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9561301 No.9561301 [Reply] [Original]

Remaster or original? I don't have original hardware nor do I intend to get it.

>> No.9561336

>I don't have original hardware nor do I intend to get it.
Absolutely no way for you to play the original then

>> No.9561372


>> No.9561440

Neither? It's a very mediocre game, even for FF standards

>> No.9561448

Never fall for the "remaster" meme.

>> No.9561450

Unless you're going to have original hardware, get remaster and stick to it.

>> No.9561481


>> No.9561535


>> No.9561536

emulate it so that you can cheat at triple triad

>> No.9561551

it emulates fine but i'd go with remaster since you can put your switch or ps4 to sleep and thus save anywhere.

>> No.9561685

Do not get the remaster. The backgrounds got blown up without upscaling so they're distractingly blurry.

Unfortunately there's no mod to fix it that I'm aware of.

>> No.9561934

Remaster have ruined models and in some cases, censored. Not to mention the vaseline smeared backgrounds.

>> No.9563657

The guy that did all the upscales for FF8PC is doing a version for the Remaster, but it's patreon paywalled.

>> No.9564797


>> No.9564895

not remaster
models look worse and the backgrounds are extremely blurry

>> No.9564901

Just play something good instead.

>> No.9564974

Original with Ragnarok mod
Thank me later

>> No.9565009

Emulate it on Duckstation. Looks and plays great on PC, especially on a monitor that makes colors really pop out(battle effects and summons look great on rich color displays).
You can keep your DStation window small if the upscaled textures/BGs bother you.

>> No.9565068

non remaster version on steam

>> No.9565304

Get the Remaster because if you hate the game, you can abuse the x3 speed and No Encounters cheats

>> No.9565336

doesn't the remaster have only 15 fps, and sinks to 10 when in combat?

>> No.9565352

I have never understood why impatient people play JRPGs. Every one of these people whine about muh random encounters. I mean why are you playing a 40-hour(or more) game?
To me the whole fun of a JRPG is fighting enemies and managing items, MP, HP, etc, finding a great balance and getting to the end of an area barely holding on before kicking the boss's ass with a few healing items left and mage characters almost out of MP. It's tense and a struggle for survival. Then you get little nasty surprises that force you to suddenly adapt, like if you had overleveled your party in FF8 and you fight the Ruby Dragon with Laguna and co. without knowing about the dragon's SURPRISE!!! high-level party piece troll of a dick move.

>> No.9565752

100% Story only fags deserve all the porn VNs they get. If you don't enjoy the combat system or turned based, just go watch a movie ya fucking lame

>> No.9565906

That my feeling as well. It's why I don't shit on DQ1, despite it's very basic gameplay. The essence of a JRPG to me is roaming around the game world and having surprise battles engage, fighting them and leveling up and learning new abilities, sometimes summoning creatures to BTFO enemies, and at the core, going from a literal nobody weakling as the game begins to doing fantastic shonen anime style super attacks at the end of the game. Growing into a superhuman badass.
Squall starts off cutting bitches for like 80hp of damage.
Ends up with Lion Heart.

>> No.9565909
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>to sleep and thus save anywhere
This is why I like playing console JRPGs on my Vita.

>> No.9566172
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I honestly don't see why you would do anything but emulate besides some combination of moralfaggotry and poorfaggotry. Unless you're going to do additional modding, it takes more effort to mod the PC versions to parity. (and the PC>console ports are just stuck being dick)

>> No.9566185

That's a travesty.

>> No.9566356

holy soulless

>> No.9566380

isn't the remaster just a port of the game?

>> No.9566397
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, 1567548512881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the PC port with somewhat iffy new models for the main characters. Squall in particular looks like one of his spinoff versions and not his FFVIII design.

>> No.9566514
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>No Encounters cheats

why would you need a no-encounters cheat? You can get the no encounter ability legitimately before the end of disk 1 if you really want

>> No.9566535

Better question: why are you playing JRPGs if you don't like doing battles and having encounters?
The No Enc ability is useful for those who want to keep their levels low as enemies scale with level in 8, but otherwise you go straight for Mug with Diablos.

>> No.9566651

Not him but it's lacking both the analog controls and rumble feedback the original release had, because it's actually a port of the PC release from 2000, which lacked those. Also the graphics were updated poorly as others have said and on the censorship front both Shiva and Siren had their models tweaked to remove previously-visible pubes.

>> No.9567396

Remember to use the Card shit so you don't have to draw all the time

>> No.9567421

Original PC release with XG sound

>> No.9567427

Unironically neck yourself

>> No.9567537
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>> No.9567671

>both Shiva and Siren had their models tweaked to remove previously-visible pubes.
Only Siren

>> No.9569127
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Just because the battles are the meat in the RPG sandwich doesn't mean they can't get monotonous or redundant at times. I don't want to eliminate them entirely but it sure as fuck was nice to be able to toggle them on and off at times to explore freely.

They let you turn off random encounters in VI and X, too. If they're giving you the option it's because they acknowledge it might be useful

>> No.9569485

Do the backgrounds look less blurry on switch undocked?

>> No.9569636

porn vns are actually pretty ok sometimes

>> No.9570732

I've kept my levels low for the most part but now I'm level 30 on disc 3 and everything is kicking my ass. Do I need to just Degenerator my way to level 100 or do I need to just find a way to farm high level junction magic?

>> No.9570785

people like this garbage?

>> No.9570795

>I don't have original hardware nor do I intend to get it.

>> No.9570974

Keeping your levels low will fuck you over unless you grind out cards autistically for top level junctions. That's what nobody mentions when they tell you that.

You need to start mugging monsters for level appropriate drops to refine into junction spells to get to par.

>> No.9571302

Free no encounters is whatever, but x3 speed is a goddam godsend. The lengthy walking segments, the long unskippable animations, drawing magic all become infinitely more bearable with the fast forward.

>> No.9571338

Emulate the original using ePSXe or Retroarch or Duckstation

>> No.9571341

Just a heads up
The english translation sucks
All FF7, FF8 and FF9 have garbage translations

>> No.9571398

>a couple catchphrases are different and some sentences need to be switched around to make sense in English because japanese is a really clunky fucking language