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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 99 KB, 862x1200, Tomb_Raider_Legend-913859166-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9603065 No.9603065 [Reply] [Original]

What do my friends at /vr/ think of the Legends Trilogy?

>> No.9603069
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>> No.9603072
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>my friends at /vr/

>> No.9603075

My birthday is tomorrow and YOU will talk about video games with me

>> No.9603079

Well then, since you've made such a strong case, I'm happy to tell you that I enjoyed Legend quite a bit. A 7/10 in my book.

>> No.9603085

Pretty good, much better than the tanky originals but not fully cinematic shit yet like the current games

>> No.9603096

*ahem* _no

>> No.9603118

They're the only Tomb Raider games I like. The originals always felt too clunky and I lost interest after Tomb Raider 2 especially with it becoming an annual franchise. The new Tomb Raider games are just lazy Uncharted clones with a teenage girl cosplaying as Lara.

>> No.9603138 [DELETED] 

>too clunky
ok zoom zoom

>> No.9603157

The quick time events are the worst parts of legends for sure

>> No.9603159

Nope I played Tomb Raider back when it was released in my teens. Then I played Mario 64 which made every attempt at 3D platforming look clunky and dated.

>> No.9603253
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>> No.9603262

give it to me straight /vr/lads, is there anything wrong with buying games because your dick told you to do it?

>> No.9603275

I only really played anniversary. It was ok.

>> No.9603293


>> No.9603451

Fan service does not correlate with quality

>> No.9603474

what about not buying games because your dick told you to not do it?

>> No.9603595

I have never played any Tomb Raider other than I think some PC demo of the original game (and that only briefly), but I can tell you that Lara in that image looks extremely attractive

Sadly, yes there is, and it is that games are often a big timesink. If they are not dedicated solely to porn then they tend to be very inefficient porn delivery mechanisms. You should stick to pure porn games and to searching for Lara Croft images on boorus and whatnot. That is a much more effective use of your time. Of course if you buy Rumble Roses or something and end up genuinely enjoying it as a game, then you should keep playing it of course, but you probably shouldn't have bought it in the first place unless you read good reviews of its game aspect first.

>> No.9603687

Good, really solid game, Keeley Hawes voice was the best Lara in my opinion.

>> No.9603870

They are fine.
I prefer the original ones, but I guess the LAU trilogy are the next best thing.

>> No.9603880

I like Legend. But I've been stuck on the big snake boss in King Arthur's tomb for months. I go back to it about once a week, give it a few tries, usually hitting the thing once or maybe twice with those cages before I die. Then I give up for another week.
Tried reading a guide for how to beat the boss... and the guide (after saying that it was the easiest boss in the game!) just told me to do what I was already trying to do. Ugh.

>> No.9603881

Anniversary is my favorite.

>> No.9604406

lmao wait till you reach the final boss

>> No.9605349
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That's funny because I burned out after marathon of the classic Lara's games and still didn't return to LAU. I really should finish them, maybe at this weekend.
Also is it me or bike segments in Legend are kinda hard on hard difficulty? Goons easily kill Lara and she doesn't do much damage with a single pistol.

>> No.9605661

>Tomb Raaider (Legends)
So it's not canon.

>> No.9605663

everything that came after tr chronicles is shit

>> No.9605706

I have it installed and haven't played a second of it

>> No.9605761

Dumbed down run & gun QTE fest.

>> No.9605782

I wanted to say I refunded because I couldn stop fapping to Lara's cleavage during my whole playthrough but actually I refunded the game because of the bike sequence. I just hate rail road gameplay.

>> No.9606647
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AoD is way better than chronicles.

>> No.9606935

>I refunded the game because of the bike sequence. I just hate rail road gameplay.
This. Final nail in the coffin for me.

>> No.9606958

it's shit, even if you don't compare it to the original games

>> No.9607065

you take that back mister

>> No.9607112
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>> No.9607118

is that some coconut fetish?

>> No.9607371

Sounds like a skill issue

>> No.9607372

legends trilogy is incredibly easy and casualized though

>> No.9607374

sounds like you don't know what words mean you fucking nigger.

>> No.9607376

>got stuck on snake boss
>switched to MK+B
>beat it first try
Why do I even bother with shitpads.

>> No.9608248
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Damn, these games are considered retro now. I feel really old.

>> No.9608258

I tried it and honestly it feels sluggish and unresposive, is the game like that or is my intallation fucked?

>> No.9608280

I don’t think I’ve been disappointed by game purchases that were heavily influenced by my dick:

>Dragon’s Crown
>Nier: Automata

Those were the only two that I think my sexual gaze had a huge role in selecting and they were both great. I don’t think there are any other games, let alone retro ones, that have done that.

>> No.9608362

I just got finished playing AoD. I think this game was excellent when it came to the music (that main menu theme!) and the overall plot and presentation was great. Lara never looked better imo. The gameplay is what kills it. The last levels from Strahov onward are simply unfinished and cut extremely short. I would have loved to see more of that world and the stuff they would have us raid from tombs. Each classic tomb raider game really did something completely different from the last one. Collecting an Atlantean artifact from lost civilisations that developed from a cataclysm, destroying an Italian cult focussed around a Chinese dagger that turns you into a dragon hunting through sunken ships (interesting choice of tomb), Collecting meteorite splinters from all over the world for a weird social darwinist gone power-mad only to then kill him, and then a game focussed around the apocalypse being started by a haughty Lara picking up the amulet of Seth (1999 had many apocalypse plots, even V:tM Redemption), Chronicles was all over the place, and finally this weird cinematic plot of a serial killer and Icons that you need to collect and periapt shards you need to defeat the weird half-angel Nephilim race.

Tomb Raider was a wild ride. It really pisses me off that the gameplay for the final game was so piss-poor. There is lots of potential in that game and afaik they wanted to do so much more. TR Legend is just a big dumb action game with quicktime events that is over before you know it and doesn't really do anything with the king Arthur plot, not for all the dumb talking they do over it.

>> No.9608520

I wanna fuck that barbie doll

>> No.9609175

Have you tried the fan patch that fixes the gameplay and restores the cut content?

>> No.9609339

What system is that for?

>> No.9610208
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Obviously PC

>> No.9610212

I started with TR1 when it first came out and consider myself a Tomb Raider purist, but Legend series is alright. I didn't like auto-grab since it killed the suspense of traversing high ledges, or the focus on huge waves of enemies all at once, but it got better with each game. I really liked the acrobatic elements of Underworld and felt like the series was finally starting to head in the right direction again. It's just too bad they rebooted it again after that one. I'm not a fan of the reboot series at all.

>> No.9610215

Wait, where the fuck do I find this? Tomb Raider Forums or what?

>> No.9610272
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Yes, I think he meant this one. I only played vanilla though, the gog version.

>> No.9610283
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Thanks, anon. I'm surprised the forums are still as active as they are.

>> No.9611156

Even after downloading the multitude of ' fixes' for AoD i could not stand it. Even if you fix the crap controls, TR was always weak when it came to urban environments and thats where it starts you, and on a 'find npc' quest to boot. This is not want i want from a TR game. I want be alone in the wilderness, in some creepy tomb, doing straight forward puzzle platforming, surviving the elements/enimies. I dont care how punishing or vague. I'm pretty sure thats what Lara wanted herself too.

>> No.9612035
File: 162 KB, 1280x1280, tomb_raider_legend__aiming_high_by_irishhips_deog0l5-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hopelessly in love with Lara

>> No.9612045

Supposedly AoD was meant to be the first in a series of games that would eventually lead her back to the tombs. I think I would have made the same decision to start that story in an urban environment to make it more impactful when she finally gets to raiding tombs again. I still wonder how the TLR/AoD story would have ended if they hadn't rebooted it with Legend.

>> No.9612128
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i recently found out there's a TOMB RAIDER GOLD with added levels to original or something
is it any good and what's a good version to play it?

>> No.9612182
File: 418 KB, 1024x1429, bunbun_tr1_by_adayka_ddpg69a-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First three games have addons like that, 4th game has a bonus level.
Imo they're meh, but TR3 addon is the best among them and the longest one.

>> No.9612334

I just installed it on my pc, is there a way to stop the camera from rotating with the left stick? It's kind of annoying

>> No.9612358

These games used a modified version of the Gex engine.

>> No.9613006

I just played through the first two Gold discs. The first one was better but the second one was pretty neat in its own way. Some of the levels are bigger than what was probably possible on PS1, and some of the jumps are trickier. They're not as good as the original levels but they're definitely worth playing. Kind of hard mode too.

You can probably find the first two Gold discs on archive or something. I think the extra stuff for 3, 4 and 5 were download-only and might be harder to find. TR3 also has a bonus level on the PS1 version if you find all of the secrets in the game. I don't think that level is available on PC, if I recall correctly.

>> No.9614410

For whatever reason, the Unfinished Business expansion for TR1 starts in Egypt then has you return to Atlantis immediately after the long downhill slide at the end of the base game. I don't know if you can swap them around easier with the way that TR1Main mod works, but I heard that the level designer of those intended for the Atlantis levels to be the first ones, even suggesting to use combat tactics that involve greater use of cover and ambushes.

>> No.9614740

It did seem odd that the "This is what Lara did after TR1" levels were before the Atlantis continuation levels. It would be neat if there was a way to merge them with the main TR1 levels in the correct order, although the ending of the Egypt return levels is a bit anticlimactic.

>> No.9616306

My mom bought me Anniversary and Underworld when I was a kid, they were fun. I never completed either though :/