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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9583252 No.9583252 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever played a multiplayer game where the community created its own "mini games"? back in the day, there were a few very popular activities in Diablo 2 that i've never seen mentioned since and have probably been lost to time. off the top of my head:
>low level dueling
people used to make characters and only grind them to certain levels: 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 and 30. they'd then try to max out the character with the best gear possible for that level, and duel with other people of the same level. it was a ton of fun.
>drop trading by akara
some items like hellfire torch couldnt be directly traded, so you'd have to drop it on the ground to give it to someone. if you were selling it, this meant someone could scam you easily. the workaround was going to the stone wall by akara, dropping your respective items for trade on either side, and on the count of 3, running to the other person's side to grab what they dropped as a form of soft scam prevention.
this one was the best. youd trade somebody and put an item in. that person would then accept the trade, then trade you back that item plus another. youd keep trading more and more items of greater value until somebody decided to take it all and run away. whoever had the balls to risk losing it all could potentially get a ton of good shit for free if they called the other guy's bluff.

can you think of other stuff like this?

>> No.9583258
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idk if this counts but i have a very fond memory of calling a friend and us both deciding to play Metroid Prime. the game has no multiplayer, let alone online connectivity. so at our individual houses playing through the games solo we would occasionally phone each other and compare where we were at in our own games, as a race compelling one another to play well and quickly. it was way more fun than just playing it alone for another time you know?

>> No.9583259

that's cool man. i miss when people did stuff like this.

>> No.9583274

that's interesting, kind of like playing chess through the mail or something.

>> No.9584095

World of Warcraft. Seeing how far you can go using only grey colored named items. People making "twinks" which were characters that were level locked for pvp use and trying to have the best gear for their level.

>> No.9584334

Dunno about CSS and CSGO, but back in the days of CS 1.3 there was a plethora of dedicated servers with weird rules. Since those servers weren't modded, the rules were overwatched by administrators.

>> No.9584415

Low level duelling is still a huge part of d2 pvp

>> No.9584426

Can you spark my memory on this? What rules? I played CS very soon after the initial mod for HL was released not sure the version

>> No.9584445

You can't use particular weapons, or you can't (as terrorist) leave some dedicated area etc.

>> No.9584453

People did this all the time with local multi-player games.

>> No.9584457

I used to FUCK PEOPLE UP with my 29 Hunter in WSG.

I’d murk warriors in mele with no pet

>> No.9584542
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> Diablo
> Ironman games

Me and my friends would start a 4 player game of Diablo, and then once we went into the dungeon we could not return to town for any reason other than to turn in a quest item or finish a quest. If someone died, they were allowed to get a full healing from Pepin and take a town portal back to the rest of the group, but other than that you had to make due with the potions/spells/gear you found in the dungeon.

It was a lot of fun, and made the mage's staff refilling ability and the warrior's gear repair ability actually useful (even though they degraded stuff).

> Diablo 2
> Leapin' Retards

Start a game of Diablo 2 with a Barbarian character. Level him up and put every point into Leap (until it hits level 20) and increasing mana (so you have a shit ton of mana points). Then, join someone's multiplayer game on battle.net and find them in the world, and then Leap around them without stopping wherever they go. Literally just Leap back and forth endlessly and laugh when the other player gets confused. Get a few other people who also have Barbarians to do the same thing and just harass the shit out of other players. The game turns into a cacophony of Barbarian Leap noises (HUAH HUH HUUH HUH HUAH HUAH HUH).

>> No.9584554
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In this game the mechs do wildly different things, so depending on the matchup and the stage, it creates unique scenarios that have to be played a certain way.
For example, the ball has a huge plasma cannon, and in one stage it's possible to hole yourself up in a small space up high and force the opponent to approach you. They have to bait the shot and then rush in, because if they get their timing wrong and eat the cannon, it will not only do lots of damage but push them out of your little tunnel and back across the stage.

And then there's the pilot mechanic. You can bail from a machine, and there's typically extra ones that are always present on the stage, so it creates a race for the player who's ejecting to get to it and start fighting back before the enemy anticipates them. Not only is it easy to kill the pilot, but an empty machine can be very easily destroyed as well.
However a pilot has a jetpack and can fly infinitely, so if the stage has a high outdoor ceiling a player with no mech can create a stalemate situation by flying back and forth where they're impossible to hit. The enemy has to shoot into the air hoping to hit them with a glancing projectile, which might be so frustrating that they get out of their own mech and chase you up there to resolve the match quicker. At which point it is actually possible to drop back down yourself and steal their mech.

>> No.9584562

>> Leapin' Retards
we used to start new hardcore characters and play through act 1 till we hit level 9 then duke it out on the blood moor just using the items we had found up until that point

>> No.9584630

wow, really?