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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 68 KB, 300x206, GoldenEye007box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9591569 No.9591569 [Reply] [Original]

I always thought Goldeneye had the best graphics and visuals of all n64 titles, maybe even all pre-2000 games. The character models are not stellar, but everything else is pretty top tier.

>> No.9591580 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does have an oddly realistic look to it. i can't quite put my finger on it, but something about the angular structures, bright lighting and use of high contrast shadows makes the environments look a lot more believable than they should. some of the locales honestly wouldn't look out of place in some DC or early PS2 games. i'm not even a huge GE guy, i'd way rather play TS2, but it was a very impressive game.

>> No.9591604

perfect dark was a bit better, i thought so anyway

>> No.9591606

PD's multiplayer mode is absolutely killer but the singleplayer sucks. they tried doing too much and it ran like shit, and even though the levels were aesthetically cool they often got too mazey and complicated to be enjoyable. GE has more of that straightforward design that makes the levels memorable and replayable. that said, Timesplitters takes a hot dump on both.

>> No.9591609

The lighting in the first level looks amazing

>> No.9591612

It's fine for a console game, but obviously Quake 3, Unreal, Half-Life, etc, have better graphics by 90s standards.

>> No.9591619

Really? I always thought it was one of the uglier games.

>> No.9591660
File: 407 KB, 474x332, GoldenEye 007 Severnaya Surface (N64Hardware).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny that you say that because I can remember when I first saw this as a kid that it was the first time a videogame ever had a look and sense of realism.
Something about it seemed believable, not necessarily real but realistic.
I've been impressed by plenty of game's graphics throughout the years but I never got that same sense of realism ever since.

>> No.9591750

it looks kinda like early (90s) VR, or maybe what films of the time thought VR would look like

>> No.9591760

Favorite multiplayer maps, lads? For me it’s Facility, with Stack as second

>> No.9591785

Facility. Because it had toilets. That was peak comedy for me and my brother.
Bunker. Because it looked like a modern office and reminded me of my dad's office building.

>> No.9591851

>one chokepoint in the middle of the map
>rooms with one way in
>no verticality
I love goldeneye but facility sucks monkey balls as a multiplayer map

>> No.9591868

Well what did you think was top tier?

>> No.9591881

stack, complex, archives

>> No.9591963

It was precisely so good because it wasn’t designed as some sterile, formless multiplayer-balanced map.

>> No.9592181
File: 40 KB, 443x455, 1540858875737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always thought Goldeneye had the best graphics and visuals of all n64 titles
Just tried to play it on a crt, can't tell what the fuck anything is. Enemies not visible till 4 feet away. Garbage

>> No.9592886

Zelda, later rare games, rogue squadron.

>> No.9593147
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, GE_Screenshot_01-4472b142f8e0b4404b31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, none of those really do what GE does. Especially the first level just looks awesome tonally and surprisingly realistic. I guess using real life textures did that

>> No.9593370


For N64, possibly. Certainly the best of the 'realistic' games. Plenty of more beautiful looking character games though - OoT, being the one that comes to mind.

For pre 2000s generally, the PC was doing far more amazing looking things. In 1999 for instance we had AvP, Kingpin, System Shock 2, Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 - and that's just FPSs.

>> No.9593412

The problem is those mostly have generic random shit levels why GE was made by ear-cutting autists who lived and breathed James Bond so every nook and cranny in the game oozed James Bond

>> No.9593593

>can't tell what the fuck anything is
well the game can't help it that you have serious brain problems

>> No.9593620

Caves with the rocket launcher
Caverns with proximity mines
Bunker with grenade launcher

>> No.9595416

For me it's shooting the enemy in the bum and watching them hop up in surprise/pain.

>> No.9595515

PC was on par with the 64 at the time, it just did so at higher res and better frame rates
Half life was exceptional at the time of release and 3D definitely started moving quickly after that

>> No.9596543

Nobody played this.

>> No.9596568

....or they just took from the source material instead?

>> No.9596571


>> No.9596847 [DELETED] 

Timesplitters 2 sold more than Perfect Dark and there are 3 TS games and only 2 PD games (unless you count the XBLA remake or the GBC game). sorry you missed out on the better game fag.

>> No.9596932


OP's question was all of pre-2000s though.

If we're talking year of release (1997), on PC we had Jedi Knight (also dripping with Star Wars atmosphere - and massive feeling outdoor spaces), Hexen II and Quake II - though to be fair most of the output was on the Build engine. I think all those games look better than GE - particularly Jedi Knight, which is a bit more varied level wise and less brown.

Don't get me wrong, GE is a fantastic game, with fantastic level design, and one of the most fun party FPSs of all time - it just wasn't the most beautiful at the time.

>> No.9596945

Have you played those games recently at 640x480?
They definitely are on par graphically with obviously better textures mind you

>> No.9596947

>It's another I haven't played anything other than Nintendo titles delusion thread
This board blows, doesn't it?

>> No.9597492

>another poster who disagrees but can't prove OP wrong
yeah, this board isn't the best

>> No.9597498

average n64 game, I don't even know wtf is the appeal of the n64

>> No.9597504

>average n64 game
mate, it has nothing to do with it being a 64, it's because that gen was 240p, distant objects aren't exactly easy to see

>> No.9597507
File: 73 KB, 1023x767, 1673310483186229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomer is playing it on emulator
now lets see on realhardware

>> No.9597514

saturn and playstation have better res and you can actually see whats in front of you unlike the n64, there is no excuse. even vr on megadrive has better image quality

>> No.9597519

N64 games are notorious for having terrible draw distance. That's why it's hilarious to me that people bitch about the fog in Superman 64, probably just because it's mentioned in the plot which caused Nintoddlers to notice it when they didn't notice it in other games that had fog just as bad.

>> No.9597523

to be fair this is not goldeneye but you get my point

>> No.9597564

>Something about it seemed believable, not necessarily real but realistic
The realistic movements of the enemies (motion captured I assume?).

I still remember zooming in on an enemy through the sniper rifle on this level when I played it the first time and it blowing my mind.

>> No.9597570

>saturn and playstation have better res
I don't think you know what resolution is
>even vr on megadrive has better image quality
ah, you're an anti nintendo shitposter, good to know

>> No.9597573

>N64 games are notorious for having terrible draw distance

>> No.9597749 [SPOILER] 
File: 382 KB, 640x488, 1646564338935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think you know what resolution is
lmao the n64 res is shit compared with the saturn and ps, do you actually play /vr/ consoles?, cope more
>ah, you're an anti nintendo shitposter, good to know
and some more

>> No.9598031

Is the retard confusing resolution with something else?

>> No.9598060
File: 2.93 MB, 584x480, 1673792247308446.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While true its still loads better than most psx games. I'm always baffled how poorly the drawdistance is on the psx that aren't some onrails or circuit racer game.
Video related, some fanboy claimed it was better looking than OOT

>> No.9598259

>claimed it was better looking than OOT
And he was factually right.
Ndroids will ruin this board and make /v/ out of it.

>> No.9598263

>OP's question was all of pre-2000s though.

PC was still better, graphics wise. I remember playing stuff like Rogue Squadron and Shadows of the Empire on PC, it was the same thing but running at four to six times the resolution.

>> No.9598267

>it was the same thing
thanks for the confirmation

>> No.9598295
File: 179 KB, 1141x1266, 1655354923871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only 90's FPS based on real places for real people (the movie sets that were actually built for realism on screen and had real people inside)
It's crazy how closely it matches what we see in the movie, there was nothing like it in the 90's
Other games are like just mazes in comparison, even the PC ones with better graphics are not designed for realism.
And it was at the right place at right time because as graphics become crisper and more fluid the limitations become more apparent and feel less realistic even if they have more detail overall.

>> No.9598319

People bought it because it was like GE/PD and they wanted that multiplayer experience

>> No.9598615

I love GE multi but explosions turn it into a slideshow
Mines are OK but rockets and grenades are just too slow

>> No.9598639

>The character models are not stellar
The animations and reactiveness were top notch for the era. And the blood splatter across the bodies was a major effect.

>> No.9598656

>everyone who is not a Sony fanboy is /v/
Might as well have said "everyone that is not a faggot is a faggot."

>> No.9598720

That looks amazing, what is that?

>> No.9598982

lmao cope some more