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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 632 KB, 3920x2420, 4d39d2ad-33a4-46df-95d8-c68110826631_2.ed4f595c99d114de02b77d9fdf70d57f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9606203 No.9606203 [Reply] [Original]

are there any N64 games that aren't playable on anything but real hardware? N64 emulation gets a lot of shit but it seems pretty good to me these days.

>> No.9606310

Rogue Squadron doesn't work in emulators.

>> No.9606328

Waiting for the Gen X retard who hasn't touched emulation since 2004 to tell you "all of them"

>> No.9606330

How about Hey You Pikachu?

>> No.9606332
File: 584 KB, 1280x699, 1674697413365136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I'm aware of, but all the ones worth playing work. Even conker runs smooth af at 4k
Waiting for saturnfag to say "only 10 good games" when Saturn doesn't have any

>> No.9606337

It's not 2012 anymore, anon. RS has worked since at least a decade, possibly longer. You just needed a special plugin for it back then, but nowadays it's playable on everything.
Only a very, very small handful are considered unplayable or close to it on the most recent emulators, usually due to severe timing issues making them run way too fast, most notably Knife Edge, as well as a couple of sports games IIRC, so basically games no one cares about. A slightly larger chunk have some minor issues, but are otherwise perfectly playable.
Very recently VRU support was added to a couple of emulators, but I've never tried it so I don't know how well it works.

>> No.9606347

>Very recently VRU support was added to a couple of emulators, but I've never tried it so I don't know how well it works.
Thanks anon. I'm hype kind of.

>> No.9606358

Went ahead and tried it on simple64 just now. It appears to work quite well. Just gotta set Controller 4 to Emulate VRU, and it'll download some things automatically. From there on out just make sure your mic is turned on and you can talk to the electric rat to your heart's content.

>> No.9606360
File: 332 KB, 1920x1080, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (U) [!]-230126-230004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips for making mystical ninja work?
It just freezes up on file select

>> No.9606382

Is that RetroArch? Works just fine for me using the Mupen64Plus-Next core. Also worked fine on simple64 and RMG.

>> No.9606413

Ah that might be it; I’m using parallel

>> No.9606421

ParaLLEl-N64 is a dead-end. Stay away from it unless you're on a shit-tier toaster.

>> No.9606423

>playing n64 games on real hardware

>> No.9606601

Rogue Squadron had a PC port.

>> No.9606623

Panzer Dragoon and Sega Rally smash 64 racers and rail gun games.

>> No.9606780

First post, most retarded post

>> No.9606804

It's pretty crazy, but it seems to me once a console gets a reputation for being poorly emulated, it's VERY hard to shake that impression off. A lot of it is just most people don't actually keep up with developments and work off of whatever old assumptions and limited information they have, but N64 in particular seems to be especially bad about this. I think it probably has to do with the fact that the scene itself is pretty quiet and fragmented - it doesn't have a larger-than-life figure like byuu that constantly brought attention to all kinds of shit going on with SNES emulation AND provided a solution, nor does it have one relevant and constantly active project that puts out blog posts and shit for normies to get hyped the way Dolphin and now PCSX2 do. It had some HUGE developments in the past few years, but it was from several people working on their own solutions, not coalesced around a single end-point or project, which I guess makes it harder to reach everyone and show them the big picture. And so people might've heard there's a new plugin or two out there, but they've no clue what that actually means for the overall state of N64 emulation or whether they actually fix the numerous issues it had in the past, so for all they know, the Body Harvest bridge is still broken, you still can't play the Factor 5 games, Mario Tennis is a bugged glitchy mess, etc.

>> No.9606852

I can expect that from the more casual player, but people comming to this specific board should know better.

N64 is really good these days (use the correct emulator!)
Same for Saturn, stick to mednafen/beetle saturn and its near perfect.

Oh and none of this will work on potato hardware like the pi4, use a real pc for gen 5 emulation.

>> No.9606861

>people comming to this specific board should know better
/vr/ is not much different than every other board these days in regards to the average anon actually knowing what they're talking about before deciding to speak. About the best I can say about it is that it at least stays on topic for the most part and isn't overrun with outright brain-damaged pepe/wojack posters, which is the only reason it's still my main board.
>(use the correct emulator!)
So many issues stem from this precisely. People still thinking Project64 is still top dog when it's a rotting husk is a big part of it. There's also the really unfortunate case of RetroArch's ParaLLEl-N64 core, which leads a lot of people astray because they heard about a newfangled Parallel thingy that's supposed to fix N64 emulation and hey, there's a core with that name! And then it happens to suck shit because they don't know it's an old outdated fork that was renamed for PR purposes and hasn't been renamed or removed because of the lead RetroArch dev's ego.

>> No.9606871

What's the correct emulator these days? (not sarcastic)

>> No.9606895

There's a couple, actually, and they're all based on Mupen64Plus. The most accurate and compatible currently is simple64, though it's also the slowest. RMG is faster and has more plugin options. Lastly, there's Mupen64Plus-Next on RetroArch, which has all the cool shader shit if you're into that. They'll all play pretty much all the notable and popular games, so it just depends what interface you like better and/or if your PC can handle simple64.

>> No.9606901

If you use retroarch then only use Mupen64Plus-Next core. Rest is garbage.

Within that core's settings you van also decide between using parallel-rdp for the accurate low level emulation (set both options to parallel, I dont know the settings by heart), the core also supports upscaling as native resolution n64 can look rough on bigscreen tvs these days.

Alternatively it has GlideN64 which is the best HLE emulator for n64.

>> No.9607069

>Waiting for saturnfag to say "only 10 good games" when Saturn doesn't have any
lmao this saturn rent free out of nowhere.

well since I'm here

street racer>mario kart 64
panzer dragoon>starfox
virtua fighter 2>any fighter on n64
virtua cop>?
sega rally>top gear rally
croc/tomb raider>mario 64
panzer dragoon saga>any zelda

>> No.9607086

It's a similar problem with Dreamcast. I was talking elsewhere with someone about the viability of a Dreamcast Mini for under $300. Memory cost, IP licensing on some games, and whether or not you pack in a VMU-type gimmick are cost factors, but he was convinced it would take an expensive modern gaming PC to emulate. Obviously, the emulation situation has changed! Lots of enthusiast collectors don't actually understand the technical side. But that's fine... as long as you're willing to listen to people who do and don't spread misinformation.

>> No.9607242

Mario no Photopi

>> No.9607314

Troll posts or cope? Except for N64 not having a light gun all of that is laughable untrue

>> No.9607332

Conker’s Bad Fur Day has issues on emulators, each one producing different glitches. Pause menu doesn’t blur right, shadows have a spider webbing effect, text is off center, something, and parallel runs it like shit.

>> No.9607352

It admittedly does run like shit on Mupen64Plus-Next using ParaLLEl-RDP (that IS what you meant, right?), but it works completely fine on RMG also running ParaLLEl-RDP even on my outdated laptop. I believe the shadow issue happens using Angrylion Plus, but only if you use the default "fast" settings. Setting it to "compatible" eliminates the issue, but then you may as well just use ParaLLEl-RDP, which doesn't have the problem at all.

>> No.9607449

>most notably Knife Edge
It really sucks how that's the one game that will likely never get emulated properly due to lack of interest
It's a railshooter on the N64, a console that has an awful controller and no lightgun support. This would be a pretty decent experience with a mouse or a wiimote or literally anything other than the N64 analog stick.

>> No.9607451

It works. There's no emulation of the SmartMedia card reader, though, and it seems to be quite slow even with ParaLLEl-RDP (it runs much better with GLideN64, though with a few graphical bugs), but otherwise you can play it.

>> No.9607463

Controls aside, its issue is with inaccurate emulation of core timings, something which has been getting a lot of attention lately since it's the primary source of most remaining emulation bugs. There's quite a few games that have timing-related issues, though very few to the extent exhibited by Knife Edge, but nevertheless there's been a push to more accurately emulate the timings, and Knife Edge will likely eventually benefit.

>> No.9608214 [DELETED] 

>laughable untrue
>he never played on a real n64
>cool textures vs puke textures
>playable vs unplayable
>good res vs bad res
>no vasiline vs vasiline
>good frame rate vs 10 fps
lmao zoomie cope, those saturn games are better deal with it

>> No.9608216

>good music vs bad musci
forgot this one

>> No.9608294

Pokemon Puzzle League has some display issues for me and the video cutscenes are slowed

>> No.9608296

Emulator? Plugin?

>> No.9608303

Is there anyway to play pokemon stadium with a gameboy rom.
i.e not rentals

>> No.9608317

Yes, all the major emulators have Transfer Pak emulation and can load a GB Pokemon game's save file to transfer Pokemon and items over. However, if you want to PLAY the GB Pokemon games through Pokemon Stadium, you gotta use Project64 with very specific plugins and settings, as the others fail to make the necessary connection for some reason. It's one of the only things it has over the other emulators.

>> No.9608319

holy based

>> No.9608531

Thanks, I'm gonna give this a try.

>> No.9608609
File: 1.05 MB, 1440x1080, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (U) [!]-230127-195903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's working, thanks!

>> No.9608694

There is a stand-alone parallel core in retroarch as well as it’s inclusion as a plug-in on the Mupen core.
N64 emulation has always had some type of issue with CBFD ranging from minor to unplayable for as long as I can remember and that’s probably due to it being the most complex game on the system. Project64 in 2008 or 9 played it nearly perfect except the pause screen was a garbled mess. I eventually got settings on retroarch mupen that played it 99 percent correct when I tried last year but it was a lot of trial and error and I think splash images and text being displayed in chunks being the only problem.

>> No.9608718

just that one part in

>> No.9608738

So how is World Driver and Body Harvest these days? When I last tried Body Harvest years back there were some buildings that could not be entered on second floors and bridges still had issues and WDC just wouldn't work.

>> No.9608743 [DELETED] 

i don't recall N64 being able to run Floigan Bros. Episode 1 at all

>> No.9608756

The "ParaLLEl" core is nothing other than the old Mupen64Plus-libretro core from around 2015 or so with the new ParaLLEl plugins (plus Angrylion) tacked on. It was rebranded as ParaLLEl-N64 to capitalize on the new ParaLLEl-RDP plugin developed by Themaister (the original creator of RetroArch), and was advertised essentially as a whole new emulator that would put all the others to shame. Unfortunately, it turns out it had a lot of latent core issues that were very hard to fix due to the current RetroArch lead dev making a ton of code changes and rewrites that made backporting fixes from upstream Mupen64Plus really hard to do. So another guy had to do a whole new fork based on the latest Mupen64Plus code with minimal changes plus the latest plugins, and so we got Mupen64Plus-Next, which is what you always want to use now. It's still apparently a touchy subject with the lead RA dev, too.

>> No.9608764

They both work fine. Body Harvest has a minor issue with cutscenes such as that in the intro running too fast and heavily desyncing with the music and sound effects, but the game itself is good.

>> No.9609230
File: 1.24 MB, 1440x1080, Bomberman 64 (U) [!]-230128-000323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What settings should you be looking for when your frame rate is out of sync and things that should be flickering on and off every frame are either always on or always off.
It's happening in bomberman for iframes and it's thrown me off a few times I've walked into an enemy that I couldn't see for a second.