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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9611062 No.9611062 [Reply] [Original]

It's hard to believe a Mcdonalds game could be so good

>> No.9611069 [DELETED] 

It's quite shitty and Treasure's worst (probably directed by a hack anyway). Stop shilling McCancer

>> No.9611082 [DELETED] 
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OP here posted the wrong game

>> No.9611147 [DELETED] 

>It's quite shitty
Care to elaborate?

>and Treasure's worst
Nah, that would be Mischief Makers. Tonnes of shitty half-baked gimmicks, awful sound design and horrible graphics / art style.

>(probably directed by a hack anyway)
Same guy also was behind Dynamite Headdy, Silhouette Mirage, Stretch Panic and Wario World.

>> No.9611152 [DELETED] 

pretty much every treasure game has weird gimmicks

>> No.9611163

just played it for the first time for 5 minutes, its pretty decent
glad there's no timer and enemies staying dead is nice

>> No.9611173

>Care to elaborate?
Meandering level design in a simple platformer and even the very first enemy takes several hits to kill and is so huge that you can barely jump over it either, both causing shitty pacing. Only tested it for 15 seconds, though

>> No.9611179 [DELETED] 

>Mischief Makers
>bad, let alone Treasure's worst game
Oh, so a Sega tranny keeps shilling this awful McDonald's game merely because it's on Sega. Now it makes sense
>Same guy also was behind Dynamite Headdy, Silhouette Mirage, Stretch Panic and Wario World.
So literally all the bad Treasure games, LOL

But I guess in your Sega tranny head those games aren't marred by gimmicks and ugly art and better than Mischief Makers

>> No.9611357 [DELETED] 

>Sega tranny
Nah, just someone that finds MM to be an overrated kusoge. It could've been ported to the Sega Saturn or PSX and I'd still shit on it.

>But I guess in your Sega tranny head those games aren't marred by gimmicks and ugly art and better than Mischief Makers
Would unironically rather play any of those games listed over MM. They don't get anywhere near as retarded.

>awful Mcdonalds game
It's actually one of Treasure's best games. No gimmicks, looks great, solid level designs, fantastic music, decent sound effects.

However, the bosses are a little weak for a Treasure title, only negative I have with it.

You probably only hate it because you're a buttmad Nintendo fan and the mere thought of Treasure developing for anything besides a Nintendo platform fills you with rage.

>> No.9611365 [DELETED] 

>Mischief Makers
>Nintendo fanboys think this looks and sounds good
Just, lmao...
How desperate for games do you have to be to tolerate playing this hot garbage?

>> No.9611381

good game, but i imagine it was a game that was already near finished before they slapped the mcdonald's stuff on there.
don't know what's up with all the weird enemies and levels otherwise.

>> No.9611485

it feels more like a prototype for dynamite headdy

>> No.9611536 [DELETED] 
File: 2.12 MB, 300x161, a0e83e8e80ea69010d8469035c553817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah, just someone that finds MM to be an overrated kusoge.
Which has literally no value because you are hyping up that shitty McDonald's game, which again makes me think you are a fanboy because Mischief Makers is one of the more prominent N64 games
>It could've been ported to the Sega Saturn or PSX and I'd still shit on it.
I doubt that because there are way worse Treasure games on those platforms and you still picked Mischief Makers
>Would unironically rather play any of those games listed over MM.
That's why your opinion is moot
>No gimmicks
It literally has a button dedicated to a (terrible) gimmick
>looks great
It looks like a pre-alpha version of Mischief Makers' Clancer with all the orthorhombic shapes. Maybe, giving you the benefit of the doubt, why Mischief Makers came to your mind

It indeed sounds good and very unique. Some tracks are very reminiscent of the The Fifth Element soundtrack with the purposely chaotic operatic highs. The gameplay is similarly unique. It's also literally the only game where HAN's character design isn't ugly as fuck and out of place

Saving this thread and whenever I see someone shit on Mischief Makers again, I will remind people that it's the retard from this thread who likes that shitty McDiabetes game and thinks total shit like Silhouette Mirage, Stretch Panic and Wario World are better

>> No.9611546 [DELETED] 

mcdonalds treasureland adventure and mischeif makers are both good

>> No.9611981 [DELETED] 

Nooo you can't say that, you have to pick a console brand and shit on the games not made for it

>> No.9612387 [DELETED] 

What game?

>> No.9612619 [DELETED] 

Dark Souls 2

>> No.9613102 [DELETED] 

mischief makers

>> No.9613232 [DELETED] 

McDonald's Treasure Land adventure

>> No.9613317 [DELETED] 

/vr/'s official Treasure scotformer ranking:

Dynamite Chaddy > Mcdonalds > Gunstar > Alien Soldier > Silhouette Mirage > shit > Mischief Makers

>> No.9613320 [DELETED] 

based except mischief makers should be before gunstar

>> No.9614691

ran ran ruuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.9614732

it's really horrible to use a child's imagination and wonder as a malleable brain to sell him burgers for life

>> No.9615857
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ops wrong image

>> No.9615956 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 1444x1080, oi loike to roide me boike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, Misshit Makers was a goddamn mistake

>> No.9615967 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9616048

this one is good too