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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9563735 No.9563735 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to The Garage, a thread where fans of racing vidya can discuss their favourite arcade, sim, kart, and any other kinds of racing games (this is /vr/, so any PC/6th gen game up to 2007 goes!). If you’re looking for something new to play or are new to the genre ask other Anons for recommendations and remember to gear up and have fun.

>New here? Interested in a series to get started with? Check out these!
Dirt/Colin McRae
Gran Turismo
Mario Kart
Midnight Club
Midtown Madness
Need for Speed
Project Gotham Racing/Metropolis Street Racer
Ridge Racer
Sega Rally
Tokyo Xtreme Racer

Thread ambiance:


>> No.9563840
File: 1.32 MB, 918x688, jackchan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The WebM came from the movie Cannonball Run II, and that is Jackie Chan playing the 2600 version of Pac-Man in his 'futuristic' Mitsubishi.

>> No.9564510


>> No.9564921

Based Jackie

>> No.9564959

>Welcome to The Garage
lmao, cringe

>> No.9564968

>Mario Kart
>Midtown Madness
why tho

>> No.9565270

there's a reason this general died
stop trying to revive it

>> No.9565610

and that reason is "Welcome to The Garage"

>> No.9565620

it wasn't but that shit should stop regardless

>> No.9565625

One schizo bothering everyone else and demanding people to post "times" when told to fuck off like a mentally ill deranged faggot to the point where people just stopped making threads.

>> No.9565636

>get started with fzero, Mario Kart
Really? Not buy a high quality steering wheel and a real racer,?

>> No.9565747
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How to fix your shit general:
>1) Stop putting "Welcome to The Garage" in your OP. It's cringe. Also, you're calling it "/vroom/" and then "The Garage", which is it? You're fundamentally misunderstanding the point of having a general, which is to provide a consistent place of discussion with an easily identifiable name. Just call it /vroom/, which is a good name and makes sense based on the board and the nature of the topic.
>2) Stop posting your own list of favorite racers, nobody cares. Instead, provide links and resources for people to actually find, download and learn about racing games.
>3) 6 youtube songs? Come on, bro.
>4) Improve and condense formatting, and add a little visual flair to make the thread easily recognizable.
If you do these things, you might actually be able to assemble an active group of autists. If you ignore my advice or get butthurt though, you're going to keep making these same dead generals and I will keep laughing at you.

>> No.9565818
File: 1.55 MB, 1440x1080, Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3_SLUS-20831_20221226004244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is so good and I'm not even a racing game enjoyer. They treat the ricing and street racing like you're a Samurai in feudal Japan.
Are there more games like this? Initial-D or Wangan haven't been translated to my knowledge.

>> No.9565829

Why don't you make the fucking thread then?

>> No.9565842
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>gets butthurt
I tried.

>> No.9566527


>> No.9566790

The Garage stays and you ain't welcome anymore

>> No.9566886

F-Zero GX has FFB support, that's more than half the games on that list.

>> No.9566890

Try the Drift games in the same series

>> No.9567164

>The Garage
cringe lol

>> No.9568731
File: 2.36 MB, 320x240, Rage Racer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AI in this game is fucking bullshit.

>> No.9568796

What, you don't like being pinball'd between a car and the walls?

>> No.9568823

Did I just watch that car do some kind of inverted slide?

>> No.9568832

Maybe that's why it's called "rage" racer, because it makes you rage, get it?

>> No.9568854

Why colin mcrae 3 has so many inconveniences? You have to unlock parts to adjust the car to your liking which is dumb as shit, can't select what will get fixed if you beat up the car too much, you get forced to use the ford focus and worst of all, the autosave is just god damn annoying, if you fuck up badly in a stage and get to the finish line it's over, you have to stick to that bad time but it's worse when you accidentally select, say, the wrong wheels for the upcoming course, the game saves and now you are stuck with a car that won't grip to the road at all. Colin Mcrae 2 was perfect, why did they fuck up so bad? At least the game looks good.

Anyway, does somebody have a link to the NTSC version of colin mcrae 2005? I checked various sites but they only have the PAL version

>> No.9568861
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>> No.9568870

It still bothers me that TFnF could've had Gran Turismo 3 in it but it was filmed way before the launch of the game. Unlucky!
>June 22, 2001
>July 10, 2001

>> No.9568902
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The Mountain Dew drag car from rush 2 is a classic

>> No.9569035

You know what, RRV plays okay. Looks pretty good on night tracks but bland as fuck on daytime tracks. Music is forgettable dogshit and the announcer is annoying as fuck. It's just a lesser game with no excuse for how little content it has.

>> No.9569054

>It's just a lesser game with no excuse for how little content it has.
The excuse was "we must be the first to launch a title for PS2 because we did that with PS1".

>> No.9569061

They should've just taken their time and made Type V. Is R-Racing Evolution any good?

>> No.9569064

>Is R-Racing Evolution any good?
Never played it but I've always heard bad things about it

>> No.9569808

Some of the music tracks are all right, fogbound is cool and Paris has that R4 vibe, electroglide it's good too. Obviously they can't compete with R4 soundtrack but V's soundtrack is good for what it set outs to be, background music.

And yes, the announcer is annoying, doesn't have the same enthusiasm as previous announcers and his comments are always some stupid shit
>You can really hear the exhaust of the cars out there in the night
>it's the last race, who will be the winner? We will find out an answer to this question in a few minutes
Taking in consideration that he is supposed to be talking in a radio broadcast, this dude doesn't have anything interesting to say

>> No.9569814

>You have to unlock parts to adjust the car to your liking which is dumb as shit
Reminded me of Destruction Derby Arenas giving you permanent upgrades to the car you chose which looked fucking dreadful.

>> No.9569890

Yes, but it really doesn't play like RR. I really enjoyed it, the cheesy AC style dialog helps, the physics are somewhat solid sim cade, and they make you fight for passing which is fun.

>> No.9569891

The racetracks are really dogshit imo

>> No.9570259

I think the only song I liked from RRV was the tune that plays when you unlock a new car/engine. Too bad it's like 10 seconds long and isn't even in any of the official soundtrack releases.

>> No.9571245
File: 2.48 MB, 320x240, Rage Racer 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did I just watch that car do some kind of inverted slide?
How about this

>> No.9571252

For me, Gran Turismo 4 was the highlight of all racing games. There was just a certain ~vibe~ that came with the menu aesthetics, the music, the gigantic variety of cars and race types, and the insane amount of customization. Nothing else has ever come close for me. If I could recapture that vibe in a modern game, I would be so happy.

>inb4 modern Gran Turismo, which I hear has microtransactions

>> No.9571301

>rotary Ferrari clone
I love the Fatalita so much it's unreal

>> No.9572657

In Racing Lagoon is there any advantages to switching to MR instead of staying with FR?

>> No.9572739

You need to play Gran Turismo 1 if atmosphere and menu aesthetics are important to you

>> No.9572930

Not really, it just handles slightly differently and it's up to taste. They swing a bit less while drifting.

>> No.9573246

GT1 plays like shit nowadays. Amazing how arcadey it feels with its auto drift mechanic. GT2 was a massive improvement in physics and gameplay.

>> No.9573320
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vroom indeed

>> No.9573498

Burnout 3
Outrun 2
the holy trinity of racing games
simple as

>> No.9573608

>For me, Gran Turismo 4
today anon was not a fag

>> No.9574631
File: 2 KB, 256x192, 964305-jackie-chan-no-project-a-msx-screenshot-the-end-of-level-boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in chan's name is this controller ?

>> No.9574737

I'm currently trying to finish Daytona USA on saturn on the hardest difficulty.
Send help

This series is amazing and scratch a very particular itch
But I really hate the yellow cars everywhere in TXR3
No idea why they did this, it feels like a bad censorship attempt. The previous 2 games didn't do this
I'm tempted to learn to make texture packs for PCSX2 just so I can mod them out of the game, at least turn their textures black or white or something. It really breaks my immersion

>> No.9574750

is that a ruler

>> No.9574752
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>Music is forgettable dogshit and the announcer is annoying as fuck.
Some of the soundtrack is absolute kino, especially the ones by Boom Boom Satellite
You can disable the announcer.
It's the best RR game for me, the difficulty is perfect, the driving feel just right unlike RR4, the track lightning is absolutely comfy, and it's the last game before the nitro BS.

Yeah I completely disagree with you. I think I saw your thread the other day shitting on the game and fuck that honestly.

>> No.9574782

>saw your thread
I didn't make any threads about it you paranoid schizo.

>> No.9574812

Well sorry about that. There just was a thread about RRV with the same argument against it that you have, with the wording you used it's easy to assume something.

>> No.9574819

No, I played it on my own. It's not a bad game but it's still lacking compared to what came before. You also can't mute the announcer, only lower his voice to a still-audible minimum, and only during gameplay, so he's always blabbering in the menus.

>> No.9574838

Oh yeah it was just a vol slider, that sucks. And yeah, still in menus.
But at least you can do something about him unlike in RR4.
As for the content I also wish it was more like RR4 and had more tracks and actual career, but RRV is an arcade style game and personally I enjoyed that aspect just as well.

>> No.9574981

If you drive the death themed S15 that belongs to one of the bosses they all turn white and they fill with spoopy ghosts

>> No.9575582
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, Racing Lagoon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testing an analog filter, not sure if looks quite the same after being compressed for webm.

>> No.9575605

Or play GT3, because GT3's vibe is totally different and superior to 4's. 4 is so cold it's almost sterile in comparison.

>> No.9575629
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, Racing Lagoon 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9575640
File: 2.47 MB, 3544x2680, trin_ridge_racerrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making my way through Ridge Racer 64, grabbed a cart the other day. it looks and feels good for a late gen 64 game, the 30fps is a bummer, but 60fps just wasn't realistic unless you have fzero tier barren ass blatant triangle tracks, so, it is what it is.
the game handles decently well, the cars feel different enough to drive and the stats appear to represent them well, but, seems to hit an impossible difficulty curve in the intermediate tracks... until you realize something very important: the broken ass drift mechanic.
when you "drift", you're not really "drifting" at all, you get locked into the geometry of the track and autosteered through sharp turns with zero control until you exit this mode at whatever angle your car is facing; which has nothing to do with what angle you are actually going. you can control haphazardly left and right with the control stick as you are getting autosucked to the track geometry until you are exited rather violently.
as far as driving, you can try to steer normally into a turn, hitting the brake and accelerating again to activate "drifting" but it seems to not work sometimes. HOWEVER: if you mash the brake, you always seem to get sucked into drift mode.
The metagame seems to be driving as fast as you can directly straight towards a wall before a steep curve(s), mashing the fuck out of the brake, and magically turning 90 or so degrees on a dime getting auto-weaved through brutal turns hopefully emerging somewhat straight.
I am still having fun with it, and will probably beat the rest of mirror mode in the near future, but, it feels cheap and dirty to just rely on autosteering through large portions of the track, but, if you don't you cant really win. so yeah. that's what the game boils down to.
it feels good to play an arcade racer again.

>> No.9575643
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, Racing Lagoon 4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9575648

>when you "drift", you're not really "drifting" at all, you get locked into the geometry of the track and autosteered through sharp turns with zero control until you exit this mode at whatever angle your car is facing
>The metagame seems to be driving as fast as you can directly straight towards a wall before a steep curve(s), mashing the fuck out of the brake, and magically turning 90 or so degrees on a dime getting auto-weaved through brutal turns hopefully emerging somewhat straight
Welcome to Ridge Racer.
>hit an impossible difficulty curve
Wait until you get to the night time oval track in both GP and car attack modes (more so car attack).

>> No.9575694

yeah later ridge racer games are like that, almost purely on rails- ridge racer 7 goes so far as to even acknowledge it and give you announcer lines for backwards drifting or straight-line 360s that people would do in older games for fun. it's a shame since it wasn't originally like that, the arcade machine's infamous laserdisc of speedy goddamn time trials barely even drifts and instead relies on trail braking and a really solid racing line, but ridge racer kind of became a parody of itself as it went on and i always thought that was kind of a shame
ideally RR8 would go back to R4 era styling with a split between drift and grip cars, and with drifting relying again on how much you turn while letting off the gas, how tight your stick is tilted, etc. instead of literally locking your car to a path automatically. more trackmania style, i guess

>> No.9575702

>ffb support
You can't even shift gears in that game.

>> No.9575707

...which has nothing to do with force feedback for the wheel?

>> No.9576165
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Some people say even GX feels better to play with a wheel, nevermind AX.
The game have slightly different mechanics.
both never feel as good as wipeout regardless of course, but it's good to know.

>> No.9576179

>Racing lagoon

>> No.9576265

RRT4 is the one with the most organic drift feel from the ones I've played (basically all four titles for the PS1 recently, and RRV a long time ago)

>> No.9576304

Yes but you're supposed to pretend it's bad

>> No.9576321

What about the driving in RR4 doesn't feel right? Also, the ultimate cup in RRV is fucking bullshit, i can drive flawlessly the entire race and still can't see the lead until the very end of the race, outside of that cup, the difficulty is good.

>> No.9578372
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>> No.9578376
File: 672 KB, 1528x2192, gran turismo 3 a-spec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit it's good
it's car autism

>> No.9578490

Shifting gears adds feeling to racing games. I feel bad for you never experiencing this.

>> No.9578848
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Gas the Solvalous, Rave War now

>> No.9578943
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Started to play this one after buying the JSRF Combo Disc
I'm not a big fan of "real cars" racing games, but i really liked this one, i saw some Gamefags calling it a Gran Turismo clone, which is pretty retard, the game itself looks more like a Forza prototype made by japanese developers. Seriously thinking about get me a Logitech Steering Wheel, saw some gameplays and the controls looks very responsive and fun.

>> No.9578975

>But I really hate the yellow cars everywhere in TXR3
>No idea why they did this, it feels like a bad censorship attempt. The previous 2 games didn't do this
Car manufacturers in japan don't want their cars involved in street racing, they told Genki to change the traffic with "Official" car iirc.

>> No.9579130

*associated their cars with street racing

>> No.9579154

Every sim racer was called GT clone at that time

>> No.9579167

none called gtr a gt clone for example. you're thinking of actual gt clones.
so prototype of a gt clone?
if these aren't gt clones than what are? i honestly think that sega gt and forza are the perfect examples. enthusia had some gimmick mechanics and metamechanics at least.

>> No.9579409

You can count /vr/ games where you can properly use a clutch and shift gears on a single hand. 2 if you add PC sims

>> No.9581310

>Stop posting your own list of favorite racers
and time trial contests is cool

>> No.9581317

you can't apprecieate actual classic ridge racer games, can you, type 4 zoomies? v is kinda return to form.

>> No.9581321

I wasn't talking about a clutch. I've never even played a game that uses one but would love to if it felt like a real car.

>> No.9581329

Forza is more of a GT clone than Sega GT is

>> No.9581365

>yeah later ridge racer games are like that
later? on-rail drifting is the mechanic since the first one. i always felt that the game suggest that grippy cars are for noobs, and they are slower indeed. all the best times are achieved with drifting on cars with the worst grip:
>laserdisc of speedy goddamn time trials barely even drifts and instead relies on trail braking
it also contains 360 backwards drift footage. both are performances for the show. you still need good line since acceleration is better then drifting even in later games.
this mechanic is bad, but it feels nice to nail in the sharp classic ones, and to float through the track in the newer ones.

>> No.9581551

You're missing out, even if it lacks the feedback.

>> No.9582161

driving games don't need a general thread

>> No.9582282

>this mechanic is bad
It's not THAT bad, and the games punish you for drifting where it's not needed by slowing you down.
>all the best times are achieved with drifting on cars with the worst grip
Does that hold true for V and Rage?

>> No.9582289

>feels nice to float through the track in the newer ones
lmao no it fucking doesn't you contrarian nigger

>> No.9582316

No, it’s an Asian man.

>> No.9582353

>Welcome to The Garage
this is so fucking cringe

>> No.9582435

Time trial contests help keep the thread pace and generate discussion, they're just a pain to organize

>> No.9582689

Unfortunately they also generated autism out the ass

>> No.9582791

The autism never left

>> No.9584563

i keked'
that's neat and clever

>> No.9584576

It's also why in Drift they insist that the passes are closed off and used only as tracks now

>> No.9585417

in rage they use nub cars for full game speedrun, i can understand why, drifting is so fucked up it's almost impossible.
look, he bumps all the time in an individual race world record run, using a top speed car though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-AbGrQmP9I
no idea about v, i'm not very familiar with the game

>> No.9585424

>he bumps all the time
To be fair, it's intentional at times. Bit fucked regardless.

>> No.9585478

Anybody tried the Choro Q Wonderful translation?