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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9612987 No.9612987 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever done it? I knew some guys back in college that would take old Xboxes and kit them out with a new hdd full of games and repair the bleeding capacitors but personally the only time i've ever fucked with hardware was replacing the fan in my PS4 that shattered from wear and overuse because it was a £10 job sony wanted to charge me £125 for.

But i've found my old Gameboy colour that still works and i've been tempted to try kitting it out with a new backlit screen, rechargable battery and a shell without 20 years of wear and tear.

That said the soldering seems intimidating but probably just something i need to learn and practice with lest i cause some electrical hazard like those indian youtubers that are still alive god knows how many shocks and singes later.

Have you taken one of your retro console and modded it? i remember Dreamcast and Saturns with disk drives replaced by an iso booting memory stick was a big thing a few years ago but i don't hear of that one much anymore.

>> No.9613025

I disabled the region lock on my NES, removed the plastic tabs from my SNES cart slot to accomodate Jap SFC games, modded a PS1 controller to play on the Snes, installed a 500 GB HDD inside my fat PS2. I think that's it as far as /vr/ goes, my Wii is also homebrewed. All well-documented, run of the mill pedestrian stuff other than the modded PS controller I think.

>> No.9613074

I remember back in 2008ish a friend buying an external 250gb hard drive to homebrew channel is wii and the fucking thing was bigger than his wii and required its own plug into the mains.

>> No.9613370

adding a backlit screen to my GBC made me realize how much i actually dislike game boy games and just tolerated them as a kid because i had nothing else to do during long car rides.
thankfully i was able to recoup the cost by selling it to some zoomie.

>> No.9613381
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neo geo pocket and wanderswan was too good for the west.

>> No.9613402

I guess it's still cool to have working real hardware, but once you're replacing screens it seems like you'd be better off just emulating. I recently busted out the GBC after decades of not using it and was surprised at just how much I hate the form factor. It just sucks to hold.

I had never actually seen what these looked like until recent years. I just remembered seeing it mentioned in some Digimon magazine because it had games, but having no idea what the hell they were talking about. I think I assumed it was similar to the V-pets, where it was a dedicated machine for the game.

>> No.9613406

sometimes its nice to have a actual handheld even if its running an everdrive type deal. But it depends on the hardware. Like psp 3000 or later? nice slim console in all sorts of colors. Original psp? thats a fucking brick that gives you hand cramps.

>> No.9613417

I'm a big "handheld games on handheld devices" guy. I've been using my Vita for GB&C games lately and I'm really enjoying it.
>Original psp? thats a fucking brick that gives you hand cramps.
Man, no shit. I loved that thing, but I can't believe how heavy it was. The 3000 is great, despite the weird screen issues. I'd actually be using that instead of the Vita for these games because the buttons are more similar to real GB buttons, but I was having worse luck with emulators.
I wish I could stand playing them on a 3DS, but the D-pad placement and wasted second screen bother me too much.

>> No.9613428

i just hate the vitas tiny ass buttons on the right and wierd "wobbly shoulders".

>> No.9613437

I don't love their size, but I do like how they feel. Maybe it's just my PSP, but I don't think the shoulder buttons feel all that different. I think I like the shape of the PSP ones more, though.
This is making me want to try setting up GB emulators on it again, but I would probably miss the shader I'm using on the Vita.

>> No.9613452

Yeah, installed backlight on a few GBP and GBC consoles (protip: them Chinese kits sometimes forget about insulating cables, but require you to bend them and they end up touching each other producing graphical artifacts - put some electrical tape in-between, problem solved), swapped cases for a bunch of retro consoles too - that's always fun. Made custom controllers by swapping parts from limited edition gamepads that were broken and coming up with some funky designs in the process. Just yesterday I took apart a PS2 (fat model), installed a new CMOS battery, softmodded it to run games off the HDD and removed the optical disc drive, because it was totally fucked and the console would boot up sounding like an aeroplane engine every single time. So now it has a gaping hole in the front, but it just werks and is silent too. I'll have to figure out what to put there. Could get one of them OEM trays with a PS logo you can rotate, remove the front bit and glue it to the console, but ordering a custom made, properly sized black plastic rectangle would be cheaper, so I might do that instead. Not sure yet.

>> No.9613462

The soldering usually isn't that hard. Especially for things like gameboy mods. Attaching the lens to the screen without getting any dust on it, while keeping it properly centered though...

>> No.9613465

Also forgot to add, taking apart the PS2 was mighty fucking annoying. First time I've done it. Whole process probably took me like three hours? This also includes cleaning up the insides etc., but still - damn Sony. If I'll ever have to do it again though, it should be much quicker since I'll know exactly what to do now. All of that said, I ended up with two "extra" screws after I was done. No clue, lol. But hey, it works!

>> No.9613472

I was surprised when i took my ps4 apart to repair it that its basically just the board suspended by two metal plates you plug a hdd, optical drive, fan and wifi antenna into. it took more time getting all the fucking screws -of four different varieties- out of the plate to just unclip everything, swap out the broken fan, then clip it back together and test it.

>> No.9613484

Yeah keeping the screens centered is a bitch,I highly recommend getting some spacers online.

>> No.9613491

Fucking Hell, Sony loves their screws don't they? Three different types for the PS2, with one of them coming in different lenghts. Entirely different ones used for the optical drive too, but didn't care about that since it went straight into the trash. But lol, yeah, guess some things never change.

>> No.9613504

I tried removing the plastic screw hole covers without breaking them. Ended up breaking like half of them anyway.

That and the damn controller port ribbon cable bend radius being way too tight are the major design flaws I remember from the PS2.

>> No.9613536

Oh yeah they suck, two of them snapped just a little bit (out of the four "arms" holding them individual plastic bits together, I lost one and two respectively on two of them, thankfully they went straight back in and seem to be holding up just fine), I actually thought to myself "why the fuck wouldn't they just use the rubber ones for all the holes?". And funny you should mention the controller / memory card port cable too, because if there is one thing I was super sketched out about, it was that.

>> No.9613594

DS tv out diy mod
Wii vga mod
PS3 delid + overclock (software) + sdd swap (not a mod)
Today I was doing a MX4SIO internal mod to a Slim PS2, but it doesn't seem to work :(
Next mod I'd like to do is PS2 ultra slim.

all the mods I do are completely diy, no kits, ribbon cables, etc... (maybe 3d printing a bit)

The fun in modding old consoles is to take out everything they had to offer, if I were to put money into this, it would be better to emulate. (Also a big waste of money, as I rarely use my consoles).

>> No.9613626

>but it doesn't seem to work
As in? What's the issue anon?

>Next mod I'd like to do is PS2 ultra slim
This one:

I wouldn't mind one myself, looks way fucking cool and saves fuckloads of space.

>> No.9613667

I remember tearing apart my xbox 360 and cleaning out shitloads of cat hair and fixing the RROD. Even the radioshack employee who sold the thermal paste smugly asked me if I was doing that. It worked for a few more years until the video card melted.
Modding the original xbox is a great experience, if only for putting a huge hard drive on it and custom firmware. That thing is a monument to modern media players.
The PS2 has physical locks that you can bypass. The PSP with pandora batteries as well. The whole modchipping scene is now popular with Switch consoles. Now a freemcboot card can be bought easily and do everything you want.
I’ve heard of DJs modding game boy colors to output MIDI and using them as chiptune effects. It’s a very niche genre but I think people here can at least appreciate sounds from original hardware.
The PortableWii scene is interesting. Very interesting. There’s a whole world here to explore.

>> No.9613964

>spray paint on circuit board

>> No.9614156

It's just paint, bro.

>> No.9614197
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I wanna do more mods and get my feet wet with soldering, but man the thought of fucking up beyond repair always puts me off of it. It doesn't help that I don't know what constitutes as "entry-level" modding projects for soldering
I at least have a station though

>> No.9614224

Literally anything will trigger nintendo autists lol

>> No.9614232

>I wanna do more mods and get my feet wet with soldering, but man the thought of fucking up beyond repair always puts me off of it.
The good news A. Is that you'd have to be an intense retard to irreparably break anything. 99% of mistakes you can fix.
And B. You can just buy another device if you brick yours. We're talking about fixing electronic toys, not restoring renaissance paintings.

>> No.9614320

I've found a cheap GBA near me, but I don't know what I'd want the shell/button color scheme to be, so I haven't bought it. Also, most of the new shells I've found online don't have the unaltered nintendo logo at the top, which sucks,
I'd rather mod a Gameboy Color anyway, since I already have a pretty nice AGS-101 SP.

>> No.9614421
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I did the backlight/bivert mod on these two Gameboys. Other than that, really minor stuff like replacing the Dreamcast clock battery with a button cell holder, and removing the clock cap, upgrading the HDD and "jailbreaking" an OG Xbox.

>> No.9614598

buy soldering practice kits to practice with

>> No.9614709

Wouldn't know about GBA, but back when I modded my GBC I ordered a shell from AliExpress and it came with the Nintendo logo, even though it wasn't visible in the product pictures. Some of these Chinese sellers know exactly what you want and they provide, but they cannot admit to it outright.

>> No.9614712

Yeah, AliExpress sellers are usually good with that kinda stuff, but the quality can suck balls. I have AliExpress plates for my "New" 3DS XL and they feel really cheap. Also, I'd like to get a shell that doesn't need to be altered to fit an IPS screen, but I guess altering it myself wouldn't be that hard, just tedious.

>> No.9614881

I've done a bunch of mods. Here's a brief list:
Famicom composite (worthless*)
Mega drive 60Hz (worthless*)
Gameboy backlight/bivert (mediocre, lots of ghosting, angles are fucky)
GBA chink AGS-101 swap (great to look at, but holding a GBA isn't comfortable as an adult)
PS1 modchip (worthless*)
Dreamcast GD-emu, fan swap (great, although the fan swap needed some extra work)
N64 RGB mod (great)
Xbox 128mb swap (worthless, I wanted to play VC3 but there's no good way to get a lightgun working on it)
Switch joycon d-pad shell (inferior shiny plastic, but having a d-pad is too important. I use them in the grip anyway, so you barely notice it)

PS2 freeMCboot, HDD>SD adapter (great)
Xbox softmod (great)
Wii softmod (great)

All the worthless* are for mods that were superseded by MiSTer, at the time they were okay.

>> No.9614946

To be fair it is covering up all the connection labels which would make repairs more annoying.

>> No.9615008

Can someone recommend me a soldering kit and way to practice? I wanna start modding handhelds and replacing batteries, but I have no soldering experience beyond horribly soldering a couple of wires in a class when I was 13.
UK btw.

>> No.9615019

I'd recommend just grabbing some old electronic devices you don't care about anymore and going wild on these. Also good luck, it's really hard the first time around, gets progressively easier with time, but yeah... Don't tackle any projects until you're ready. First time I've soldered was when I was trying to install a new speaker on the GameBoy Pocket, didn't realise how fast the soldering iron heats up. Looked away for a few seconds (think the cat was doing something stupid) and I ended up burning the fuck out of the PCB. Derp.

>> No.9615020

Buy a soldering iron (ideally one with temp control), buy one of those little copper wire cleaning balls, buy some solder. You're done, now go try and solder shit to and from random old crap you have lying around until you get the idea.

Soldering is easy as shit. Soldering neatly? That's a different story, but you can get away with fairly ugly joints no problem, just give them a bit of a tug to check.

>> No.9615024

>buy one of those little copper wire cleaning balls
These are really nice to have, but you can also just buy a pack of steel scourers for like a quid and shove one of them into a mug you're not using anymore.

>> No.9615026

Oh and with this...
>Soldering neatly?
...I'd recommend either getting a desoldering pump (basically it sucks up the solder after you heat it up) or better yet, a desoldering gun - which is basically a combination of a soldering iron and a pump in one device.

>> No.9615052

My copper ball was like a dollar with a nice little metal holder for it.

I've got a pump, it's garbage, same with the wick. If you're planning on removing chips, get a gun. If you're like the other 99% of people and the most you're ever going to desolder is a capacitor, there's no point.

>> No.9615071

>Buy a soldering iron (ideally one with temp control)
Link me something good

>> No.9615076

Yeah, I modded both my GBA and SP.
SP: New shell, buttons, and stickers.
GBA: New shell, stickers, backlit screen, USB-C rechargeable battery.

Yeah, there's nothing worth playing on the GB/GBC.
Pokemon pre gen 3 is a nostalgia meme.
GBA is more tolerable, though it's still hard to find good games.

>> No.9615116

I bought a cheap chink one for 30 bucks like 10 years ago, who knows what's good now.

>> No.9615118

God that GBC looks so beautiful
Too bad it has no games worth playing

>> No.9615132

>Dragon Warrior Monsters
>Links Awakening
>Pokemon Gold and Silver
>Harvest Moon
>Legend of the River King
>Super Mario Land
>Dragon Warrior 1-3
>Micro Machines
>Metal Gear Solid Ghost Babel
>Resident Evil Gaiden
>Pokemon Pinball
>Survival Kids
>Oracle of Ages/Seasons
>R type DX
>Perfect Dark
just looking at the shelf by my desk alone.

>> No.9615341

So no games worth playing

>> No.9615342

Anyone know where I can get an original-looking pre-cut spice orange GBA shell?

>> No.9615397


>> No.9615413

I’ve done a lot of mods. Video out, back up playing off HDDs and ODEs; after market screens/shells, and recap jobs. Sometimes I think I enjoy modding things more than playing them.

>> No.9615424

How do you make new external connections not look like garbo? i see people do like hdmi out on gameboys and they just cut a rough square and file it a bit and call it good.

What about sandiing and polishing? or creating some kind of seal with epoxy or something.

>> No.9615840

nta, but there are a lot of ways. These days I almost always use a cnc. There are just so many advantages to it that it's hardly worth fucking around with anything else. But with skill and patience you can get good results with drills and files and shit. I did that for a long time.

>> No.9616076

>Sometimes I think I enjoy modding things more than playing them
I feel that way with softmodding, even. I've softmodded most of my stuff just to future proof them. I had fun doing it, but haven't played some of those platforms since.

>> No.9616607
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I've done a bunch now. I love it. Now my favorite hobby. New screens, replacing capacitors, upgrading controller boards. I recommend a hot air rework station too.

>> No.9616652

Idk, could be my low quality micro sd(s), or maybe the micro sd to full size sd that I cannibalized doesn't work

Btw yes, that is the ps2 ultra slim mod I want to try

>> No.9616778

Is there any chance that you're using a microSDHC card with an old microSD to SD adapter? I have quite a few of these around the house and some of them simply refuse to work with the faster/newer microSDHC cards. Worst case scenario, you could consider using a small form factor USB drive, like proper tiny one that won't stick out of the PS2 and booting games through OPL straght from that. Them tiny USB sticks come in really large sizes (capacity-wise I mean) nowadays, they cost next to nothing and you really don't have to worry about read and write speeds, because the PS2 won't get faster than 1mb/s, which is still faster than using discs.

>> No.9616959

impressive, very nice.

>> No.9617209

I find a lot of that stuff boring and tedious. But I develop and build a lot of my own mods and that's really a lot of fun.

>> No.9617310

Buy someone else's console for $60, or buy some of those practice kits. I went from being terrified of doing this work in 2019 to recapping all the shit I own with nice derated tantalums.

>> No.9617385

Is it possible to take a GBC shell and have it play both GBC and GBA carts? I don't know wtf it would look like but I feel like someone has to have tried to do that or something similar

>> No.9617408 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9617409
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>> No.9617570

U wut m8? You mean like putting an entire GameBoy Advance into a GBC shell for the form factor alone? Original one wouldn't work for obvious reasons (Xbox-huge), GBA SP's motherboard is slightly wider than the GBC so that's out of question as well, maybe a GameBoy Micro? Even if it could fit though, there would be so much work involved in getting it to work nicely, it wouldn't be worth your time and effort. Other than rerouting the controls to GBC buttons and cutting the fuck out of the inside of the shell to squeeze all of that shit in, there's shoulder buttons you'd have to worry about.

TL:DR - I wanna say "no", with a slight chance of "yes" if you're both dedicated and autistic enough to make it work.

>> No.9617578
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No. The shell doesn't play anything. It's the electronics inside that do that.

>> No.9617593

If that's what you wanna tell yourself

>> No.9617596

I might have seen something like that on Instagram.
I'll quickly look for you in my screenshots.

>> No.9617614

Kill yourself

>> No.9617616

Make me

>> No.9617676

yo i just saw the ultra slim ps2 and have been meaning to do an mx4sio internal mod

>> No.9617694

like the other guy said, the nintendo boards aren't likely to fit, so at that point you're basically describing some kind of chinesium clone console or the analogue pocket

>> No.9617784
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If you don’t mind emulation, there’s more than a few game boy shaped portables. Most are DIY and made from raspberry pi zeros/picos. Some used the CM4 which has good enough power to emulate N64 as pictured. Since raspberry pi’s market popped though you’ll be looking at clones.
Anyway the DIY aspect isn’t that hard, there’s even custom PCBs that pretty much take out all the thinking.
Of course maybe you should ignore this and just use an android phone.

>> No.9617821

from the thumbnail I tought it was transparent, and it had beans in it. kek

>> No.9617870

You could just do a new PCB designed to fit in whatever you wanted and use the CPU and any anything else you don't want to replace with new parts from the original. Since this has already been done it's obviously possible. You can also make a lot of improvements while you're at it. You'll also need to come up with some way to deal with L/R. Probably butcher the back of the case to add them at the top of the battery cover. That's no longer needed as you now use an internal rechargeable battery that lasts for >9k hours.

>> No.9617871
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closest thing to what you're asking for is probably an "unhinged" GBA SP. So named for how you'd have to be to think making one is a good idea.

>> No.9617959

Right, but would it be worth the time and the financial investment required? IMHO not really.

>So named for how you'd have to be to think making one is a good idea
Kek, exactly. Like this particular mod, at least to me, accomplishes nothing. If anything you just lost some of the portability factor. I can understand stuff like the Game Boy Macro - you had a fucked DS, you've managed to stll get some life out of it. This? Ehh...

>> No.9617970
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>gb macro 2ds edition

>> No.9618158

Wouldn't be worth wasting time on doing it for a GBC shell even if I was being paid. However, at some point I'm hoping to do this for a micro shell. It's a little small for my taste but having an un-cucked micro would be awesome. This shit isn't nearly as complicated and expensive as you imagine. Provided you know what you're doing.

>> No.9618172

USB loading with OPL sucks sadly...

so mx4sio is the best option for slim (without considering ethernet)

Mx4sio should work with class 10 microsdhc

I need to verify this weekend

>> No.9618280

I haven't done a whole lot, but I'd like to eventually get into deeper shit. I've basically just taken apart controllers and cleaned them or replaced buttons and sticks. I did fuck up a Wii U gamepad once by accidentally snapping off the wire to the motherboard. Probably not an overly difficult fix, but some fucker on ebay was selling a gamepad for an outrageous price on ebay, so I just bought that, swapped the backs and serials, and sent it back claiming that it didn't work. Kinda sleezy, but fuck that guy.

I'd like to learn more like soldering and shit since these things are only getting older and more expensive to buy. My trusty CRT is having issues too lately where I have to just slap the back and sometimes it fixes itself.

>> No.9618359
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What I call my demon 2600, just some red LED's behind the power and reset button and also near that speaker grill in the middle. Also has the etim rgb mod but I just use it for composite, looks super sharp so definitely worth it.

I got the funny playing gbc mod laminated screen, looks amazing. I got a cheap gba screen from china and it had screen tearing so check what you are buying. The soldering is for the little switch to change modes, just a touch for a second is all you need. I certainly ruined stuff my first few months soldering.

I've done plenty of bad mods like cut holes consoles because I didn't know you could get the cables. I overclocked the n64 but got rid of the heatsink and replaced it with a cooling with a fan, should have just kept the cooling stock.

GBC games are generally worse with a lot of non games but there is some good stuff like the wario land colour hack. I don't like running gb on gbc because the colours look poorer.

No, its great.

I did that and its great, a different feel to a new screeen. They are all good for different games.

>> No.9618440
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Modding and repairing retro is my #sigmagrindset side hustle. There's a lot of people with deep pockets who are terrified of soldering or just don't want to learn it. Join a retro game Facebook group and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.9618526

Why not consider ethernet?
For that matter, why not consider IDE? Solderlet?

>> No.9618737
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Gameboy Color screen mod is really ez, if u got the tools and the time, just go for it !

i think i followed this tutorial:


pic rel: mine

>> No.9619285

Don't go for it, the added input lag is terrible. Buy a chink handheld emulator instead and leave the poor gameboys alone.

>> No.9619316

I do not wish to modify, only repair. There are a few things on my list in need of fixing, but I've barely any experience in such regards. What would be a good set of tools you suggest, /vr/?

>> No.9619317

>USB loading with OPL sucks sadly
Are you using the latest beta release, one supporting ZSO compressed games? I'm getting really good results, to the point I may just stop using the HDD in my fat altogether. Getting real tired of randomly corrupted data when adding new games, happened quite a few times already with different drives (swapped them just to make sure that wasn't the issue) and while it's an easy fix (format the whole drive in uLaunchElf and move everything you wanna play to HDD in one go using HDL Batch Installer) it gets annoying when partitions get messed up because you've added or removed a singular title, because it's time consuming to get it right. Again, piss easy, just takes way too fucking long.With the USB stick and the newest OPL I honestly haven't had any issues as of yet.

>> No.9619379 [DELETED] 


>> No.9619605

I actually have pretty good soldering skills, but I don't like putting THAT MUCH effort on a console that I play ten times a year
I actually haven't heard of this latest beta, thanks a lot :)

>> No.9620072

Anyone done one of the laminated ITA screen mods for a GBA? Seems like a better option than IPS, but does it still have more input lag than an original screen?
Also, any suggestions on where to get a new shell? The places I've been looking don't have any replacement Glacier ones.

>> No.9621403

The hardest part is finding a reasonably-priced gameboy color.

>> No.9621460

GBCs are one of the most populous and cheapest you can get. 60 can get you a mint condition, cheaper for flaws that don't matter because you're missing it.

Physical stores charge 100usd for a GBC and that is highway robbery. Shop eBay and sendico.

>> No.9621461

Modding, thanks autocorrect

>> No.9621465

I've been looking on Facebook Marketplace for a couple weeks and I haven't found one below £55, but I know a guy who recently got one off there for £35. I already have one, but I wanna keep this one original.

>> No.9622812

I'm back and I found what you want.
There's someone called haihaisb on Instagram who does exactly that.
Just go to his account and you'll see the pinned posts are exactly what you want.

>> No.9622876
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Yes So far I've modded three of my systems (pic related)
>AGS-101 modded GBA
>Three way region switch modded Mega Drive
>Dreamcast fitted with a GDEMU and DreamPSU

>> No.9622936

What’s a good portable emulation machine that can go up to n64? Idc what the shape is.

>> No.9623003

the best part of console and handheld modding is softmodding them to play everything off a SD/hdd/flash cart. the retro game market is a fucking joke now. ill go to used game stores just to see if theres any unique hardware worth buying but im not paying meme prices just for some nostalgiafagging unless maybe the game had a unique cart that looks neat.

>> No.9623016

Gpd win 3

>> No.9623023

take stock of what actually needs to be repaired in your shit and just buy whatever on aliexpress and ebay. all you really need is the non-standard screwdriver bits to open mostly nintendos shit and a soldering iron to do 90% of repairs.

>> No.9623024

>CFW Vita
>CFW New 3DS
That's a metric ton of games to play.

>> No.9623036

3DS is such a powerhouse with CFW, between NDS library and then virtual console injection for all of gameboy you could have a life time of video gaming on it. My only problem is the older i get the less i want to crane my neck to play a portable in my free time. It would be pretty comfy to take with you on a multi month adventure or if you had a job that involved a ton of flying or rail travel.

>> No.9623049

I don't really like the DS family for anything that doesn't use two screens, personally. That and scaling depending on model, lack of GameBoy dot matrix filters, and the 3DS having the nub prominent instead of the d-pad. I use the Vita for those. But if it was your only handheld, you'd be very well off with everything on one machine.

>> No.9623126

Too bad it's still a 3DS, i.e. an uncomfortable piece of shit. It never felt right in my hands unfortunately, because the system has a lot of great games and powerful homebrew.

>> No.9623141
File: 574 KB, 3824x2876, 6zcmdimnf6k31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will forever hate the modders that destroy perfectly working systems and drive up their value.

>> No.9623147

they made fuck tons of DS lites dude, they arent valuable at all.

>> No.9623406

>using the worse of the two screens

>> No.9623617

>complaining that someone spruced up what happened to literally everyone's DS at least once

I'm willing to bet cash money that there are 10s of 1000s of DSs of every model that are already in this shape that would work just fine as backlit GBAs. And since the 2nd hand market is still fucked up, I'd gladly pay $30 for one of these.

>> No.9623652

ive got ODEs on all of my disc based consoles. I feel like that is sort a requirement if you're gaming on OG hardware nowadays

>> No.9623710
File: 1.05 MB, 928x613, abomination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've modded and repaired a ton of systems and games that were on their last legs. I do it to try to keep as much vidya from going into the trash bin.
I still feel really bad about mods that irreversibly change the OG hardware tho.
For example I found a Atari 2600 6 switcher and have been cleaning it this week. I now got it running, but a composite mod would be nice and easy to do...
But I would just feel conflicted about it since there is only so many left in the world, history, etc.
At the end of the day it's your stuff, do what you want. Some mods are pretty cool... but have some class.
If its broke and you don't want it- give or sell it to someone who is capable of fixing it.
Don't be the person that spray paints consoles gold and slaps leds on them, or guts a nes and puts a raspberry pi in it to show "how much of a quirky geek you are!" or the fuck ever.

>> No.9624156

>playing DS games on 3DS

>> No.9624178

That mod in particular does at least have some legitimacy, the hinge breaking is a very common failure mode for the DS Lite.

>> No.9625734

am I the only one that likes the original gbc screen ?

>> No.9625784

Not all of us enjoy having to sit perfectly still under ideal lighting whenever we want to play videogames.

>> No.9625789

i have a thing for daylight viewable screens since its pretty comfy to play some gameboy on a nice summer day. I think just buying some aliexpress wormlight or a TFT mod is the best way to go. IPS is kinda a meme

>> No.9625917

it's a lot better than the DMG screen at least, and great in sunlight unlike LCDs made with back lighting in mind

>> No.9627220

I like it for playing GBC games, yes.