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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 193 KB, 900x655, 1365014866265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
961278 No.961278 [Reply] [Original]

Which Mario Party was the best?

The correct answer is 3.

>> No.961284

1: Broken as hell, but that can actually make it funner sometimes.
2: Much improved from the original, but gets boring after a while.
3: The best one for the N64.

Never played any of the later ones. Also, someone should stream some Retardy.

>> No.961281

2 or 3.

>> No.961285


>> No.961292

Did anyone ever actually get blisters by playing the first game? I hear everyone complain about it, but I never had that problem, and I didn't used my palms either like a pussy.

>> No.961306

>and I didn't used my palms either like a pussy.
That's why you idiot.

>> No.961305
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Retardy stream where?

>> No.961308

I fucking hate all of them

But why do I keep playing?

>> No.961313

>don't use your palms
>express confusion about why you didn't get blisters on your palms

>> No.961315
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I got blisters on my thumb. They made it hurt to write at school.

>> No.961319

Alright, /vr/. Who is your main? Broshi master race here.

>> No.961337
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>> No.961345

Either Yoshi of Luigi for me.
I guess I just like the color green.

>> No.961348

TK or Jewario. Speaking of which, somebody should stream Retardy.

>> No.961367


>> No.961380
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>> No.961398

Trolld in newer games, Proshi in older games.

>> No.961416


>> No.961419

My favorite is 2, 3 is pretty good too.

>> No.961421

Donkey Dong

>> No.961424

2 has the best boards.
3 has the best minigames.

>> No.961446

Oh god, Nerd Rage Comic. Just thinking about it makes me upset.

>> No.961630
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>> No.961656
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I'mma gonna ween

>> No.961668
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>no retardy stream

Why did you even post this thread?

>> No.961703
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You guys know we could all be playing mario party together with each other by hooking up our emulators.

I did this with bros from 4chan 2 months ago.

>> No.961759

It's usually laggy as hell though

>> No.961767

Not really, we were playing bumper balls and it was working in real time.

>> No.961989

>God Tier
1, 2, 3

>Great Tier

>Good Tier
4, 5, 7

>Meh Tier

>Fun with Nieces and Nephews and overall people who are not savvy with video games, but not so great with people who actually like Mario Party Games, yet you can still commend Nintendo for trying something new Tier

>> No.961997
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>Using anyone but Wario

>> No.962006
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1 to 3 its Mario. Everything else it's Daisy. I can't NOT pick her. Just look at that smug face. That's the face of a winner.

>> No.962016

Taking out the speech bubbles from the last two or even the final panel will fix this comic.

>> No.962024

Speaking of Daisy, it just feels like that even Nintendo definitely drop her in a corner for good. That's sad, I did like her a lot.

>> No.962031

My waifu Princess Peach, of course.

>> No.962042
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Yeah she's in spin-off hell. That's why I always play as her at any given chance. What sucks though is even if she gets into the main games, she'll most likely be a damsel, which is un-Daisy like in my opinion.

>> No.962096
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Why is he so perfect?

>> No.962138

Nintendo does this to pretty much every character in the Mario universe, despite how awesome it would be to have them show up. When's the last time you've seen Wario in a main game? Hell, I remember when I first heard Luigi was playable in Galaxy, I almost instantly pushed it aside as bullshit until I actually saw it was true.

>> No.962150

2 = 3 > 6 > 7 > 1 > 5 > 8 > DS > 9 even though it's not even fucking mario party at this point > 4

>> No.962153

My friends were never patient enough to sit through a whole fucking game on quick game mode when a copy of smash bros was sitting there begging for us to play it.

It's non-stop action. It's rivalry between my friend on my left who would also play as Samus and the friend on my right that would always play Pikachu. The beam swords to the face. The bob-ombs thrown at a distracted enemy. Actually hitting someone with a homerun bat.

While this cartridge tantalized our minds as we daydreamed, mario would be walking around the board so....slow....ly.

And that's why we only played mario part for only one full game.

>> No.962154
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>> No.962163

Maybe I'm just over analyzing this, but why would he bring the game cartridge with him?

>> No.962164

Pretty much agreeing with most people here

3 is my favorite, hands down
>first MP with multiple items
>Waluigi Island. Never moving from that island where the spaces change every turn
>best minigames, hands down

From there,
Christ, 4 fucking sucked.

>> No.962169

>start collecting all the mario party games
>Get 4 first
>pop it in the GC
>play it once
>turn it off
>never have any desire to play it again

Fuck 4.

>> No.962172

As a kid Yoshi. Now either DK or Peach.

>> No.962170

Our Messiah can break infinite bread and turn water into wine, and you question why he would summon the greatest of all PARTY games to entertain his infinite followers?

>> No.963040

Banned the first from the games nights I do as N64 controllers are getting hard to find cheap

>> No.963095

1 because my friends and I take it semi seriously and its the only one of the first 3 that didn't have LOL HIDDEN STARS.

>> No.963204
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Well Wario has his own game series now. Two in fact - WarioWare style and Wario Land style. That's a bigger leap than appearing in a main Mario title.

>> No.963469
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My friends and I still have mario party tournaments from time to time. Even have a trophy based off the bowser trophy in DK's jungle board.

>> No.963509
File: 27 KB, 329x321, waa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 > 1 without retards who break the controllers > 2 > 1 with retards who break the controllers

As to characters,

>1 and 2
>Wario or Yoshi


>> No.963542 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.963701
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>Did anyone ever actually get blisters by playing the first game?
My brother did. Our simple solution was to get a pair of cheap-ass gloves and wear one on the hand we used for spinning.

Everyone else thought we were geniuses.

>> No.963960

why does everyone hate 4?

Its the only one I have played and it was fun with cousins

>> No.963991

That was nintendo's idea to avoid lawsuits too.

>> No.964347
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>> No.964894

I played every mario party except for mario party 8, since the first one, i never knew of a better one so for me the best is just mario party, the first one.

>> No.964896

but there aren't even that many words in it that ruin the joke

>> No.964917
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>thread is over a day old
>still no retardy

>> No.967312

I still regard Mario Party 1 as the best. All of my favorite boards(Wario's Battle Canyon, Luigi's Engine Room, Peach's Birthday Cake, Bowser's Magma Mountain, and Eternal Star) are from it, it's got the best minigames or the best versions of its minigames(especially Grab Bag, Running of the Bulb, and Key-Pa-Way), Boo isn't retardedly broken in its coin-stealing, and losers actually got PUNISHED for losing.

>> No.967454
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3, solely for the Duel Mode.

>> No.967465

>losers actually got PUNISHED for losing

EVERYONE was punished for playing the game though.

>> No.967473

>retards who break the controllers

It's not the player's fault if the game was desgined to break the controller.

>> No.967487

Perhaps the same could be said for all Mario Parties.

>> No.967489

I was only talking about blisters though, which only came with MP1.

>> No.967503
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Your words are as empty as your soul. Party games ill need a savior such as you!

>> No.967612
File: 146 KB, 600x750, throne_of_games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a party game? A miserable little pile of button mashing.

But enough talk. Let's a go!

>> No.967634

The text in the last panel was fine.

>> No.967893

As much as you LOVE to bemoan stick-rotating minigames, only 5 involved it in some way and only 3 of those involved doing it obsessively. 3 bad eggs don't spoil the batch, honestly.

>> No.967896

>not properly lubricating N64 analog sticks
>not alternatively getting a N64 controller with a stick that doesn't grind itself down

>> No.967921

It's been years since I've played the original, what exactly was so broken about 1?

>> No.968101

Other than the hori mini pad what n64 stick doesn't grind itself down or suck in general?

>> No.968105

Nothing, it just breaks controllers because of the stick rotating game. Other than that it's the most competitive of the games.

...Until you get crane game on the last turn.

>> No.968150
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>> No.968305

How much does one of those go for?

>> No.968346

Youll hate it. Its hard to tell in that pic, but the stick is a litttttle too low down for your thumb to comfortably sit over it. Also, the two sides are not equally sized/weighted, so your left palm holds a large mass while the right palm doesnt have enough plastic to comfortably hold.

>> No.968450
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because, nintendo wrote a character who is all about being a burly, greedy, loud-mouth asshole who we love because he doen't give two shits unless its gold
Also his games were awseome as fuck, and had the only game worth buying a Virtual Boy

>> No.968456


On the other hand, it fits me perfectly and I always thought it was very comfortable.

>> No.968545

Oh god I remember seeing an add in game informers where it showed someones hand and all the different injuries the person got from the N64 controller. That center blister scared the hell out of me, and I loved me some Mario Party.

>> No.971473

Fukken saved.

>> No.971646
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They were all friendship destroying monsters that must be stopped.

>> No.971916

>friendship destroying
Sure, if you actually take these games seriously

>> No.971923

You try not wanting your friends dead after they stole all your stars.

>> No.971937


>> No.971941

We usually have a good laugh about it. Hell most of us actively hunt down chance time spaces for extra shenanigans.

Not my fault that your obsession with only winning the game prevents you from being able to enjoy it with friends