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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 62 KB, 1024x768, Perfect_dark_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
955565 No.955565 [Reply] [Original]

In 2003 my local Toys R' US was liquidating their N64, E-Reader and crappy PS1 games.

Being at the time, an enterprising 13 year old, I picked up 2 sealed copies of Perfect Dark for $1.99 each, and several packs of E-Reader cards sealed in blister packs for $.49, with the intent of holding onto them.

Ten years later, I don't think that the E-Readers are worth anything yet, but the sealed Perfect Darks are worth $25-$30, per copies recently sold on eBay.

What do you think the peak is for N64 sealed stuff?? Will it reach the ceiling of older sealed stuff, or is the market too saturated?

>> No.955584

Keep holding on to them
Carts never go bad and will only go up in price

>> No.955590

There are people selling boxed/new Majora's Masks and CBFDs for hundreds of dollars last time I checked eBay and craigslist.
For some reason, PD is usually pretty cheap in comparison but boxed and sealed might get you quite a bit more. At least I think it should.

>> No.955589

right now they are gonna be worth a small chunck of cash because retro collecting is a small craze at the moment, but eventually as the 360 and PS3 become retro the N64 will be almost forgot except among the big enthusiast like us. if you hold on to them for maybe another 10 or 15 years in the packaging IF you can find the right collector im sure you could get a lot more for them.

>> No.955851

Man I want some Megaman Zero e-reader cards.

>> No.956446
File: 40 KB, 214x188, ff1w7p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I have OOT and Majora's Mask complete with boxes and manuals.

Goddammit, I wish I didn't care so much about those games now.

>> No.957075

People have been finding shitloads of unopened crates of PD. Like F-Zero for SNES. Drives the price down, so all can enjoy it on the cheap.