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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9608390 No.9608390 [Reply] [Original]

What's the hardest NES game?

I'd go with Zelda 2

>> No.9608392

not even close

>> No.9608413

Battletoads or Makaimura. Zelda 2 is alright once you git gud just like every other 'Nintendo hard' game. The ones I mentioned are just bullshit, they are unfair games, it's impossible to git gud at them and consistently win after your first playthrough or two. For example, I can beat Ninja Gaiden in less than an hour right now even though I haven't played it in a while

>> No.9608425
File: 23 KB, 383x260, 1670839688390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are hard games but Championship Lode Runner is definitely the hardest game in the entire library, if you exclude Famicom only games then it would be no ABBA Ikari Warriors

>> No.9608428

Punch Out
Ninja Gaiden 3
Adventure Island
Castlevania III

>> No.9608430

Is Ninja Gaiden 3 even vaguely beatable without save scumming

>> No.9608439

You mean THE hardest game? Now I want to try it, never played Lode Runner.
>early arcadey FC game by Hudston
>the longplay is over 2 fucking hours
>longplays are usually 0 mistake runs
>anon says it's the hardest famicom game
Oh my fucking god... I'll pass

>> No.9608442

Yeah, if your ROM is named Ninja Ryukenden 3. Same with CV3, if its Akumajou Densetsu then you're good

>> No.9608445

Probably that one piano lesson game since you actually need to be pretty good at playing the piano to beat it.

>> No.9608447

Arino played it on Game Center CX and got stuck on the first level.

>> No.9608450

It's by Broderbund, Hudson just handled the Famicom port.

>> No.9608457
File: 423 KB, 1834x708, 1649041102207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no contest the hardest game in the system,
people saying anything else are just unaware of its existence, check the archive if you want to know more
every other answer is just wrong, although >>9608445 is a sleeper pick that often goes unnoticed

>> No.9608460

Arino is admittedly very bad at video games, he got multiple game overs in Green Hill Zone in Sonic 1

>> No.9608465

Battletoads for sure

>> No.9608474

>the 3rd world has its advantages
I wonder where that anon is from. I'm a 3rd worlder too. I still play Famicom versions of everything because it's more nostalgic. Well, unless it's an RPG

>> No.9608484

Uh, one of the Ninja Gaiden games, or Battletoads. Actually, Holy Diver was supposed to be pretty merciless, if memory serves right.

>> No.9608491

Mission: Impossible has to be up there

>> No.9608496

Zelda 1

>> No.9608508

Kid Icarus

>> No.9608513

Europeans in general often had a couple multicarts because you could buy them in common vacation countries.

>> No.9608547

It looks like a puzzle game, which is kind of cheating if you want to name hardest game. The thread was moreso looking for hard gameplay wise. Any puzzle can be inpossibly difficult if one wants to make it so.

>> No.9608596

Castlevania 3 is way harder

>> No.9608604


>> No.9608793
File: 44 KB, 554x381, ogre64 wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think castlevania 3, at least out of the ones my friends played. I had friends who beat battletoads and almost beat ninja gaiden, I was never that good. But ive beat zelda ii, it not hard, just tedious.

>> No.9608808

Castlevania 3 is not hard. Sypha can clear the whole screen of enemies with one use of her lightning spell and bosses die with two lightning spells per phase and you find more than enough hearts to spam it.

>> No.9608841

Zelda 2 isn’t thaaaaaat hard (I’ve never finished it)
There is a big difficulty spike when you hit Death Mountain, and another on the road to the Final Palace. This filters many.

>> No.9608879

I can complete 7 and 9 levels with lightning. But I need savestate with it at start of level. If you die and lose it, its over.For its random drop you need eternal loads.

>> No.9608886
File: 123 KB, 600x400, dio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy divuuhhhhhh
you won't survivuhhhhh
you can't beat the boss without glitching the game att
level fiveuhhhhhh

seriously though this game makes ghosts and goblins look like super mario bros

>> No.9608898
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>> No.9608946

adventure island was fucking harrowing. probably not *the* hardest game but it's for sure the hardest game i've ever beat.

>> No.9609310

What are some games where input lag matters? And I mean REALLY matters, now like when retards complain about 'muh mega man legacy collection input lag literally impossible' and all that other stuff that's not even noticeable when you are not a scrub. I know that CRT+real hardware make Battletoads and Punch Out easier. So basically I think the games that require this are the hardest

>> No.9609412


Battletoads is not hard in the same way Ninja Gaiden, Zelda, or Castlevania are hard. No matter what you say about those games, their mechanics can be mastered. Even if it's really damned unlikely, it is still POSSIBLE to make it through even the most difficult sections on your first try, if your skills with the mechanics are honed. Battletoads is not like that. It is literally won through trial and error. Throughout the entire game, there is not one fucking action taken that a reasonable person would expect any player to make on a whim. Beating the game requires you to die multiple times. Period.

>> No.9609424
File: 37 KB, 500x500, silver surfer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the really badly designed games were the hardest, like pic related

>> No.9609462

Silver Surfer isn't even that badly designed. It's a good shooter with Touhou energy. It's not unfair, it's just brutal. That said, a turbo controller is kinda mandatory to get long-term enjoyment out of it. And maybe the password that gives you infinite continues too.

>> No.9609475

idk probably one of those random action 52 games that are literally impossible to beat

>> No.9609478
File: 236 KB, 564x1090, 66ea75c5293babee656a23fd311bab0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arkanoid always seemed really tough.

>> No.9609479

Do you want a cheat code that makes you immune from damage as well?

>> No.9609480

The sheer autism in this thread
>OP clearly looking for discussion about the hardest games other people remember playing
>lists a popular game people actually give a shit about
>expecting replies like "I gotta go with Contra haha that game is hard"
>Anons proceed to debate over what the literal, actual hardest NES game is

>> No.9609482

I'm sorry you enjoy carpal tunnel and outdated arcade crap that has no place in a console game.

>> No.9609487

I wanna know why you can't download the hacked modded roms and complete rom files

That's annoying. Or is there a place that you can?

>> No.9609491

*as complete .rom files*

>> No.9609492

>Silver Surfer isn't even that badly designed.

nah the level design is genuinely horrific in places, specifically on the top down levels its impossible to tell if the terrain will one hit kill you or if you'll fly over it until you bump into it and die, some of the projectiles have identical color to the terrain making it extremely difficult to see, and the basic design of the board make it night impossible to navigate the diagonal tunnel parts due to his long it is and how narrow the tunnels are(never mind trying to kill enemies in them that you cant hit without being right in front of). The horizontal levels aren't AS bad but the way the terrain constricts you combined with how high your shots come compared to how tall your sprite is make for some seriously unforgiving bullshit
do you not like having flesh on your thumb tip? Because a game like Silver Surfer will rub it right the fuck off without a turbo button

>> No.9609493 [DELETED] 

probably some obscure dogshit game like the terminator with only 3 lives no continues.

>> No.9609497

I've beaten castlevania III, ninja gaiden 1 and 2, zelda 2, I cannot beat contra or super c. an ulimited continue game has to practically be kazio tier to overcome the average limited continue game.

>> No.9609504

Bait. Anyway obviously Battletoads. Ghosts 'n' Goblins comes close.

>> No.9609507

>actually answering the OP's question is autistic

>> No.9609510

Yes. You end up memorizing the levels pretty quick if you are dedicated. I have beaten NG1, 2, and 3 and the sequels were definitely smooth sailing after beating 1.

>> No.9609520

>its impossible to tell if the terrain will one hit kill you or if you'll fly over it until you bump into it and die
So shoot it. If your shots stop, you can't touch it. If they pass through, it's safe. This is blatantly obvious.

>> No.9609624

The main difficulty with battle toads is how different each stage is from each other, it’s a complete variety game and never lets you get into a rhythm in playing it

>> No.9609640

How hard is it to beat original Castlevania? I want to beat it for years.

>> No.9609645

1943 and adventure island I gave up on before I could beat them. The last level of kung fu heroes was tough as well

>> No.9609657

Easier than SMB1 warpless (if you don't use the continue code that is)

>> No.9609691
File: 107 KB, 515x720, bayou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's the hardest, but this piece of shit is living proof that the nintendo seal of quality means absolutely fuck all.

>> No.9609702

what did he mean by this

>> No.9609750

if you beat it without the hudson bee then that's fucking insane

>> No.9609760

Battlefrogs mogs that shit OP

>> No.9609763

Not bad but battlefrogs steps on these

>> No.9609770

Beat battletoads
Almost beat ninja gaiden

Pick one

>> No.9609779

Also good answer. That shit hard

>> No.9609792
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, bootleg gameboy cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, when I got a Game Boy Pocket on a family trip to Tenerife, I also got a multicart for it. It claimed to be 32 games in 1, but it was more like, 12 or even 8, and the games were just listed again with different titles. Apparently some multicarts actually feature modifiers or cheats for the game when you select the alternate titles, but as far as I could tell, this wasn't the case with mine or my brother's, and it was the exact same game.

I can't seem to find any pictures online of the one I had, and I still have that thing lying around somewhere, so I guess I should dig it out and take a picture of it just for reference's sake. I don't think these things have much value, but there's some niche collectors who collect these bootleg Game Boy carts because they're fun and usually very cheap, some of the more unusual ones don't even have a menu interface, instead they have pic related, a little button on the cartridge body which you press, rebooting the Game Boy and loading the next game in line.

>> No.9609803

I completely forgot about that one existing. I guess it'd probably be up there since it requires a completely separate skillset from normal videogames. I'm assuming also that it's a sign of how authentic and legit it is as a teaching tool when to beat it as a videogame, you need to have become a pianist like it intends you to.

Hah, almost like Extreme Rise Of The Triad, except it's probably a lot more fair. Pretty sick that they put together a special version of the game to be a serious challenge run for the most elite of fans, game devs don't do that today, and they honestly didn't do it very much back in those days either. I respect it.

>> No.9609817

>with Touhou energy
what does that even mean?

>> No.9609840

Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, Battletoads has been confirmed as the hardest NES game known to man. The research is as follows. Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a Battletoads cart into it at 400 miles per hour, and the cart was unharmed. They then built a wall out of Battletoads and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a diamond Battletoads made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors. They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond traveling at Battletoads. Western New York was powerless for hours. They rammed a wall of Battletoads into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth's orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour. They shot a Battletoads made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at Battletoads into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive. Finally, they placed 400 Battletoads per hour in front of a car made of wall traveling at miles per iron, and the result proved without a doubt that Battletoads were the hardest NES game of all time, if not just the hardest NES game known the man.

>> No.9609843

Wasn't even that upset that the 32 in 1 cart I had wasn't a full 32 different games, because it had a lot of them still. Tetris and Dr. Mario alone were well worth it, but there was also Flipull, Serpent (labeled as Snake, its game over screen was really sad to me), as well as Battle City, which I learn many years later to be a Famicom game which was never officially ported to Game Boy or to the western world, which I guess made it a little bit special. Fun game, too.

Bullet hell, I guess?

>> No.9609857
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>> No.9609904

>Apparently some multicarts actually feature modifiers or cheats for the game when you select the alternate titles, but as far as I could tell, this wasn't the case with mine or my brother's, and it was the exact same game.
Yeah, some do. I had a 15-in-1 cart that had 13 different games, two of which were Double Dragon 2 and Super Mario Land, then the final two were "Double Dragon 1" (Double Dragon 2 except you start on the final level) and "Mario Girl Land" (Super Mario Land except you start on 3-1).

It wasn't the norm, but it happened occasionally.

>> No.9609907

Takeshis challenge if you try to beat it the legit way

>> No.9609914

What's "the legit way" and why is that so hard? I've beaten it.

>> No.9609928
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Actually managed to find a picture of it.
"Boy Soccer Team" was Captain Tsubasa VS, the rest should be fairly obvious.

>> No.9609931

Legacy of the Wizard.

>> No.9609940

I enjoyed this silly post.

>> No.9609942

That brings back memories, thank you.

>> No.9609984


>> No.9610093
File: 198 KB, 266x374, 3E53F3FE-5C34-4A68-A259-A6B2BD461C7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadly Towers…

>> No.9610232
File: 355 KB, 2048x1152, ul8lmn1oqas01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this gets a bit away from OP's topic, but I was sent on a nostalgia spiral on the subject of those Game Boy multicarts. Let's see, going through my memory, I think me and my brother had these games on ours, some shared, some not:
>Dr. Mario
>Battle City (port of Famicom-only game)
>Snake (Serpent, ergo Snake but with some added gameplay depth compared to the classic ones, has very awkward controls though)
>Tom & Jerry (based on that not very good movie, I liked the cartoons way more)
>Super Mario Land
>"Super Mario 4" (actually a reskinned Crayon Shin-Shan game)
>Hercules (based on the Disney movie/cartoon, was kind of awkward and difficult to play, didn't enjoy it much)
>Alleyway (a good Breakout clone)
>Bomb Jack
>Hugo (one of those Crazy Castle games, with that European cartoon troll I never quite liked)
>Motocross Maniacs
It ranged mostly from decent to very good, so combined with the number of titles, the value was through the roof, thank God for piracy! Tetris even worked with the link cable.

I saw mention of an Atari 2600 multi-game cartridge which actually WAS 128 in 1, but it was one of those button cartridges, ergo if you wanted to play the 128th game on the cartridge, it means you had to press that button to reboot and cycle through each game in order to get to the end, 127 times.
I'm glad that multicarts with a menu interface are more common, I'm not sure I would have played mine as much if I had to do that manual cycling shit.

I saw some recollections others mention where this stuff was really inconsistent. Like a cartridge could do that thing where it has a bunch of repeats, and MOST of them are the same as the last time, but then one or two is modified like that to start you on a later level, without any of the other ones doing stuff like that.

>> No.9610248

I know there's this NES multicart that has like 20 different variants of Contra with all kinds of weird mods.

>> No.9610258

Some games with a good hard are:
>Castlevania 3
>Ninja Gaiden
>Vice: Project Doom
If you want ones with BS difficulty:
>Miltons Secret Castle
>Sword master 2
>The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy

>> No.9610436
File: 26 KB, 480x360, solomon's key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solomon's Key without guides or savestates. Good fucking luck.

>> No.9610443

I've done it. It's hard, but really rewarding.

>> No.9610445

I'd say ducktales. WHAT AN EPIC CHALLEMGE!

>> No.9610518

I meant strict puzzle games are not really in the same category as video games since it's pretty much 0 mechanics and all 'thinking'. It's different than having to fight a boss or dodge a million enemies.
I guess I should've titled it 'what's the hardest but fair game'. Having to beat a long game with 3 lives isn't fair.

>> No.9610530

yeah i'd vouch for the guy sayin it's easier than mario 1, but then again it depends on what kinda games you're good at
there's hard stuff in it sure, but the game is slow and methodical, and the physics are pretty basic, so when ya know the levels and boss patterns, it's like doin quick math in your head, you'll fuck up sometimes sure but most arithmetics can be done in rapid succession

>> No.9610534

Not hard at all. All the difficulty of the game is in learning how and when to use the right subweapons.

>> No.9610546

>the right subweapons
Which is the Holy Water for all bosses but the first.

>> No.9610564

That's only half the issue. The other half is you are constantly being blindsided by hazards you could not possibly have anticipated without trial and error. I'm not exaggerating here. Absolutely NOBODY is going to get through Volkmire's Inferno without dying AT LEAST 3 times, their first run. Nobody is going to know how to dodge those bubble-blowing things in the final stage before they instantly kill you. Nobody is going to know which direction those wheels you have to outrun in Terra Tubes will turn at the end. Nobody is going to anticipate the multiple times in Arctic Caverns where the game decides to drop you into a pit of spikes.

If ANYONE considers this good game design, or "subversive", or "innovative", they're probably a legitimate sociopath.

>> No.9610583
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did James actually beat this legit? He's a pretty shit gamer from all I've seen. This seems like something that should have been way out of his league

>> No.9610606

Limited continues were the biggest issues really with the game design there. For all the absolute bullshit that game throws at you, you should be able to restart from the current level as often as you wish. It would have have still been a very difficult game but way more manageable

>> No.9610610

He's not that shit a gamer. I mean, he beat Contra all on his own before he even started playing AVGN, he beat Ninja Gaiden, and he beat Street Fighter 2010.

But it's entirely possible for this one he asked Mike to come in and do it.

>> No.9610664

I think most of the game is reactionary rather than memorisation

>> No.9610667
File: 174 KB, 256x368, image_2023-01-28_120615212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get good at juggling birds in the wookie hole, and Battletoads gets easier.

This game though...the constant bombardment.

>> No.9610669

Almost all video game footage in older AVGN videos is Mike playing.

>> No.9610668

Gross, if your not an axe fiend then don’t talk to me

>> No.9610696

That is not true. Hell, he had an entire episode detailing how he makes an episode, and said if Mike was ever there, he was only taking notes while he was the one playing.

He also posted photos on his old Cinemassacre website back in the day as proof of him beating the games.

>> No.9610703

Either Battletoads, Championshiop Lode Runner, or Abadox maybe also Burai Fighter

>> No.9610773
File: 709 KB, 600x297, immortaldeaths20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it's not an NES exclusive, nor is it likely the hardest of all, The Immortal deserves mention. Unless you're using a guide, you will die A LOT. The intentionally obscure puzzles are built around this, hence the title. As noted here >>9608547 though, puzzle games can be considered a different type of difficulty. Pic related is actually from the Genesis version, but the games are similar aside from graphics and sound quality.

>> No.9610785

adventure island by far

>> No.9610828

I must have played this on/off for fifteen years before I finally beat it. Satisfying ending.

>> No.9611061

Transformers: Comvoy no Nazo. If you can get past the first level then God bless.

>> No.9611075


From the "Beat all Famicom games" challenge where they cry how pitiless CLR is.

>> No.9611079

>Abadox maybe also Burai Fighter
Again, no big deal with a turbo controller.

>> No.9611086

Once you have a turbo controller the big issue is not crashing into things and getting fucked by the player's giant hitbox.

>> No.9611095

The Mexican Runner took slightly under 6 hours to beat this one. It's certainly no cakewalk.

>> No.9611105

>do you not like having flesh on your thumb tip? Because a game like Silver Surfer will rub it right the fuck off without a turbo button
I beat Kung Fu last summer and it almost peeled the skin from my thumb. And that's just a silly 15 minute long NROM game.

>> No.9611119

Zelda 2 isn't even the hardest nes Zelda game

>> No.9611125

How do you figure

>> No.9611136

I dunno, its hard to say. Zelda 1 is harder in the sense that it's more cryptic on what to do next while Zelda 2 is less so but harder combat wise.

>> No.9611141

Zelda 2 is not even in the top 30 of the NES, zoomzoom

>> No.9611164

I should try Ninja Gaiden 3 again now that I know the Jap version doesn't have limited continues. I really liked the first two when I played them on my Wii back in 2007 but was immediately filtered by limited continues on the third.

>> No.9611168

doesn't that game require you to wait on a screen and do nothing for like 5 hours?

>> No.9611202

One hour, and it's one of two possible solutions to that puzzle, so even that is not required.

>> No.9611318

Might & Magic

>> No.9611367

I genuinely can't understand how can someone beat Battletoads without save states

>> No.9611383

Fun game though

>> No.9611435

>It's different than having to fight a boss or dodge a million enemies.
in the end it's all trial and error

>> No.9612592


>> No.9612724

It's not the only change, the difficulty was greatly reduced to the point the game is a joke. It's like the easy mode of the real game.

>> No.9612757

It was a game that was designed to eat quarters. Of course it was "tough".

>> No.9612859

Or it's the actual difficulty and the US game is the quarter munching anti-rental version.

>> No.9612912

Battletoads is unfair and bullshit but it definitely possible to git gud and win consistenly at them.
Maybe not 10 times in a row but still.

Makaimura is unfairly hard too yes, but at least you can get unlimited continues.

My bet placed on Adventure Island 1 without a bee. Bee is a cheat, but it's sort of legal cheat, you may or may not get it depending on your goals.

>> No.9612915

Any of those 3 live/no continue famicom kusoge are harder than Zelda 2

>> No.9612919

If thinking that makes you feel better about having to play the easy mode of a game designed for 10 years old

>> No.9612950

>Any of those 3 live/no continue famicom kusoge
Fuck you Chubby Cherub.

>> No.9612972

Continues are not cheat, even hidden. They were how those games were intended to be played.

>> No.9613796

just started playing things about a month ago and the furthest i've made it is round 7. seems crazy i've only seen 1/6 of the game

>> No.9613863

If they were intended then the devs would have explicitly included them. The fact is you have to find a hidden item to enable them which makes them a hidden cheat.

>> No.9613903

I'd say Battletoads is the hardest because it puts up a variety of different challenges requiring precision and reaction speed. Every stage is different so you have to master multiple different modes to get through it. And if you say it's easy because you practiced and got good, well that's the fucking point. That's why it's a good game.

>> No.9613923

There's hard that you want to play and hard that you don't want to play and I feel like the last category should not be considered. I don't think anyone cares which adventure game has the most nonsensical unguessable puzzles or which no continue action game relays the most on luck.

So as for the hardest action games it is always shmups in every generation. They have a level of reflex test that limits how much memorization can allow you to auto-win are very strict with how many times you can get hit and the genre just pushes it's own difficulty more often then say platformers.

>> No.9613928

shmups can be cheesed with a turbo controller, so...

>> No.9613947
File: 27 KB, 300x400, kermid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shmups can be easy if you cheat

>> No.9613989

Past a certain point shmups all come with auto-fire making your point stupid. Even before than auto-fire still doesn't reduce the category as being the hardest. There are handful of platformers like gng and some beat em ups (all arcade versions) that can rival the lower and mid difficulty shmups. Auto fire might make them rise a few positions in the rank but it's not changing the overall point that shmups are simply the hardest action genre in every generation.

So these threads are stupid because there is nothing to fucking debate. The answer for action games is always, always shmups. One word answer for the action games which is all anyone talks about. It might be interesting to talk about non-action games: puzzles, pnc adventure, turn based games, strategy games but they never want to do that.

>> No.9614250

>My bet placed on Adventure Island 1 without a bee. Bee is a cheat, but it's sort of legal cheat
No, not really. The American manual tells you how to activate continues, though without telling you the exact location of the bee, just that it's somewhere on the first level.
The Japanese manual doesn't mention a continue function at all.

>> No.9614258

So Japanese Famicom Adventure Island is the hardest. Case closed.

>> No.9614269

The game itself is identical though. Only the manual is different.

>> No.9614284

In the US version it isn't cheating to use the bee, in the Famicom version it is.

>> No.9614293

>If they were intended then the devs would have explicitly included them. The fact is you have to find a hidden item to enable them which makes them a hidden cheat.
The point was to sell strategy guides and Famitsu copies. Do you think those retarded Famicom games like Atlantis no Nazo were intended to be beat legit? Kids had to pay to see the end, or hope a classmate knew every secrets instead. Continue codes and secrets were the same.

>> No.9614295

I've beaten Zelda 2 and I suck ass at video games. Ninja Gaiden, Battletoads, and Castlevania make me tremble in fear.

>> No.9614302

Is this the one that gives you epilepsy?

>> No.9614309

CV1 is a breeze if you can hang on to the holy water. CV3 is a fair challenge on Famicom.

>> No.9614316

I was goaded into not ever using holy water and am weak against the medusa heads

>> No.9614326

>The point was to sell strategy guides and Famitsu copies
>names a game that came out before Famitsu even launched its first issue

>> No.9614369

Castlevania 1 is not that bad if you're decent at pattern recognition and/or don't give up at it. Ninja Gaiden is pretty easy aside from 6-2 and the last two bosses. Can't speak for Battletoads I need to spend more time with that one.

>> No.9614535
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Puristards, ladies and gentleman.

>> No.9614745

it's really not a bad idea when you're trying to learn the game initially, later on when you remember it all it does kinda trivialize things though. that said, if you're really deadset on it, cross helps against the medusa heads especially in double/tripleshot form, and is the second best subweapon period. it's also that way in castlevania iii when ya play that (play a translation of the jp rom your first few times, it's less stupidly designed generally).

>> No.9614820

You have to put yourself in the mindset of the time.

In order to continue in arcade games you had to pay up. Then suddenly, console games are getting arcade ports at home (or games designed like other arcade games like Adventure Island) and devs wondered how you can make that fair.

For a while games tended to have hidden continue mechanics, AI isn't the only one, Rad Racer is another example from the same time period. After a while that disappeared in favour of non hidden continues, but very limited in numbers, before eventually infinite continues became a norm. These changes happened with mentalities in game design straying further away from arcade and closer to console.

Continues in AI and Rad Racer being hidden is simply because mentalities just did not think it was normal to have free infinite continues just yet, especially in regards to games that follow gameplay standards of arcade games

so yeah you can call that a cheat if you want, just don't forget the mindset of the time period when you think that. Had the same game been made a few years later, continues wouldn't be hidden, and that's exactly what happened with AI2 and 3 (the bee only helps to keep your items upon continuing)

>> No.9615623

How far do you want to extend this? Did I now beat SMB savescumming because modern games are so dumbed down that, were it made today, I would get infinite lives and auto-saves every second?

>> No.9615676

>or games designed like other arcade games like Adventure Island
Adventure Island is an arcade port you retard.

>> No.9615763

I was fine with not developing carpal tunnel syndrome at the age of 12.

>> No.9616028

I'm going to give this a serious go. If I could finish Hydlide, I can finish this.

>> No.9616040

Maybe stop cheating with turbo.

>> No.9616041

It's not a hard game at all, you just gotta be willing to draw maps when you get in the dungeons. Do that and it shouldn't give you much trouble

>> No.9616043

Hydlide isn't hard though.

>> No.9616045

You can keep make whatever excuse you want. It's still cheating.

>> No.9616047

You found the fairies on your own? The jewels?

>> No.9616054


>> No.9616060

There is no way anyone finds the third fairy in the computer version on their own. The NES version on the other hand changed the method to get it to something simple.

>> No.9616063
File: 219 KB, 640x946, DA08878B-50BB-45FA-A2E2-D9132C631BA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Ending route requires you to do some real precise timing moves to get the other treasures by the third stage.

>> No.9616075

People that call the "NES version" Hydlide instead of Hydlide Special have in general never touched the original Hydlide.

>> No.9616079

yeah don't feel bad that you used GameFAQs to look up where all the hidden crap in LOZ is. these games were meant to be played by you obtaining a strategy guide.

>> No.9616087

Zooming is damaging to the brain.

>> No.9616125

In Zelda 2 you fight one or two tough enemies at a time. In Zelda 1 you're surrounded by a dozen enemies at a time. Puzzle wise they're equally obtuse, but then Zelda 2 has platforming sections full of bottomless pit cheap shots.

>> No.9616139

Deadly Towers gets way too much shit because your character starts underpowered. Like >>9616041 says if you do maps in the dungeons it's not that bad, just make sure you find the hidden areas in the towers with the good power ups. The game is actually pretty fun.

>> No.9616143

The NES Zelda games are more fun as action games than adventure games anyways. They're better monster stabbing simulators than they are cave finding sims.

>> No.9616151

Is it "purist" to state a literal fact? There is no evidence whatsoever that cryptic shit in games or limited continues were part of some crazy schizo conspiracy plot to make deals with Famitsu or whatever. Continue codes were left in because they were meant for debugging, and there was no real incentive to take that code out (because the odds of kids figuring out the code by themselves are very low). That's literally it.

>> No.9616157
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I've "1cc'd" Ninja Gaiden, Contra, Super C, Castlevania 1 and 3, and every NES Mega Man game.

I've never beaten Adventure Island. Hell I don't even know if I'm come close. I think I've gotten to world 4 maybe? I don't even know how many there are. For such a cute, colorful and simple game it sure is fucking brutal

>> No.9616173
File: 2.24 MB, 512x480, AI1_world8_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 8, I gave up on 8-2. Out of 8-4. Webm related.

>> No.9616184

I beat it with savestates years ago, never on original hardware though.

>> No.9616187

>I beat it
>with savestates

does not compute

>> No.9616193

What's so hard about it? Looks like a basic platformer.

>> No.9616194

Try re-reading the post, that might help.

>> No.9616195

try the JP version (Mad City)

>> No.9616196

The hardest game is some licensed bullshit that is just stupidly unfair and no amount of practice will help you.

>> No.9616206

this is 4chan

>> No.9616212

Go ahead anon, give it a run and see how far you get. Report back

>> No.9616213


>> No.9616228

Mad City is so easy it's just boring, Bayou Billy is much more fun.

>> No.9616240

I never made it past round 15

>> No.9616301

See >>9616173
And remember, you NEED to collect the food to keep the stamina bar up, or you die.

>> No.9616345
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What's the most 'fair'+challenging NES games? I'd assume something with continues or a password system; maybe the later Megamans, the Castlevania trilogy and Contra?

>> No.9616373

Elnark no Zaihou (Elnark's Treasure) It took over 10 years for someone to beat it

>> No.9616386

well again, is just looks like a basic platformer with a bit of enemies to dodge. I was expecting worse.
nah, looks boring

>> No.9616394

Hardest game is Rogue 1979 Nes port

>> No.9616462

Still probably the best thread on the board right now

>> No.9616509

Nah, it's not cheating.

>> No.9616535

You can't understand unless you play it. It might look easy if you think it controls like SMB3 or something, but no, the physics are fucked.

>> No.9616537

if you didn't travel back in time to 1986 and personally be gangbanged by the developers, can you honestly say you actually beat adventure island?

>> No.9616616
File: 18 KB, 1024x960, Battletoads (USA)_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ice Level in Battletoads is hard.

>> No.9617173

>using information in the manual is not cheating categorically
>be japanese
>find the bee on your own
>fuck me guess I cheated then.

>> No.9617181

Look at how much shit is flying all over the screen

>> No.9617187
File: 33 KB, 575x411, clown-computer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blaster Master lets you strafe by holding B
>not mentioned anywhere in the US manual
>therefore, it's cheating
See pic related? That's you, you fucking clown.

>> No.9617190

>Looks like a basic platformer

That's your first mistake.
I believe it was my first mistake too when I saw friend playing this game back in 90s

Then I actually played it myself

>> No.9617231
File: 51 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets way harder than that. I'm amazed so many people got filtered by the Turbo Tunnel. Later levels like Terra Tubes and Rat Race are way harder. I've gotten as far as the final level before so I know I could beat this legit but have to redo the entire game every time is just frustrating.

>> No.9617247

Well yeah. Most people found the warp zones in Super Mario Bros on their own too, is it not cheating to warp straight to world 4 and then to world 8?

>> No.9617412

clowns are actually funny though, unlike that staid rube

>> No.9617447

Charlie Browning the bomb in Rat Race is brutal. The last level is probably the hardest.

>> No.9617573

i can't believe the megaman clone featuring a loli hasn't been mentioned. something conquest iirc

>> No.9617702

Krion Conquest

>> No.9617708

From someone who can beat it, let me assure you, you are out of your fucking mind. It is pure memorization

>> No.9617712

Abadox no big deal without turbo. Battlefrogs is the answer you are all looking for

>> No.9617720

I can beat battlefrogs and let me assure you adventure island is fucking hard. I’m gonna sit down and beat it this next year or so. It ain’t gonna be battlefrogs but I’ve played it enough to know it’ll come close

>> No.9617727

It’s just cause if turbo is filtering you you’re gonna drop the game after realizing it ain’t getting any easier

>> No.9617745

yeah that's it. you get like 3 lives to beat the whole game. it's bullshit

>> No.9617765

I don't even know where you get that person. I can't make it to a single party member in Castlevania 3. It's THAT hard.

>> No.9617820

The game is on a timer, you need to pick up fruits or else you die. Fruits often appear at the last second and require such precise movement at full speed there is no way you can get them on your first playthrough (you can't backtrack).

You can get weapons to kill enemies but most of them are hidden in eggs which only show up if you jump at the right spot. You don't have time to jump at every spot. Fruits are also hidden in eggs, some levels you literally can't complete unless you find several hidden eggs. Even if you do find the eggs, you may still accidentally make it bounce down a pit.

You die, you lose your weapon, you may not find one for the entiterity of the level for all you know so you need to learn to dodge everything. Enemies and platforms are everywhere and require precise movement to avoid, alternating between a running jump at full speed and a small walk jump, etc

The game loves to troll you with enemies that appear out of nowhere or platforms that fall down under your feet unexpectedly; so even if you have godlike reflexes, the constant trolling will kill you. I even found myself in a dead man walking scenario because I was playing too slow: a jump I didn't have enough momentum to make, but I couldn't backtrack for said momentum

so the game is all about dying and dying and learning everything by heart while mastering the somewhat unique controls (this was long before controls in games were streamlined and standardized and every game plays the same), it will test your memory and your muscle memory and your patience. Oh and if you go too fast on a game over and fail to input the continue button combinatio you might as well throw the controller against a wall