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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9602621 No.9602621 [Reply] [Original]

The quintessential debate

>> No.9602626

left looks better
right plays better

simple as

>> No.9602639

they're kind of both their own thing, the world would be less rich without the presence of either. for my part I play more ridge racer, part of that I think is down to it translating better to consoles. all the Daytona ports are slightly wonky in their own ways

I'd take Sega rally over both though

>> No.9602643

>apples and oranges
>the eternal debate
yea right

>> No.9602646

If you can't compare two arcade racing games by two rival companies then you can't compare anything in life

>> No.9602687

Ridge Racer pioneered textured mapping and was one of the first arcade games to have a good console port (PSX). Daytona had more complex graphics and gameplay with an impressive amount of players in linked machines thanks to military tech but it never had a good console port.

>> No.9602756

Daytona is better than all PSracers easily. Actually focus in fun

>> No.9602831

Imagine never actually playing games and only ever giving a shit about a company logo at your age too.

>> No.9602880

for me it's san francisco rush

>> No.9602897

RR games look like the blurrieat garbage and are mostly gray. You are retarded

Daytona is also 60 FPS with three times the cars

>> No.9602910

>RR games look like the blurrieat garbage and are mostly gray
The fuck are you talking about, is Rage Racer the only one you've played?

>> No.9602915

Ridge Racer doesn't have texture filtering, you dumb motherfucker. Daytona does.

>> No.9602930

>the only way for a game to be blurry is texture filtering
It has low as shit x240 resolution in combination with interlacing, aliasing and gray in gray graphics. Pure cancer on night time tracks

>> No.9602943

RR was 480p at 60fps on the arcade, retard. Meanwhile arcade Daytona ran at 496x384.
I swear to god if you compare the console version of RR to the arcade version of Daytona I'm gonna break your spine.

>> No.9603083

>left looks better*
>right plays better*
>*Original console releases

>> No.9603105

>Ridge Racer doesn't have texture filtering, you dumb motherfucker. Daytona does.

Model 2 Daytona USA doesn't have any texture filtering, either. The hardware was does have perspective correction. Technically the Windows 9X port was the first Daytona game with texture filtering.

>> No.9603115

The arcade version does have trilinear filtering. It was the first game to every use it.

>> No.9603127

gay bonah
won't go away

>> No.9603295

I like Ridge Racer because it's what I grew up knowing. Sega guys probably like Daytona because of the inverse. I'm pretty sure it's one Sega enjoying anon who has these arguments constantly ("shitdge racer," 'muh AM2,' comparing console and arcade versions, etc.) and I'm not sure what bee is in his bonnet to hang on to a 40 (!) year old corporate rivalry but I wish he'd learn to enjoy things again.

>> No.9603305

>pretty sure it's one Sega enjoying anon who has these arguments constantly
It is. That creature is really easy to spot. In the wild, shitting up every thread about racing games.
You'll often see it goading about sega touring car and pretending it's better than anyone else at racing games at the slightest disagreement.

>> No.9603314

Yeah that just about sums it up.

>> No.9603390

You're wrong on this one but I understand what you're saying.

>> No.9603465

I don't understand what you're saying but my intuition is that you're right

>> No.9603501

no idea what you are talking about so I'll just agree with you

>> No.9603575

Cruis'n USA mogged them both

>> No.9603632

>this guy again

>> No.9603661

I don't give a shit about racing games or even cart racers, but Daytona always stood out to me for some reason.

>> No.9603751
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Rage Racer and Sega Rally

>> No.9603753

I like both but RR is more fun

Dreamcast racers were good too though

>> No.9603770
File: 128 KB, 452x640, i1lfXD6hdfpUpW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Gran Turismo 1 because it has very arcadey but satisfying driving, like Sega Rally but with JDM cars and customization. Sequels bore me to death though, even GT2 doesn't feel like an arcade racer anymore.

>> No.9603779 [DELETED] 

GT3 driving is pretty good too, 2 and 4 were the ones with more tryhard physics.

>> No.9603780

GT3's driving is pretty good too, 2 and 4 were the ones with more tryhard physics.

>> No.9603798

What racing games can I play with digital controls (no analogue triggers)?
Are there any games that teach me how to drive (like manual transmission and where to be in lane)?

>> No.9603817

>What racing games can I play with digital controls (no analogue triggers)?
look for ones on consoles without analog triggers, Saturn and ps1/2 you're good
>Are there any games that teach me how to drive (like manual transmission and where to be in lane)?
not retro there ain't. well I mean if you wanna shift a lot play rage racer but it's not gonna teach you how to use a clutch

>> No.9603847


I hate many games, but I hate Ridge Racer. I can enjoy arcade physics, but its physics are pure blasphemy for anyone who knows how to drive a car.

The drift mechanics allow for the rear to fully lead the car backwards through the corner. DISGUSTING.

>> No.9603852

Dreamcast is the only retro console with analogue triggers afaik. Ps1 and saturn games were d-pad heavy, what's the problem with sticks anyway?

>> No.9603858

it's not really worse than stuff like outrun 2 or arcade initial d

>> No.9604305

He might compare the console versions as OPs pic literally has the console logo. And you are a fat idiot you can't break shit

>> No.9604314

I think unrealistic physics can be overlooked until the PS2 era.
But after that instead of refining the gameplay, Namco just let the series slowly die.

>> No.9604480

Both console versions are 240p. The other guy's point is moot.

>> No.9604521

The gameplay was refined and perfected in Type 4. Shame the AI was extremely slow.

>> No.9604531

>So autistic that you can't appreciate the beauty of real cars and the absurdity of arcadey racing videogames that let you do crazy shit you couldn't do in a real cars

>> No.9604598

Lmao, the gameplay was dumbed down further in Type 4. You don't even need to countersteer and correct during drifting, it is all automatic. Out of all ps1 installments RRT4 is the most boring to play.

>> No.9604607

Yes you do. You just lose a lot of speed if you don't countersteer, unlike previous games which would throw you straight forward into a wall.

>> No.9604608


>> No.9604610

Stop playing with team Mappy & PRC

>> No.9604625

No, you don't. What the fuck do you even do to lose speed while drifting in RRT4?

>> No.9604758
File: 276 KB, 1154x780, Ridge Racer Full Scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left was single player

Right was multi-player.

Left had the best and most memorable arcade machine.

Right had a better and more iconic theme song.

Both games were Sega and Namco's attempts to beat eachother bloody at the arcade.

It's really a matter of personal preference.

>> No.9604764

Because drifting a car in general inherently makes it lose speed due to loss of grip, as part of its power is wasted as heat from the tires grinding along the ground instead of kinetic energy pushing the car forward. Do you not know how cars fucking work?

>> No.9604814

I am talking about RRT4

>> No.9604874

You lose speed in RRT4 if you don't downshift at the end of a long drift.

>> No.9605353

>interlacing on a 240p ps1 game
/vr/ reaches a new low

>> No.9605360

Drifting is "automatic" in every single RR, starting from one.

>> No.9605419
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I'm not really sure how anyone can defend Ridger Racer 1. It sucks to play, it also has no content. Granted Daytona was also light on content but it at least was fun to play.

Preach it brother. Gran Turismo was not only better to play but also had much better content. The only thing Ridge Racer had at the time was Type 4's story. Beyond that Gran Turismo was the superior PS1 racer.

>> No.9605445

>it also has no content
It's an arcade games from 1993 when 3D graphics were a barely explored frontier, whose PSX port was the very first game ever made for the console, kid. Did you seriously expect a Gran Turismo level of content out of that era?

>> No.9605984

>Did you seriously expect a Gran Turismo level of content out of that era?
From the era of RR4? I mean RR4 had something like 300 cars? I'd say Ridge Racer at the time of GT had a serious amount of content.

I'm not sure what you're getting your panties in a twist about.

>> No.9606007

Ridge Racer PS drives completely different than arcade so I don't see how it set the metric for good console ports.

>> No.9606012

You specifically pointed out that Ridge Racer 1 doesn't have a lot of content. No shit, it's an arcade game. It's a dumb argument, I can't sugarcoat it.

>> No.9606015

Well, the arcade has a wheel and original PS1 title had to be played with a pad.

>> No.9606025

>I don't see how it set the metric for good console ports
Vast majority of console ports were shit or heavily compromised before then. Not RR, since it was made on souped up PSX hardware for the arcade.

>> No.9606041

Yes and then I compared it to Daytona USA and said that Daytona USA was equally also light in content but was better to play. Ridge Racer 1 sucks to play.

>> No.9606049

Not the point I'm talking about but to that tangent, consider gitting gud

>> No.9606214

>Daytona is also 60 FPS
not on saturn it wasn´t

>> No.9606215

sega touring car mogs them both
>muh i ca nt pl ey
mt and git gud faggot

>> No.9606312

ridge racer was better both in the arcades and at home

>> No.9606402

>Not RR, since it was made on souped up PSX hardware for the arcade.
About that, anon...

>> No.9606404

that's tekken, RR hardware is a lot more powerful.

>> No.9606410

Shit game through and through

>> No.9606420

>muh Shit game
thx for ur pathetic reply

>> No.9606425

You're welcome! Don't play shitty games anon, they just waste your time.

>> No.9606435

>still no arguments
stcc is a good game, I will even say its the best racer on the saturn, the physics are good and complex, theres tire wear, the graphics are nice, the textures are cool, the ost is eurobeat tier, the cars are epic, and then you have cool tracks with one having a fucking xmas mod, only downsides are its kinda low res and it filters faggots like you, just because you suck at it doesn't mean its bad, now go git gud and stop being playing mario krap

>> No.9606481

Nah, still not playing shit game

>> No.9606485

>never played it
>its shit
the absolute state of /vr/

>> No.9606487

Don't need to taste shit to know it's shit.

>> No.9606494

so anyways whats ur favorite utuber?

>> No.9606569

>the physics are good and complex
they are pretty floaty compared to daytona or even sega rally, the cars drift weird and easily with no sense of weight nor speed, there's no car degradation nor 360s like in daytona either. hairpin incoming at 350 km/h? no problem just steer more
it's not a bad game but the devs totally screwed the intended realism, F355 challenge was much better in this aspect, even Daytona feels more "simcade" than STCC. AM2 was just a better, less pretentious team.

>> No.9606667
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>> No.9607072

its an arcade game not a sim
>Daytona feels more "simcade" than STCC
wtf are you talking about, do you drift at 100mph?

>> No.9607137

>its an arcade game not a sim
the devs wanted realism though... and they failed completely, they even refused criticism towards the game because of muh realism.
>wtf are you talking about, do you drift at 100mph?
in stcc you effortessly drift at 320 km/h and instantly lose 2/3 of your speed, the "drift" is super fake too and feels more like an understeer. Daytona is nowhere near as bad, when drifting you lose speed gradually and need to countersteer to regain traction, also you need proper weight transfer or downshifts to start a drift in daytona, otherwise the car will understeer and you'll hit the wall.
0 to 300 km/h is fucking ridiculous in stcc too compared to Daytona, even in 6th gear. Sega rally is similar to stcc in a lot of aspects but at least it had the terrain physics in its favor

>> No.9607159

>the devs wanted realism though... and they failed completely, they even refused criticism towards the game because of muh realism.
well its kinda of a sim but its still an arcade game, its no f355
>in stcc you effortessly drift
you don't drift in stcc, at least you shouldn't drift, if you are drifting you are playing it wrong
>instantly lose 2/3 of your speed
daytona usa and sega rally too, I even try to do the minimum drifting in sega rally because you loose speed when drifting
>also you need proper weight transfer
no you don't you just brake and downshift, simple as that

>> No.9607163

>Sega rally is similar to stcc in a lot of aspects but at least it had the terrain physics in its favor
the terrain in stcc is also complex

>> No.9607204

>well its kinda of a sim
it's really not
>you don't drift in stcc, at least you shouldn't drift, if you are drifting you are playing it wrong
don't care about playing stcc "right", just saying the physics are fake as fuck.
>daytona usa and sega rally too
in daytona you don't lose that much speed when drifting, unless you go to 1st gear and completely lose the rear just like irl (except that in real life you'd also blow up the engine). Daytona's physics are exaggerated/simplified but they still have some real-life basis, stcc feels much more fake in comparison.
sega rally is from the same team of stcc, so yeah similar physics.
>no you don't you just brake and downshift, simple as that
both of those transfer weights, anon. In stcc you can just floor it up and force steering.
how so? all stages are on tarmac and don't really feel unique from each other.

>> No.9608265

>it's really not
it kinda is, at least compared with daytona usa and vr
>don't care about playing stcc "right", just saying the physics are fake as fuck.
you are fake, git gud, you can actually feel the suspensions unlike daytona usa
>daytona is more realistic than stcc
this is some retarded shit
>both of those transfer weights, anon. In stcc you can just floor it up and force steering.
and downshift, and theres no drifting at 200kmh and other fantasy bs appart from the cars doing 340kmh, but thats just a small detail that doesn't influence on the physics, but you can't say daytona feels more real life than stcc, thats just retarded af
>how so? all stages are on tarmac and don't really feel unique from each other.
you sound like you never played stcc, in the first stage on the first corner, there a little drop that makes ur car fly if you dont take the turn correctly, and other things like that, the only track that is 100% flat is the brick wall town circuit, the others are all unique and complex, sure its no sega rally with big jumps aand shit, but its not totally flat like daytona, which feels like the car is glued on the ground.
in stcc you can actually do jumps on the kerbs like you see in some real tc races

>> No.9608278

no one cares about stcc you dumb faggot

>> No.9608384

>it kinda is, at least compared with daytona usa
coping with "g-g-git gud" isn't an argument
>you can actually feel the suspensions unlike daytona usa
fake ass bounce/roll/floatiness on cars with stiff suspension on the nicest tarmac isn't realistic, just dumb, this isn't sega rally. Daytona is better done and weight transfer actually matters when handling understeer/oversteer.
>and theres no drifting at 200kmh
did you play the game? forcing the steering at 300 km/h is enough to drift and reduce most of your speed in a few seconds, you don't even need to brake nor downshift.
>but thats just a small detail that doesn't influence on the physics
cars accelerating at a believable speed isn't a "small detail", 0 to 300 km/h in stcc is fake as fuck, it's like 4 seconds ffs. With that kind of acceleration you'd just lock the tires endlessly in daytona.
>but you can't say daytona feels more real life than stcc
not our problem if you can't handle facts.
>there a little drop that makes ur car fly if you dont take the turn correctly
which is cartoonish as fuck, yes tracks aren't 100% flats but they aren't this ridiculous either, especially for DTM cars with low clearance and stiff suspension.
>but its not totally flat like daytona, which feels like the car is glued on the ground.
that's how race cars should feel in conditions like that though, daytona did it better by not being as tryhard, ironically.

>> No.9609189

Fuck that guy anon. STCC is amazing. Anyone with a differing opinion got filtered, hard.

>> No.9609219

the game is alright but if you bought the "muh hardcore realism" marketing u got fooled, it's fun in a f-zero/wipeout kind of way

>> No.9609326

BOTH ports suck. Hard. Arcade machines is a different story. Ridge Racer 8/10. Daytona USA 10/10.

>> No.9609330

>has no content

>> No.9609508

>he is still coping 30 years later

>> No.9609539


>> No.9610084

both play like shit. both are aesthetically pleasing, and my vote goes to rr thanks to the music.
sega rally plays great but presentation is generic.

>> No.9610161

At least daytona has somewhat believable corner physics. No physics involved with ridge racer. Like they had no idea what they were doing.