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File: 85 KB, 640x641, dragon_warrior_monsters_p_ufqcgu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9594405 No.9594405 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone play this game? Thoughts? Experience?

>> No.9594454

i started on my brother's GBC, but then a mosquito was inside so i ran to my bedroom where i didn't have good lighting for seeing the screen.

wanted to give it another go in 2014 when i cut a fingertip in the kitchen before work and decided to play a jarpig instead of anything WASD. i saw there was a remake and decided to let the dust settle and played Final Fantasy 13 (stylized XIII) and enjoyed it uwu

>> No.9594495

I played a few hours into it but didn't beat it. I enjoyed the random rogue like style dungeons to train the monsters. I didn't care for the breeding because it would take 2 monsters and spit out a third different monster. I get attached to my critters.

>> No.9594540

i played the shit out of it as a kid in the drought between pokemon games
i really liked it

>> No.9594576

I bought Dragon Warrior Monsters in high school when it first came out.
I played it a good bit and enjoyed it for the most part.
I ended up trading it for a "few days" to a friend for Warioland 2
Never traded it back and still had Warioland until i ended up selling it along with a few other games years later.
Warioland 2 ended up being one of my favorite games of that gen

>> No.9595097
File: 33 KB, 800x720, dragon-warrior-monsters-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. Love the game, had it back in the day. Its extremely cozy to traverse the generated worlds but I always get to a point where My monsters can't compete and the game wants me to sacrifice them at an alter to get some new monster that I may or may not like. The game punishes attachment to your monsters.

Maybe if i had a guidebook I would've finished the game. I'd need a visual family tree of monsters to plot out my team
I find it all so charming, but the few experts out there are nuts being able to remember the eugenics paths that get them to the good monsters.

>> No.9595239

I tried it for the first time recently but didn't like it. The game expects you to go through badly procedural dungeons over and over to grind your monsters and then potentially lose progress with a breeding system that takes away your mons

>> No.9595393
File: 185 KB, 2432x2332, rFm1Xwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9596319

I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets attached to the monsters. I just really didn't like breeding two slimes and getting a hammerhead or whatever. It really made no intuitive sense.

>> No.9597432

I played the sequel, Tara's adventure I think, last year. Its a pretty fun monster taming game, but you had better come prepared to sacrifice monsters to the breeding system. It consumes the parents, and is 100 percent mandatory because there are hard monster lv caps and the game is borderline unplayable otherwise. Even grinding a non bread team to near 100 doesn't guarantee victory. Plus the breeding is digimon tier, no logic at all. Just find a guide

>> No.9597435

None whatsoever

>> No.9597445

This game and its sequel are some of my favorite games of all time. Really gets my dopamine pumping. I like the breeding, stats, and skill inheritances system.

>> No.9597510

The sequel is way better.

>> No.9597643

I did. It's very souful, first one probably even more so than the sequel, but the sequel has more going for it once you get really into it.

I think part of the charm playing this as a kid was just randomly trying to find out all of these combinations every now and then and hoping for the best, worst case scenario resetting your GameBoy. But yeah, if you want to really power-level and squeeze the most out of your monsters, you'll need a guide. The breeding mechanics are kinda random.

BTW. Anons, both games got combined into one and released on the original PlayStation. Looks fucking sick, there was some group working on translating it, but last I've heard anything about it was years ago and I don't know if they're still working on it. Hope so though.

>> No.9597650

Oh also I forgot to add the both of the GBC games are absolutely wonderful on the Super GameBoy, they get dynamic borders that change depending on where you are in the game.

>> No.9598753

I found it to be more enjoyable than Pokemon. The chance to fill my team with Dragonlord ("dracolord"), Esterk and Pizzaro, or plow through the game as a slime, dracky, and ghost from the original game, was more appealing to me.

(True story I was locked up in a rural jail when the game came out and I was allowed to have a game boy so I played the hell out of this game for months but I never got 100% of the monsters because of the breeding system.

>> No.9598816

I am also gay and sentimental like you guys and this is how I solved that problem:

Whatever name I give to the my first three monsters, I give to their offspring as well. That way Dan is always with me even if he's an anteater or a gas dragon. I never let my first three buddies breed with each other since they have to keep their lineage pure. Then at the very end of the game, on the final tournament round, I breed back to get my original monsters, now with like +20, insane stats, and like 12 generations of movesets. So my three buddies I fought the first round are now back with me, though in truth, they were never away from my side the entire game. I fucking love you guys, Dan the Anteater, Vlad the Drackee, and Hale the Healer.

>> No.9598915

I played the second one first and it's one of my favorite GBC games.
When I went back and tried the first game I couldn't get past how simplistic the dungeons were. I probably should give it another chance.

>> No.9598941

Play it nigga instead of asking about it, it's great

>> No.9599559

I like the second one better, It feels more polished for some reason, but I might feel this way because I played 2 first as a kid.

I got attached more to bloodlines then actual monsters, If a monster did really well, I imagined that it's kids would do well, and I'd merge bloodlines. The breeding over all made it more fun to me then Pokemon, I liked how you would get a totally different monster from a breed.
I wish SMT was just a little bit more like this game.

>> No.9599602

I never finished it, but it was fun as i recall

>> No.9599660

I first played when my brother got a copy during pokemania and while I was avoiding Pokemon at the time (we shared a room and it was covered in mon) I tried this because I liked dragon warrior. I've got a copy, maybe I'll try it as an adult, kinda debating whether to give harvest moon a playthrough.

>> No.9599664

Pokemon was much better.

>> No.9599917
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I might give this a shot next time I play the game.

>> No.9600479

I know it's not retro, but are the remakes of this and the sequels worth playing?

>> No.9600508

The remake of the second one blows the remake of the first out of the water. But you won't enjoy either if you don't like how the Joker games play.

>> No.9600596

How do the Joker games play in comparison?

>> No.9600837

You can have some monsters in your party in reserve, scouting new monsters is done by making all your monsters attack one and the more damage they do the higher the chance of it working, there's a size system where you can get giant kaiju-sized monsters that attack multiple times, hold more skills, and have bigger stats, and breeding is a lot more customizable.
Most combinations give you 3 monsters and not only can you choose which one you get you can choose which three skills are passed down. And instead of passing down individual attacks, you pass down skill packs that grant the monster moves, traits, and stat bonuses when you spend skill points on them which you get by leveling up.

>> No.9601004

Rented it once as a kid and loved it, but had to take it back relatively quick

Then for a while I lived in a cabin out in the middle of the woods, with no internet and only my laptop and some books for entertainment. This was one of the games that I played during that time and it was pretty good!