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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 125 KB, 800x798, 79797-baroque-sega-saturn-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9563389 No.9563389 [Reply] [Original]

Just started this, what am I in for?

>> No.9563415

Why don't you play it and find out, "just started this".

>> No.9563417
File: 2.85 MB, 200x234, 1673275998309043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a sec. So you started it, but you stopped to come here and ask what's next?

>> No.9563430

So is there finally a translation?

>> No.9563507

It’s cancerous memes from other boards

>> No.9563563


>> No.9563581

I never played it but I heard the cover art and character design is the only good thing about it.
The fights take forever, are not very challenging and the story is whatever.

>> No.9563904

Imbeciles that start a thread with "What am I in for" should be instabanned.

You know what's the biggest problem with the modern consumer? Literally starved for dopamine that you need to be told how to enjoy a product.
What's the point of this thread?
Go play the game.
See for yourself.
Why sit in a thread where you will be spoiled, your expectations will be skewed and you will never have a single shred of an authentic experience.
Think for yourself.
Literally develop a brain and have the experience on your own.
Stop waiting for others to tell you what to think, feel and do.
Stop living life through proxy.
We were never meant to learn so much of our life through proxy.
We were never meant to be this detached from ourselves that we need other people to fill in the gaps for us.
Stop making these retarded threads and asking these braindead questions like "What am I in for?"
What you are in for is a life devoid of any authenticity. A boring dull and completely souless existence where your mind is nothing but a drone to other people's whims. A literal slave, mind and body forever stuck in validation and scarcity FOMO hell.
This generation is completely fucked. Stop.

>> No.9563913
File: 343 KB, 1446x1080, 1522723860645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imbeciles that start a thread with "What am I in for" should be instabanned.

>> No.9563927
File: 132 KB, 1100x843, SLPM-86328_2022-07-14_22-21-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little girls

>> No.9563934
File: 57 KB, 1022x547, raughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP was so assblasted by this post that he'll cry and complain on other boards how /vr/ is absolute trash and not worth anyone's time.

>> No.9564000

Gatekeeping is good.

>> No.9564037

Yes, and don't let anyone say otherwise.

>> No.9564049

Not gatekeeping a community is guaranteeing its demise. Over 1000 provinces, city estates, countries, etc, can attest to that throughout history.

>> No.9564282

Why was this thread so angry? Unexplainable.

>> No.9564294

Because OP is a fag.

>> No.9564468

Excellent post. I'm of the opinion that NPCs literally cannot be awakened by logic like this, however. Their mindset is the genetic product of 10,000 years of civilization protecting unworthy specimens and allowing them to pass on their DNA. Evolution by regression to the point that they simply CANNOT further their own lives, define their own gender, or even enjoy a game without the say-so of the masses, thus allowing the strong to once again thrive and dominate the gene pool

>> No.9564479

>Before I play a game, let me waste time I could have used to play the game and instead go ask random strangers online what they think. Which will take hours

>> No.9564513

Harsh but true. I have infinitely more respect for someone who at least starts a game and wants to discuss what they've experienced so far. Going in blind on a game is one of the true joys of the hobby, why would you want to deprive yourself of that? So you can find some broken aspect of the game you can exploit that destroys any amount of challenge so you can talk about how easy the game was later?

>> No.9564518 [DELETED] 

There's a reason you're not a mod let alone a janny. Or maybe you are a janny but you're certainly not a tranny. Or maybe you're a tranny but you don't got that fanny UHMPH

>> No.9564519 [DELETED] 

You're talking about the Jews, right?

>> No.9564546

>what am I in for

>> No.9564564

i finished this a while ago but the plot just filtered the fuck out of me. was the world always fucked and them trying to fix it was the delusion all along?

>> No.9564606

Every time I read "What am I in for" I just imagine a cop going down a check list of all the reasons they got stopped and arrested