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9576935 No.9576935 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best Streets of Rage game on Genesis?

>> No.9576949
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Final Fight CD

>> No.9576963
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2, of course.

>> No.9576998

2 kind of by default. 1 is primitive and 3 is a mess.

>> No.9577039 [DELETED] 

learn how to 1cc arcade bmups and you'll never be able to go back to shites of rage and will see all its abysmal flaws, the only thing good about it is the music. It's clunky, overlong, eats inputs on higher modes, has absolutely no balancing so they just chucked lives at you like candy to get around it on higher difficulties, and teaches you bad habits whilst starving you of having to learn proper skills which are necessary to 1cc arcade bmups. It's passable by console standards and nothing more, can't hold a candle to the top 15 arcade bmups.

>> No.9577042 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 500x500, artworks-000262484354-mnh1z6-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 1cc meme
i very much doubt that even 10% of the posts that talk about doing this actually did it, and of the ones that did 95% did it with save states

>> No.9577049

Weird, I just tried out the first game for the first time ever today. Are you watching me OP?

>> No.9577051 [DELETED] 

>learn how to 1cc arcade bmups
>nerf myself for useless internet brownie points
No. :)

>> No.9577072 [DELETED] 

maybe they should've designed a game that doesn't let you credit feed your way to victory

>> No.9577097
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How are the Final fight Genesis games?

>> No.9577105

Better than the SNES version, but worse than SoR II and probably III

>> No.9577138

No debate.
Also one of the best sound tracks of any game let alone beat em ups and or on Genesis. I have it all ripped on my phone, good driving music.

>> No.9577203

It's 2, it's actually pretty rare that you'll find such a clean consensus but 2 is a massive improvement over 1 and 3 fucks a lot of things up so it's an easy winner.

>> No.9577213

2 is definitely better but I think 1 has a real charm to it. Everyone talks about 2's music but 1 had some great music as well

>> No.9577237

2 has no run and no pits. It's shit.

>> No.9577265

I really like SoR1's soundtrack, gotta be honest.

>> No.9577374

Yeah. 1 is a great game with great music.

>> No.9577376

1's vertical scrolling being so out of sync and slow just feels like shit, would be an otherwise very solid beat em up if that weren't the case.

>> No.9577378

da 1 that u love da most in ur hart ;D

>> No.9577379

how do i beat these twin bitches

>> No.9577402

1 has the best soundtrack overall and I'm tired of pretending 2 is better when it's not.

2 is the better game, 1 has better music. Only trannies think otherwise.

>> No.9577417

Try using the back attack by pressing jump and attack at once.

>> No.9578151



Experimental (in a bad way)

>> No.9578182

That would be SoR 2 of course. SoR 3 is decent enough but it got butchered in the localisation process. It's best to play the Japanese version with an English translations patch.

The fan game Streets of Rage Remake is also worth checking out.

>> No.9578375

2 is also primitive. One big issue beat em ups had was how jokingly basic they were. Most are at best the same few things over and over.

>> No.9578383

It did give us Zan. Zan's pretty cool.

>> No.9578807

The hitboxes in 2 just don't feel quite right to me. Like you need to be within a three pixel vertical window to hit your opponent

>> No.9580076


Case closed.

>> No.9580125

2 for the OST, 3 for the gameplay
although you could argue 2 for the gameplay as well since Max > Zan

>> No.9580562

Arcade for this is still good. Kind of simple but still worth playing. Why didnt they make these for ps2 or ps1? They put more effort into arcades then

>> No.9580584

shit, but the new one being made by fans looks pretty great
lol, no

>> No.9581741

1 is easily the best and most fun to play.

>> No.9581746

2 is the most fun with best graphics
3 is the best gameplay for a longer term challenge.
1 is a classic

>> No.9581760

All three Street Of Rage games suck hard.

>> No.9581790

take it up with anthopants, shitter

>> No.9581792

What about bare knuckles 3 which doesn't have a fucked up difficulty?

>> No.9581837

I unironically like and kind of prefer 1 since it's the one I grew up with. 2 is fun too, though.

It's good but it's super challenging from what I remember.