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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3 KB, 180x173, treasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9602325 No.9602325 [Reply] [Original]

They were the best developer of the Retro Era (1962-1999), and I'm tired of pretending they weren't.

>> No.9602392

Outside Nintendo, Capcom and Konami, I agree

>> No.9602396

I still play Ikaruga, Mischief Makers and Guardian Heroes today. There isn't that much outside of those for me though

>> No.9602764

auster on suicide watch

>> No.9602785

You have to pretend they aren't?



>> No.9602807

The most overrated dev for sure. Even if you are most blatant Treasure fanboy, calling them better than Konami, Capcom, or Nintendo is bordering on delusion.

>> No.9602848 [DELETED] 
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What does Game Mode on a TV actually do?

>> No.9602868 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 356x489, 51IX0UUEGPL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is awesome.

>> No.9602891

Their games rely a lot on spectacle rather than interesting level setups. Most of the time you're put on a big corridor and there's usually only one or two things you can do at any given time with no deviation (engage enemies, engage obvious screen gimmick, etc). I don't really like any of their platformers much for that reason, but they are still very very pretty and smooth, I guess.

>> No.9602894

Gunstar Heroes, Michief Makers, and McDonalds Treasureland are their only genuinely excellent games. The rest are ones that are REALLY fun for 10 minutes and then REALLY wear out their welcome. Their games are like stage magic. I'll play Radiant Silvergun and be CONVINCED it's the greatest game ever but then I don't ever feel compelled to beat it. I just turn it off because in reality it's boring but it does something in my dopamine receptors that makes me think it's awesome. Most of their library is like this.

>> No.9603112


>> No.9604846

>makes Nintendo fanboys seethe because they developed most of their games for Sega consoles (and were exclusively Sega during the fourth gen at that)
>makes Snoy fanboys seethe because they essentially ignored the Plebstation family
>makes Auster seethe because they didn't port any of their games to Amiga

Yea, I'm thinking Treasure was fuckin based.

>> No.9604856

All videogames are gimmicks and spectacles.

>> No.9604882

Treasure is great but they're below the true king - Namco.

>> No.9604983

They're the definition of a one hit wonder.

>> No.9605067
File: 27 KB, 250x315, Silhouette_mirage_ad_i_think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not let Ausfag encourage more dicksuckery for that one N64 he likes to shitpost about.

This game rocks and mogs Mischief Makers in terms of gameplay and graphics. Go ahead and seethe about this game instead.

>> No.9605149

They had interesting ideas but could rarely explore them well.

Gunstar Heroes? Good until a few levels in, shits the bed with boring as fuck gimmicks, something like gunners heaven on PS1 does it all better except the lack of 2 player.
Alien Soldier? Good boss rush game, no real complaints except vocal fans who haven't played other games and assume the first they played is the best (running theme with treasurefags)
radiant silvergun? Chaos Field takes those half baked ideas and does them 10 times better.

I get it, they do neat things someone like Nintendo wasn't but the thing is, everyone was doing neat things with genres at the time. Honing in on Treasure just shows a decided ignorance and projects a lack of experience.

>> No.9605553

Treasure made two of the most classic N64 games, anon. Three if you love that version of Bangai-O.

>> No.9605775
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They also made the legendary Wario World, Nintendo's best 3D scotformer to this day.

>> No.9605807

>essentially ignored the Plebstation family
Gradius V on the PS2 is an excellent game and I like Treasure solely for making it. No seethe from me.

>> No.9605813

Based ad.