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File: 74 KB, 1000x445, Termina_Field_East.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9561835 No.9561835 [Reply] [Original]

Could this full game run on a PS1 without any big shortcomings?

>> No.9561842

You would get some FMVs and voice acting I guess

>> No.9561849

No. It couldn't even run on stock N64 without shortcomings.
Have you seen anything comparable on PlayStation?

>> No.9561858
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, spyro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes (picrel)

>> No.9561862

This is what Oblivion was to Morrowind, even the overworld center is the same

>> No.9561863

wow, it almost looks like an n64 launch title!

>> No.9561871

You are so right
>OOT and morrowind npcs are souless, morrowid npcs do the same shit all day
>Mm and Oblivion npcs have their own little lives making the world feel alive

>> No.9561874

Mario 64 still looks better than everything that came after it. N64 may be the only console in history to get worse over time.

>> No.9561878


>> No.9561879

>making a statement in a thread that's incontrovertibly debunked by the OP
Forgot it's Wigger Wednesday today

>> No.9561914
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, SW64 walkers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite but it's not bad

>> No.9561936

No, the draw distance of the PS1 is absolutely horrendous. Maybe as a sort of demake and very low definition port.

>> No.9562070

no base n64 had 4 megs of ram the expansion pack that that game required added 4 more megs the play station had 3 megs generously

>> No.9563252

What are megs

>> No.9563280

most ps1 games have hallways for levels

>> No.9563287
File: 2.77 MB, 3516x2880, ac3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could the n64 run ace combat 3 without exploding?

>> No.9563367

Maybe not but for the 4 seconds it does run at least the controls wouldn't be shit

>> No.9563398
File: 436 KB, 616x440, pilotwings06-616x440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given the fact that what you posted is mostly a flat plane with a jpg on it with occasional low poly things? Yes, easily.

>> No.9563460

megabytes my zoomer friend

>> No.9563471

n64 was more powerful than ps1

>> No.9563878

Not even if we grant the unfiltered textures and pudding geometry, but it would be interesting to see the playable PSX state

>> No.9564153

If it wasn't for the lack of a z-buffer making polygons jiggle, the PSX could likely do even bigger maps than N64, and even then games like Spyro have a lot more polygons and higher resolution textures on the screen at once than Zelda.

>> No.9564159
File: 2.95 MB, 3507x2865, 1669680568243537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9564169

probably not
biggest bottleneck on MM is ram

>> No.9564171

Impossible, huge worlds were possible on N64 because cartridges allowed for data streaming

>> No.9564262
File: 1.94 MB, 470x311, tumblr_oyjtbpkhPj1s3uawvo1_500.gifv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9564269

pilot wings runs at 12 fps

>> No.9564284

Not him but this gif is at a higher FPS than the actual game.

>> No.9564613

>google image search
>no results
What is this?

>> No.9564614


>> No.9564616


>> No.9564620

Does it look like shit on purpose?

>> No.9564621

>Does it look like an N64 game
No, it actually looks good.

>> No.9564714

yes big open levels are much better on n64

>> No.9564718

ps1 seizure graphics sure look good

>> No.9564748

Every game like Ace combat 3 and colony wars looks worse and runs worse on n64.

>> No.9564783

Much better than vaseline graphics with fog out the ass running at half the framerate and one third of the texture quality.

>> No.9564798

translation patch WHEN

>> No.9564817

The N64 was a considerably more powerful machine than the PS1, the PS1 just worked with a format that allowed for higher sound and graphical quality. If the N64 could only maintain 17 fps in OoT then under the same circumstances I imagine it would run even worse on PS1.

>> No.9564857


...How do you propose any disc-based open world game has functioned since?

>> No.9564871

no way

>> No.9564880

what filter is that?

>> No.9565000

totally, even the saturn could do that
>panzer dragoon saga

>> No.9565293

you stupid faggots can never stop me from enjoying both systems

>> No.9565741


>> No.9565808
File: 66 KB, 800x299, SpyroMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I recently 100% the game on my original N64, there were multiple times the framerate hit into the single-digits. And this was a game that required the Expansion Pak.

I can't imagine this running on a PS1. Not to mention how annoying the loading would get every time you put on/take off a mask or go to a different room in a dungeon. I highly doubt the PS1 would be able to store all your mask forms and/or an entire dungeon in it's memory at once.

Hey now, I love Spyro but let's not act like it's anywhere closed to the visuals of MM. Compare NPCs for example.

>> No.9565854

Decent but dollar store Zelda ain't Zelda.


>> No.9565862

No argument

>> No.9566037

It's incredible how fucking ugly this game is. Even when it came out I thought it looked bad.

>> No.9566068

Soul Reaver and Tomb Raider both had huge levels with expansive open areas. Couldn't you make an adjusted version of OOT using that same type of tech?

>> No.9567134

>Soul Reaver and Tomb Raider both had huge levels with expansive open areas

>> No.9567398

I enjoy MM less than OoT though

>> No.9568405


>> No.9568431

>leave links home
Loading screen
>Leave the village
Loading screen
>Get halfway across hyrule field and there's now a border where it's been split in half
Loading screen
>Run to hyrule castle
Loading screen
>Run to hyrule castle
Loading screen
>Enter hyrule castle gardens
Loading screen
>Trigger Zelda cutscene
Loading screen

Yeah it would have been GREAT

>> No.9569351

I'm pretty sure this game has the z buffer enabled

>> No.9569675

You're forgetting one major one.
>open menu
>loading screen
>change gear
>loading screen

>> No.9569715

>N64 nogames cope threads all day erry day
How did it feel having one good game per year with "open world" being the only killer feature?

>> No.9569737

pretty good ngl

>> No.9569746

that was his point

>> No.9569757

It's not impossible, but there would certainly be a few compromises. That said, I've enjoyed some of the more well-known 3D action-adventure games the Ps1 offered like BFM and Megaman Legends so I'd be fine if it's more like those two in execution.