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File: 149 KB, 800x774, 276887-metal-gear-solid-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9618629 No.9618629 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who are old enough to remember when MGS released, how did you react when you played it for the first time?

>> No.9618670

Saw the previews for 2 and me and a buddy were floored. He just traded his 64 for a psx and so he picked up a copy of 1. Game was jaw dropping and amazing even w 2 and it’s promising story and amazing graphics on the horizon. No idea how I missed it on initial launch, but playing it before 2 still left me blown away. definitely played metal gear as a kid.

>> No.9618675

*so no idea how I hadn’t heard of it before.

>> No.9618687

"Oh, this is clearly a stealth remake of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake on the MSX2. How quaint. I shall save my money for Thief: The Dark Project."

>> No.9618705

Probably greatest game ever made.

Defining game of the PS1/N64 era.

Even Shigeru Miyamoto was so floored and impressed by it he demanded a remake of it on gamecube.

>> No.9618786

I randomly played it on a Pizza Hut demo disk. I ended up playing that demo more than the game itself, most likely. Same thing with the MGS2 demo.

>> No.9618848

This です

>> No.9618853

>Oh, this is clearly a stealth remake of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake on the MSX2
You didn't know that back in the day.

>> No.9618862

"this game is great, autists are never going to argue about this fact on message boards in 25 years time"

>> No.9618905
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It was fully dubbed in French, German, Spanish, and Italian in PAL regions, so I was really bummed out there wasn't a Portuguese dub, but I was impressed with the demo most people played that only let you play the basement and the first screen past the opening credits. I had only known Metal Gear through the first NES game up to that point. Some MSX owners in Europe (and Brazil) had played the original in its butchered script, but I had only known about it through the vidya magazines in Spanish.

>> No.9618929

From watching the trailer, to playing the demo, to finally getting the game, I was shitting and pissing myself a hundred times over. It's the reason why I bought a PlayStation (and thank god for that or else I would be a cringe PC drone).

>> No.9619181

>I parrot my opinions from Daniel "Razorcuck" Harris.

This. Nobody outside Japanese computer nerds even knew of the original Metal Gears, much less what an MSX was. The NES Metal Gear and Snake's Revenge were the only Metal Gears that yanks knew of before Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.9619196

It's a great game, but I think people are just angry that Hideo Kojima turned out to be a huge Hollywood starfucker (although there was always signs of that, even in his early work), that they either want to, discredit the game by arguing that Thief or some other obscure PC game only autistic hipsters give a shit did stealth better or by downplaying Kojima's involvement with MGS1 and overstating the involvement of other people like the CODEC guy or the Zionistic localizer.

>> No.9619213

>wow this waiting simulator is boring but the music is cool

>> No.9619225

I got it when it came out. Was addicted. Would play it before and after school constantly. Was amazing. But why I was falling down the MGS rabbit hole, all my friends were getting into this thing called Pocket Monsters are some shit

>> No.9619230

>waiting simulator
>Not using the silenced SOCOM and Sniper Rifle to snipe every soldier before going to the next map.

>> No.9619260

>I think people are just angry that Hideo Kojima turned out to be a huge Hollywood starfucker
He's always been a big fuckin nerd, though. He was clearly a child who daydreamed about all his favorite movie stars being in his insane fantasies, never grew up, and finally earned enough fame to make it happen for real.

>> No.9619269

>He was clearly a child who daydreamed about all his favorite movie stars being in his insane fantasies, never grew up, and finally earned enough fame to make it happen for real.
And that's why I love him for that. Which other game director can you think of who would bring his childhood crush out of retirement, deage her and make her a character in an overproduced AAA deliveryman simulator?

>> No.9619279

100%. Kojima doesn't do everything well, and he'd definitely "benefit" from a pretty strict editor, but you always know you're going to get some weird Kojima shit and you'll remember it.
The older I get, the more tired I become with the same old formulas and shit in games, so the wild bullshit he's convincing publishers to sink money into is welcome to me.

>> No.9619280
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Snake almost shot a couple of child soldiers in central america shortly after this game.

>> No.9619287

>be me. 9 years old.
>weekly Blockbuster trip
>be browsing games with my Dad
>Dad gets excited and tells me to quickly grab the game
>grab the rental. The display case it just a stark white box with the title Metal Gear Solid
>I have no idea what it is, but I keep hold of the rental and just keep browsing games
>get home and try out the new rentals. I start Metal Gear Solid.
>Dad watching over my shoulder
>pretty sure I skip the opening cinematic. I used to skip the story stuff in most games
>I did watch the codec call though and the main character sounded cool as fuck
>opening dock level
>"How do I shoot? Where is my gun?" I ask
>get spotted and instantly killed
>My dad chimes in. "You gotta hide in this game"
>my mind is instantly blown. It's like I discovered fire for the first time.
>You have to understand that up until this, I had only really played platformers like Crash Bandicoot, Pandamonium, etc
>MGS was just on a whole other level. It made me want to watch the cinematics. The voice acting was so far beyond anything else that I had played. The entire game was just engrossing

>> No.9619293

I was pretty underwhelmed technically as I had a Pentium II at the time and was a late PS1 adopter, but the sheer presentational effort and skill and boss fights made up for it.

>> No.9619309

the demo was already groundbreaking. but the full game and all the 4th wall breaking stuff was mindblowing. I was completely under psycho mantis' control and put my controller on the floor waiting for idk what.

>> No.9619313

>Kojima doesn't do everything well, and he'd definitely "benefit" from a pretty strict editor,
Ah, yes, the George Lucas fallacy. Nevermind the fact that MGS4, PW, V and Death Stranding all had more co-writers than all of his early work (Snatcher and Policenauts were all him).

>> No.9619319

>implying anyone here played his games in japanese and not in interpretations of translators

>> No.9619327

Oh come on now how much subtext are we really missing, honestly?

>> No.9619336

English version censored the part about Mei Ling staring in WMAF porno

>> No.9619337

it was cool, but to be fair it felt like it was imposed on me.
extremely hyped, i wast so thrilled by the gameplay, to be honest i preferred platformers at the time but the athmosphere was good also the colour pallette. the story was kind of gay at times but it was ok over all

>> No.9619343

I did.
You're joking, but Snatcher had a lot of raunchy stuff that got edited out from the English release like how you could show off your penis to the grieving daughter of the fellow JUNKER agent that gets killed during the game's first act.

>> No.9619348

>You're joking, but Snatcher had a lot of raunchy stuff that got edited out from the English release

What what? I thought the english version was already quite bad at times.

But then I read your spoiler... Jesus Christ

>> No.9619353

I had a pirate copy, so Meryl's codec frequency filtered me until I went online and managed to find it.

>> No.9619362

I'm surprised nobody just tried out every frequency number until they got the right one. That's what I did.

>> No.9619364

Policenauts also allows you to objectify and sexually harass every female NPC in the game too including your ex-wife's daughter, who turns out to be your kid in the game's ending.

>> No.9619365

>dude says the frequency is on the disc
>select the disc
>it shows up in the codec
It was that easy

>> No.9619373

This was literally the first stealth game I ever played, and I'm not a native english speaker, so I didn't understand anything, I just kept getting caught by the guards on the first screen, never got to the elevator and just dropped the game.

>> No.9619376

I just remember seeing the production credits during the intro cutscene and thinking 'hey, this is pretty stylish'. I'd never seen anything like that in a game before.

>> No.9619378

Played the demo that came with Official UK PSM. Utterly blown away, I immediately bought the game the second I saw it on a shelf.

Zero regrets, I played through the whole thing three times over, back to back.

The level of presentation and cinematography in MGS was in a league of its own at the time. It seriously stood out, and the fact that it was done with the in-game engine showed just what a collosal waste of time all of those pre-rendered videos we'd become used to had been.

The actual gameplay is pretty basic , but my god, what a polished experience the game was for 1998. There was nothing else on that level back then.

'Style over substance' could be a valid criticism, but stealth as a core gameplay mechanic was so rare to see back then that even MGS' simple implementation of it was perfectly fresh.

>> No.9619381

I was a kid and my older brother bought the game home one day, I watched him play most of the main game but I never played it until years later - I was however completely obsessed with the VR missions disc at the time of the game being new.

>> No.9620273
File: 44 KB, 600x338, 5ADA97E7-43CE-4D13-8239-C44ECF2E193C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What disc are you thinking about? And I don't see how that could filter anyone in piracy, when you can try each frequency in less than 5 minutes until you stumble upon Meryl's. That is what people using burnt copies did over here. It is not even as painful as playing Startropics without the letter you are supposed to wet to get the frequency code. Trying thr three digit combinations one by one until you get to 747, must have been a nightmare. Unlike codec call brute forcing, you had to wait longer to try another one.

>> No.9620330

Meryl's frequency shows up in the codec when you equip the disc the armstech president gives you, you don't need to look at the back of the game.

>> No.9620376

Do you have a video or gif source for that? First I heard of it, all the online searches about the optical disc don't mention anything about it being used, like, for anything, at least in the PS1 version. Is it a Twin Snakes thing? I haven't played that one to confirm.

>> No.9620402


>> No.9620407 [DELETED] 

I noticed that mgs appealed to people appealed that weren't typically into traditional games though not the way you'd think it being a movie game, more of a quasi dad game. my brothers played super mario bros and dkc but beyond that the only games I remember them being into were driving, sports, a couple old flight sims, a couple fighting games, they basically liked games where you were doing a recognizable activity instead of running through an abstract gauntlet. if mgs were a game where you just went room to room killing things rapid fire, boss fight, repeat my brothers would have had zero interest. however the slow adventure game like pacing, the optional codec calls, all the tech gimmicks and ways you could fuck with guards, this was very cool to them. Even my dad perked up once when he oversaw us messing around with a cardboard box. my brothers hated raiden in 2 but sticking up guards was something they could for hours.

>> No.9620413

I noticed that mgs appealed to people that weren't typically into traditional games though not the way you'd think it being a movie game, more in it being a quasi dad game. I remember my brothers playing a few of the big 3rd and 4th gen platformers like super mario bros and dkc but mainly the games I remember them being into were driving, sports, a couple old flight sims, a couple fighting games, basically games where you were doing a recognizable activity instead of running through an abstract gauntlet. if mgs were a game where you just went room to room killing things rapid fire, boss fight, repeat my brothers would have had zero interest. however the slow adventure game like pacing, the optional codec calls, all the tech gimmicks and ways you could fuck with guards, this was very cool to them. Even my dad perked up once when he oversaw us messing around with a cardboard box. my brothers hated raiden in 2 but sticking up guards was something they could do for hours.

>> No.9620452
File: 974 KB, 255x138, breddy gud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laugh all you want at the melodrama and Kojimaisms but at the time, there had never been any mainstream game that excelled to that extent in terms of writing and voice acting and gameplay. FFVII had a great story and everyone loved the characters but there was a certain cartoonishness to it and everything was rendered purely in text on in pre-rendered cutscenes where no one spoke. Resident Evil was very cinematic but the "acting" was cheesy and amateurish. The Characters in MGS were the first, for a lot of people, where you felt like there was a genuine performance behind it, with actual voice acting like you'd find in an animated film and not just some guy reading off a cue card. It felt like an important threshold had been crossed. It was a benchmark for quality.

And it was also a good game that didn't play like anything else. Stealth was an underutilized mechanic so a game based around it seemed fresh and unique. It had memorable bosses, tons of cool gadgets, challenging but fair difficulty...it was just mild-blowing. Now I find it a little slow and limited but still very playable. At the time, I'd never seen anything like the total package this game offered. Zoomers will never understand the feel of fighting Psycho Mantis for the first time, being freaked out y him reading your memory card and having to figure out his gimmick. That kind of shit was unprecedented.

>> No.9620457
File: 8 KB, 240x240, 1664841519560870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I never knew this was a thing. I always had the case so I never had to try figuring it out any other way.

>> No.9620506

I got filtered at like 9 years old, came back at 14/15 years old and had a good time. :P

>> No.9620508

saaaaame. I still have a couple of those demo discs.

>> No.9620557

>12 years old
>Never ever heard of MGS before (I got a Master System, not a Nintendo)
>Usually spend most weekends at my best friends house
>His older brother is a shut in who knows everything about wrestling and vidya
>Weekend of release he is playing it
>Can't believe the stealth gameplay.
>Watch him play through about 1/2 the game
>Go home and get my mom to buy it for me.
>Finish it while my next door neighbour watches.
>He is like me the first time i saw it.
>Let him borrow it after i finish.
>Both of us finish it 2 or 3 times over the next 3 months.
>Some of the best gaming memories of my life.

That and FF7 which was virtually the same story as above.

>> No.9620595

It was great but I had retarded friends who couldn't get out of the first area

>> No.9620645

Fuck me, La Creative Dad strikes again, this is insane.

>> No.9620649

It was fun. I spent a good hour in the part right after you go up the elevator in beginning, running around, sneaking up behind the guards and choking them to death.

The dialogue was a bit melodramatic. It felt a bit pretentious in the way it seemed to take itself so seriously, even though the writing was only at the level of an 90s action movie. But... well, some 90s action movies are quite enjoyable.

>> No.9620651
File: 1.42 MB, 370x335, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9621107

It always made more sense to me. Forcing you to look for clues outside of the game would be just bad game design.

>> No.9621292
File: 88 KB, 227x194, 143930CC-0944-435A-8171-9D32B7F6544F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stand corrected. Fuck me, well played.

>> No.9621340

I played the demo on one of those demo discs and was hooked immediately, bought it the day it came out.

>> No.9621453

Doesn't Meryl's number just show up automatically after you call Campbell around four or five times?

>> No.9622695


>> No.9622904

I played it when I was maybe 12 and adored it. It was so fucking cool. Having been a Nintendo kid, it was so dramatically edgy and badass. The storyline was absolutely enthralling. The music is still catchy. The voice acting was amazing. I even enjoyed the gameplay--especially the VR missions. It was a 10/10 banger for me. I'd imagine it would take something like an insanely good jump in VR to make me feel something like that again. To go from something like DK Country to this.

Having said all that, it aged very meh and I don't think about it much anymore. Blew my socks off as a kid though.

>> No.9622982

I remember being sooo fucking hyped by an article in the Playstation Magazine, it seemed extraordinary and I wasn't disappointed when it was released. My faggot friend literally spoiled me the ending by bringing his memory card at my home one afternoon though.