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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 198 KB, 1024x1024, thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9625590 No.9625590 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit, this is the future of retro video gaming. it's a memory card that wirelessly connects to your PC, and allows you to transfer games, saves, or update firmware with no wires.

>> No.9625631

Unless this thing can play PS1 games without any need for internal modifications then I fail to see the point. Who givers a shit about having wifi connectivity for fucking PS1 save files?

>> No.9625637

Too lazy to read any of this right now:

>> No.9625643

it does way more than load PS1 games, and there's a version for Gamecube as well. it's so sick.

>> No.9625662

>endless storage
okay having more than a standard memory card is decent I guess but who the fuck needs gigabytes of save file storage for a playstation

for what purpose? Oh wow I don't need to take out the SD card, as if you'd ever need to do that anyway when it's going to have 9001x as much storage space as you'd ever need for save files anyway

>oled display
for what purpose? Just seems like a meme

>MemCard PRO can seamlessly communicate with an ODE and automatically mount the memory card specifically for that game! If it's the first time you're running the game, it will automatically create 8 virtual memory cards for that specific game, and even show the game's name on the display!
Okay so it can't boot games, it just uh... allows you to have virtual memory cards? Who gives a fuck

Overall it sounds like a useless piece of shit with a bunch of superfluous extras that don't have any real point

>> No.9625671

>sees machonacho
>better post on VR

>> No.9625672

why is thinking so small?!
you dont have to get up and plug and unplug shit anymore, it all is convenient and just works.
you're not a tech enthusiast at all i take it.

>> No.9625674

and you're fat i take it?

>> No.9625676

Why would you ever be unplugging the memory card in the first place if it's going to have so much space that you'll never need more anyway
Also last I checked you're going to need to get up and waddle your fat ass over to your PS1 to turn it on, FAGLORD

>> No.9625678

i can't trust any of you to inform me about anything, how come none of you talked about it either?
for fuck sakes, it's like you faggots compete with each other to be the most ignorant and obnoxious posters.

>> No.9625680
File: 100 KB, 960x720, 0a323f2f-4081-4941-ba86-fa7ac7fefe36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have an ODE, so if I ever run out of memory cards (I have more than I will ever need) I will plug the dexdrive again.

>> No.9625681

If you saw the average physique of this board's users you would be for any tech that requires movement.

>> No.9625684
File: 131 KB, 1024x1024, BROOK-WINGMAN-PS2-2022-EX5__70878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this instead. Way more useful.

>> No.9625782

What's the I/O speed of the memory card slot?

>> No.9625785

Doesn’t work wirelessly with bootleg duelshock 3s unfortunately so the older version is better other than the form factor imo

>> No.9625828

What does the Dex Drive do?

>> No.9625913

literally this thread but 25 years ago

>> No.9625975

Exactly the same. at this one, but via serial port.

The cool thing was thas you could download saves from gamefaqs back then (They also had Dreamcast ones). Allegedlly, some games like Fifa wouls support the Dexdrive by offering saves with updated teams, but I'm not sure that ever happened.

>> No.9626048

I think anon is a little too excited about this memory card, but I would be interested in something like this since PS1 cards can only have so many blocks

>> No.9626098


I just use my PS2 to transfer save files to a flash drive. I know this takes at least 2 more steps and upwards of 15 extra seconds but it's pretty alright for the $50 I'm not spending.

>> No.9626189

I have one, it’s great
The fact that you don’t have to constantly manage your MC is what really sells it for me

>> No.9626258

I'd rather just play one of my Sega Saturns.

>> No.9626259

Wow, such a technological revolution.

>> No.9626263

The older version doesn't update anymore.

>> No.9626278

>able to use worse controller
>way more useful
yeah, no

>> No.9626297

exactly, dunno why 4chan has to be contrarian all the time. i thought /vr/ wasn't full of shitters, but this thread got shit up.

>> No.9626313

120+ controllers. plural, my guy.

maybe. more readily available? definitely. wireless? yes please. also it's a memory card but who gives a shit.

>> No.9626317

>it's a memory card but who gives a shit
Clearly you haven't played much on PS1
>wireless? yes please
not an issue for me at all, having to charge controllers sucks

>> No.9626318

yeah bro it's totally contrarian to ask why having wifi on a fucking memory card is warranted. Nah, don't ask questions, just pay 50 dollars for a memory card because it's got an OLED DISPLAY!!! that's completely fucking useless.

>> No.9626321

>okay having more than a standard memory card is decent I guess but who the fuck needs gigabytes of save file storage for a playstation

Nobody, it's just that PS1 memcards were so small that even the smallest MicroSD card from 10 years ago will have enough space for thousands.

>for what purpose? Oh wow I don't need to take out the SD card, as if you'd ever need to do that anyway when it's going to have 9001x as much storage space as you'd ever need for save files anyway

Just for easy backup/transferring of saves without having to take out the MicroSD card every time. I don't really care about this feature that much to be honest, but the microcontroller it runs on has built in WiFi so no real reason not to enable it. It's built off an ESP32.

>for what purpose? Just seems like a meme
So you can actually see which of your "9001x" cards you currently have selected instead of just blindly cycling through them

>Okay so it can't boot games, it just uh... allows you to have virtual memory cards? Who gives a fuck

... people who play games on a PS1? If you have a lot of games those cards can fill up fast, and even if you have a lot of cards you need the keep track of which cards have which game's saves on them. The ODE integration makes it so it automatically creates a virtual card for each game and auto-switches to it when you boot a game off your ODE.

Ah yes, I remember that thing. Had the N64 version as well.... have fun running it on a modern PC. It would be cheaper and easier to just use the PS3 memcard adapter and homebrew software to read PS1 memcards on a PC instead, at least that thing is USB and there is modern homebrew software for it.

>> No.9626325

it's $40

>> No.9626326

>Clearly you haven't played much on PS1
I only use it with a PS2. I only recently got my hands back on a PS1 but it's at least partially broken. Didn't have the time to look at it at all yet because of some serious shit going personally. Doubt I'll do much with it however. Not gonna put an ODE in there or anything.

>> No.9626328

plus tax plus shipping plus tip

>> No.9626335

Without an SD card.

>> No.9626340
File: 286 KB, 1221x653, Shits Dirt Cheap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free shipping in the UK, and it's being sold at other sites that are US based too

Also last I checked, tax and shipping is something one typically has to deal with for just about any physical product purchased online.

>Have to buy a MicroSD card


>> No.9626341

shill your gay trash somewhere else, this is just an overpriced memory card for hipsters.
masterful in the art of money-burning aren't we?
Well can't wait to see your shitty modshop fall through.

>> No.9626345

Ah, so this is your problem with it, I'm assuming you're one of those anons that think everything should cost what the parts are worth

>> No.9626349

If you don't mind doing a bit of soldering work, you can make something very similar with an old PS1 memory card and a Rasp Pi Pico. No wi-fi, display, or auto-creation of new cards for each game, but a Pico is $4 and USB works fine.

>> No.9626350

And this is assuming that SOMEHOW you don't have a spare unused MicroSD card anywhere in your house, since even an ancient 128MB one from 20 years ago will have enough space for 1000 virtual PS1 memorycards.

>> No.9626352

>masterful in the art of money-burning aren't we?
they're like a dollar each from china

>> No.9626361

I’ve got one. It’s convenient.
Dex Drive isn’t nearly as nice, which is 100% fair and understandable since it’s 25 years old. You still need a computer to copy files over and manage them. This one just creates a memory card based on the game id and switches to it automatically when you load the game from an ODE.
Honestly I’m not sure why the ODE can’t do virtual memory cards though. GameCube can, and so can Saturn.
Still, it’s nice to have if you have the money.

>> No.9626367
File: 382 KB, 1280x720, dreamcast-VMU2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to eventually get one, but I am more excited for what is basically the Dreamcast version of that.... if it ever sees the light of day.

Yeah, I had about 8 or so PS1 memcards to hold all of my game's saves while I barely needed more than two Dreamcast VMUs, but at least the PS1 memcards didn't make the retarded-ass decision to use two expensive CR2032 batteries while making the device drain them in under a year. Yes, it didn't need the batteries to keep your saves thank fucking god, but it made the entire rest of the memorycard's features completely useless, AND it they had the brilliant fucking idea to make it annoyingly BEEP at you every time you boot up your Dreamcast with one inserted that has dead batteries.

ALMOST as stupid as how they handled the battery/saves on the Sega Saturn.... almost.

Shame that the modern N64 memcard replacement is utter trash though. It costs just as much as that PS1 memcard.... but it's only feature is that it does not need a battery to keep your saves (You know, that easily replicable CR2032 the N64 Memory Paks had). That's it, it otherwise functions EXACTLY like a 30 year old N64 memorycard. No MicroSD, no additional space, nothing. Just $40 for a 30 year old memorycard that does not require a battery. I don't know how the fuck they are justifying that ripoff when this PS1 memcard is the same price and does shitloads more.

>> No.9626369

>I’m not sure why the ODE can’t do virtual memory cards though
probably the lines the MC and ODE lines are different, also saturn cant can it? as far as I'm aware it can only backup the whole memory

>> No.9626375

Buying things and not using them doesn't make them free

>> No.9626376

they want 120 dollars for this POS

>> No.9626381

No my point is that all its "features" are a meme. The only thing it has going for it is being a large memory card. The rest of it is bloat. I'd change my tune if it actually offered something practical, but DUUUDE PUT NEW SAVE FILES ON YOUR MEMORY CARD WITHOUT HAVING TO MOVE YOUR FAT ASS A COUPLE FEET TO GET THE SD CARD ain't it.

>> No.9626384

The dreamcast one kind of sucks in my opinion, you're better off just getting a normal VMU and a 4x MC
The Sega Saturn memory card is a necessity in my opinion, I don't trust the batteries to hold memory
and also yeah, the N64 forever pak is absolutely worthless

>> No.9626385

>You know, that easily replicable CR2032 the N64 Memory Paks had).
Unfortunately it's not a drop in, and I believe it's concealed behind the usual nintendo gamebit screws and is a tabbed soldered in battery. I think it's comical the N64 even use battery backed memory cards, especially when many of the games that do save on the console do not, that playstation and saturn do not have batteries in their memory cards, neither does neogeo or many other proper solutions. N64's is just stupid engineering meeting stupid consumers who will buy anything.

>> No.9626386

By that logic why aren't you including the cost of the PS1 you bought in 1994 as part of cost of this memorycard then?

My point is arguing that you also need to buy a MicroSD card for it is a total non-issue. I can't imagine anyone here would not have some spare no longer being used ones around the house as even the smallest ones would be more than enough, and if by some miracle they don't it's like $5 for a 16 gig that will store more virtual memcards than you have braincells.

Price isn't finalized yet, the last update I read just said "Around $100"

>> No.9626396

What is your suggested price point then?

>> No.9626398
File: 15 KB, 187x213, 1644827354801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My point is arguing that you also need to buy a MicroSD card for it is a total non-issue
My point is that it's $40 without a microSD card you shitty salesman.

>> No.9626403

i want one too, thanks

>> No.9626405

As mentioned earlier, it's based off of an ESP32, a microcontroller with built in WiFi. It's not like they added additional components to support the WiFi, it was already there. No reason not to enable that feature then. It would be like BMW selling you a car with heated seats built in but not enabling them by default.

Might be a different revision. I had a mix of official and unofficial cards and all I saw was socketed. But yes you would need a game bit, but that's true of opening up pretty much anything Nintendo.

And yes, the N64's saving is a mess. Depending on the game it could save to the cart, but also could save to a memory card... you would think then that the memorycard was nonvolatile memory like the PS1... or even to BOTH. Only some of the earliest N64 games that saved to the cart used battery-backed SRAM while just about all later games used one of multiple implementations of different kinds of nonvolatile memory.... while the memorycards were battery-backed. What an idiotic mess. On top of that there was no built-in memory card management application like the PS1 and Saturn had, you had to hold Start while booting up a game that supported memory cards... and there was no standard or guidelines on how to design said manager so they varied wildly in features and what they could or could not do. From only being able to delete saves on controller 1, to supporting copying and/or moving saves, to supporting all 4 controllers, to supporting hot-swapping of cards/controllers or not. It was very un-Nintendo of Nintendo actually to not have an iron grip on exactly what the manager should look and act like. Compare that to the DS where the WiFi configuration application is not built into the DS itself but on the cart of any game that supports WiFi.... which is hard to even realize since Nintendo forced everyone ot use the EXACT same implementation down to it's appearance.

>> No.9626406

You're not asking the right question, because my point is that the product itself is wrong, not the price point of said product. oled screens and wifi support and xstation bonuses are all memes. Now, if all that bloat were stripped out and they just sold a memory card with a high (by ps1 standards) storage capacity (which probably just means a few MBs or something, you really wouldn't need much more)... I'd pay 10 bucks.

>> No.9626410

>I'd pay 10 bucks

>> No.9626413

So I guess every ODE also sucks because you also need a SD card?

Did the PS1 itself even suck because you needed a memorycard for most games? You wouldn't even have something lying around you could use in place of a memorycard for that one unlike SD cards.

You are trying way too hard to troll.

>> No.9626420

it's bound to be expedient enough to launch into ISOs

>> No.9626427

>I'd pay 10 bucks. for this thing i made up
you're not the customer for the product and your opinion is completely devoid of value

>> No.9626430

I would like an exact figure, I haven't managed to find one online.

>> No.9626435

>oled screens

A tiny OLED screen like that is literally cheaper than an LCD screen. And how else do you suggest people be able to know which memorycard they have currently selected on a device that can have thousands?

>wifi support

As explained, that's built into the microcontroller it runs off of. They even lowered the price (It used to be $50) by ditching the FPGA and exclusively running the card off the WiFi microcontroller, which also increased compatibility.

>xstation bonuses are all memes

That's litearlly 100% software. It cost $0 to implement.

>Now, if all that bloat were stripped out

Then it would be at most $2 less if you removed the OLED screen, which then would require you to just guess which of your thousands of memorycards you had currently selected.

You can't remove the WiFi because yet again, the entire thing runs off the microcontroller of an already very cheap and budget WiFi board. It would literally cost more to put a non-WiFi CPU with memory in there.

And the Xstation support literally costs nothing because it's all software.

It's already as stripped down as you can reasonably get. A simple extreme budget WiFi controller is already capable of a lot on it's own, no need to add anything extra that increases the cost. They already did exactly what you wanted, they stripped out the FPGA and it lowered the price. Specifically, it was the ESP32-S3 revision of the board that allowed them to strip out the FPGA and lower the cost.

The ESP32 itself would cost nearly $10. So if you want to build your own OLED-less blind equivalent for $10, here is an ESP32-S3 board: https://www.amazon.com/ESP32-S3-Bluetooth-Internet-Development-ESP32-S3-DevKit/dp/B0BPP28ZFB/

Or just the bare chip if you are good enough to use that: https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/espressif-systems/ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16/16162647

Have fun.

>> No.9626441
File: 466 KB, 800x600, ule2hg3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I'm not buying your fucking memory card I already have a way to make infinite PS1 saves and I'm not pretending I'm going to play the entire console library so I don't care if it takes a minute to do.

>So I guess every ODE also sucks because you also need a SD card?
No, every ODE costs the price + what it costs you to acquire the SD card you want to use. There is no imaginary infinite supply of SD cards, you only have "spares" if you didn't use it for the last thing that "just needs a spare card bro". I don't fucking care how you spin it, the words IT'S $40 WITHOUT AN SD CARD won't suddenly cease to be fact.

>> No.9626442

so use a different microcontroller since all that bullshit isn't necessary. You also don't need 2 TB worth of save files on a fucking PS1 memory card.

>> No.9626445

Then why did you ask me.

>> No.9626456

Dude, you are the world's shittiest troll if you think I work for them when I already admitted the WiFi feature is pointless, just that it's there because the hardware already supported it.

>There is no imaginary infinite supply of SD cards, you only have "spares" if you didn't use it for the last thing that "just needs a spare card bro".

Which is almost guaranteed these days, again, by that logic ANY accessory that anything EVER uses, EVER, needs to count towards it's cost. No console can ignore the cost of a TV. What's that? You are using the same TV you used with your previous console. No no no, sorry bro, people don't magically have spares, you have to add the cost of that TV to every console that you ever plug into it.

That's you. That's how dumb you sound.

The bare chip is literally under $3, how much lower do you think the cost can possibly go by getting cheaper? There are pretty much no cheaper options, the ESP32 is already the most well known and cheapest microcontroller one can get, hence why it's used in so many projects like this. This thing is already around the price of what an official PS1 memorycard cost in 1994 WITHOUT adjustment for inflation.

>> No.9626464

> This thing is already around the price of what an official PS1 memorycard cost in 1994 WITHOUT adjustment for inflation.
irrelevant. A PC from 1994 also would've cost thousands of dollars but nowadays nobody's paying more than a few bucks for it for the scrap.

>> No.9626467

I can't simultaneously use the same SD card in MemCard Pro and a Wii because it has to be formatted. I can use the same TV for a PSX and a Wii.

You dumb nigger.

>> No.9626469

The esp32 module is under $3, you're focusing on the wrong thing.

The high cost of this thing is clearly unrelated to the BOM (probably 10 bucks total)

>> No.9626478

>I can't simultaneously use the same SD card in MemCard Pro and a Wii because it has to be formatted.

No it doesn't. Both the Wii and the MemcardPro use the standard FAT filesystem formatting on the SD cards. I can't think of many devices that do a custom format of SD cards instead of use the standard filesystem that is part of the SD Association's guidelines. Your only issue would be using a card over 32GB (WHYYY?) in a Wii because it does not support exFat unless you use unofficial software to force-format it in FAT32, but even then the Memcard Pro support FAT32 anyway.

You fucking idiot

>> No.9626512

Just use a regular memory card lmao.

>> No.9626840

>okay having more than a standard memory card is decent I guess but who the fuck needs gigabytes of save file storage for a playstation
You can use it to take the save files and modify them

>> No.9626862

you can, but it's 128kb so it has a lot of issues
>but who the fuck needs gigabytes of save file
this is just a result of current smallest SD card size for cost
>wifi/ftp: for what purpose?
using a feature that's on the unit rather than leaving it to be vestigial
>oled display: for what purpose?
basic information like filenames and update progress so you don't corrupt shit, also allows you to browse between pages of cards
>it just uh... allows you to have virtual memory cards? Who gives a fuck
it's clear that you've not played many games on the console

>> No.9626869 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 474x466, based_floigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the future of retro gaming
no, this is.

>> No.9626873

way more? so does it load ganes or not?

>> No.9626885

> /vr/ - advertising

>> No.9626903

no one wants your shitty overpriced memory card bro. You can shill all you want, no one cares, and youll soon realize you invested in building a product that appeals to no one. Go back to business 101 and then design something that people want.

>> No.9626914

Holy shit I ordered 10 already
Surely this will give me the motivation to actually finish a single playstation game

>> No.9626931

It’s a feature built into the rings menu homebrew for Satiator, but when selecting a game it’ll back up the current ram as the last game you played and either create a new back up or load an existing one for the current game.
Why are people freaking out about the Memcardpro so much? Oh no, people have more options. Vote with your wallet you wieners.

>> No.9626937

>Vote with your wallet you wieners.
remind me again the cost of the Satiator

>> No.9626947

Hey, I like the Memcard Pro but you can't compare a memorycard to a fully functional solderless ODE.

>> No.9626959

Oh... it's useless lol. 1TB storage for ps1 saves lol. It is funny plugging in something with a 200mhz processor into the ps1 with it's old mips chip.

I've checked in the past, it's like >100 times SLOWER than the cd rom drive

>> No.9626960

I came in here expecting something groundbreaking but it's simply a multi-bank memory card that uses an SD card. No game loading or anything new, just a regular old multi-bank memory card with some not to useful bonus feature.

I don't think it's worth it considering a PS2 with FreeMcboot gives you essentially unlimited PS1 storage space. You can also use something ancient like a Dex drive, or something even easier like the OFFICIAL Sony memory card adapter for PS3 that uses USB.

I guess if you've got money to burn this product does what it says it does...

>> No.9626961

Don't be a fuckup, if you're going to buy a card reader, buy something that plugs into the expansion port, ya dummy.

>> No.9626974

Agree. High capacity memory card for all my PSX gaming needs? Love that, but I don't see the point in any of the other functionality at all, they're not worth the expense they add to the product.

>> No.9627171

What's the point? How many games do you play, and how often do you need to move saves?

>> No.9627204
File: 582 KB, 651x483, Paralel Centipede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, I remember that thing. Had the N64 version as well.... have fun running it on a modern PC
I was thinking I could attempt it just for fun. In any case, I have two retro PC's for this kid of stuff. One of them is the only one that can write floppies for the Amstrad CPC

>> No.9627210

Dex Drive's weakest part was the software. The official one had a lot of glitches and would not read certain third party, unlicensed, over the top cheap memory cards, and some of the compatible software had a risk of corrupting memory cards. So you would end backing the memory card to another memory card before attempting a backup via dexdrive.

The saving grace was when an official Sony memory card that stopped working with the PSX after one year, worked with the dexdrive and I was able to recover those saves for Tekken 3 (I suck at unlocking Doctor B) FF VII.

I still have the PS3 usb memory card reader, but no PS3 after the YLOD. I wonder if there are Drivers for windows.

>> No.9627342

Oh woe is me standing up for two seconds then sitting back down.

>> No.9627564

The issue is not plugging it in, I don’t know anyone that would think that’s a problem as you still have to plug in controllers
The main benefit is not worrying about MC space every time you start a new game
The fact you don’t have to reorganise and delete/backup save data or remembering which card had which game on it

>> No.9627594
File: 2.22 MB, 2016x1512, Multi-purpose_image_for_response.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am grateful for all the great new products that are made now by all the talented engineers which enhances the enjoyment I get from the games/systems I love. I can continue to enjoy the games for a long time to come without constraints. Less expensive PCB manufacturing, 3D printing, etc. has brought a glorious future. I just wish there was some of that talent around me that can fix/mod CRTs.

>> No.9627613

Sounds great.
Shame 8bitmods haven't had stock in weeks.

>> No.9627618

Yeah I had to put a preorder months ahead before getting mine

>> No.9627623

What point are you trying to make here?
Sleep deprivation from your 16 hour McDonalds shift finally getting to you?

>> No.9627663

>supports up to 2TB SD cards
>for fucking game saves
This may be the most pointless bullshit I've ever seen in my life. Just use a regular memory card, you don't need 500,000 different emulated memory cards.

>> No.9627686

God damn this thread attracted some assmad anons, why do you think that is?

>> No.9627713

>you can, but it's 128kb so it has a lot of issues
What are the issues? List them.
I'll go out on a limb and guess you're an autistic hoarding type who can't bear to just delete saves when the card fills up and you know you won't be going back to a game you have a save for.

>> No.9628101

>I was thinking I could attempt it just for fun. In any case, I have two retro PC's for this kid of stuff. One of them is the only one that can write floppies for the Amstrad CPC

An older PC would work, but is even more of a hassle then getting it to work on a newer PC.

Also something like a kryoflux or greaseweasel should cure your problems of writing to older PC formats... if you can get proper image files for it.

>I still have the PS3 usb memory card reader, but no PS3 after the YLOD. I wonder if there are Drivers for windows.

That's what I was talking about. Someone did write an app so you can just plug it into modern Windows for PS1 memcards. Nobody has written an app for PS2 memcards for it yet though.

They had stock when I checked about three weeks ago there and on most of their resellers, but they are sold out again now. Casltemania has it, but it's $45 there. StoneAgeGamer is also still charging the old $50 price for it, probably is still stock of the older model that had a FPGA.

Poorfagging and they feel it's a threat to their wall of plastic memcards I guess. Lots of anons here shit on anything just to shit on it. The fact that those arguing against the WiFi have been BTFO but still insist on bringing it up proves they just want to bitch for the sake of being little bitches.

>> No.9628131

>Poorfagging and they feel it's a threat to their wall of plastic memcards I guess.
There is literally no reason to ever have more than 1 memory card. Just delete saves for games you aren't going to play again in the foreseeable future, problem solved.

>> No.9628141

See? Classic example of poorfaggotry.

>> No.9628147

why are these blatant advertisement threads allowed

>> No.9628156

Fat manbaby

>> No.9628160

See? Classic example of toxic shilling. Buy an ad, cunt.

>> No.9628197

>Just delete saves

>> No.9628203

based enjoyer

>> No.9628218
File: 302 KB, 1280x1280, isometric__23989__04859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking up the GameCube version, it felt like I would need this even less since I never managed to full up my GameCube 251 card. But I also remembered how for some fucking reason GameCube cards were formatted for a specific region and you would need to reformat the card to play imports.

I guess this can be useful just to not have multiple cards from different regions for imports.

What is the price of this thing supposed to be though? I see a pricepoint of $55, but it's not clear if that's a pre-order special price or the actual MSRP, since I see a pricepoint of $78 in other places.

>> No.9628252

>fat fuck can't get up from his ass to transfer his saves

I would get it if it was something you had to do every time you turned the console on, but its not, lose some weight fatass

>> No.9628524

Why do you need to back up save on your pc? Most games have no ng+, and if you are going back to a game you're going to make a new file.

>> No.9628593

Unless I can buy it for like 6 dollars on aliexpress I'm not interested. It adds very little functionality to the system in the end. How many ps1 titles are you playing that you need micromanage gamesaves over WiFi often enough?

>> No.9628626

>unlocking all those fighting game characters again
>unlocking all the CAW options in Smackdown 2
>going through every permutation of grand prix mode in RR Type 4
There's some shit you don't want to lose

>> No.9628645

3 or 4 games wont fill a stick, which any physical fag will have at min 2. Are you unironically backing up and worrying about over 20 multiplayer games' saves on the off chance you may revisit them in 10 years? This memory card is the definition of worthless impulse buy tech you see at a microcenter check out line. Its a neat idea, but completely unnecessary. Besides, get a regular fucking sd card memory card, it'll be a 3rd the price. As an aside, isn't most of this website neets and poorfags in parents house and tiny broom closets, I mean apartments? isn't your laptop like 15 ft from the tv?

>> No.9628650

I don't care enough about save files to spend money and/or money on this.

If I lose a save file, I just play the game again to get it back. Isn't that the point of having games?

>> No.9628668
File: 241 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600 (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get pic for around $50 about a year and half year ago
>easily "drag and drop" saves on to PC
>can archive save files from other memory cards I find to keep someone's save around 5ever
I know a PS2 can do it, but this cuts down on a ton of go around. I just would like for a PS2 memory card management program for PCike all the PS1 ones.

>> No.9628670

So much shit in one post. I don't know whether it's all assumptions, projection, or simple retardation.

>> No.9628675

Its a mix of all 3. But I'll happily die on my hill that this new memory card is an Alexa. Its shiny new tech, that's overpriced and does absolutely nothing anyone actually needs. Insult my opinion all you'd like, I don't need to impress you

>> No.9628692

>But I'll happily die on my hill that this new memory card is an Alexa

Have fun on your hill then, Jack

>> No.9628695

I will, Jill and I will be catching Pokemon creatures

>> No.9628702

Fucking why? Who's the idiot who thought this was a good idea?
>Through FTP
?????????? Why
So I need to have this shit on my Wifi, AND have some fucking FTP open for this bullshit? Just put a godforsaken micro SD card port

>> No.9628708

>you're not a tech enthusiast at all i take it.
No, I'm a tech professional, that's the difference. An enthusiast will buy retarded shit like this while a tech pro finds this superfluous shit retarded

>> No.9628713

So 120+ worse controllers? Neat.

>> No.9628724

It does use microSD, silly.
The wifi is just for remote uploading/downloading. They're not going to put a ethernet post on the thing.

>> No.9628728

So it does. Then put that and remove the rest, bring down the cost

>> No.9628747

>bring down the cost
it's a boutique retrogaming gadget it would've cost the same without the $0.50 wifi chip dummy

>> No.9628758

That sentence makes it sound worse.
>it would be overpriced even if you hollowed out components

>> No.9628762

The Microcontroller it runs on can be had for around $3 or less, and itself is a WiFi microcontroller that has the feature built in. You literally can't strip out any more parts to bring down the cost, except maybe the screen to take off a dollar, at most two dollars. But then you would have no idea which memorycard you have selected. They already lowered the price by $10 by stripping out the FPGA.

>> No.9628764

ive used these wifi chips for IoT bullshit projects around the house, they cost 3 dollars on aliexpress. its not a factor. they are just trying to mark it up for cashed up retro $oyim that enjoy the novelty of buying new gizmos

>> No.9628769

This thread has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that most of the anons here have zero idea how business works if they think they cost of a product is just simply it's BOM.

>> No.9628776

My position on the price isn't "how dare they make a profit" its "who dumb enough to pay for this?"

>> No.9628796
File: 280 KB, 1253x548, Screenshot from 2023-02-03 12-39-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aliexpress garbage can get you 90% of the functionality for literally nothing, i cant stand all these retro companies trying to provide solutions for shit noone asked for.

>> No.9628805

>all these retro companies trying to provide solutions for shit noone asked for
As long is idiots keep buying this crap, it'll never end.

>> No.9628807

I (and may I suggest most people) generally don't buy accessories more expensive than the sole device they're going to be used on, brother. Yeah I'm sure the people with $400 HDMI ODE Playstations they're controlling with their DualSense Edge are all buying this and maybe that's profitable but that doesn't mean you aren't a dirty piece of shit shill nigger faggot.

Christ speaking of HDMI you could just use a PS3 for one bajillion virtual memory cards at this price point.

>> No.9628808

duh, the smartest companies just make a small batch and gauge interest with waiting lists to maximize profits, that's why all those gadgets you see on youtube are out of stock when you get to buy them.

>> No.9628818

Holy shit this thread is a complete mess of retarded people, the amount of reactionary posts disguised as opinions just says they only want to shitfling non stop without saying why this thing "is bad". Also PS1 emulation on PS3 is not perfect so is not a complete solution.

>> No.9628823

now that's more like it. These works?

>> No.9628825

that's for mx4sio and not for save game management

>> No.9628827

It costs as much as a PS1 card did back in the day without even adjusting for inflation. People here buy hundred dollar games and several-hundred-dollar flashcarts but a $40 PS1 infinite memcard is too much? Stop being poor.

Anon, that's for PS2.

>> No.9628832

>costs as much as a PS1 card did back in the day
We are not back in the day
> People here buy hundred dollar games and several-hundred-dollar flashcarts
those "people" are whales, and whales are not people.
>Stop being poor
Even Scrooge McDuck would call this memory card stupid. Just admit you're suckered in by shiny new toy

>> No.9628838

No amount of poorfagging will make you win this discussion. Admit your stupidity and you'll be happy.

>> No.9628839

these work for loading software from SD cards on softmodded ps2.

i believe you can juggle saves from it to a regular memory card with homebrew

ps2 is like 99% backwards compat with ps1 who cares except for nostalgia fagging which i guess it the market for these overpriced gizmos

>> No.9628841

>We are not back in the day
Tell that to the prices of half of the retro stuff these days

>those "people" are whales, and whales are not people.
"I am a poorfag so I will refuse to accept that argument that exposes my poorfaggotry"

>Even Scrooge McDuck would call this memory card stupid
Scrooge would call your face stupid too, but if you have to argue fictional cartoon ducks who are known to be extraordinarily stingy to a comical degree to try to make a point about the price then maybe consider the fact that your point is flawed

Juist admit that you're a poorfag

>> No.9628846

>ps2 is like 99% backwards compat with ps1 who cares except for nostalgia fagging which i guess it the market for these overpriced gizmos

You can't save PS1 games to a PS2 memorycard even on a PS2 you retard. I am guessing you saw a YouTube video of "10 things you didn't know the PS2 could do" or some other similar shit and saw that you could backup PS1 saves to a PS2 card and assumed this means that PS1 games can directly save/load to a PS2 memorycard.

You need to be 18 to post here, you clearly never actually used a PS2 back in the day.

>> No.9628850

Poorfag this poorfag that. Guys, enjoy your $50+ shipping + tip memory card. I have no idea why you're simping for it, but enjoy. If I'm going to spend my sheckles, Id rather buy a game.

>> No.9628854

>Id rather buy a game.

>"I am not going to buy a cheap memorycard to save my games but I will buy overpriced 30 year old games I can easily just download"

The lack of logic here is astounding

>> No.9628856

Yes anon, id rather buy games then accessories and peripherals. Id rather buy steam games then new rgb hubs too. Would you rather buy accessories then games?

>> No.9628859
File: 127 KB, 1266x526, Screenshot from 2023-02-03 13-10-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here buy a ps1 memory card for nothing, populate 1 of your slots with ps1 mem card, then use homebrew to manage your saves. jesus christ its like you want to just burn money carelessly

>> No.9628863

Ah yes, random Chinese Chinkware. Those were definitely not infamous for dying and taking all your saves with them.

Also you forgot to include the cost of the homebrew accessories to read that card to "manage your saves".

Jesus christ it's like you're acting retarded on purpose.

>> No.9628867

I have a memory card. It came free with the system. Do you not?

>> No.9628869

its flash memory retard, its been perfected for fucking years. non issue

homebrewing costs like 20 fucking dollars with a sata adapter or an 10 dollar freemcboot mem card

just admit you wanna burn money on bullshit shilled by retro youtubers for a system that you dont even need to own anymore because a a superior backwards compat system exists

>> No.9628872

>10 dollar freemcboot mem card
Literally just bought one of those for my ps2 with a hdd adapter. Such a better purchase imo

>> No.9628875

>its flash memory retard, its been perfected for fucking years. non issue

>Trusting flash memory from Aliexpress
I don't even have to say anything

>homebrewing costs like 20 fucking dollars with a sata adapter or an 10 dollar freemcboot mem card

So that's already over half the price of this card with a fraction of the features, questionable reliability, and more effort required to use. GREAT value there.

>just admit you wanna burn money on bullshit
Just admit you're a poorfag that shill's China's scraps just to get by

>a superior backwards compat system exists
Tell me you have zero idea what you're talking about without actually telling me you have zero idea what you're talking about

>> No.9628884

you dont even really need the freemcboot mem card either just an ability to write to the hard drive on a pc that will go into the ps2. you extract the freemcboot image to the hard drive and it will just boot into freemcboot and you could hypothetically write freemcboot to any mem card you already own if need be. theres a million ways to achieve ps2 softmod for almost nothing.

>> No.9628903

I was not aware of that, cool. Still, whole package was cheaper then this new card, and can be fudged to play ps1 games as well. Backs up the memory card blocks on the hdd too. anyone looking at this should just buy a ps2 fat, far better investment.

>> No.9628914
File: 170 KB, 350x350, gnome pipe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a cool device. I like how it generates memory cards per-game in my PlayStation that I modded with an X-Station. I'm looking forward to the GameCube version since I have some PAL and Japanese games that I can play on there.

>> No.9628915

I have to buy a whole PS2 to get something cheaper than this?

>> No.9628948

>Ah yes, random Chinese Chinkware.
You think your precious $70 memory cards were manufactured entirely locally and not full of cheap chinkshit parts off AliExpress? Get real, all these retro game accessories are chinkshit, even the most reputable and longstanding ones, that's just the reality of it.

>> No.9629109

I get the PS1 card serves a purpose
But doesn’t SWISS have VMC?

>> No.9629112

It’s 40 dollars…

>> No.9629131

before shipping and other import fees, taxes and bullshit thats is involved depending on the country

>> No.9629157

look, if you can't afford 40 bucks then why are you here, go to emulation or use the original one

>> No.9629176
File: 1.28 MB, 498x271, anon-kun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand people here complaining about ODEs and Flashcarts that cost $200-300 and going with cheaply made chink clones, but acting like $40 is a big deal? People are just grasping at straws to try to find something to complain about, especially after their WiFi argument was blown out of the water.

>> No.9629189

You know what buddy, you might be a terrible sub-human shill with a useless product but you're trying so ridiculously hard I hope you're actually getting paid.

>> No.9629231

I got mixed up because I was looking at the Gamecube one, but even so: With tracked Royal Mail shipping even the PS1 one is $55 and with UPS shipping it's $72, all for overpriced chinkshit pretending it's not chinkshit.

>the shills responded to each other by accident
Again: Buy an ad. You can afford it with how much you overcharge.

>> No.9629248

>>the shills responded to each other by accident

>The poorfags are so desperate for attention they think I wasn't agreeing with the other anon.

>> No.9629249

LMAO, go make your own
I think it's hilarious when people talk about cost of manufactured products only being the cost of the parts

>> No.9629257

>go make your own
Don't need to, it's unnecessary.

>> No.9629263

then what's the issue?

>> No.9629272

That it's $50+ for something unnecessary...

>> No.9629279
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>> No.9629281

Again, what is the issue, even if it was 5 bucks you don't need it because it's unnecessary

>> No.9629287

I have a principled moral opposition to its existence.

>> No.9629289

>"This $40 thing is unnecessary!"
>"Because it's unnecessary to pay $50 for this"
"What's the reason?"
>"Because there is no reason to pay $60 for this"
"So why is it unnecessary?"
>"Because nobody needs to pay $70 for this unnecessary thing!"

I am surprised the poorfags haven't used up their free internet hours by this point.

>> No.9629296

I can see by the autism

>> No.9629301

What's your issue with a lone guy saying he will not buy your overpriced plastic crap?
Also, you fail at making sales pitches because if you couldn't create interest by pretending to be polite and smart, you will definitely not create a stronger interest by behaving like an agressive cretin who wouldn't ever shut up unless he could get the last word.

So basically, buy an ad. It's only a few bucks you don't need either.

>> No.9629307

You know, this thread remindes me of the Retron shill from a few years ago.

>> No.9629310

>behaving like an agressive cretin who wouldn't ever shut up unless he could get the last word.
I couldn't give a shit if anyone buys it or not, I just think it's neat and then you fags just come and shit up discussion because it costs money

>> No.9629314

So are you saying you will not buy an ad because it is... unnecessary?

>> No.9629319
File: 108 KB, 1142x1227, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dishonest shill. It's unnecessary because memory cards already exist and even ones that accept SD cards exist for a fraction of the price of this item, which has been mentioned time and again in this thread and you're trying to distract from that with this dishonest framing of the exchange as if no one has ever given a real alternative.

Also, it literally is $50+. Even with the cheapest untracked shipping the total price is $50.66, and the Gamecube one starts at an even higher price point, so don't try to act like I'm misrepresenting the cost of the items. Here's a screenshot from your own website to prove it.

>> No.9629323

what part of I don't give a shit whether you buy it or not do you not understand

>> No.9629326

I don't even need a memory card because I can simply emulate everything on my laptop and hook it to my TV to play using the 10$ USB controller I bought at walmart.

>> No.9629327

>I couldn't give a shit if anyone buys it or not, I just think it's neat
Then try not talking like a shill next time. /vr/ can have civil discussions about fancy dumb gadgets, but not when it's an obvious shill thread.

>> No.9629329

>He replied again to get the last word
Yeah, I can see how much you "don't give a shit".
You will reply to this post too so you could keep showing me how much you don't care, right?

>> No.9629336
File: 574 KB, 1224x1267, 1410033589380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, you know you cannot have both of that at once. Remember the Retron shill?

>> No.9629339

>Then try not talking like a shill next time
no amount of talking would convince you of that
>He replied again to get the last word
stop being a hypocrite and doing the same thing then

>> No.9629340
File: 35 KB, 917x323, retron shill uncovered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9629342
File: 422 KB, 1221x551, Screenshot from 2023-02-03 16-36-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats even worse is these things arent even that rocket science either, they use a 2 dollar module that has wifi, basic processing abilities onboard and a fairly sizeable memory for a device that size to run code from, it probably uses off the shelf libraries too. someone needs to buy one, rip off the pcb and put show the public how piss easy the device is to make. total raw cost for materials is maybe 6 dollars if you bought it all for aliexpress cost.

>> No.9629345

>He replied again
You know, if you are the kind of tard who supports that product then it cannot be any good so no, I don't think I will buy or support it.
In fact, I will suggest every person I know to not support it.

>> No.9629346

>Anon, you know you cannot have both of that at once.
That's literally what I said in my post. I'm saying that IF OP is being honest about not being a shill then he's doing a terrible job of seeming genuine and that's the reason for all the backlash. Even IF he's not a shill, he sounds like one. I still think he is one, though.

>> No.9629350

Even if he is not a shill, he's definitely being a faggot.

>> No.9629421

>>Also, you fail at making sales pitches because if you couldn't create interest by pretending to be polite and smart

>Thinking you can change anyone's opinion on 4chan

I know that nobody here who thinks this is pointless would change their mind, no reason to bother.
I do find it hilarious that you think I work for them just because I don't find it a waste of money though. Yeah, because they would want the negative PR of their sales department using words like retard and fag if it was ever proven that it's them?

>I couldn't give a shit if anyone buys it or not, I just think it's neat and then you fags just come and shit up discussion because it costs money

Pretty much this. I think it's neat, considering getting one just because I already have nearly a dozen memcards I already juggle between but I am not completely sold yet. Definitely feels like something like this would be far more useful to apply to the Dreamcast's VMU than a PS1 however. N64 too if someone makes a proper one that's more like this thing and not that absurd ForeverPak crap.

>Dishonest shill. It's unnecessary because memory cards already exist and even ones that accept SD cards exist for a fraction of the price of this item

The one anon posted is for the PS2, and is intended for a hack, not for saves. Show me another PS1 memcard that saves to a sd card. I would want there to be competition so prices are kept competitive.

>Also, it literally is $50+
Sucks to live where you do. They have free shipping on UK orders of them, maybe don't use a UK site if you are in the US?

Also last I checked most physical objects ordered online have shipping, this is hardly a unique situation. Shows how desperate you are to troll if you bring up shipping as if that's something nobody else does.

>but not when it's an obvious shill thread.
Nah, just having fun laughing at your poorfaggotry desperately trying to bitch about something nobody is trying to convince you to buy.

>> No.9629438

Is it just one dickhead in this thread who hates the thing? Congratulations, the important feature of it automatically switching memory cards depending on the game doesn’t appeal to you. You’ve proven your point that you don’t think it’s worth the cost. You can move on now.

>> No.9629441

>He replied again
>He cannot handle the idea of not having the last word
Yeah, I'm also telling my friends to not buy this gizmo.

>> No.9629445

>Yeah, I'm also telling my friends to not buy this gizmo.

So that would be two people at most?

>> No.9629454
File: 199 KB, 1009x643, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show me another PS1 memcard that saves to a sd card.
Okay, pic related is this: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804863565870.html
It even includes a 512MB SD card for the price, making this product objectively more usable out of the box.

>Shows how desperate you are to troll if you bring up shipping as if that's something nobody else does.
I'm not saying it's wrong or even unusual to charge for shipping, I'm saying it's wrong to pretend that shipping is not part of the total cost of the product.

>> No.9629467

youre just a fucking retard shill, doing mental gymnastics trying to justify this overpriced gizmo. this shit is only useful if you A) dont own a softmodded ps2 and B)a ps1 mem card which every single retro enthusiast with a brain is probably going to own now given how you can get one for almost nothing nowadays. same goes for the gamecube one. since im not fat, i get up, put the mem card in my wii. transfer everything off a sd card in the console to the gc mem card.

how the fuck often are you needing to juggle saves this autistically where it justifies the cost? give it up dude. most of us are neets, or working hard for our money. either camps are not easily separated from our money. the only person i see actually wanting this is some fucking neurotic overpaid tech industry gizmo gear fag that masturbates over having this capability that he will NEVER use.

>> No.9629470
File: 62 KB, 197x197, 1668127103224865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it go you damn arrogant ragetard. It's pathetic at this point.

>> No.9629474

I guarantee these are the same assholes in mister threads

>> No.9629476

Thank you, at least someone is able to show something that's not the completely wrong product and say it's the same thing.

Really would have preferred it to have SOME way to indicate what card you currently have selected though

>It even includes a 512MB SD card for the price, making this product objectively more usable out of the box.

Yeeeah, I would not trust any sd card from Aliexpress. It's silly the argue the price of a sd card anyway when just about anyone here is guaranteed to have a spare and if not they are laughably cheap anyway. The 1GB card that came with my 3D printer in 2015 was actually a 128MB card. You couldn't even get cards as small as 1GB anymore in 2015 easily and the printer was hundreds of dollars yet they still cheaped out on the included card and reflashed a 128MB card to show up as 1GB and corrupt anything past the 128MB mark, as if anybody would refuse to buy the printer because it didn't include a MicroSD card or the card was only 128MB, which would still be enough to store the data for dozens of prints.

>I'm not saying it's wrong or even unusual to charge for shipping, I'm saying it's wrong to pretend that shipping is not part of the total cost of the product.

It is when the only time it comes up is a grasping at straws attempt to try to artificially inflate the price of the device in order to bitch about it. Nobody ever brings up shipping costs for anything here unless they are either absurd or they are trolling to artificially inflate the cost of something to make a strawman argument.

>> No.9629489

>1GB card that came with my 3D printer in 2015 was actually a 128MB card
how ironic, it's exactly the same as a PS1 memory card
1Megabit and 1Gigabit

>> No.9629496

>>doing mental gymnastics trying to justify this overpriced gizmo

>BTFO arguing about the cost of WiFi
>BTFO arguing about the cost of the screen
>BTFO constantly lying to inflate it's price
The irony

>>this shit is only useful if you A) dont own a softmodded ps2
The trolls:
>Argue that a MicroSD card "is not free" when the extreme likelihood of someone having a spare card lying around is brought up
Also the trolls:
>Also argue device is useless if you already have a PS2 lying around

>>give it up dude. most of us are neets, or working hard for our money. either camps are not easily separated from our money. the only person i see actually wanting this is some fucking neurotic overpaid tech industry gizmo gear fag that masturbates over having this capability that he will NEVER use.
The trolls:
>Nobody will buy this thing!
Also the trolls:
>You can't buy this stupid thing anyway because it's always sold out everywhere!

I sear, I don't even need to reply to you idiots, you're arguing my points for me at this point

>> No.9629509
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, ps1memcard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody measures SDcards in Gigabits, it would have been listed as 1Gb instead of 1GB then, and showed up in Windows as 128MB, not 1GB.

Also I don't think Sony ever officially advertised the PS1 memory cards as 1Megabit or Megabyte. It was mostly 3rd party cards that did that. They did advertise the PS2 memcards as "8MB", but they were actually 8 Megabytes, not 8 Megabits.

>> No.9629512

really don't get the point in arguing about the memory card was. i just posted the thread because it was a neat device, figured everyone else would think so too. weak.

>> No.9629513

>Nobody measures SDcards in Gigabits
Lying chinks trying to trick people do.

>> No.9629521

>Lying chinks trying to trick people do.

They didn't even do that though, because then the card would have showed up as 128MB in Windows and just had "1Gb" on the label. But it was listed as "1GB" and showed up as 1GB in Windows, and when trying to write to it anything past the 128MB area is just corrupted.

Honestly I wonder if even the printer manufacturer knew or they were the ones who got scammed from whoever they bought the cards from and had no idea, since the printer itself was very high quality for 2015 and they are still around today and considered a fairly good quality 3D printer manufacturer by today's standards. It would be a very silly thing to intentionally cheap out on.

>> No.9629538

Ok with the OLED thing, i wanna bring up my shitty idea that i hope some rich guy actually implements.
I wish the everdrives would have an OLED for the art that would show up. like if fxpakpro detects SMW, it changes the cartridge art to what a real SMW cartridge would show.
super fucking useless, but i'd love it

>> No.9629546

I think there's a Virtual boy one that does that with an E-ink display which I agree is cool but useless

>> No.9629553

>But it was listed as "1GB" and showed up as 1GB in Windows, and when trying to write to it anything past the 128MB area is just corrupted.
Oh, I see what you mean. That's fucked.

>> No.9629554

Was about the mention that. I think that ironically the only Flashcart to do that is a home-made Virtual Boy one. I already have a much much older revision of those carts that didn't even have save support yet, but I am tempted to upgrade... and to do that VGA mod on my Virtual Boy.

>> No.9629557

enjoying seeing the boomers pee and poo because of your comment, thank you

>> No.9629583
File: 554 KB, 751x551, Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 21-15-42 HyperFlash32 eInk Flash Cart RetroOnyx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks sick as hell, I would fucking love if my Everdrive did this, even if it's monochrome.

>> No.9629594

I had a dexdrive in the 90s as well as a multipage memory card and a backport GameShark so basically infinite memory on my PlayStation.

>> No.9629609

>for what purpose? Oh wow I don't need to take out the SD card, as if you'd ever need to do that anyway when it's going to have 9001x as much storage space as you'd ever need for save files anyway
Dexdrive guy here.
You can trade saves with people on the intertubes. There was a pretty big Monster Rancher dexdrive community back then, sharing all sortsa shit.
Good times

>> No.9629626
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>> No.9629627
File: 128 KB, 980x387, ef6a84_659ee9cc1c2c42b29bcd4e5f2b15b8f4_mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a version that on top of black and white also adds red. (And there was a picture of one that has yellow but it was not listed under the purchase options) but yeah. I know that color e-ink screens exist too, no idea how expensive it would be to put one in a flashcart though. But it would be a neat addition for the highest-end premium versions of them, assuming that it does not double the cost or something.

>> No.9629659

The red looks classy and I like that it matches the VB color palette. I think full-color e-ink would actually add a lot of cost, though, it's still relatively new and niche.

>> No.9629676

I agree the red makes far more sense than yellow. Color e-ink readers have been a thing in some countries like Germany for years, just pretty much zero presence in the US. No idea about the cost. But I would love it if future flashcarts it could become a common feature in the premium versions, a color e-ink screen that displays the original label of the game you are playing.

>> No.9629681

>just pretty much zero presence in the US
aren't most E-readers using this?

>> No.9629686
File: 327 KB, 1120x630, 05iDYFESVlhBiq5t0L7LDpU-14.fit_lim.size_1200x630.v1652880601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aren't most E-readers using this?
Nope, nearly all of them are black and white. You have to go out of your way to try to hunt down an obscure color one. Which with both cost a fortune and likely won't be compatible with most ebook stores in the US.

>> No.9629717

you'd think they'd be perfect for comics
even the washed out look helps how old comics looked back in the day

>> No.9629726

Yeah, I am surprised they aren't available in the US yet since they have been in some European countries for over a decade now.

>> No.9629903
File: 30 KB, 525x700, f135f6d6-12c5-11e6-9a62-be0367fe0a45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone buy this, when PSOne and PS2 memory cards are dirt cheap.. even with the inflated retro prices

>> No.9629995

Automatic memory card switching based on the game you play.

>> No.9630173

Pocket Digimon World if you can read moonrunes

>> No.9630365

I guess, just seems like 99% of people wouldn't even need that much space. I could be wrong though.
Sorry, I re read my post and it seems like I am implying the Pocketstation is the thing I am talking about. I own one myself, and it's really cool. It's a shame basically zero Western games supported it. I believe FF8 is the only one, right? I know a ton of Japanese games supported it.

>> No.9630516

Why would I want to hoard save files? Once I beat a game I just wipe it out and move on. I'm not going to come back to FF7 5 years later and want to pick up where I left off.

>> No.9630517

>Once I beat a game I have to spend time deleting saves to play a new game

>> No.9630521

Custom content you want to keep
Unlockables you'd rather have instant access to, especially in multiplayer games
Saves before game sections, scenes, or FMVs that you'd like to replay
Badges of victory

>> No.9630525

But you're never going to do that. You're hoarding data for a "what if" when in reality if you actually did come back to the game a decade later you'd rather just replay it from the start.

>> No.9630537

We play a lot of PSX stuff, so I have to back shit up often.
Used to use an Xplorer cart before the PS3 memory card adapter came out.

>> No.9630895

>Why would I want to hoard save files?
personally i find it satisfying to purview old files, loot at the time and date last modified, and imagine what my life was like and what was going on during that era.
save files are what, a couple hundred kilobytes in most cases? who would bother deleting saves.

>> No.9630907

>a couple hundred kilobytes in most cases
The memory card is 128kb and there are 15 blocks so most would be around 8kb

>> No.9630985

You can already have infinite memory card storage for PS1 games via PS2 with FMCB
You can already have infinite memory card storage for gamecube games via a softmodded Wii

>> No.9630993

A PS2 is not a PS1
A Wii is not a GC

>> No.9631005

Okay, and?

>> No.9631084

Yeah, but the absurd amount of possible saves is the result of flash memory being so cheap. If this had come out even 10 years ago when you could still buy 512MB sd cards it still would have been overkill. I can’t consider this a fault when it has been impossible to fill for so long. Besides, I would consider it a good feature that it essentially can never run out of space.

>> No.9631254

Holy shit this is the most blatant shill thread I've seen in a while. I know it's ordinary for people to talk about shit they bought, so you can't call all the threads here shill threads, but this one was so obviously written by an advertiser.

>> No.9631264

Not retro

>> No.9631271
File: 388 KB, 1004x533, C9ABCE7E-E027-45A3-B4A7-AA87CC6A55CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Meme card]<Platinum>
>The card says OP is a faggot

>> No.9632603

clearly a PS1 memory card

>> No.9632702

Stop pretending to be someone else, we all know you’re the guy whose mother was raped by 8bitmods and has been complaining about this product for the last 3 days.

>> No.9632829

Not that anon, but there have been at least 3-4 separate people including myself complaining about this shitty shill thread. It's not all one person.

>> No.9632962

Now, if only there were a Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, or PS2 equivalent to this...

>> No.9632964

>Sega Saturn
All in one card
4X memory card

>> No.9632972

what is that supposed to mean?

>> No.9632978

Virtual Memory Card

>> No.9633079

You know you can just download presaved files from any emulation community worth a damn nowadays?

>> No.9633080
File: 172 KB, 695x1200, dlchprc5qp3r1ysmvhrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a Dreamcast one being worked on.

As for Saturn, that would be extremely messy since it used internal storage. There would be no way to have an "infinite" memorycard like this that lets you swap to different banks of storage without having to solder a few dozen points to the Saturn itself, and it would also likely require modification of the shell to to add buttons/screens to swap the storage.

Best best for Saturn would be memorycard-like carts, which already exist. Of course, those require you to manually copy saves to/from them outside of the handful of games that supported saving directly to them, but with it's default save method being internal there is no real way around that.

SegaCD was the same but nobody seems to care about that. I have no idea what the situation with the "RAM" cartridges on that was like, if games were supposed to all have support for directly saving to it instead of internal or if it was the same situation as the Saturn where you mostly just manually moved saves to/from the cart.

A PS2 should be easy to do, if it doesn't exist already. It's memorycards were essentially a DRMed memory stick. You would need to break the (now 23 years old) DRM, but after that, a standard SD card would do the job... though you would need a bit of additional hardware if you want to have built-in card switching or WiFi or anything like that. I know there there were also unofficial memorycards that were larger than 8MB and the PS2 could read them... but I have no idea if there was compatibility issues with those since Sony never officially made any cards larger than 8MB. (Regardless, a modern one would need to split your SDcard into virtual 8MB cards anyway since nowadays the smallest SDcard you can by is 16GB... and I doubt the PS2 can handle that)

>> No.9633089

>Of course, those require you to manually copy saves to/from them outside of the handful of games that supported saving directly to them
mate what the fuck are you talking about, majority of games save to the card

>> No.9633104

I forgot, I had that 4-in-1 that only functions as a memory card manually, I thought most games only could save to internal, could have sworn I read that.

Did anyone ever make a better one that lets it function as an actual memory cart while having all the other features still?

>> No.9633115

I literally have a 4 in 1 cart
It functions just as an original one does, in game

>> No.9633119

You sure? I don't recall any game ever giving me the option to save directly to the cart. I thought that it acted as a 4Meg RAM expansion while a game was running, not as a save cart? Pretty sure it can't act as both at once.

>> No.9633124

Did you not have it set on P/S?

>> No.9633127

>Pretty sure it can't act as both at once.
Oh it definitely can't but there aren't many 4mb games

>> No.9633140
File: 99 KB, 1280x960, A64Z_130571163834096771xRMYB8Sd14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? I have no idea what you're talking about, I don't recall ever seeing any such option last time I used it.

Are you talking about this thing? That's what I have from years ago. I just found out as I was Googling an image of this that apparently some new modern model called Pseudo Kai or something like that has been made. Is that the one you have?

>> No.9633149

>I don't recall ever seeing any such option last time I used it
then I guess it's not a 4 in 1 or maybe it was a really old one?
the one I have has a slider on top that lets you switch between memory/1mb/4mb

>> No.9633163
File: 38 KB, 637x399, Saturn_ARP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, nothing like that. All mine has on top is a parallel port. This thing was recent when the Sega Saturn was still on the market.

>> No.9633168

well I guess yours is not like the current ones

>> No.9633202

>The cool thing was thas you could download saves from gamefaqs back then
WTF are you saying you can't do this anymore?

>> No.9633209
File: 459 KB, 1280x1280, so many bootlegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked more into it, apparently the ones with a switch are a bootleg version and there are several variations that have different features? The "official" one that apparently has every feature is stupid expensive, $80.

>> No.9633213

>The "official" one
there is no official one, people turned action replays into pseudo kai carts but there certainly isn't anything official about it

>> No.9633218

I see, so then there are just dozens of models all over the place with different pricepoints and different features. That's not confusing at all.

Does any model have all the features listed on the back? Seems like you can either have every feature except Action Replay, or every feature except Psuedo Kai, at least, from the seller I saw.

>> No.9633291

nice cope dexdrivefags

>> No.9633471

Satiator does pretty much what the Memcardpro does. It has per game saves that back up current sram to the sd card for the game you played last and then either clears or load sram associated with the game you’re loading.

>> No.9634926

idk, i haven't been on there since i last played a N64

>> No.9634941

Just emulate at that point if your saves will be on PC anyway

>> No.9634981

that start up sound

nothing beats the authenticity

>> No.9635052

>OLED screen
>per-game virtual memory cards
>never deleting a save

>> No.9635716

the emulator i use has the ps1 startup

>> No.9635738

This thread was obviously made by a marketer. Did it get so many replies because the marketer is working hard it because there are a lot of really stupid people here?

>> No.9635789

yes anon, memory card-
-into console, and you try to spin it other ways i guess

>> No.9635841

If you read the thread it's mostly people ganging up on the shill while he gets progressively more angry and defensive.

>> No.9636170
File: 836 KB, 240x135, 1613605655257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of these shack dwellers crying about a product not meant for them
I have ps1-capable hardware for all four floors of my home. It's my most frequently played platform. Argue why this wouldn't be a good purchase for me.

>> No.9636420

>For PS one and PS1
PSXfags foreverially destroyed.

>> No.9636430

>PSX Memory Card
The true name is first, the others are so that wrongfags will find it when searching the wrong names.

>> No.9636621

The only thing I would say is the issue for me
Is that it took half a year before they produced more from when they went out of stock

>> No.9637559

i cannot, because it would be perfect for you

>> No.9637657

Looks more like the shill was samefagging to attack himself and then reply to his own attacks to try to ridicule the obvious callouts he already knew he was going to receive about his retarded product.
One way to tell shills and samefaggers is the way as they keep wording their comments and reusing the same words.

>> No.9638223

I am just amused that idiots here think someone whose product keeps selling out everywhere would feel the need to shill on 4chan of all places, a site that everyone knows would just attack any product shown here. You can't even talk about open source projects like MiSter without half the idiots thinking it's a shill post somehow.

>> No.9638389

they always prove to me everyday that god is dead, and these retards somehow aren't

>> No.9638584

>he doesn't use his PS2s hard drive to backup his PS1 save data.

>> No.9638610

>SD card for infinite saves
>ODE integration for automagically loading up game-specific save files
These are the only features I care about, not sure if all the other bells and whistles would get used that much in normal cases

It definitely seems to be overkill, but at least it's not fucking $150USD like that VM2 indiegogo project is.

>> No.9638617

>ODE integration for automagically loading up game-specific save files
Honestly, I'm not even really sure what that's supposed to mean. Also, I'm going to start saying "automagically" from now on.

>> No.9638638

>GameCube cards were formatted for a specific region and you would need to reformat the card to play imports
Only an issue if you were playing imports the old fashioned way. Swiss already handles region switching through its virtual memory card support since 2020.

>> No.9638780

Can you use this with FreePSXBoot?

>> No.9638819

>These are the only features I care about, not sure if all the other bells and whistles would get used that much in normal cases

I mean, the only other features are the WiFi and the screen. The WiFi is already part of the hardware anyway and costs under $3 for the chip, less in bulk, so not much of a reason not to have it.

As for the screen, I suppose if you only wanted to use it for the ODE integration you could do away with it, or if you wanted to exclusively control it through WiFi. But again the screen is tiny and likely costs under a dollar, and if someone doesn't want the ODE it's pretty important to you can know which card is currently selected as you can have shitloads.

Having both the WiFi (Which makes no sense as the hardware is already there) and screen axed makes it pretty useless for anything other than only using it with the XStation.

>Honestly, I'm not even really sure what that's supposed to mean. Also, I'm going to start saying "automagically" from now on.

Basically, when you start a game, the card will know what game you are starting, create a virtual memory card just for that game, and set it as the currently selected memorycard. Any future times you boot up that game through the ODE will re-select that memory card. Basically each game will get it's own virtual memory card and it will be auto-mounted on bootup of the game through the ODE.

If you have dozens or more PS1 games that you play, it's useful in that you don't have to remember what game is saved on what virtual card and don't have to manually select said virtual memory card.

Good question. I don't see that mentioned as any of it's features bot according to the FreePSXBoot github:
>"Using a Memcard Pro, which lets you create your own virtual memory cards on an sdcard. Simply drop the card image file you want to use as Memory Card 1, Channel 1."

So yes, but unofficially.

>> No.9638839
File: 351 KB, 1038x587, rFfjU85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AR cart you posted was modded to add the port to it, since older versions of the board had solder points for a parallel port but they never actually used it. It does let people install Pseudo Saturn Kai onto stock AR carts, though it's a very outdated method since you can just flash it with a burned CD.

These are clone carts based on the AR cart but with extra features, the ones with a red dot next to them are what features you get. Also note that these have a physical switch for 1MB/4MB selection, normal AR carts don't actually switch between the two and just have 4MB, meaning it 'works' but 1MB games are all buggy and glitchy.
Also for the price, stop looking at ebay resellers looking to dupe retards. The 4 in 1 is $40USD off aliexpress, it's where all these guys are getting their ebay stock from.

>> No.9638856

> Basically each game will get it's own virtual memory card and it will be auto-mounted on bootup of the game through the ODE.
Wait how does this work for games that have extra features from other game saves, like Tomba 2 end game only unlocks if you beat Tomba 1?

>> No.9638876

I have 3 third party memory cards. All 3 cause the PS1 to lockup randomly. I strongly suspect people leaving positive reviews and recommendations on this shit don't actually play enough games to notice shit's fucked.

>> No.9638905

You'd probably have to copy that save file over to the required directory?

>> No.9638906

I wonder how amused you'd be if you know what words mean

>> No.9638909

You have to transfer a save for that I think