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9603128 No.9603128 [Reply] [Original]

Amiga general thread

>> No.9603135

what arcade ports are definitive on amiga, if any?

the r-type 2 port is interesting at least

>> No.9603235

>what arcade ports are definitive on amiga, if any?
rodland. in an uncommon act of cooperation the arcade developers sent the amiga programmers the 68k source code for the arcade. one problem was that they didn't send the maps for the tile data and had to put the graphics back together again like a jigsaw. apparently the amiga developers made improvements and fixed some errors in their code while porting it and sent it back to japan.

>> No.9603408
File: 66 KB, 767x586, amiga_render_tornado3d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to try 3d rendering with 1992-94 era software
seeing as SGI emulation is ass, would it be best to go with DOS (3D Studio), Mac (StrataVision 3D), or Amiga (Imagine or Lightwave)

>> No.9603579

I remember 3D Studio being an absolute pain in the ass but maybe I'm just retarded. Heard good things about Lightwave but never tried it

>> No.9603689

It's an amazing port, but I prefer arcade version's color palette.

>> No.9603726

Osto's Desperation is good on amiga although the zx specter original has more soul

>> No.9603959

>It's an amazing port, but I prefer arcade version's color palette.
i agree. the colours aren't quite right on the amiga version. not enough contrast.

>> No.9603960

imagine and lightwave was used by everyone back then.

>> No.9604045

3D Studio for DOS is really slow on DOSBox and the SVGA chipset emulation makes it even slower. It's better to import your own models since modeling in those old tools only ends in pain.

>> No.9604057

Were amigas always this expensive or did it happen during the pandemic?

>> No.9604092

Silkworm is excellent. Not the greatest game, but basically the same as the arcade.

>> No.9604142

I have just looked into a 30 year old game magazine. Those are the listed prices there
>Amiga 600 = 600DM (=300€)
>Amiga 1200 = 900DM (=450€)
>Amiga 2000D = 1200DM (=600€)
>Amiga 3000T = 5000DM (=2500€)
>Amiga 4000 = 4200DM (=2100€)

So the cheaper Amiga costed less than a midrange GPU does today. The Amiga 1200 is almost as good as the best models anyway.

>> No.9604561

Commodore ended up having to outsource chip production to HP on the ECS and AGA models as their outdated facilities didn't have the capability of producing CMOS chips.

>> No.9604804

Rainbow islands
Buggy boy
New zealand story
Un squadron

>> No.9604989

>randomly popped up in my Youtube the other day
What an awesome game this was for 1988 and 600KB of data.


>> No.9604992

Amazing game.

>> No.9605008

Adjust for inflation

>> No.9605120
File: 208 KB, 713x1010, zeewolf_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9605587

ur mums adjusted for inflation m8

>> No.9605593
File: 388 KB, 1280x960, Sabrina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9605650

i want to bang amy so hard

>> No.9605652

based and skunk pilled

>> No.9605675

C64 is the king of Commodore soul with its distinctive sound. I also prefer the aesthetic and higher frame rate of VIC II graphics over generic 16 bit styles.

>> No.9607534

No one will ever care about your furry shovelware box.

>> No.9607607

Atari ST is the successor to Commodore 64 and Amiga is the successor to Atari 8-bit. Corporate shenanigans are weird.

>> No.9607638

Not an arcade port exactly but Parasol Stars is excellent. I prefer it to the PC Engine version.

>> No.9608746

The ST having a PSG chip is still a mindboggling decision to me. It doesn't sound right at all with those graphics. It should've been FM at the very least.

>> No.9608770

>those water graphics
Now that's sexy

>> No.9608856

Neither the ST or the Amiga is anything like the C64. I wish the ST was though, it wouldn't take much to give the ST a tiled graphic capability. The Amiga was inevitably expensive with those blitter and incredible sound hardware.

>> No.9608860

The PSG is fine, I just wish it had 4 more channels.

>> No.9608862

You cared enough to reply.

>> No.9608865

The OCS should've stayed around longer in a smaller form factor.

>> No.9609008

This pic makes me think of Battletech.

>> No.9609010

So what killed off the Amiga?

>> No.9609012

Commodore's last CEO did, with his mismanagement and questionable at best business practices.

>> No.9609015

Shine on you crazy, fat, fucking diamond.

>> No.9609034

They couldn't keep up with IBM PC Compatible.

>> No.9609036

And the Macs, to a lesser extent.

>> No.9609074

>3D Studio for DOS is really slow on DOSBox and the SVGA chipset emulation makes it even slower.
Why the hell are you using DOSBox for anything that isn't a videogame? It's not even real DOS.
When the Amiga first came out in 85, it was a graphical powerhouse compared to the EGA graphics IBM just brought out the year before. But when the VGA came out in 89, it blew the Amiga's OCS right out of the water. Amiga responded with ECS in 1990, which was still inferior. Then they tried again in 92 with AGA, which was an improvement but still lacking compared to the faster 4MB VGA cards of the era. They were working on something that might have been able to compete with the Voodoo in terms of graphics, maybe, but they went bankrupt before they could finish.
Doesn't help that even the best Amiga had a stock 40Mhz 68xxx CPU in 1994, but Pentiums were hitting 100Mhz.

>> No.9609145

did you increase the memory beyond the base 16 MB?

>> No.9609208

based stinky troon.

>> No.9609236

Why does Sabrina hate windows so much anyway? MacOS and trannux are even worse.

>> No.9609242

Windows killed Amiga and she still holds grudges 30 years after the fact.

>> No.9609245

It was more of a testament to Motorola's failure to compete with Intel. When RISC came into being, Intel hurried to integrate RISC features into their aging x86 architecture while maintaining backwards compatibility. Motorola failed to do that, even the 68000 successors failed to maintain full backwards compatibility with each other.

>> No.9609264

VGA and the Pentium (with an assist from the Sound Blaster) killed it off

>> No.9609307

Paula >>>>>>>> sound blasturd

>> No.9609334

>Why the hell are you using DOSBox for anything that isn't a videogame?
Rendering at 320x200 with dithering is something modern 3D suites can't do anymore. Images get this distinct 90s feel to them. But it's more like a test/hobby and not something I would do regularly.

>> No.9609337

Yes, I've tried 32 MB and 8 MB. It's not memory related. It always feel sluggish, especially in the material editor. I've also tried PCem and it's even slower and produces audio crackle from time to time. kek

>> No.9609348

>4 hard panned channels
>18 FM channels based on yamaha synth tech along with some samples if you're using the right soundblaster card
yeah the paula is better

>> No.9609358

FM channels are ass.

>> No.9611184


>> No.9611212

I actually just got a A500 Mini just for fun. I'm hoping to do something cool with it.

>> No.9611480

coincidentally, this music video was made on amiger, by the artist himself no less.


I haven't met an amiga autist who doesn't still talk about how superior it was/is to MS products. Something tells me that hating windows and MS is part of the fandom.
>getting rid of anything, especially from childhood/youth
where do you think we are right now anon

>> No.9611665

you could have 1000 channels of FM synth, it still has limited amount of operators because PC standards decided to use a very early version of YM synth and stuck with it for years. manufacturers were too scared to use better YM chips because it would break compatibility. people would rather 1 channel of PCM at 8 bit than 1000 FM channels that sound like different kinds of bells due to the limited amount of operators.

>> No.9611667

>I haven't met an amiga autist who doesn't still talk about how superior it was/is to MS products.
was vastly superior and pc faggots never got over it. still seething about it till this very day. i think pc faggots having games ported from st and amiga was the literal salt into the wounds of how shit the state of pc was during the late 80s and early 90s.

>> No.9611701

I don't remember WOLF3D and DOOM port, amigo.

>> No.9611708

based tranny obsesser, never letting them leave his thoughts

>> No.9611712

I mean I wasn't there, and based on what people have told me, I can't say I don't agree with them. Just saying it seems like a common trend to be angry about it. Shame amiger didn't come up with the thing or the money to compete with IBM and MS, just like everybody else in the world I suppose.

I am reminded too of an amiga autist I used to know who told me the reason MS put Office on Mac was because they needed to put it somewhere else to avoid monopoly lawsuits, and they chose Apple because they figured nobody on the market had shittier computers. Don't know if that is actually true though, could just be a popular lgend passed around online.

>> No.9611726

kek why are pc mustard race homos always latching to these two titles as if they had nothing else to play pre-1995

I get people preferring pc/windows for the productivity software and compatibility, and I think amiga fundamentalists who dont get it or the reason why microsoft chose IBM compatibles are screwed in the head or something. Still, until the mid 90s, Amiga was better at 2D games, and that's pretty much an undeniable fact. I would say the Amiga also had the best sound capability, until the 3rd or 4th gen soundblaster. I don't get why people love the midi sounding crap games with soundblaster support puts out.

>> No.9611734

Also, it was only by the 4th gen soundblasters got more than 512KB of sample RAM. That's why amiga games sounded much better up until that point, and it still took a while by that point before PC game developers were starting to adapt the superior capability of that gen's soundblaster. Amiga owners enjoyed the best music.

>> No.9612026

Any tool assisted speed running emulators available for the Amiga yet?

>> No.9612079

I have an actual Amiga kicking around and I would like to try this some day

>> No.9612629

go for it bro

>> No.9612689

Why make stuff up? VGA 87' all the super cards immediately came out right after the standard was set. I was proud of my 386DX and SVGA in 88'. Only to upgrade to a 486 90. Things were moving so fast in the late 80s through to early 2000s. There was really no stopping. I was buying a PC part every year.

>> No.9612702

Microsoft held stocks in Apple to varying degrees. The funny part was their buy up when Apple was down and then they sold a bunch 1 year prior to the iPhone release. No one will accuse them of insider trading with an oof like that.

>> No.9612732

If the Amiga was so superior, why are we discussing it on a PC instead of the Amiga 10,000 Blowjob Edition?

>> No.9612752


>> No.9612773

didn't kill the Mac.

>> No.9612779

Why is the Amiga so popular with furries? Was it because of its then-amazing art program?

>> No.9612835

same reason more people eat mcdonalds instead of a fine steak

>> No.9612838

people didn't buy mac for the games

>> No.9612846

Amiga had good productivity tools, too. And for a while it was known as a better Mac with ShapeShifter.

>> No.9612847

it's literally one guy

>> No.9612849

Those tools weren't the reason amiga was popular

>> No.9612852

>Deluxe Paint and all the music software weren't huge reasons Amiga was popular

>> No.9612853

One guy who inspired thousands.

>> No.9612862

They really really weren't
You think artists and musicians represented even close to a majority demographic using the platform?

>> No.9612867

It was also popular in desktop publishing and subtitling, etc. You're coping if you think Amigas were just glorified games consoles.

>> No.9612868

>even close to a majority demographic using the platform?

>> No.9612876

I don't understand your point. Yeah, the vast majority of Amiga users weren't musicians, obviously. But there's multiple fields of work where the Amiga excelled and where it was popular, and the aforementioned were just a few examples. You can't pretend this is any kind of gotcha; the point is that the Amiga platform was absolutely not limited to gaming and was more similar to the Mac market than you give it credit for.