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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 121 KB, 512x480, MV5BZTg1MzBiMmItYWRiYi00NmRkLTg5MjQtNTdjNWNlNWFhYTdkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjg0Mjk4Mzc@._V1_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9619340 No.9619340 [Reply] [Original]

How do I git gud at my age?

>> No.9619346

By playing the game

>> No.9619490

There's a channel on youtube called "U Can Beat Video Games" where he autistically goes through every single step and secret in old games. He's done most of the NES megaman games. Watch that and then just play a lot.

>> No.9619517

Yeah, stumbled upon it a couple times. I thought it was a pretty cool concept

>> No.9619523

at mega man? really it's just about learning the boss patterns and not panicking, takes a while the first few times (some more or less than others, the wily fight in 9 took me hours the first time) but once you know how the pattern works and how to execute it, it's not too bad. also use etanks if you're not already

>> No.9619534


Practice a lot. If that doesn't work, switch to turn-based games, and again, practice a lot. If that doesn't work, switch to JRPGs or visual novels or dating sims and just put in the time; those games don't usually require practice.

>> No.9619608
File: 184 KB, 437x600, CI_4D2HUYAAkvwG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Practice a lot
this is the truth. especially if you're going in blind. just start up the game pick a level and start playing. experimenting with boss weaknesses is a given, but some of the weapons are pretty helpful in random stages or against enemies. megaman is a little bit of luck but mostly just patterns and weaknesses.

>> No.9619620

I read the sign on her bra as BLACKD, I fucking hate what this website has done to my brain

>> No.9619632

Practice, sleep, and if those fail hard uppers.

>> No.9619938

That image oozes soul

>> No.9620038
File: 1.41 MB, 2928x2368, trin_20210327_032404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much does your setup lag? these games were built for lag-free CRTs. it does make a difference. do some research and configure your emulator / monitor / gamepad / what have you.

>> No.9620040

it oozes skull actually
take a break from this shithole, and go fap to that guy's art when you're horny instead of your weird cuck fetish, it's really good art even aside from the porn aspect, love the style

>> No.9620045

At what age?

Unless you're past 60 you shouldn't have any problems playing games.