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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9579960 No.9579960 [Reply] [Original]

SNES or Genesis?

>> No.9579972 [DELETED] 

Also, play Neuromancer game.
it has the same type of hacking combat system, but does its own thing as well.

>> No.9579975


Also, play Neuromancer game.
it has the same type of hacking combat system as Genesis Shadowrun, but does its own thing as well outside of it.

>> No.9579976

snes for no educated reason other than I used to play it when I was a kid

>> No.9579986

SNES because it has better games.

>> No.9580019

>what is Earthworm Jim

>> No.9580023


>> No.9580038

Always SNES
>Sega shit

>> No.9580042

A horrible shit game. Just because the SNES has it doesn't mean the whole console is bad though

>> No.9580047

Genesis is a great CRPG-lite, and Shadowrun being a tabletop RPG lends itself better to the CRPG format.

>> No.9580073

The Genesis version has more freedom, depth, better controls, a larger cast and a wider variety of areas to visit
The SNES version has a better story, atmosphere, and cast.
So play both.

>> No.9580083

Both for this era. They both have a decent size library

I'm over snes because I've seen most of it now

Snes was slightly more colorful and clear so everyone went to it but genesis was still great because it has a bunch of exclusives and differs enough from snes to stand on its own

>> No.9580086

We're talking about shadowrun you little cutie!

>> No.9580087

Rpgs are too boring to play then and now

Rather just read a book

>> No.9580108

SNES but Sega has some great games.
SOR > Final Fight
Phantasy Star II and IV are amazing as are the Shining Force series
Ristar is nice
Sega has the better multiplayer games but SNES has the better single player games overall

>> No.9580114


>> No.9580124

Thread is about Shadowrun, fellas

>> No.9580205

Genesis has a much better Matrix so that. SNES version is still good, some of my favorite music for the system is in that game.

>> No.9580235

SNES and all games not the sega have been shit especially the new chess dumpster indie games

>> No.9580249
File: 164 KB, 999x769, cosmic gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"All Genesis, all the time!

>> No.9580268

they're not the same game, comparing them isn't optimal, i personally prefer the SNES version but that's what it is, personal taste

>> No.9580327
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>> No.9580425
File: 151 KB, 638x717, cunny juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genesis Shadowrun players are represented in-game by a gigachad

>> No.9580430

Feel free to translate the sega cd game anytime you want, guys.

>> No.9580440

I've still to play the Genesis version, so all I can say is the SNES one was a real interesting game to stumble across when I was a kid. I bounced off every JRPG but I got sucked right into Shadowrun.

>> No.9580498


>> No.9580720

While I say that there's things about Shadowrun on the SNES which I think aren't particularly good or even outright bad, I am very fond of it and I like the setting and atmosphere, along with the music and sound design.
I wish there was something more like it, like maybe a romhack to create a more expansive original campaign without doing something like the fucking caryards, or something slightly better designed but which emulated much of its style (even if it probably wouldn't have the Shadowrun license to do it with). I know of Shadowrun Returns, but it doesn't have the same grit.

>> No.9580760
File: 3.50 MB, 803x552, Matrix run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and fix the bugs like that sleep spell that doesn't work

>> No.9580886
File: 78 KB, 640x480, decker-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you like the cyberspace part of Genesis Shadowrun, try out Decker.

>> No.9581104

Actually pretty cool.

>> No.9581258

Still applies. They both play too differently to really be comparable.

>> No.9581282

I grew up playing the Genny version so I'm partial to it. For years all I wanted was an improved remake but knowing the industry now it would probably end up being awful.

>> No.9581415
File: 1.01 MB, 956x528, CONSOLE WAAAARS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it! ARE WE DOIN' THIS?!??!?!

>> No.9581453

I don't know how anyone can find the Genesis one interesting. Within the first minute of starting it every time I am put off by it. The SNES one by comparison looks so cool right from the start. Its underrated even and I always think how the style of it is pretty underrated even. With a few more quality of life improvements to it the game could have easily been perhaps the best RPG on the system. Although this is still a console that had Chrono Trigger and FFVI so probably not. Still though would have been nice to see some other RPG adopt the gameplay and style of the SNES version and adapt it into an even better kind of game.

As for the Genesis one its just not interesting at all. If I can't even find it in me to play more than a couple of minutes every time I try its simply that the game isn't all that appealing for me so no point forcing myself to play it.

>> No.9581482

Apples to oranges. They are two very different games. Both are good, but the one on Genesis is a little better imo.

>> No.9581491

I'd like to see a modern Shadowrun game adopt the FPS style while remaining RPG based. Would mainly be a single player game and preferably not open world though. Maybe hub based is the best way to go. Seen many say that the FPS multiplayer only game was pretty fun.

>> No.9582207

What do you dislike about the Genesis version?

>> No.9582415
File: 33 KB, 1030x976, Characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega Genesis version is the best and that's a fucking fact!

- It’s just so open in terms of gameplay and especially for a 90s cartridge game

- The Matrix missions & hacking are especially good; the graphics and gameplay are amazing here; you control it via first person and it’s like Johnny Mnemonic

- You also stay at a hotel to improve stats if you have the points and can get into a fight and get thrown outside (sounds way cooler than it should be but excellent detail for a 90s cartridge game); I wouldn’t actually drink that ONIONS-Koffee shit in real life but you do in-game

- Hilarious real time fights both on the street and in the Matrix; ghouls just rush you in abandoned buildings and you gotta run and shoot with the lousy starter pistol; it’s gets better when you get better and can one shot kill or fire a steady SMG burst either suppressed or not; the Matrix offers you looking at the nodes and killer ICE in first person while slipping past them/permutating a passcode/fukn them up with your own deck

- Travel to other locations via orc driven taxi cab (it ain’t free unless you ally with them or something and I forget if that’s if you choose to join the Yakuza or their rival, the Mob)

- Cops (a.k.a. Lonestar) harass you just like real life and you CAN go shoot up their building in revenge; I had a friend do this and absolutely NO Lonestar harassed him for a period of over two hours of him playing after that (he was really proud of it)

- Buy guns, ammo, armor (like bullet-proof vests), grenades when you want; you got the cash and it’s yours although you gotta get the cash first

- Get missions/JOBS from the various Mr. Johnson(s) found in the bars(?) of different locations while negotiating pay; you can also turn down jobs or just cancel them if they piss you off in-game

>> No.9582543

apples to oranges

>> No.9582653

sega cd

>> No.9583620

Iirc it had a spiritual sequel but I can't recall the name. It also was set in an entirely different universe, so if what you are interested in is Shadowrun then maybe it's not for you either.

>> No.9583716

I'm interested in this.

>> No.9585226

I feel the same as this guy.
I guess the graphics just look off somehow and the game is more difficult to get into. The text boxes and the font is ugly and the top-down perspective reminds me of Bitmap Brother's Speedball / Speedball 2, which I also find to be graphically unappealing games. I can't explain why, maybe it's something you could call an "Amiga aesthetic" with gaudy color palettes and gradients.

>> No.9585387

I used to be one of the "haha I just can't get into genesis version" and then I realized there are literally no other retro shadowrun games and sucked it up and enjoyed my self

Sega CD will never EVER be translated

>> No.9585454

Fan trans won't ever come, broski.

>> No.9586136

Is there a technical reason why? Less popular games get translated all the time.

>> No.9586141
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I like the look of the SNES version more than Genesis but the gameplay of the SNES version is dogshit by comparison. PC controls on 16-bit consoles be like.

>> No.9586142

Faggots keep "taking on the project" and then abandoning it. So others probably dont bother during that time

>> No.9586149

There's a hack for mouse support, never tried it myself though.


>> No.9586454

From what I understand you get shamed out of the community if you work on a project someone else has claimed, even if that person has claimed a hundred projects and/or been working on said project for a decade.

>> No.9586469

lul, thats retarded

>> No.9586481

Yeah I'd love to wake up and see Mega CD Shadowrun and Linda Cube and Princess actually finished instead of having the progress nebulously updated every few years

>> No.9586510

Just need a source code dump for it to come along and then literally anyone could do it.

Right now you probably have to HEXEDIT every line, probably build your own tools to do it etc

Also you have to translate the shit (which you could do with just google, wouldnt be a GREAT translation, but it would be playable)

>> No.9586531

I can read moon at a decent enough level although I haven't tried Shadowrun CD.

>> No.9586548

why not?

>> No.9586550

There's also Shadowrun Returns, which is not /vr/, but tangentially related to the subject. That game has a mod scene and the most intensive and expansive mod of it is a remake of the SNES game's plotline, except with the game's modern graphics, scripting, and some extensions of the game that were cut out. It's worth a look into if you're willing to step into the modern world for a bit, but as I said, this is strictly not /vr/.

>> No.9586574

Alien Earth is the name.

>> No.9586584

Have a ton of games in my backlog I just haven't prioritized it. I like the art but the VN elements look rather dull.

>> No.9586597

Yeah the game doesn't look THAT special, but its vintage shadowrun, so that is what gives it all the interest for me.

I also like the dice rolling I've seen in pics

>> No.9586631

Yeah I'll probably check it out at some point this year at least a bit just to see what it's like

>> No.9586681

I think there's also the Shadowrun Genesis mod for that game. Well not the entire plotline but just "how it plays" if I remember correctly.

>> No.9586689

A thread all about this game is a wasted thread spot. Way to go.

>> No.9586731

Thanks for the bump kind stranger!

>> No.9586783
File: 493 KB, 2000x1321, Shadowrun---Sega-Genesis with scantily clad THOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sega Genesis version has a nice hack: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4116/


Version 1.6:
- Rebalance prices for magic items and cyberdecks (now based on Shadowrun 1st edition rules).
- Remplacing the starting cyberdeck for a "Custom Deck".
- New arsenal revision... again.
- Modify starting equipment and cyberwear for samurai and decker joshua.
- New identity and location for street gangs.
- Better ratings for negotiation skill.


Version 1.5:
- Payments per run have increased considerably and the ability to negotiate payments has greatly improved.
- weapons, cyberwear, cyberdecks, and general items now cost what they should be at their original prices. (Don't worry, with the new payments it is easier to buy and Upgrade items.)
- All shadowruners have been remodeled according to the Shadowrun priority system.
- Joshua's three archetypes have also been remodeled according to the priority system.
- Joshua's decker archetype, possess a cyberdeck from the start, giving you the opportunity to enter the matrix from the beginning of the game.
- Mr. gunderson has a new list of runs, including a simple matrix and an enforcer run.
- A new revision of the arsenal has been done, and a new "ammo type" dynamic has been implemented to explain some weapons damage leves.
- New small icons sprites for weapon and armor!
- Many more new descriptions, as always, based on shadowrun literature.

>Genesis does what Nintendon't

>> No.9587084

yeah Decker is good

>> No.9587301

Thanks, I will play this. Also Nightshade.
Also this after I play the vanilla.

>> No.9587998

Isn't that still a buggy mess?

>> No.9588432

This is computers as fuck.

>> No.9588989

I'm sure you don't do either.

>> No.9589114

This needs to be posted