9630728

Beat em' ups are fun to play alone when you consider them to be action puzzle games. Each new screen is a puzzle about how to deal with the crowds and manage item consumption.

>> No.9630729

I did the same in the 2000s. That era holds more nostalgia for me than the 90s. Those arcade days were better than the "real" arcade days imo. At least for me they were.