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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9570510 No.9570510 [Reply] [Original]

This video raises a good point. What happens to hoarded games when the hoarder dies? Most of them are middle ages, grossly overweight or both and they tend to die quite often and suddenly.


>> No.9570518

retarded kin liquidate or throw them away, just like with coin collections, or they end up in an estate sale

>> No.9570519

Pretty much guaranteed their kids (if they have any) don't want the games. They get sold at an estate sale for cheap, or maybe even just tossed in the garbage.

>> No.9570547

Sold for tree fiddy at an estate sale just to dab on them.

>> No.9570575

are those uncovered eeprom windows?

>> No.9570578


>> No.9570603

They get resold. Most hoarders have at least one next of kin with enough awareness of current trends to realize that old games can be worth money.

Also pretty sure I know who the so-called "Zack" actually is.

>> No.9570607 [DELETED] 

I genuinely hope so just to make coomlectors seethe

>> No.9570621

Just noticed that. That's so fucked, especially since now its stuck in a case and they cant be covered now.

>> No.9570627

>this video raises a good point
ah yes, content creators, they're always so smart and interesting

>> No.9570642

>Also pretty sure I know who the so-called "Zack" actually is.
Care to elaborate?

>> No.9570648

It's been untombed, covered, and dumped. It's not much different from the retail version.

>> No.9570665

It's already dumped and this isn't as dangerous as is parroted

>> No.9571164

Yeah, uncovered EPROMs aren't nearly as susceptible to data loss as is made out, especially since most are stored inside. You're more likely to run into a janked EPROM as a result of somebody fucking with it and inserting in backward than one that's been corrupted due to inadvertent UV exposure. That said it's certainly best to cover them to be safe.

>> No.9571232

Same what happens with any other time somone dies; their shit gets put on firesale by their kids because nobody wants tongo through the effort of parsing everything out and spending an eternity trying to sell for market value

>> No.9571234

Sure hope this was dumped, before being slabbed in tard case. If not, die in a fire.

>> No.9571237

Like all collectables, estate sales -> sold way under value -> eBay -> bought by next gen neckbeards at a premium -> repeat upon death. Or straight into the garbage.

As the buddha said, "don't get attached to useless shit, because it's all going in the dumpster eventually."

>> No.9571240 [DELETED] 

>or maybe even just tossed in the garbage
Serves them right. Universal corrections required, in the event of tendie tards demise.

>> No.9571286

This. I see so many estate sales in my area of people's life collections of fine china, stainless silver, baseball cards, music albums, and various other collectables up for grabs. When the older ones start dying off, you'll see the market get flooded with all the games that have been sitting on shelves collecting dust.

>> No.9571290

dont worry anon ill sell my collection and arcade collection for a high price on ebay when i get old lol

>> No.9571315

>people honestly think graded games stored in some American McRich's collection are going to be sold for dirt cheap in fire sale conditions
Sure, maybe 20 years ago.

>> No.9571321

>Amerifat McRich's collection
fify and am american, not burgerland consoomer ilk.
>maybe 20 years ago
Checked out. And in about another 20 years when we start to die.

>> No.9571339 [DELETED] 

You'll be dead by the end of this year when the next covid wave hits.

>> No.9571354 [DELETED] 

Fear is the currency of the left. Lap it up. God's will friendo. Ashes to Ashes mango. I have no fear for the inevitable.

>> No.9571356

thank god this was found or we would never been able to play harvest moon on snes

>> No.9571361


>> No.9571402
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wait, so you mean people who collect 1 of a kind prototypes in the interest of selling them for maximum profit and community fame don't actually care about game preservation?

>> No.9571432

>This video raises a good point.
Fuck off, not gonna give you views, you dumb cunt.

Coins from coin collectors are kept/sold at their actual value, because unlike plastic junk, they hold actual value

>> No.9571456

>live in the era of constant "old game sells for a million+" articles
>Storage Wars/Pawn Stars/etc
>everybody thinks they'll get rich from crap in the attic
>widespread internet access and ebay use
There's a reason why it's so hard to find good deals on old games. Most of these types of collectors will have their collection sold for top dollar after they die, assuming they die before the fad dies. I could see niche things like protos getting trashed (or more likely sold for cheap), just because they aren't as obviously videogames and sometimes look like a junked game missing its shell or original label or whatever

>> No.9571553

>because unlike plastic junk, they hold actual value
100% agree. Actual value versus speculative value, that is likely not based upon the varying stats required for an accurate dollar amount. I think the larger issue is with some of the players from the coin and card collecting communities. Like locusts, they consume all commodities in their respective markets, and seek to now establish their own grip on the retro game commodities. I'm a capitalist but some of their practices are beyond sketch, suspect, shady, or moral. They utilize tactics that artificially inflate given the chain is laden with their homeboys along the way, ensuring that anyone in on the plan gets paid. It's disgusting.

>> No.9571562 [DELETED] 

Good thing covid19 doesn't exist.

>> No.9571681 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 1920x1080, 1661086085744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video game authority

All vidya speculators and hoarders need to be roped.

>> No.9571807
File: 166 KB, 1168x1600, Julius-Caesar-marble-sculpture-Andrea-di-Pietro[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a nephew to name as his heir

>> No.9571812

its not exactly playable as a decoration\collectors item now
its trapped in a vacuum sealed case anon

also the exposed windows dont mean anything as long as you arent BLASTING IT directly at point blank range with a UV light

>"The recommended erasure procedure is exposure to UV light at 253.7 nm of at least 15 Ws/cm2, usually achieved in 20 to 30 minutes with the lamp at a distance of about 2.5 cm"

>> No.9571817

point being, they are a pain in the ass to erase completely even when you are TRYING to erase them

its not gonna happen in spergys basement when light somehow finds its way down there

>> No.9571819
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Bury me with my games!"

>> No.9571828 [DELETED] 

>dumb animeposter calling for the deaths of others
heh, ironic

>> No.9571832

>t. hoarder

>> No.9571845 [DELETED] 

>still thinks we're in 2020

>> No.9571953 [DELETED] 

Basement IQ

>> No.9572164
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>> No.9572170

For people who didn't watch the video-
This was graded before the current owner obtained it.
The current owner broke open the case to remove the prototype.
The EPROM windows have been covered.
The ROM has been dumped and released - it's a localization prototype of Harvest Moon, with a small smattering of differences in the ROM. The only currently documented differences are a different title logo, different copyright text, and the Pack In Video splash screen (which i believe is carried over from the Japanese version). Any other differences are probably small bug fixes related to localization.

>> No.9572207

Just another factor to mention. Is the transparent plastic case, UV transparent? Either way who would go around peeling off protective tape if they wanted to collect something valuable anyway?

>> No.9572209

>Work at retro game shop
>A man and his father come in to sell us their SNES games about two years ago.
>Each one in nearly perfect condition, even had a few CIBs. Man tells me his other son passed away recent they wanted to know what we could give him before he brought the whole collection.
>Give 'em a little more because that sucks.
They came in three more times that month before they had exhausted his collection. Nearly every star favorite from the NES on up to the Gamecube.
I hope they're doing alright.

>> No.9572225

Some prototypes have EPROMs which were left uncovered to begin with. Best practice is to cover and label them, but some developers just didn't give a shit.

>> No.9572227

I never understood taking video games and sticking them in a plastic box. They're video games, they're meant to be played and enjoyed!

>> No.9572230

Same, I frequent estate sales often. Sad to see everyone's shit just eaten up by greedy hoarders will continue the legacy of the hoarder or go on ebay to sell the stuff for retarded prices.

>> No.9572268

Polycarbonate blocks UV.

>> No.9572459

>get on 25 year old ebay account
>sell to collectorcucks at low Buy Now rates
>write a racial slur on each disk/cart
>watch the hate reviews come in
Games are for playing, not hoarding.

>> No.9572518
File: 52 KB, 666x666, cfb (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfathomably based

>> No.9572528

I wish this was true

>> No.9572537

This always happens. Remember that emulator developer who had tons of "preserved" shit in his house that he never backed up? Then a flood destroyed it all? lmao

>> No.9572782

Byuu and that's a blatant lie, he DID upload his European Snes dumps.

>> No.9573514

You gonna tell us?

>> No.9575129

>European Snes dumps.
Literally worthless.

>> No.9575171

Look at Computer Reset. That's an extreme example, but you'll have people swoop in like vultures and pick off whatever you owned whether if it's museum full of esoteric high value collectable electronics or some former autist's personal P4 shitbox with 98SE on it.

>> No.9575379

draw a rick astley on it. rick roll these zoomies.

>> No.9575469

Thanks, this is a useful thing to know.

>> No.9575758

The board automatically self destructs and any backups made automatically delete themselves. But that doesn't stop larpers from saying they picked them up at a garage sale for a dollar.

>> No.9576261

>PAL roms
Disgusting. In fact, they should be purged from the internet so that I don't accidentally download one

>> No.9576307

their family sells them at yard sales like this :^)


>> No.9576352

The hilarious part is when you go to an estate sale and it's painfully clear the deceased was a hoarder themselves. Box after box of random junk, plastic bins full of stuff that obviously hasn't been touched in ages, all these things you know they kept telling themselves "This is an investment, one day I'll sell for big bucks!" In the end, they just have a pile of crap collecting dust just like the person next door, and it ends up getting sold for far less than they thought it was worth after they die.
I see one nearby where one dead guy had a collection of rare comics he obviously spent a great deal of time hunting down. I'm talking 1940's and 1950's era comics. Many of them were in display cases. They didn't go to some museum, or pass down to any children, they were just sold piece by piece after he died. But he obviously spent a ton of money and time getting these comics and sealing them inside of a plastic box. All that time and money on comics he couldn't even read anymore since they were sealed.
Estate sales are effectively looking at a hoarder's legacy. I think a lot less collectors would be interested in collecting if they visited estate sales and saw for themselves the end result of a lifetime of hoarding.

>> No.9576360

>I think a lot less collectors would be interested in collecting if they visited estate sales and saw for themselves the end result of a lifetime of hoarding.

this is not true, I am a collector that goes to estate sales. That is a substantial portion of the customer base for them.
We are all well aware of the eventual fate.

>> No.9576378

So you're collecting a bunch of stuff just so it can be sold at an estate sale after you die? This is intentional?

>> No.9576394
File: 47 KB, 282x373, 1660396454557019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is trash these days but shit, this resonated with me.
What's the point of collecting any of this bullshit just to hoard and sit on it for yourself? The fun comes from sharing it with people and preserving the history of something you care about.
Collecting now is about the bottom line and hoping to find a bigger loser that pays a premium to line their shitty shelving units. That's not even getting into how people want to treat collectables as assets, it's ruined every hobby under the sun in the last decade.

>> No.9576459

I have a friend who also collects retro games and I told him after I got diagnosed with cancer that if I die he's getting all my stuff to keep what he wants for his collection and then sell whatever he doesn't want since I know I can't entrust my family with it since they'll just throw it away. I mean if someone is gonna sell it all I'd at least like it to be someone who knows what they have and can sell it back to the community and make money off it.

>> No.9576474

fucking youtuber

>> No.9576493

Disgusting. These are the cretins on /vr/ who lose their spaghetti when you don't buy into their headcanon. It's oddly nauseating to be forced to put a flabby face to the autism

>> No.9576518

This has got to be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.9576674

That's a combination of like three different people.

>> No.9576718

Thanks Anon.

>> No.9576720


>> No.9576779
File: 22 KB, 220x276, 1673806531098571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have convinced me to utterly get rid of stuff I was in the middle of tracking down for fun. Because I realized that I don't play for entertainment value and often get bored after only a few weeks of investing into a hobby. I need to grow practical skills, I think I'll sell my shit and get into soldering or something that requires some minor electrical education or shit maybe I will start taking some electrician classes while I work full-time. I don't know many, but I can't just sit around with PS2, PS3 consoles and games that I don't even touch.. I have 4 Ps2 consoles man. Just for backups! Backups for what? A rainy day? So stupid. I'm gonna start selling this crap off. I don't play it at all.

>> No.9576884

no, I am collecting things because I enjoy them. I know its not a retirement fund and when I die my family is free to do whatever with them. Why would it matter to me when I am dead?

>> No.9576974

I'm glad I could reach you both.
I use a general rule for just about everything I own. "Have I touched this in the past year? If not, why do I have it?" I don't need to be surrounded by things to be happy, just the things I actually use and entertain me. I'm not gonna throw away old photos just because I haven't looked at them lately, and I'm not gonna throw away my space heater just because it didn't get cold enough to use it last year, but that's the general rule I follow to keep myself from ending up with a lot of clutter. If it's not a part of my life, it needs to get out of my life.
If it doesn't matter to you(and if it's been sitting there over a year, it probably doesn't), then why are you hanging on to it? I always hear people say "One day I'm gonna use/do X with that!" or "When I retire I'm gonna..." One day never gets here, and by the time most people retire they are resting in between visits to the doctor and dealing with maintaining their home while old and tired. It's a mental trap we fall into because it feels like making a plan for the future, when in reality we are putting something off. Why do I have this cartridge of game X that I haven't played in 2 years? Because I plan on playing it one day? Why not play it now? It's not like taking a break from your current game to play it will make the game you were playing vanish. Because I'm waiting until I finally FEEL like playing it? How much longer do I need to hang onto this item before I can get some enjoyment out of it? The lies we tell ourselves really fall apart hard when you question them.
Congrats on breaking out of the trap. Most people never will. If you don't believe me, look at how many ads encourage you to "collect the whole set!"

>> No.9577060

they're "backed up"
most likely they'll end up autodeleted when their cloud drives are purged due to nobody paying the subscription anymore

>> No.9577435

Dead hoarder loot is free, you can take it home. I have 724 hoarded cartridges and arcade machines at home.

>> No.9577476

Don't forget to post your ebay listings here /vr/o, give back to the community you love so much.