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File: 1.02 MB, 916x960, 2214797-box_scalibur2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9572361 No.9572361 [Reply] [Original]

Are the non retro Soul Calibur games better than 2 and 3 or did SC peak in retro?
Please no misleading Sega nonsense

>> No.9572415

Was one of the last games my brothers and I could play for hours non-stop at almost any point in our lives. 2 was good, and 3 was better (and worse), but I can't list the amount of late-nights of amusement it brought.

...I bought the latest Soul Calibur, and it was pretty bad. Soul Calibur 4 (the one that deleted the majority of the cast) was also pretty bad, but somehow Soul Calibur 5 felt worse to me. Sad times.

>> No.9572445

Even 2 wasn't really as good as 1

>> No.9572460

Don't think I ever played it outside of a possible rental. And even so, 2 was pretty groundbreaking graphically for a pretty while. 3 less so when it came out, but it still was "more or less" a good thing. Neither were super balanced, but I feel like 3 was less balanced overall. Iunno, they were just good fun games to own. 1 "may" have been better, but I can't even name the system it was hard-locked to. (Dreamcast?)

>> No.9572480

Still enjoying 2 desu

>> No.9572562
File: 696 KB, 640x360, 8456125623562.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calibur (sic) was a mistake

>> No.9572674

There is nothing 1 does better than 2, though?

>> No.9572701

Movement is slightly faster and it doesn't have step guard.

>...I bought the latest Soul Calibur, and it was pretty bad. Soul Calibur 4 (the one that deleted the majority of the cast) was also pretty bad, but somehow Soul Calibur 5 felt worse to me. Sad times.
What the fuck are you talking about you retard

>> No.9572704
File: 435 KB, 245x118, 1644576657850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly I'm talking about fucking Tekken retard. Nobody gonna take this retard seriously anyways believing SC1 even matters so kys in silence faggot

>> No.9572715

>Movement is slightly faster and it doesn't have step guard.
Even if I take your word for it those aren't objective improvements that make up for less combo potential, less viable guard impact, fewer characters, less content and shit presentation, UI and art

>> No.9572716

So are 4 and 5 better on paper than the old games or not? Did anyone play them?

>> No.9572721

Step guard has pretty massive implications for the game in a multiplayer setting, but sure SCII is a much bigger, prettier game, with Link from the Legend of Zelda series (TM) casually, and SCII is the more popular multiplayer game anyways.

>> No.9572731

Soulcalibur is literally the second highest rated game of all time dipshit, nobody cared about 2

>> No.9572741
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>Behold, my memory of events are completely different than yours!

Yeah, that's why SC1 was on a single system (I can't even remember which one) and SC2 was multi-platform across like 4 of them. Not sure where you're pulling these ratings from, but nobody cared about 2 is some strong ass-pull you're trying here retard. Just go away

>> No.9572746

Well being you can't count single digit numbers or remember the Dreamcast I'm not sure why we should rely on your memory.

>> No.9572762
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>1 "may" have been better, but I can't even name the system it was hard-locked to. (Dreamcast?)

And shut the fuck up already. No wonder you think SC1 matters, you're the type of faggot who has to play their fighting games alone lmfao

>> No.9572765

I could have a more engaging conversation with a rock than your dumbfuck ass.

>> No.9572778
File: 32 KB, 779x186, sega jewing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking SEGA review scores seriously

>> No.9572779

They just suck. The movement is so much slower, and a lot of moves were either removed, simplified to a stupid point, or changed for no reason. 4 and 5 feel so sluggish and mucky compared to the previous games. It only started getting better with 6, but despite its moderate success Namco totally abandoned it. The franchise is kinda dead desu.

But to be fair, the 2G exploit in SCII negates a big chunk of the gameplay so on a competitive level it IS shitty. But as long as you don't use the exploits SCII is still the best of the bunch.

>> No.9572780

I think reviewers just saw the Dreamcast as an arcade box. Obviously standards are lower for acade games than for proper home console games

>> No.9572781

Given that you've pretty much been talking to yourself this entire time, I believe it retard

>> No.9572787
File: 49 KB, 627x304, 20 points sega bonus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS2 version is actually better too

>> No.9572831
File: 321 KB, 1920x1080, digitalfoundry-2017-df-retro-soul-calibur-dreamcast-beyond-arcade-perfect-149596076657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SC on DC is a huge upgrade from arcade in an era where even the absolute best home ports were clearly inferiour.

>> No.9572887

Soul Calibur II on the GCN is one of my favorite games ever.

>> No.9572916

Then why haven't you played 4 and 5?

>> No.9572917

2 and 3 are probably better overall fighting games but 4 and 5 were fun to mess around with the character maker at least

>> No.9572919

Are 2 or 3 even still played competitively anywhere?

>> No.9572936

Because from what I saw and heard, II is still better.

>> No.9573295

4 had star wars
5 deleted half the cast
6 is really good, and has the best roster to date. Only lacking single player bullshit

>> No.9573334

III is the best one and was never surpassed. VI is probably the best one we have gotten since III but it’s not better than I, II or III

>> No.9573342

The series peaked with 2. There not a bad Soul game except for the Wii one, so you should play every one but it peaked with 2

>> No.9573487

I watched some footage of 6 and literally the entire screen is just flashing lights and particle effects, smoke, explosions, flames, lights.

Impossible to tell what's going on. It looks absolutely atrocious AND the entire background is blurred out with disgusting hideous depth of field which you no doubt probably can't even fucking turn off.

Just terrible. Hideous ugly game.

>> No.9573494
File: 210 KB, 593x635, 1544178458235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've downloaded 4 versions of Soul Blade /Edge and it won't boot for me on duckstation

>> No.9573506

epsxe, 2004 build or emurayden 2003 build

>> No.9573508

I can only use duck

>> No.9573541

I loved SC1 and 2, and played them alot with my friends back in the day. We skipped 3-5. I finally picked up and tried SC6 when I reconnected with some old high school friends and we wanted to play some Calibur again. We all hated the added super moves. Were we wrong to not like them? We all agreed that we'd rather just be playing 2 again. As much as I want to see a Virtua Fighter 6, if it added a super meter and super moves, I'd be pissed about that too.

>> No.9573727

I don't know about SC. But I'm kinda done with rage in 7, from a dirt-level play perspective.

>> No.9573742

SC2 is the peak, character creator really fucked over the series but IV and VI are good games but with some weird choices that hold them from true greatness, III was a buggy mess and V was released unfinished. The PSP game is also pretty good,

>> No.9573750

What? 6 has arguably the smoothest gameplay out of all of them. The only big complaint you can have about 6 is that it is severely lacking in actual content, which is a shame given Soul Calibur's track record of providing single player content.

>> No.9573959

I think Soul Calibur (the first one) peaked in terms of the presentation and unlockables in single player mode. Soul Calibur II is the best one for multiplayer and it's fairly well balanced, out of all the console editions of the game, best to worst, I'd say it goes Heihachi, Link, Spawn. Soul Calibur III had a create a fighter mode that was really fun for the time, but beyond that it's really not the greatest entry. And Soul Blade is still interesting to play today, if only for the fact you can destroy your opponent's weapon and have them fight using their hands and legs only.

>> No.9573965

2 and 3 are the best. 4 is still worth playing because of the character creation which is a lot more in-depth than what you had in 3.
5 is the one that nuked the cast

>> No.9573974

6 (the latest entry) is probably the best SC game, followed by 2.

>> No.9573980

>NTSC US revision 1

>Patch and patching utility (it's in the archive) to restore the original opening cinematic

I'm playing it at the moment in DuckStation. If it still does't work, something's wrong on your end, maybe you're using an ancient version of the emulator or something. Try it out.

>> No.9573991

Really, all I remember about 6 is paying full-price for it, and being very disappointed. It seemed to have less character, less content, rage meters (that shit is stupid), character custimatizon/skins were severely lacking, and if I had to be blunt- seemed to be a glorified waifu-creator now, and not much else.

We didn't even finish a night of playing it. I beat arcade mode a few times and etc, but for $60, that shit was highway robbery.

>> No.9573998

Yeah, I realized I had skipped 4 in my mind somehow. So 4 (existed, I don't know much about it really other than vader), 5 nuked the cast and was kinda soul-less, and SC 6 was the "newest" one for me that turned me off the series, more or less.

>> No.9574041

>Games that didn't release on my tendie station don't count!!!111
Gas all tendies. Terrible idiots always proud of displaying their ignorance.

>> No.9574048

The meter moves are good. Gaurd impact and resist impact are also good. Reversal edge and soul charge are not good. They are just there to stop the game.

>> No.9574053

>Making up some narrative in your own mind to justify shitty opinion; shitty opinion ironically justify your shitty attitude and lifestyle in your own mind.

Yeah, everybody should own every game-console, at all times, at all ages of their life, and play all the games of every system, all because you have the time and lack of social obligations to do so.

This anon just failed at life completely and blamed it on "tendies" Jesus christ

>> No.9574103

>Making up some narrative
Fuck off. Read the fucking thread. "nooooo SC1 can't be better than 2 nooooo it's the sega mafia nooooo"

You guys are a pest. Contemptible, even. Always the same shit in every thread.

>> No.9574141

Just stop replying to the retard. He didn't get to play games with his friends or something years ago and is just venting.

>> No.9574152

Look man, if you think that Namco not releasing SC3 and the others on a Nintendo console wasn't a monumental mistake after GC SC2 outsold the PS2 version despite having a fraction of the install base, then you're delusional.

>> No.9574189

Sales have nothing to do with the quality of the product which is the thing discussed here.

>> No.9574251

Oh shut the fuck up, I mostly owned Sony consoles, but SCII on the GameCube is equally dope and Link isn't half bad of a character. Last (You).

>> No.9574325

Don't summon them bro. They have their own containment thread going rn

>> No.9574329

one of my local arcades has a cabinet for this. Pretty fun but didn't really feel as fleshed out as the early caliburs

>> No.9574334

GC had Link though. PS2 had some shitty Tekken character. I had both systems. rented the GC version solely to go through Links campaign and returned it

>> No.9574481
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Sales have everything to do with the quality of the next products which is actually the thing discussed here.

>> No.9574508
File: 578 KB, 1920x1080, sc4 ps3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you ever play sc4, try it pre-update.
launch sc4 has the best gameplay in the series where throw 100% beats guard impacts, even "just" impacts.
at high level this is huge when you're already just impacting majority of the time anyways and now throws are an actual counter.

if you ever dismissed sc4 because the guest characters or starwars, try this version