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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9573504 No.9573504 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Resident Evil Remake a major flop in 2002?

>> No.9573519

Doesn't appeal to Nintendo fans who are the early adopters of nintendo consoles., problem was fans of horror had no reason to switch for a game they could already access on PS2, even if its fidelity was lower. Really a survival horror fan only owning a gamecube would be a tragedy in the early 2000s. They would miss out on all the biggest horror games while capcom drip fed two soft exclusives and silicon knights delivered their n64 game, all while capcom was pumping out their most interesting stuff on other consoles.

>> No.9573527

>Sold 1.3 million copies
>Highly praised in every gaming mag at the time
Nice try.

>> No.9573529

can put lipstick on a pig, but at the end of the day its still just a pig.

>> No.9573534

It was garbage that didn't undestand Resident Evil and its relatable colors and ambience, similar to Alone in the Dark, the game that influenced it

Most of the left is what you could actually see in your affluent grandparent's house while the right has fancy bric-a-brac of 20 layerds and ornaments everywhere with the color scheme of a spooky ghost mansion

>> No.9573538

A based game in a cringe console can make all the difference in the world

>> No.9573546

It was considered one of the best re games back then

>> No.9573574

Worthless nintentard audience.

>> No.9573587

“The Resident Evil remake is actually one of my favorites of the series too,” Shinji stated. “But it didn’t sell very well. Maybe there weren’t many people ready to accept that. Because of the reaction to the Resident Evil remake, I decided to work more action intoResident Evil 4.Resident Evil 4 would have been a more scary, horror-focused game if the remake had sold well.”

>> No.9573603

The horror game fad had mostly burned out by then. Even RE4 took years and several ports before it finally exceeded the numbers 1 and 2 did on Playstation alone back when the fad was red hot.

>> No.9573659

He's not wrong. RE2 dropped almost all horror elements in favor of being more actiony, and it was the best selling game in the series until RE5

>> No.9573689

1. It wasn't a flop but it's ok numbers and RE0's low numbers did lead to them going the action route with RE4.
2. Magazines and a lot of people online at the time were fed up with tank controls to a silly degree.
3. It was on the Gamecube which third party games struggled on.

>> No.9573721

It did really well considering the platform it came out on. That was the problem. Most people had PS2's and the ones that did have Gamecubes weren't into survival horror.

>> No.9573725

I don't think they marketed that game at all

>> No.9573985

Because nobody had a GameCube back then

>> No.9573997

>RE0's low numbers
RE4 was already set in stone by that time

>> No.9574002

PS2 being a glorified DvD player helped

>> No.9574004 [DELETED] 

Because it was released on a terrible lunchbox for toddlers that sold like ass.
If this fucking game had come out on PS2 it would've sold a bazillion units and we would've 2 and 3 remakes on the same vein. It still hurts to think about.

>> No.9574008 [DELETED] 


PS2's shitty power VR graphics that couldn't even run unreal or quake engines wouldn't run this game, just look at RE4 which uses the same engine anda they had to downgrade the shit out of it to run reasonably nice on that shitty stolen IBM fuckfest.

>> No.9574017 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>just look at this game that was tailor made for GC's hardware not look as good on ps2
Stop it, tendie. How many times have we been over this? Every desperate nintendo cultist falls back to RE4 when they have to admit not a single GC game looks as good as PS2 games.
Yeah man, I'm sure a console that ran MGS3, Black and SoTC couldn't run an early gen game made up of gifs for backgrounds.

>> No.9574028 [DELETED] 

Back to /v/

>> No.9574030 [DELETED] 

I accept your concession.

>> No.9574031 [DELETED] 

>insulting me by calling my person as a Nintendofag
>speaking like a /v/tard inciting console wars
Nigger Plz, PS2 graphics were outdated by 2000
if they were so fucking good?
Where is Doom 3, FEAR, NWN2 or even fuck i dare say it Half Life 2?

>> No.9574036

>Luigi's mansion but worse

>> No.9574037 [DELETED] 


>> No.9574038 [DELETED] 

The fuck does this shit even mean? I've seen this phrase spammed to death on /a/ by butthurt shonenshitters who like generic shit like HxH

>> No.9574046 [DELETED] 

It's a snarky response to your pointless post. You have nothing to say, no argument or point, but you want to have the last word and come out as if you won. You deserve to be ridiculed.

>> No.9574047

re1 and re2 transcended the horror genre, they were tentpole action adventure games, horror games second. remake sold underwhelmingly because at that point horror had coalesced into an offshoot genre.

>> No.9574051

It didnt flop. But it was on a nintendo system where RE games weren't really a thing before (barring n64 re2 port). Also classic RE style games were alrrady waning in popularity, like CV having less 8impact than RE3 which had less 8mpact than RE2

>> No.9574065 [DELETED] 

You are denying objective truth, GC is more powerful than PS2. PS2 has a better library of games but GC is more powerful and it's a fact which again, you decided to deny for no fucking reason. That means that Nintendo lives rent free in your head. You also posted a wojak. Two arguments that prove you are a /v/tard. Since you are a /v/tard I told you to go back there. How in the fuck was my post pointless?

>> No.9574080

>Magazines and a lot of people online at the time were fed up with tank controls to a silly degree.
Because Capcom ran the formula into the ground by cranking out yearly releases and re-releases from 1996-2002.

>> No.9574085 [DELETED] 

How are you deadshit losers still console warring 20 years later? Did you ever think to get a fucking life?
The PS2's got NO PowerVR components; one Google search – which is more time efficient than writing retarded essays – confirms this.
It is obvious that the Gamecube is more powerful than the PS2. It is also obvious that they're both fantastic systems with great, visually appealing games.

Never mind, I fell for the bait of Austroonlia arguing with himself.

>> No.9574087 [DELETED] 

>GC is more powerful than PS2
NTA but lol a good chunk of PS2 big titles look way better than anything on the GC unless you are autistic and care only about color

>> No.9574092 [DELETED] 

It really isn't a fact. There isn't any evidence whatsoever of the GC being more powerful. RE4 was an exclusive game with that hardware in mind. The PS2 port was a slop with minimal effort because it was going to sell regardless.
The GC had no impressive end of life games that showed where its limits lied, unlike the Xbox and PS2. The library stuck with kiddy cartoon aesthetics for their exclusives all the way to the end. Outliers like Metroid Prime looked good mostly for their art direction rather than horsepower.

>> No.9574095 [DELETED] 

Give it up dude.

>> No.9574105 [DELETED] 

You haven't owned a Sony console before PS4 you snoynigger. You will never experience the joy of playing a Japanese game on a Playstation console unless you get taste and change your ways. You spend your time consolewarring on 4chan. You are a tourist from /v/. You suck dick, you are wrong, you need to go back.

>> No.9574109 [DELETED] 

I own every single console discussed in this thread, including the GC which I'm criticizing. I see you're on your last legs with the ad hominem and projections, you can just take the loss and refrain from embarrassing yourself further.

>> No.9574115 [DELETED] 

here's your final (you) before you fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of

>> No.9574127 [DELETED] 

>you haven't owned a X
I literally only owned a ps2 and ps1
PS3 had no games and PS4 has negative games and PS5 has negative infinity games

>> No.9574131 [DELETED] 

>If this fucking game had come out on PS2 it would've sold a bazillion units and we would've 2 and 3 remakes on the same vein. It still hurts to think about.
Doubtful. RE4 didn't do much better on PS2 vs. Gamecube. If you add them up they barely surpass RE3's PS1 sales. The series as a whole was in decline at the time.

>> No.9574163

>upscaled dolphin captures

lol, lmao even


>> No.9574169 [DELETED] 

>There isn't any evidence whatsoever of the GC being more powerful
If you want technical breakdowns (who am I kidding), look here:
The PS2 GPU was notoriously limited, lacking several features which had to be offloaded to the CPU and its coprocessors instead.
If you want examples of stuff you can actually see, normal maps and even bump maps were exceptionally rare on the PS2 and were software rendered, whereas the Gamecube and Xbox GPU's could eat, breathe, and shit normals.

Let's also not forget that the typical PS2 game was letterboxed (I doubt there were any 448i games on Xbox or GC, much less 416i), doesn't matter if it's a multiplat or an exclusive. Just about every multiplat runs at a lower resolution on PS2 with worse textures, lighting/shadows, etc. Even
devs like Sega who autistically optimised their code still had to make concessions with their PS2 ports.

That said, the PS2 could have pulled off REmake. The reason the game looks so good in the first place is because very little rendering is actually taking place, prerendered backgrounds and all. A perfect RE4 port could never happen though

>> No.9575031

PC looks better.

>> No.9575350

Most people are cattle and don't care about things like that. They just see superior graphics = better

>> No.9575371

oh look another /vr/ contrarian thread

>> No.9575412

Maybe they should have put more effort into RE's big next gen outing. Instead, they did a pointless remake of a 5 year old game and resurrected a messy N64 project that should have stayed dead. Great going guys.

>> No.9575687


- No female zombies(Lisa is not a zombie, so she does not counts). I expected to see female scientist zombies in the laboratory or female "guards" zombies near the giant plant boss but no luck.

- Very few new weapons in comparison with the original.

- Most rewards after finishing the are mediocre.

- the puzzles are more annoying than the ones of the original.

- The music in the mansion basement is not scary anymore.

-Barry and Rebecca do not appear in the same history(same flaw as the original one).

- In the original, chimeras used to be quick and powerful. In the remake chimeras are slow and weak.

What a mediocre remake.

>> No.9575703

My grandparents’ house didn’t look anything like that.

>> No.9575713

Both original RE and REmake are fantastic games, two excellent takes on the same concept.

>> No.9575715

Why did Capcom insist on making the Gamecube the Resident Evil machine? Why did they switch from PlayStation to Nintendo?

>> No.9575727

No idea, but REmake’s and RE0’s graphics were absolutely out of this fucking world back then. Could PS2 versions have looked as good?

>> No.9575757

Gamecube exclusive.

>> No.9575763

outdated trial and error gameplay

>> No.9575768

Because it was released on a system that sold a grand total of 3 and a half units?

>> No.9575780

magazines: we're fed up with tank controls, there's like 5 games that use them

the same magazines: this year's fifa is so heckin good they changed the ball physics' parameters again

>> No.9575781

>Posting an excerpt where an oblivious person doesn't understand why 1.3m in 2002 is above average

That idiots wanted millions and millions sold. On a series that never "sells well".

>> No.9575782

>Could PS2 versions have looked as good?
yes, the ps2 can play fmv

>> No.9576058

>playstation series becomes goycube exclusive
Gee I wonder why!

>> No.9576430

On Playstation alone, the first 3 games sold 5, 6, and 3.5 million respectively.

>> No.9576482


>> No.9577021

When nintendo saw gamecube were selling like garbage one of the things they did was make a deal with capcom to release several "gamecube exclusives", the first one being resident evil.
The other titles were P.N.03, Viewtiful Joe, Killer7, and Resident Evil 4. Ironically most of these were later ported to the PS2, guess Capcom wanted to actually make some money off their games.

>> No.9577174

Because it wasn't released on the PS2 or PC at the time.

>> No.9578468

I wish they did 2 and 3 in this style rather than the shitty 4's style.
4 sucked big time.

>> No.9578734

the only difference is in camera angles
2 and 3 always were dumb action games for normalfags

>> No.9578738
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>No female zombies

>> No.9578806

Don’t really care, I bought it and played it many times

>> No.9579175
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I hate women too bro...

>> No.9579214

Who lit the fucking candles.

>> No.9579280

Tank controls required a too high IQ. As a result, RE4 was turned into a stupid OTS shooter.

>> No.9579340

>RE2 dropped almost all horror elements in favor of being more actiony,
Did you mean RE3, retard?

>> No.9579392

I feel like it being a Gamecube exclusive and a remake, when the original was only 6 years old, probably had a lot to do with why it didn't perform as well as an original killer app on a console that sold literally 5 times as many units. By 1997, just a year after RE1's original release, the PS1 had already sold nearly as many units as the Gamecube would ever sell.

Then, you put it into the perspective of how many Gamecubes had sold in 2002 - just 3.8 million. Even if literally every person who bought a Gamecube had bought a copy of the remake, it still would had underperformed its predecessors. That means nearly a third of all people who could have bought the game bought it, which is a drastically larger percentage of the player base than those who bought the original on release. That's not a bad sales number, no matter how you scratch it. It was literally set up to not outsell it's predecessors, and still did well.

Source on numbers: I googled it

>> No.9579439

because it tried to be something else. They introduced some psychological horror shit (even more in Resident Evil 0) following the appreciation of Silent Hill 2, while Resident Evil was always an homage to horror b-movies.