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File: 105 KB, 820x483, 66-669214_sega-dreamcast-dreamcast-logo-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9557513 No.9557513 [Reply] [Original]

I think we can all agree this is the worst fucking logo for any console ever. Even as a kid I thought this was stupid looking.

>> No.9557528
File: 37 KB, 518x592, C25687AD-0E5D-4408-BD36-ADD21175602A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always thought of this as the best console logo ever. I love the Dreamcast branding as a whole.

>> No.9557535

no, there is no we, you are alone. the dc logo is the best

>> No.9557546
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, Dreamcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, whoever thought that was a good colour scheme was clearly blind. Posting the superior version, which as I'm sure we can all agree is pretty fucking rad.

>> No.9557551

Is it supposed to remind you of spiral puffs?

>> No.9557560
File: 40 KB, 200x200, be60d77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it really showed the system off that way. A orange squiggle made by a kid. The console was 100% fun and only allowed fun games. It's great for that.

Also the only thing I think the Dreamcast missed in its time was Gurumin wasn't on it. The logo for that game is a white spiral on an orange background, and going in the other direction.
That's only to represent Sonic, nothing more.
What's a spiral puff>?

>> No.9557579
File: 64 KB, 1200x1109, kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were clearly copying Yoshi's Island with this visual style, even though it contradicts that Dreamcast was supposed to be a next-gen 3D console. This is a very poor reading of the room, and shows that they were very backwards in their thinking. Other 3D consoles (such as N64's animated 3D logo and Gamecube's animated 3D logo) are clearly a lot better, more punchy, and more accurate.

>> No.9557580

>that's only to represent Sonic, nothing more
That's the PAL logo anon, this is how every single European console got branded. IMHO it looks way better that way. Orange accents look great on a black console if you can ever find yourself a Treamcast though.

>> No.9557585
File: 454 KB, 500x500, puff-pastry-pinwheels-4-ways-1-500x500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a spiral puff?
Pastries made to look like a spiral
That's what a Dreamcast probably tastes like

>> No.9557596

That's a commie take and I do not side with stinky COMMIES

>> No.9557603

>Take the letter N
>Simply add some dimensions to make it 3D, and give it some striking colors

It's so simple but so symbolic and genius at the same time. How does Nintendo always deliver something so god-tier?

>> No.9557613

My dc went up in smoke one day and thesmoke that went out of it it smelled really strong and dark like it's from another time

>> No.9557615

I'll take twenty!

>> No.9557632

I liked it, it said "this is the future era of Japan", and as such Dreamcast felt the most futuristic and most Japanese of consoles

>> No.9557636
File: 259 KB, 1920x1080, Legacy-of-Kain-Soul-Reaver[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a teenager I thought every screenshot of this game I saw was for the Dreamcast version.

>> No.9557660

cringiest logo so far

>> No.9557674

How is it more futuristic or Japanese than PS1 or PS2 or PSP?

>> No.9557690

If you were to make it into a 3D object and count it's sides, it would have 64 sides. Honestly it's pretty cool.

>Dreamcast felt the most futuristic and most Japanese of consoles
The majority of it's library was exclusive to Japan, and very few of it's games were developed by Western developers. Dreamcast, is definitely up there with Saturn and PC Engine as being more Japanese than the other consoles, which is very interesting in this case because the majority of it's sales were in America.

>> No.9557698

>2/3 of the system library was exclusively released in Japan
>Of the 1/3 that was released outside of Japan, the majority were English localizations of Japanese games like Sonic, Power Stone, Phantasy Star or Chu Chu Rocket
>Many of the Japanese exclusive games were visual novels and adventure or simulation games which were ported from the PC due to Dreamcast being easy for PC ports
>The VMU targeted mini games for on the go and social interaction, which was a feature primarily for Japanese audience. For other examples see the Pocket Station or 3DS Street Pass.
>First console to ship with a modem and heavily pushed the online aspect

It was definitely more futuristic than the PS1, and even the PS2 at launch. Unfortunately that didn't repair the damage that Sega had done to their reputation in Japan before the launch of the system. Sony similarly did something similar in the modern era and that's a big part of why the Switch is dominating in Japan.

>> No.9557754

vga, online play, analog triggers and vmu

>> No.9557762

>more futuristic than the PS1
Nah. It was clearly designed and marketed with an ethereal feel to it. PS1 was the futuristic console.

>> No.9557767

okay nambla

>> No.9557773

I loved it.
Xbox branding is my most disliked.

>> No.9557782

Nope: https://www.youtu.be/J0xCIJeo3IY

>> No.9557784

cringiest demo so far

>> No.9557791

There's more to it. Look harder. Behind the N is 64.

>> No.9557937

Shitty troll

>> No.9557972

best logo, best intro animation, best theme song... it's simply PEAK retro.
I'm starting to believe the oldfags who say DC is where retro ends

>> No.9557973

the console itself kinda blew, everything other than the playing experience was immaculate.

>> No.9557991

>anyone who doesnt agree with my views is a troll
so fragile

>> No.9557996

>Immediately recognizable
>Bag logo

Other than Xbox, consoles and their manufacturers fail at logos and branding. Dreamcast was perfect and shows that. Though the blue version >>9557546 pops less and sucks more because of it

>> No.9557998

You are retarded. Xbox branding is entirely unbeat in every regard. Don't reply to me, cuck.

>> No.9558007


>> No.9558082

they should've reversed the colours to blue background and white spiral and name

>> No.9558087
File: 2.96 MB, 270x202, dreamcast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamcast commercials filled me with excitement.

Unfortunately, I had already gotten a PS1, and then by the time I could get a new console PS2 was coming out

>> No.9558804

>I think we can all agree underage should not be shitposting here
So much so it's a rule

>> No.9558828

The best logo

>> No.9558832

This so much.
Using the
>Sega Blue (C)
for the logo makes sense and is super comfy. I really love that logo but god how I hate the orange. WHY? It is so aggressive and just screams. Who would that appeal to but Dutch people (I know NL got blue logo too. Guess you won't get it).

>> No.9558836

>They were clearly copying Yoshi's Island with this visual style
I get what you are saying but that's not the aesthetic they were aiming for in my opinion

>> No.9558871


>> No.9558891

Yeah the joke kinda went over my head, but I doubt they'd love it given how it's the American logotype. Went on a holiday to Netherlands once, stayed at this older gentleman's house in Tilburg for slightly over a week - Airbnb. Anyway, I used to live in the US and even though I wasn't born there I have a very strong American (New York, so probably talk different/faster than the southerners too) accent when I speak English. Dude picks up on it instantly and whenever he'd see me he'd go on mad tirades about how much he hates Americans. Was proper fucking weird. Like IRL shitposting to the point it's super uncomfortable. Nice country though, love the train transit system, visitted quite a few cities because of it. For next to nothing too when comparing the ticket prices to pretty much any European country. Think Eindhoven was the prettiest.

>> No.9558979
File: 546 KB, 2889x2889, gnemupcirn121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I prefer the ultra 64

>> No.9559080

This always reminds me of ALIENS

>> No.9559385

I disagree, I absolutely loved that logo. I think the worst logo for any console would have to be the ones the obscure consoles had such as the Amiga or Commodore 64.

100% false. Only a Nintendo fanboy would think that Sega was trying to copy an idea from a crappy Nintendo game. The Dreamcast logo is iconic and based.

>> No.9559410

gay OP

>> No.9559414

probably fish oil from a failed capacitor, or all of the disgusting dust and smoke your goblin ass caked it up with

>> No.9559420
File: 169 KB, 500x380, 84561326455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue background and white spiral and name

>> No.9559449

lots of aliens in Ultraman

>> No.9559451

I like the PS1 intro and logo better, but DC is a close second. Then GC > XBox > PS2
All 5 are pretty solid though. PS3's is shit by comparison. I can't even remember if the 360 had one.

>> No.9559464
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 8296203365753324544_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst fucking logo for any console ever

>> No.9559495

>PS3 with the Spiderman font
>the whole bland as fuck Wii and Wii U shit that looks like medical products
>Philipps C-DI clippart

jp dc logo matched the quirkiness of the communication and spirirt they aimed for in japan

>> No.9559552

t. halo babby

>> No.9559586

The Dreamcast's logo and branding are kino.

>Warm and inviting color
>Playful looking spiral
>Name evokes a system that broadcasts dreams

Only a plebeian would disagree

>> No.9559590

>I think we can all agree

Go back to r*ddit if you want to circle jerk, you don’t speak for everyone here.

>> No.9559653

Yes I do

>> No.9559662

no you don't
t. not him

>> No.9559667

Sure I do
t. me

>> No.9559672

Terrible logo

Only good thing to come from 3DO is Battletanx

>> No.9559682

I have a dream, to say hi to everyone.

>> No.9559695
File: 14 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9559701

Mandela? Make the square a triangle, tweak the blue square to look like a D, I think the logo artist was joking

>> No.9559710

nice cope

>> No.9559714

Whats cope

>> No.9559791

>blue spiral
Dreamcast really was a console for pedos uh

>> No.9559803

It's pretty cool that the n64 logo has exactly 64 faces and 64 vertices

>> No.9559845


>PS2 and Dreamcast both initially had dial-up abilities
>The Dualshock 2 had pressure sensitive buttons, extending its control scheme capacity for many titles. It was also better designed in general, unlike the Dreamcast with its sharp plastic edges and upside-down controller cable.
>VMU was a tamagotchi memory card and probably a waste of development time and resources when all it needed to do was save your game.

The one thing I'll give you is that the video output was cleaner coming out of the Dreamcast, but this was due to the fact that SEGA had arcade mainboards it had more experience making, and therefore output clarity was typically done with better components. The Dreamcast library is also a mixed bag when many ports were actually better (or exposed how delusional Dreamcast fans are/were) when they were ported to the faster Playstation 2 hardware.

>> No.9559852

stopped reading after that.
whats up with faggots saying vga and scart is the same thing jesus /vr/ is filled with retards

>> No.9559859
File: 357 KB, 1427x600, nlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The joke is: ORANGE is the colour of the Netherlands. So they LOVE orange in NL. That is why the orange logo would have fit NL.
But I guess this is something you only know if you are Dutch/Belgian.

>> No.9559881
File: 164 KB, 1588x1190, dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EU box

>> No.9559909
File: 85 KB, 400x1000, 85dd8d75da59def6423c705e97085bd91576419532_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9559920

>weeb shit
go back

>> No.9560574
File: 92 KB, 1024x1024, 16733137422754877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask and ye shall receive

>> No.9560596
File: 112 KB, 800x600, d4ayqhw-21c874ba-d9da-4c05-bac8-28019eb1d1a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9560642
File: 225 KB, 1506x2048, FmFO1JYaYAMwOyb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play Mars Matrix

>> No.9560679
File: 793 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they literally stole the logo too.

>> No.9560704
File: 8 KB, 259x194, 1616148840613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan uses the orange swirl, which matches nicely with the orange power light.
>Sega doesn't change the LED for the PAL and NTSC units.

>> No.9561005

anyone that follows football knows this, so basically the whole world 'cept american knows
btw the House of Orange is the reason carrots are oranges

>> No.9561014

I dont think Sony needs a clueless zoomer to whitknoght for them 20 years after the fact, also PS1 had its own VMU so what's you point lol

>> No.9561021

Reality check: not everyone gives a shit about football. I used to watch NBA games, played basketball myself too yet never found any enjoyment in football. Unless you count retro vidya, Sensible Soccer was cool.

>> No.9561074

>anyone that follows football knows this

that is a very limited few though.
I mean if you watch football you see them wearing orange and you think
>well those are the colours they play in
>they chose orange just like Germany (for example) chose black and white
but orange is SUCH a big thing in the Netherlands and some people think it is only limited to football and just the choice of colours for their football team. I mean heck I bet you do not even know WHY it is orange after all.

>> No.9561141

now if only this was the startup

>> No.9561204
File: 1 KB, 171x128, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
