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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9585658 No.9585658 [Reply] [Original]

Other than the shitty driving, it was fun.

>> No.9585697

>That time The Godfather game was featured on Entourage with Drama as the player character
"Thanks bro"


>> No.9586554

A 100% it.
It is fun and challenging.

>> No.9587038

It was fun, but not really much of a challenge.

>> No.9587045

It was kinda bizarre seeing all these licensed adaptations that no one asked for. Godfather was only one out of many.

>> No.9587051

>all these licensed adaptations that no one asked for
>Godfather was only one out of many

OK champ, name me 5 other adaptations that no one asked for

>> No.9587346

>game has beautiful graphics
>amazing effects like explosion
>very good character creation that most people don't use correctly because they are lazy with braindead iq like OP
>simple but very good combat with different finish moves u can see all in the menu)
>you can take a random business like a true mafioso

overall it's a kino game

>> No.9587358
File: 473 KB, 1920x1080, licensed gta clones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miami Vice
Reservoir Dogs
The Shield
The Warriors

>> No.9587637

is the shield game any good
I barely played reservoir dogs but remember enjoying the little bit i played

>> No.9587662


>> No.9587802

>tony hawk

>> No.9588363

>is the shield game any good
Fuck no

>> No.9588760

do a kickflip

>> No.9589873

sneedsons hit and run

>> No.9589886

It would be kind of cool if Rockstar had made a trend of adapting cult movies into video games. Seems like they literally just made the Warriors because they felt like it, which is awesome.
I want to see them make a Phantasm game.

>> No.9589907

Torrente (multiple games)
American Chopper (multiple games)
Punisher (not a movie game, but a licensed one)
Taxi Driver (doesn't count since it was cancelled)

>> No.9589951 [DELETED] 

>OK champ, name me 5 other adaptations that no one asked for
>get named at least 1000
and that's why you dont talk about thing you know nothing about

>> No.9589958 [DELETED] 

>OK champ, name me 5 other adaptations that no one asked for
>get named at least 1000
and that's why you dont talk about things you know nothing about

>> No.9589960 [DELETED] 

Good morning sir

>> No.9589961 [DELETED] 

>only pajeets fix typos
I accept your concession.

>> No.9589980 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 200x144, rumad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you having a good day sir? You are being needlessly confrontational.

>> No.9589990 [DELETED] 

go back to twitter

>> No.9589996 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 720x960, 1655144234934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been, you sound like you're quite familiar with it though.
Do you enjoy it there?

>> No.9590001 [DELETED] 

>lost argument
>nitpicked typo
>derails thread
you're so mad lol

>> No.9590005

Came out at a time when area control games (like assassin's creed or saboteur) were rare.

Games like this I have more fun just taking over territory than following the plot.

>> No.9590008 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 220x220, cool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem confused

>> No.9590013 [DELETED] 

you seem mad Mr. Champ

>> No.9590015 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9590018 [DELETED] 

I guess when you lose and have no other cope all you can do is post generic reaction images.

>> No.9590024 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590026 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590029 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590031 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590034 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590037 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590039 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590040 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590042 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590043 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590047 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9590048


>> No.9590049 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590050 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590051 [DELETED] 


>> No.9590248

>this is a nice shop, kid
*biff pow*
>you work for me now

>> No.9590254

lmao raped

>> No.9590260
File: 75 KB, 720x1280, BfHDWpSNNdi1DABi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucked around
>found out

>> No.9590961

Is this a real cover for Scarface? I remember it having some generic stulized Al Pachino lookalike.

>> No.9590968

yep tony hawk did tonys voice

>> No.9590989 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1366x768, barneytes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking thread
you guys have your periods or what

>> No.9591290

>no one asked for
Yes because everyone asked for god of war, shadow of the colossus, katamari damacy, okami, guitar hero.
it is a norm to all games to be around thanks to players dictating what developers should do.
Now seriously, kys.
The 6th gen was the perfect time for movie adaptations. Scarface, Reservoir dogs, Godfather, Spider Man, The Incredibles, The warriors, Lotr, King kong, matrix.... all good games

>> No.9591315

meant for >>9587358

>> No.9591361


>> No.9592735

Where you at?
Where you at?

>> No.9593036

>Punisher (not a movie game, but a licensed one)
Didn't it followed the story of the Thomas Janes movie? I remember they turned Jigsaw into one of John Travolta's sons.

>> No.9593069

looks good

>> No.9593106

>Taxi Driver (doesn't count since it was cancelled)
Wait, how the fuck were they gonna make a game on fucking Taxi Driver of all things

>> No.9593206

>Torrente (multiple games)
I played Torrente El Juego back when it was new. Seemed like shit of the highest caliber. Now seeing it the game doesn't seem like 0/10 trashfire, it's at least somewhat game-like and functional which I don't remember.

>> No.9593303

>No one asked for

I think you forget the sheer resurgence so many movies/TV shows had in pop culture thanks to DVDs and
Sure, VHS had been around long enough to be ubiquitous with home video, to the point there were still movies with only VHS home releases up until the last 15 years or so. Probably still a few. But by the late 90's, a lot of VHS were out of print, and nearly impossible to find in retail stores or even rental stores(Blockbuster's selection was always limited.) Forget about TV shows. Cassettes were expensive and took up a ton of space. But DVDs were dirt cheap to press, had a ton of storage, and took up no space. The sheer amount of media getting put out on DVD in 98-2006 or so was insane, getting full seasons of shows before that was a pipe dream, but now we were getting that. and your PS2/Xbox played them. DVD/game culture was very close at the time. I feel like the quintessential normie college dorm room in 2001-04 would have a Scarface poster and a PS2.

Plus by then the influence of a lot of movies on popular games was evident, and by gen 6 you could properly adapt movies as games in a less abstract way. GTA was clearly cribbing from Scarface and a bunch of mafia movies, so why not make a game for those?

>> No.9593329

>GTA was clearly cribbing from Scarface and a bunch of mafia movies, so why not make a game for those?
Vice City was straight up Scarface and Miami Vice, so I can see why whoever owned those movies went holy shit we can literally just make game of those properties.
Still surprised there was a Warriors game

>> No.9593363

The Warriors is fascinating to me for that reason. Its one of the few cases where a game adaptation actually ended up floating the movie and making it more popular. Rockstar in 2005 probably had a ton of movie studios wanting to collaborate, and they choose a cult movie and do a painstakingly faithful job of adapting it and the aesthetics. I think Rockstar realized coming off GTA, adapting any movie that directly influenced it would come with a ton of comparisons being drawn. But for other companies, "____ as a GTA game" came with a preloaded audience.

>> No.9593841

Huge fan of the show. The game is essentially unplayable

>> No.9595373

it was quite fun, been wanting a replay for a while but the best version is on ps3 and I'm too lazy to boot it up

>> No.9595425

Why it is called "Godfather"? Is he the god of all fathers or something?

>> No.9595825
File: 1.11 MB, 3264x3241, hold up grid collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 cent bulletproof

>> No.9596504

He's the missing fairly oddparent

>> No.9596513

I didn't ask for The Warriors, but we were blessed to have gotten it. It's so fucking good and isn't an open-world GTA game. It's a beat-em-up.