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File: 263 KB, 871x1053, ret345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9602058 No.9602058 [Reply] [Original]

How was VGA released into the world being so shitty?
its like they wanted it to be shit on purpose and just piss people off.
>The posts to tighten the connector are always impossible to grip or hurts your fingers
>when it has a indentation for a screw driver on top, that usually means the screw driver has to go on an angle not straight up and down to get in there.
>the nut bolt things always spin or get caught in the vga cable like pic related.
>if you don't screw the two vga posts down evenly , it fucks up the whole process,
yea if you screw one side all the way down first and not the other side you are fucked
VGA did not need screws, all it had to be was a cable that clicked in
or if vga had some kind of lever you push over just to lock the cable in that would of been good
I Beleive that VGA cables as we know them had to be some kind of conspiracy to make
them shitty and just piss people off on purpose.

>> No.9602114

>tightens one side
The fukc? What are tyou doing Anon, you never tighten the screws until you get them all in. This is for everything and not just shitty cable plugs. Don't tell me you tighten them as much as possible too?

>> No.9602131

>The posts to tighten the connector are always impossible to grip or hurts your fingers
Have you tried not being a lard ass?

>> No.9602173

we get filtered by games, this faggot gets filtered by cables.
this is some next level shit

>> No.9602267

Jesus fuck anon, the D-Subminiature standard had existed for fucking decades before it was used for VGA, what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.9602435

Never had a problem with this. You may just be retarded

>> No.9602907

I had this issue happen to me on both VGA and DVI. It's very easy to fix. Loosen it up and screw that part back into the monitor/gpu. If cable has extra protection it generally happens.

>> No.9603565

The ends of VGA connectors are Phillips or flat head. So long as you're not a Lenny and use a screw driver with the force of God, you should be able to use them on VGA connectors without any issues with finger discomfort or the source ports screw getting attached to the VGA connector. Problem solved.

>> No.9603594

I bet $100 OP lives in California.

>> No.9603832

>kids react
>filtered by a vga cable

>> No.9604282

>anon gets filtered by a fucking plug

>> No.9604286

It's a mental or physical thing? I mean, OP retardation...

>> No.9604698

>being unable to use screws
What are you 10?

>> No.9604706

OP's a retard but I'm excited to hear your retarded take on how you came to this conclusion

>> No.9604709

This is one of the most zoomer posts I've ever witnessed. I'm 30 and never had a problem with them aside from laptop manufacturers not putting holes for the screws and over time the port starts bending down in some cases.

>> No.9604726
File: 361 KB, 1852x2048, 1642668475703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The posts to tighten the connector are always impossible to grip or hurts your fingers
Holy shit what a fucking pussy.
>if you don't screw the two vga posts down evenly , it fucks up the whole process,
Just hold the cable steady with one hand and turn with the other. Retard.

>> No.9604895

OP is a fatty confirmed

>> No.9604958

hey anon what's your poor and empty flyover state like this time off year?

>> No.9604964

I'll have you know OP as 12 and a half

>> No.9605051

/vr/ never ceases to amaze me in it's retardation

>> No.9605072

>>if you don't screw the two vga posts down evenly , it fucks up the whole process
You're supposed to push the plug in fully, then tighten the screws.

>> No.9605110

I never had problems with it neither, but it doesnt change the fact that the design is retarded. Im glad we moved over to HDMI.

>> No.9605134

Yeah no fuck anyone lying about VGA and DVI plugs going in easy, the screws cross thread every fucking time.

>> No.9605328


You unscrew the screws so they're not jutting out, then push the plug in, then tighten the screws. Only a retard would have problems with something so basic.

>> No.9605484

Who gives a fuck, you plug it in like once every five years

>> No.9605579

there's no need to tighten them, plug the cable in and screw them until the screws bottom out, no need to nip them tight.
Most of the time I didn't even bother screwing them in at all

>> No.9605580

The fuck are you doing
Just put it in the slot first and then give the screws one turn in reverse

>> No.9605591

This is an amazing bait post or an actually mentally challenged anon. You don’t even need to screw then in.

>> No.9605640

I wish everything was HDMI now, but DisplayPort exists. And with that stupid pair of locking teeth on it, you basically have to buy cables that cost three times as much as equivalent HDMI cables if you want something that doesn't require gorilla strength to remove.

>> No.9605797

>I want inferior tech because it’s more convenient
This is the same mindset of anti CRT anons

>> No.9605810

Me want simple thing, good thing not more good than simple

>> No.9605816

Both plugs can only go in one direction anon

>> No.9605830

Bad plug have release button, too hard

>> No.9605874
File: 86 KB, 529x279, and you think USB is bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try plugging these bad boys in.

>> No.9605907

thankfully these have an arrow on top which makes them easy

>> No.9605908

I want the people advancing the DisplayPort standard to drag HDMI forward directly instead of continuing to use a connector that damages equipment far more often than the "inferior" connector falls out.

>> No.9605916

These are villainous.
If the pins even become slightly bent it becomes a nightmare.

>> No.9605985

This. PS/2 was a lot more convenient.

>> No.9606021

The standard DB9 screw used to secure the VGA (and actually pretty much all cords that used screws) to the case has more thread on the case side of the screw than on the cord side. If you screw a DB9 into a case, and the hole provided by the case is deep enough, there's more thread holding the DB9 in place on the case than there is VGA screw thread trying to unfasten the DB9.

Where this plan falls apart, and this is especially true in the instance of post-80s PCs, is that actually the case is designed to be as thin as possible. Most of the thread of the DB9 meant to screw into a case, motherboard, graphics card, whatever, is actually just dangling on the inside of the computer, attached to nothing. It's only attacked to a thin sheet of metal. Meanwhile, the VGA screw is entirely engaged with the interior of the DB9, meaning it has greater grip strength than the side meant to anchor the DB9, hence it unscrews.

This means any instance of the port where cost cutting was employed will inevitably lose the fastening screw unless you apply something like locktight. This is a legitimate problem with how the specification was employed in practice because most companies don't care about your screw problems, but it wasn't a part of the specification itself.

>> No.9606024

ps2 is a breeze can do it by reaching round the back of my case by feel alone

I think you're all just cable-casuals 2bqh

>> No.9606265

He's a pussy who can't handle the slightest bit of handwork

>> No.9606279

>zoomer twitch viewer
adds up

>> No.9606547
File: 252 KB, 470x470, bjarne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i cant VGA

>> No.9606589

Move jumpers
Move jumpers

I once reverse engineered a 9 dip switch bank for a no brand CGA/MDA/EGA/VGA card. God, that was horrendous.

it's an analog signal that needs a good connection. You can lose colors and sync if the connection is not good. It's not digital like it's all or nothing. It's also from an early enough time where connectors were screwed in commercial/industrial setting that IBM operated in. Use a small flat head screwdriver to tighten them up or loosen. problem solved.

>> No.9606591

You sound like you shouldn't be allowed around electronics.

>> No.9606616

You wanna volunteer to be it's handler? No? Then let the games continue

>> No.9606624

VGA is an analog standard. you need a high quality connection to keep noise to a minimum.
HDMI is digital, so it's a lot more tolerant of connection quality, so the jack can be just a plug

>> No.9606626

DVI is the same as VGA plug wise and that’s digital

>> No.9606630
File: 80 KB, 1500x745, 81QojsYOS4L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have some shocking news for you

>> No.9606639


OP covered this by suggesting a locking lever. I agree with OP. Yes it's easy to handle these problems but it should be so easy that nobody EVER thinks about it for even a moment. That is good design. VGA cables could have been gradually shifted over to a locking lever scheme or something else like that, whatever might have been superior to the screws. Compatibility between the two formats could have been kept high enough to prevent any old cables from becoming fully obsolete. That would have been nice I think. Not that it's a big deal or anything, but still, I stand with OP on this.

>> No.9606716

Not sure what you’re trying to show here, that the pins are different?
We’re talking about the plug which you insert, which works exactly the same as VGA but it’s digital

>> No.9606754

Not sure what that anon is trying to show you. But that's a pic of a DVI adapter that supports analog. Might be trying to show you you're retarded?

>> No.9606762

God damn you are some dumb motherfuckers on this thread
What is this discussion about?
Do you somehow think DVI can’t do digital signals?

>> No.9606790

DVI can be used for both analog and digital connections. Maybe you would know this if you could read or speak English and thus understand the posts you're getting mad at but I doubt it.

>> No.9606795

Read the thread, my god man
It’s like you’re not in the same conversation

>> No.9606806

If DVI sometimes carries analog video then it needs to be locked in like VGA, what the fuck do you think I'm not understanding

>> No.9606817

We are talking about physically plugging in a device, the anon talking said VGA is incapable of doing digital because the connection is not as secure as something like HDMI
DVI plugs in the exact same way as VGA and is able to carry a digital signal
Do you follow?

>> No.9606819

That's not even close to what anyone said, please go shit up a message board in a language you are capable of using.

>> No.9607038

Good thread.

>> No.9607087

>Do you somehow think I can’t do reading comprehension?
Think? I know it to be true. You've proven it multiple times.

>> No.9608386

PS2 is actually really easy to plugin. Far far easier than usb. USB is almost impossible to plug in without looking. With PS2 however, the round shape centers the connector, and then you can just rotate it whilst applying light pressure, and it just slides right in once the angle is correct.

>> No.9608397

My SNES S-Video cable is missing the little guide post in the middle and if I don't put it in dead straight on my own the pins will bend. It's pretty great.

>> No.9608962

>Hurts your fingers
You have to 18 to post here, troon-chan

>> No.9608971


>> No.9609018

s-video is a dogshit connector. Oh yeah let's make a round connector but only let it plug in if in one specific orientation, brilliant.

>> No.9609023
File: 33 KB, 522x482, 61nNu8NjmVL._AC_SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me nothing will surpass the stupidity that is the component standard of having two identical connectors for no practical reason with no standard or even requirement on how to differentiate them.

>> No.9609143

S-Video looks great on a CRT. I have also never had an issue plugging it in. Hell, one time I had a bent pin and easily realigned it.
Most component cables don't have this issue and are color coded

>> No.9609632

I think he’s saying there are 2 reds, but from my memory they’re usually different plug designs if you don’t get the cheap Chinese ones, the audio was usually right next to each other to differentiate anyway

>> No.9609646

Is he upset that the red plug carries the red-luma signal? It's not their fault red was already standardised as stereo right channel long before component

>> No.9609669

vga cables suck fat dick, dvi too with its million variations
displayport cables are also terrible and the standard sucks dick. why the fuck does it power cycle when i turn off my screen
hdmi is the only good standard

>> No.9609671

Yeah red next to white is stereo, red next to colors is video. Simple as.

>> No.9609758

>I have also never had an issue plugging it in. Hell, one time I had a bent pin and easily realigned it.
I always have an issue with that bitch. With RCA jacks you can just reach behind the TV and feel where they need to go easily. With S-video you find the right port but the plug is misaligned with the inside pins, so you have to blindly spin it around hoping to get it to slot in without breaking anything. It's garbage and there should've just been a two RCA port standard for s-video, with separate RCA jacks for luma and chroma

>> No.9609767
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Scartsocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euros win again.

>> No.9609769

SHART is a garbage connector too, probably even worse

>> No.9609798

Not when the plug is recessed