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9571324 No.9571324 [Reply] [Original]

I will always use mouselook on doom. I used to be autistic about having it be close to original experience. I honestly i dont care anymore, im not gonna respect the intents or wishes of a 20 year old game.

>> No.9571374
File: 85 KB, 477x170, 5036383C-0D6F-41A6-A189-2215B1AF0DC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom shipped with mouse-look so you are playing it “right”.

>> No.9571378

Also, doom is 30 years old this year and we’re all gonna die soon.

>> No.9571383

are you talking about mouse look or vertical aim.

>> No.9571410

He doesn't mean mouse controls, he means looking up and down, I think.

>> No.9571412

lol yeah forgot i mean freelook

>> No.9571416

The only people who will get mad at you for playing doom the way you want to play it are aging spergs who haven’t seen daylight in 15 years.

>> No.9571423

do you play with vertical auto aim?

>> No.9571437


Yeah and freelook vertical stuff, really just default controls for lzdoom

>> No.9571448

i also jump too

>> No.9571723

i think you should experience it the first time how it was supposed to be, without free look and jumping
but after that i just dont care, it's honestly so much better with a jump and free look

>> No.9571778
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>im not gonna respect the intents or wishes of a 20 year old


>> No.9571810

>it's honestly so much better with a jump and free look
It's not at all.

>> No.9571856

lack of freelook can be a pain in the ass sometimes with drops, level 2's intro of the chain gunner prime example.

>> No.9571904

I have in part at least. I enjoyed the first episode of doom and the first few levels of doom 2. All the later levels become too much of a maze for me to really care about. I mostly play deathmatch now.

>> No.9571929

>a 20 year old game
uhh should we tell him bros

>> No.9572071

One of the original Doomgods here: we all followed in the footsteps of NoSkill (RIP) and use "keyboard with mouse assist". This was with built-in settings. You can find many LMPs of NoSkill pvp matches including a few with me, Ground0.

Later some of us switched to just keyb/mouse and use novert.exe to cancel out the "mouse assist".

>> No.9572094

>I used to be autistic about having it be close to original experience. I honestly i dont care anymore
Me too anon. I also changed the way I look at things like that. Another one is GTA Trilogy's auto aim vs PC version's manual aim.
That sometimes destroys some level design. I'm not saying you shouldn't use it to play, just don't use it to advance.

>> No.9572235

Vertical aim is okay. Just don't shoot switches that aren't at eye-level. Turning on jumping is just cheating. Turning off infinite height monsters is sometimes cheating too but I don't care coz srsly fuck getting blocked by monsters i can't see.

>> No.9572242

>shoot activated switches
I played through Doom 2 not too long ago and don't recall this mechanic. I think this is more of a user content or Doom 64 thing right?

>> No.9572489

Me too. I remember you can't aim up to a certain distance there's a place like that in Plutonia, but that's shit game design so that's hardly cheating as well.

>> No.9572497

>don't recall this mechanic
Spirit world has a room with a Chainsaw and 3 walls that go down after you shoot/melee them.

>> No.9572516

Doom didn't have mouselook for like 5 years. It came out 30 years ago.

>> No.9572549

It's your game, do what you like and have fun with it

>> No.9572565

For me it was very weird to go back to Doom and not having mouse look back then. There are some mechanics like that it feels very weird not to use them.

>> No.9572594

Nobody uses default Doom stuff in deathmatch since that handicaps you against people who do use vertical aim. otherwise it seems weird to me to use vertical aim in vanilla doom levels.

>> No.9572597

Lol - have you tried Doom's "mouse-look"?
Moving the mouse up/down moves the character forward/back.

>> No.9572654
File: 431 KB, 1800x1200, Culture_mara1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will always use mouselook on doom
>needing a crosshair

>> No.9572751

They exist, but definitely used more in community-made maps. Which you should play btw since Doom 2 is garbage compared to the community mapsets that have been made for it.

>> No.9572805

Mouselook is fine desu, but don't fucking enable jumping and crouching. It literally breaks many levels.

>> No.9572809

The Doom general will hate you for playing the official levels rather than their shitty WADs and using anything other than mouse movement

>> No.9572849

I play with freelook, on controller using gyro controls. Dash and interact mapped to rear paddles

Fuck I love the steam deck

>> No.9573310

The levels aren't designed to be able to jump.

>> No.9573983

>The levels aren't designed to be able to jump.
Thats correct, and what i meant about not respecting the intents or wishes of a *30 year old game
like who cares, only about a quarter of each game is actually good

>> No.9574043

As long as you don't jump, all is well.

>> No.9574431

If you're not using jump to cheat then there's literally no reason to jump. Where and why the fuck are you jumping if not to go somewhere you're not supposed to go or to avoid floor damage? Jumping literally doesn't do anything outside of situations in which it's giving you an advantage you're not supposed to have.
Go ahead and cheat though. I use cheats when I get bored.

>> No.9574468

I use jump if I add some crazy monster wad or something, just to get some more dodging ablility.

>> No.9574535
File: 69 KB, 634x400, nojump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This part right here makes me want to activate the jump. I've done it many times without, but it still does.

>> No.9574637

The age of the "intents and wishes" doesn't really change the way the levels are designed. Adding jump lets you skip parts that they purposefully designed not to be bypassed.

>> No.9574647

Okay mouse look is one thing but doom has no level where a jump would benefit you, infact it'd break some stage environments. Do you also use crouch too?

>> No.9574661

>virgin jump users
>giganigga noclip enjoyers

>> No.9575037

I use it skip parts during backtracking, and like being able to jump. Also floor damage isn't that great of a mechanic that you're cheating if you avoid it, but I don't think you can even avoid it with jump. I haven't tried it myself I just quick save before trying to go somewhere with floor damage to see what's there.

>> No.9575042

You would get stuck anon, as I said only use it for backtracking and stuff like that. Also you're destroying the game design at that point.

>> No.9575358

I disagree, i see it as circumventing poor level design. lots of single player maps are just maze messes

>> No.9576396

>floor damage isn't that great of a mechanic that you're cheating if you avoid it, but I don't think you can even avoid it with jump.
I just assumed it was possible. Never tried it.

>> No.9576487
File: 665 KB, 1920x1080, From doom with love rekkr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like turning on crosshair snapping so I can continue to play without free look, but still know what I'm aiming at. I also have it auto hide when enemies aren't targeted to clean up the screen.

>> No.9576545

>poor level design
Wtf are you smoking

>> No.9576558

No just you, because you didn't take care of yourself and drank vodka everyday

Or was it crack cocaine?

>> No.9576565

>im not gonna respect the intents or wishes of a 20 year old game

>Some project ideas:
>Port it to your favorite operating system.
>Add some rendering features -- transparency, look up / down, slopes, etc.

>look up / down
OP is retarded.

>> No.9576816

Yes? What's the problem with that? I keep it on even now because it's so useful.

>> No.9576821

u wot m8

>> No.9577070 [DELETED] 

Oh THANK YOU. This was a surprise

>> No.9577076

THANK YOU. This was a surprise. This is similar to Wolf3D using mouse aiming in a way.

>> No.9577091

kek are you saying the doom readme actually suggests players add these features themselves? what the fuck, freelook deniers absolutely BTFO

>> No.9577095

Imagine being so fearful of ever making a decision in your life that you need PERMISSION FROM THE DEVELOPER OF A 30 YEAR OLD GAME to play it a certain way.

Jesus, how did you end up this way?

>> No.9577102

Other anon wasn't clear, it's obviously not the readme included with the game. It's the readme included with the linux public source code release in 1997.

Actually I'm surprised to remember it was released so soon. I suppose by that point Quake had been out a year so they didn't care.

>> No.9577220

I never understood "purists" like decino (autistic Dutch)
Mouse look is objectively better. Only reason you'd play full keyboard is or the challenge but is it fun? No dude... it's not!

>> No.9577262

he uses mouse and keyboard. he also uses free look in the gzdoom maps he plays so your point is moot.

>> No.9577297

I'm not OP. I'm already using mouse look. This is similar to Romero saying Wolf3D was using mouse look. In both cases they were trying to create modern FPS.

>> No.9577401

Freelook makes the monsters look like moving cardboard cut outs, but I'll absolutely use it if I'm using GZDoom with mods, but most wads are designed to be played "officially" and guys like decino enjoy the challenge, and being able to look up and get some sneaky kills early defeats that.

>> No.9577432

Imagine actually trying to defend it.

>ohh thank goddd the developer said it was ok!!!

>> No.9577662

having no neck feels retarded. i always aim at head height if I can, it's more fun.

>> No.9578168

Honestly not that big of a deal all things considered. Being able to actually manually aim up and down does confer you some advantages, but usually not very significant ones, because the vertical auto-aim in the original is generally pretty well behaved and helpful. The main one would be making it easier to engage enemies at a far distance, with the odd occurrence where you want to shoot something further away while some Cacos are above your desired line of fire and auto-aim would have caused a problem, but that last one isn't that common in my experience.
It does make Doom 2's final boss a lot easier, but the loss isn't substantial to me because he's not a particularly excellent fight or anything, and shootable switches are very rare in the iwads.

Nah, I have a gun.

More or less. Unless you're speedrunning, which most people don't, I don't really see a reason to be strict about it, and even then you could actually develop your own category which allows it if you just really wanted to.
I think it's well worth experiencing how the gameplay was like originally, just to get a feel for it and then also better appreciating how things developed, but I'm not gonna hold my gun to your head if you decide you're just sick of it, I play with GzDoom about as often as I play with Woof.
I feel the same way for the "Infinite Monster Height" thing, there's good reason that's something which nobody went back on, and sometimes it actually can give flying monsters some pretty serious tactical advantages the map author never foresaw, possibly making things a lot harder, so that evens out with the advantages you get yourself.

>> No.9578191

I would actually suggest to turn off the vertical auto aim when using full freelook, that gives you far greater and faster control of moving from target to target, especially in tight spots.

I tend to use jumping when playing in GzDoom just because I like using it for maneuvering in combat, an example is if you got cornered by some monsters, you could jump up and run over their heads to escape them, and as long as you move fast enough they can't eat your feet. Likewise for crouching, such as ducking down by a chest-high barrier or object to avoid incoming fire, and sometimes in very tight combat where I may duck down to avoid an incoming projectile just in time, because I don't have the room to move any direction but down.

I think that sort of thing is fun, and adds onto the already fun and dynamic combat Doom has. I'm however very conscious of how that can break some levels, in some ways quite a lot, so I generally make sure to not use jumping or crouching as to reach areas which it's clear I'm not supposed to reach yet, barring maybe using a shortcut to get back to somewhere I already have access to.