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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.45 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9550721 No.9550721 [Reply] [Original]

What are you playing on your CRT, Anon?

>> No.9550724
File: 2.93 MB, 2904x2178, IMG_0437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Man X marathon

>> No.9550761


>> No.9550770

Don't care to.

>> No.9550851
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Landstalker on a PAL tv with RF as God intended

>> No.9550859
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any way of using this without having to deal with the forks?

>> No.9550870


>> No.9550873

I want to sex Jam's lovely legs

>> No.9550881
File: 34 KB, 228x166, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shit you screw on to the tv

>> No.9551468


>> No.9551792

tourist ere, game?

>> No.9551965

>What are you playing on your CRT, Anon?
The game you just posted.

>> No.9552017
File: 391 KB, 2447x1441, 81ytsFKelUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get one of picrel. They're like $5 and you'll never have to use that box again.

>> No.9552031

got a link to buy one?

>> No.9552057

NTA but https://www.amazon.com/VCE-Adapter-Connector-Coaxial-Commodore/dp/B08BYD8GV4

>> No.9552092
File: 3.06 MB, 3673x1504, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold my pvm cause it was heavy as shit and got a retrotink5x, not terrible but miss the crt brightness and blur

>> No.9552104

>not terrible

>> No.9552159

up close it is awful, but sitting on the couch it's a little better. Maybe the 4K version with a new OLED will be the magic bullet

>> No.9552169

it won't
the only benefit you get is the size

>> No.9552236 [DELETED] 
File: 3.74 MB, 1600x1200, Elden Ring Screenshot 2023.01.07 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elden Ring

>> No.9552352

>magic bullet
you are a retard for chasing this stupid shit. should have just kept what you had when you had it instead of trying to keep up with the jones.

>> No.9552373
File: 3.44 MB, 2353x1765, IMG20230105231459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Same here. I made the mistake of playing X5 in popstarter and the game would freeze for like ten minutes randomly during this room transition

>> No.9552376

popstarter on PS2? i haven't tried booting any PS1 games from the SATA i installed. how is that done?

>> No.9552403

I used PFS-Batchkit-Manager to set everything up on the hard drive. Once it's setup you basically just choose games like you would in OPL. Compatibility doesn't seem great though.

When I played MGS I ended up falling off the stairs in the tower and skipping the Hind D fight completely. In X5 it would hang during the transition to Sigma's room and it would also do it after I got the upgrade in Axl's stage and would try to exit the stage. I ended up just resetting and finishing the stage normally instead of waiting. I'm not sure if it's popstarter or the hard drive or what, but if I start X6, I'll probably just play it on the Anniversary Collection to avoid any weirdness like that.

>> No.9552406

what game is in your op pic

>> No.9552409

pretty sure that's guilty gear

>> No.9552412

I realized just recently that I've been playing with my geometry settings completely wrong for almost two years. I had the picture underscanned and for whatever reason thought it was a quirk of the PS2, even though I never encountered that with this same PS2 when I was a kid. My DVD player didn't do that even though it was using the same component ports.
All I have to do is never boot up the wrong 2D game and I'll stay blissfully unaware of just how bad the geometry is while I continue to have comfy fun.

Anyway, it's funny to think I'm over here doing this while autists on reddit are paying hundreds of dollars to tweak settings all day and take photos of title screens.

>> No.9552420

N64 with an imported s-vid cable. I got my little 14m2 set properly for the brightness level of the cable but I can't find the same NTSC setting on my 20L2.
Been playing Goldeneye, all they had to do was make 1.3 controls use R to fire and everything would've been perfect

>> No.9552441
File: 2.79 MB, 3207x2926, 5E827013-3B75-497B-B3C1-B8FAD92E8EB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroid mother is a Romhack of the original with a save feature, map, and option to switch between ice and wave beam respectively

Played on a real NES!

>> No.9552467

Accent Core specifically given the stage background

>> No.9552482

Nice, doing the same right now
Interesting sprites too

>> No.9552487

Is there a way to make you start with full health? You should always start with 99 and all tanks you found full. That's all I care about.

I actually sought the original Metroid out around the year 2000. I called every game store in the phone book and asked if they had it. Most of them thought I was crazy for wanting NES games. Then I had to convince my mom to drive me to what I think was a Babbage's. When I finally got to play the game I wanted to like it so bad but it just totally fell flat. I always felt like it had that one fatal flaw of not starting you with health. Later I enjoyed playing it in an emulator using save states.

>> No.9552494

I'm the other anon that replied, find the +99 version of the romhack

>> No.9552580

I did, I was just playing it, it's still too hard and you don't start with missiles and you still have to grind them
I got the morph ball, bombs, long beam, and ice beam and then got stomped as soon as I went down towards the first boss. I'm reading the original manual for a map and going off what little memory of it I have

>> No.9552592

Missiles are literally the first item you get, you can also move the map around which is nice
I’ve not done any grinding either

>> No.9552617

Sorry if it was unclear; I did get the missiles (and more), went in too deep, died, and started with the 2 missiles I had left. Sucks.
I already know there's gonna be parts later when I'll just keep dying respawning over and over, I'm gonna need plenty of missiles each time to try again.

>> No.9552850

How’d you go anon, you beat it?

>> No.9552915

I have to use these fucking things for the wood paneled CRT that was handed down to me. It never works %100 precent any you always get a little bit of snow.

>> No.9552937

anyone have experience with using moving straps on larger crts? it seems like the best way would be upright with the screen facing one person, but there doesn't seem to be anywhere for the other person to put their hands.

>> No.9552938

i cant beat the final final boss in X4 as X
have i just become a shit old man or is it fuckin hard as fuckin fuck?
i swear i used to be good at videogames

>> No.9552945

The logical way would be the screen facing down but I would recommend using a trolley instead

>> No.9553060

probably tarnished connectors

>> No.9553080

Don't care to reply or don't care to play on a CRT?

>> No.9553126

I'd rather have the picture underscanned a bit than deal with wonky geometry in the corners to be honest. But I'm not bothered by the borders, maybe because they're black and I usually play in a dimly lit room at most.

>> No.9553305

I don't think the underscanning benefited the corners at all. It's hard for me to notice the issue unless I'm specifically looking for it, or I have a bordered screen full of rectangles for some reason.

>> No.9554025
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Medieval Total War

>> No.9554029 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9554067

A lot of consoles have garbage pixels visible around the outside if you underscan

>> No.9554470
File: 1.61 MB, 4032x3024, FJIMG_20230108_183907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NES does this really fucking annoying thing where there's a border of 8 or so pixels that's set to whatever color 0 is. Most games I don't notice it, but during the Ninja Gaiden cutscenes where the screen is mostly black and there's a blue or white border in the overscan area this shit happens.

>> No.9554482
File: 1.63 MB, 4032x3024, FJIMG_20230108_183919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem when the border is black. I also cranked the exposure on my phone camera to take these pictures cause otherwise it doesn't show up.

>> No.9554519

When do you think CRTs will start to die?

I mean consoles from the 5th generation are having problems already...

>> No.9554541

no they're not
They are also mostly simplistic boards that are easily repaired

>> No.9554545
File: 80 KB, 597x896, prehistoricISLE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pc engine cd
sega cd
sega saturn
sega dreamcast
n64 i just got 70 carts from japan

>> No.9554571

There are that many games for the N64?!

>> No.9554604

I wasn't aware they stopped making CRTs in 1994

>> No.9554629

they didn't, i think there's one company that's still making them

>> No.9554692

If you are having problems with the large head on the left that spits out junk, to avoid that attack, dash to the right once the head appears and then dash back towards the head just before the spikes on the wall appear. If you're having problems with the big laser mech, use the Soul Body weapon against it.

>> No.9554734

>I mean consoles from the 5th generation are having problems already...
Consoles from the last generation are having problems already. Stop being retarded any time.

>> No.9554747

The phosphors will eventually dim, old and high hour tvs are proof that. But if you're not using your crt 24/7 and bother with preventative maintenance like recapping and the occasional dusting there's no reason to believe they will fail.

>> No.9554752

the modern a console is the more complex it is and the more prone to failure it will be.

>> No.9554760
File: 820 KB, 1414x1138, trin_20230108_211839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomer here, i had no idea this game existed until recently, having an absolute blast. a++++ would recommend.

>> No.9554785

yeah man, it's a great game

>> No.9554801
File: 9 KB, 250x226, gumpei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i probably just thought it was a straight port of the arcade at the time, and never thought much about it. what a fun little action platformer with all of that Nintendo polish you can't really get anywhere else. i couldn't be happier honestly, playing a "new" first party Nintendo game from my perspective.
im really enjoying SGB2 on SD2SNES, probably gonna beat that Kid Icarus game next, haven't gotten around to that one either.

>> No.9554834

i've been hearing great things
i skipped it because of poor marketing
i think the gaming mags praised it on release though
weird, as i love the game&watch series on gb and even had a few on cart back in 05-07 era

i'll give it a go on my analog pocket

>> No.9554842


i grew up with the system
so i enjoy the shitware, and i have a few redundant carts (both jap and english releases)

>> No.9554843
File: 1.16 MB, 675x958, trinitron_space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sony used to build shit like fuckin tanks so i honestly expect my trinny to outlive me lol

>> No.9554860
File: 44 KB, 165x180, dk_for_shame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i skipped it because of poor marketing
honestly 9 year old me would have probably scoffed at it after playing DKC and Donkey Kong Land being a spoiled young millennial shithead, but honestly right now, it's filling a 2D first party Nintendo need that i didn't know i had and missed ever so much. i feel like a kid again. its fuckin great dude

>> No.9554868

Oh man, that was a classic for me.
Granted it was also my brother's game (same as Wario Land) so I had to be sneaky about playing it.

>> No.9554876

Is that a high tvl crt? On my consumer guilty gear in 240p looks terrible

>> No.9554878

Literally use mechapwn on a slim ps2 and burn discs. 100% compatability for ps1. Popsarter is ass

>> No.9554882
File: 2.72 MB, 4032x3024, setuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys like my setup

>> No.9554912

chug some of those bottles and get them out of the way

>> No.9554992
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>that underboob

>> No.9555012

kek 2 pixels

>> No.9555017
File: 155 KB, 640x480, 20221022170006_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th gen Guilty Gear games aren't 240p

>> No.9555039
File: 22 KB, 400x400, thumbs_up_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice model m

>> No.9555068

looks like six, ACTUALLY

>> No.9555078
File: 199 KB, 565x396, 1657252262704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My old Sega 2 and my N64. Just to see how I like it. So far, not so much. I'm using RF which is what I did in childhood. I'm not gonna know the fucking difference between this and an emulator fuck it. We had money but my parents didn't think my tv mattered.

>> No.9555085

is there more to this thought or a picture

>> No.9555092

that's what CRT's do anon, they make lower resolution look higher
It's still only 2 pixels

>> No.9555093

I haven't plugged it in recently. I played Aero Acrobat 2 on it, Revenge of Shinobi. It's a good crt too but it's just a big cunt I don't really want to turn on. I only have my old RF stuff.

CRTs fucking suck to turn on, literally. I forgot how much.

>> No.9555120

>CRTs fucking suck to turn on, literally. I forgot how much.
jfc you're a whiny faggot.

>> No.9555164
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cool keyboard(what is it?)

>> No.9555172
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Are you retarded? how the fuck is pushing one button hard for you?

>> No.9555178

>CRTs fucking suck to turn on, literally. I forgot how much.
Like... Pressing the power button?

>> No.9555254


>> No.9555264

>kid model

Ok, are you the same creepy fuck that wasted /ic/?

>> No.9555363

muh hecking standby.

>> No.9555373

you don't need to put it in standby if you don't want to

>> No.9555376

What game?

>> No.9555381

Donkey Kong 94 on GB played through SNES

>> No.9555398

Keep literally defecating yourself because you can't stand how other people play video games.

>> No.9555440

The point is he leaves his TVs on 24/7 because they put themself to sleep like a PC monitor while old TVs didn't.

>> No.9555443

My CRT literally does that
>when it receives no signal for a few minutes

>> No.9555469

All my old vidya. Simple as.

>> No.9555470

face down would have the same problem but worse. options seem to be a little limited for moving 200lb+ (90kg), 36+" crts up a flight of stairs

>> No.9555479

>face down would have the same problem but worse
not really, the main weight is on the actual support so it wouldn't try to roll itself in any direction
the problem comes with it being low and accidentally touching the ground but I suppose you can put something like a towel to stop that

>> No.9555629

literally unironically forgot i even posted in this thread i can't even right now captcha ASS42T

>> No.9555698

That's a lot of apple juice

>> No.9555878
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>> No.9555880

This, and if done on CRT its even more amazing.

>> No.9555886

please fuck off with not video games

>> No.9555891

any of you watch anime on your crt? if its 16:9 do you zoom it or just deal with the letterboxing?

>> No.9555914

I deal with the letterboxing, and if I'm feeling really autistic I'll turn on the 16:9 mode in the service menu so that it's using all 480 lines for the non-letterboxed portion.

>> No.9555920

I normally just watch as is but was just playing around with the zoom settings in kodi think i prefer it zoomed but worried ill end up missing something kek
> if I'm feeling really autistic I'll turn on the 16:9 mode in the service menu so that it's using all 480 lines for the non-letterboxed portion.
does it look much better doing that? mine has a 16:9 mode but id have to change the resolution in kodi seems like a pain

>> No.9555929

I watch old anime on my CRT

>> No.9555932

It's really hard to tell if there is, but sometimes I think I can. I've been thinking about taking photos to compare. Using the service menu and switching the resolution isn't convenient.

>> No.9556091


But of course you do, sweaty

>> No.9556104
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x657, Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 01-29-22 Dorian Electra - My Agenda (Official Video).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs
- CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
- CRTs always have easily-visible flicker
- CRTs always cause eyestrain
- CRTs always make a high-pitched squealing noise
- CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
- CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year
- Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
- Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
- Afterimages caused by phosphor decay are extremely annoying and are a significant downside of CRTs
- Sending an improper mode (resolution or refresh rate) to a CRT can cause permanent damage
- CRTs cannot have touchscreens
- 4:3 is so bad that nobody should use a non-widescreen CRT
- The Sony GDM-FW900 is the only CRT worth owning
- Curved CRTs have objectively inferior picture quality versus flat CRTs with otherwise equal specifications
- CRTs should not be used because they are heavier and deeper than LCDs
- CRTs have severe reflections because they do not have matte coats
- CRTs can be permanently damaged by nearby magnets
- You will not have sex in 2023
- Analog signals limit a CRT's resolutions and refresh rates and negatively effect picture quality
- Heavy metals are used in CRT glass to reduce radiation

>> No.9556132

[ mis-noh-mer ]
1.a misapplied or inappropriate name or designation.
2.an error in naming a person or thing.

>> No.9556193

>CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
>CRTs always cause eyestrain
>Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
>You will not have sex in 2023
[Citation needed.]

>> No.9556201



>> No.9556217

i have been shown who is the boss

>> No.9556254

Why waste time with the bottles if you're using Abena M4s?

>> No.9556260

I'm in the US.
I use mine to watch old British sitcoms and dramas.
A lot were 4:3 and recorded on tape originally.
So I'll set my monitor to 100 hz.

>> No.9556270
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Everytime this pasta gets posted my love for CRTs increases.

>> No.9556328
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>> No.9556364


>> No.9556376


>> No.9556402


>> No.9557123

How do I get a CRT, original hardware, and games without overspending?

>> No.9557132

>How do I get a CRT,
you can probably find a consumer unit for free or very cheap just check facebook marketplace, craigslist and freecycle
>original hardware,
get broken ones and fix them
flashcarts and burnt disks

>> No.9557140

Fair enough. I just can't take these finicky shaders anymore. I've got to do something.

>> No.9557174

This but it's her little smug slut facial expression that makes her especially hot

>> No.9557181

For ps1,ps2, ps3 just pick up a slim ps3 make sure its a model that can have cfw installed, actual cfw now just hen its shit. The ps2 emulation on the models without the ps2 hardware is still high its like 95% thats 3 systems and you can just drop ios onto the hard drive. can always get original hardware but i think price wise thats the best way to go. If you get a wii youre covered for wii and gamecube games. If you dont mind emulating you can play pretty much anything with emus on those systems and they both support composite output. With the other nintendo and sega machines theres not any backwards compatibility so just grab them when you can

>> No.9557234

You don’t, unless you find them in a cheap second hand shop
Otherwise get a mister

>> No.9557246

Name of the cockteaser on the right please
I know it's Guilty Gear but I can't find her name

>> No.9557247

Much appreciated.

>> No.9557252

Doesn't have one. The Jellyfish Pirates of X and XX for May/Johnny's stages were replaced by these characters in either AC+ or AC+R because Madoka was popular at the time. One of the dumbest things they ever did. That's just Mami from Madoka with a worse colour palette.

>> No.9557256

Just don't bother collecting a lot of games. Flashcarts, hard drives and burnt discs are the way to go. Most of the retro consoles you're probably interested in can still be found for pretty reasonable prices on eBay.
As far as CRTs go, search whatever online classifieds (Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace etc.) you have available to you or search eBay and sort by distance. You could also check out electronics recycling facilities if there are any near you.
Don't buy more shit than you can store or actually play.

>> No.9557264

Wise words. I'd just hope the TV will still be in good condition, and I wouldn't know where to take it for repairs or tuning up if it needs anything like that down the line. Are all these little widgets and boxes just for getting your computer's contents on the CRT, or do you need those extra tools nowadays just to get a CRT up and playing?

>> No.9557268

>Doesn't have one.
Oh ffs. One of the best designs and they didn't make her playable?

>That's just Mami from Madoka with a worse colour palette.
She looks hotter and less moeshitty
Isn't XX a 20+ year old game?

>> No.9557287

If you want to keep using the crt indefinitely you will sooner or later have to learn atleast some basic soldering skills.
Capacitors are becoming more and more of an issue in crts, and in about 10 years I reckon most crts are going to need servicing, electrolytic capacitors degrade even without the set being turned on

>> No.9557293

So it's crucial for shaders to eventually nail the qualities that make these games look as intended.

>> No.9557305

well I've been TRYING (keyword) to install roms on my homebrew PS2 so I could hook it up to my CRT and play the roms at a native 240p, but I burned the roms to a DVD and apparently the homebrew software only recognizes roms if they're on a CD so that wastes one of my already very limited in number DVDs.
as I was sorting this fucking stupid situation out, my CRT starts making clicking noises that got more and more frequent and eventually the damn thing fucking broke. fried itself. I think it was because I was trying to push 95hz on it when it was hooked up to my windows 7 computer. oops.
luckily I have another one and also got them for free, but still I'd rather not drive 40 miles out to pick up a CRT from craigslist to replace this one.

>> No.9557308

In my opinion not, its not that hard a thing to do and has to be done to the old consoles aswell, otherwise the caps will leak and destroy the pcb.
Any piece of electronic you want to use indefinetely needs this, electrolytics just suck very much because they are like small batteries and die in the same ways as batteries

>> No.9557310 [DELETED] 
File: 587 KB, 680x689, bc6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaders are just better in every possible way. You save yourself space, money, time and people won't think you are a weirdo or autistic for still having a CRT in fucking 2023

>> No.9557324

Kind of, not all caps will leak onto the board, mostly it’s the ones on the power side of the PCB and even then they mostly just bulge when bad
But leaky caps do definitely suck

>> No.9557331

in crts it is a little worse because the image quality can start to suffer even before caps fail completely, it is really annoying.
On the bright side if you recap with good caps you probably wont need to do it again for decades, spending a weekend replacing every electrolytic is worth it for good sets to me, just for the peace of mind

>> No.9557332

I have spent more time trying to select, adjust, and compare shaders for retro games than I have spent playing those retro games by a considerable margin. It's a mind trap.

>> No.9557337

>I have spent more time trying to select, adjust, and compare shaders than blablabla
Thats why you have these tools on liberto threads talking about shaders 24/7, just pick whatever is popular at the moment and you are gucci my dude

>> No.9557339

I would advise at least practice before doing it on a CRT though
Don’t wanna lift traces on those older boards

>> No.9557342

As someone who used to use shaders, they are copium for the real thing

>> No.9557346

I do. It doesn't end up looking like it does in screenshots/videos from the people I get the recs from and I have to find out why. It can't be that everyone and their grandmother has some big dick 4k motherfucker display now. The irony in needing that kind of tech to recreate clunky old shit is miserable.

>> No.9557371
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Idk man this looks good enough to me
Took me like what? 5 min. to set up? lol

If you mention cope so quickly maybe you should seek some help
haha (lol)

>> No.9557379

I have plenty of space, my TV was free, and I'm 30, so anyone who would see it already knows me and either agrees with the practice or understands and thinks it's cool. I also have had the same experience as this >>9557332 guy.

>> No.9557386
File: 3.43 MB, 3024x3973, 0C67AC1B-1794-4DE0-BDA1-BC8AE9DF7ABA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some THPS3

>> No.9557396

>good enough
if you're fine with "good enough" more power to you, I want great

>> No.9557397

Your confidence is almost persuasive. Have you played Donkey Kong Country? Is there a particular shader you recommend for games with pre-rendered graphics like that? I don't have a 4k monitor, just a 1080p.

>> No.9557398

I never really thought about the timeline but it has to be +R because Meguka didn't exist when AC+ came out. AC has Haruhi characters, anyways. I don't think the actual pirates were ever in the stage even in X.

>> No.9557409

>Shaders are just better in every possible way.
>people won't think you are a weirdo or autistic for still having a CRT in fucking 2023
You are doomed. You won't make it

>> No.9557414

Oh the Japanjins say it was Morning Musume before Haruhi.

>> No.9557420

anyone know where i can find a black dust cover for a 17 inch VGA monitor?

i have a white translucent one but my monitor's white, and i don't want it to get sun damage because it's new old stock

>> No.9557428

Idk man 4k is just standard if you have a girlfriend, she wants to watch her netflix shit on a desk so she can do her stupid fucking nails.
The hot shader of the month is Brezel but you need to download extra shit
Just pull this and copy pasta into retroarch
The cyberlab has 1080p stuff but I don't know if it's any good my man
Just buy a real monitor lol

>> No.9557435

Can't hurt to try.

>> No.9557443
File: 62 KB, 795x920, farnsworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
perhaps true for graphics cards and monitors, but that is the fault of the graphics card, not the CRT.
an NTSC signal directly drives the electron beam. it don't get no faster than that. video game consoles used a technique called "double strike" to get 240p instead of 480i, essentially sending an invalid NTSC signal to get the beam to draw the same lines instead of alternating. hence those scanny ass scanlines.
> CRTs cannot have touchscreens
they sure as fuck did, and they existed since the early 80s. they were common on ATM machines.
> CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
fuck yeah they do =)
seriously be careful if you decide to fuck around inside of one.

>> No.9557498

>an NTSC signal directly drives the electron beam
ACKSHUALLY, it's not true. What directly drives the electron beam(s) is an RGB signal. NTSC or PAL composite signals have to be decoded into RGB + sync first.

>> No.9557574
File: 313 KB, 400x400, adrians_digital_basement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmm debatable NTSC has voltage drops for signaling vertical and horizontal blanks, as well as luma for brightness and chroma in the color burst which they hacked into the black and white signal for compatibility.
considering the NTSC signal does go line for line with specific instructions and timing for each part of each line, does the amount of decoding that takes place semantically make it enough to say that the NTSC signal doesn't directly drive the electron beam(s)? it's a beautiful fucking mess is all i know

>> No.9557586 [DELETED] 
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x3024, 63AB3D7F-4F53-456F-B490-C0D15E3AF2A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9557587

I think this might've been true once upon a time but after OSD's became a thing, probably not

>> No.9557620

It's functionally identical to an F-type connector that you typically associate with RF input. It's the same signal just shaped differently.

Any RF box will do. Or actually, you don't even need a box; the purpose of that box was so that you could hook up your console without having to give up access to your TV channels. But since analogue TV isn't a thing anymore, it's a moot point. For instance you can just hook a Nintendo or Atari straight into the coax port without a box and it'll work just fine (actually better since less chance of interference from a shitty box)

>> No.9557627

Problem I have with shaders is that they make the image look too dark since they're blocking out a big portion of the pixels of your display. Theoretically if there are shaders designed for proper HDR OLED displays them they could make the pixels representing the lit phosphors bright enough to compensate for the fake scanlines and other areas of darkness to give an overall properly lit image, but I don't know if such a thing exists.

>> No.9557637

What happened to the crt general?

>> No.9557640

>voltage drops for signaling vertical and horizontal blanks
this is sync
>luma for brightness and chroma in the color burst
and this gets decoded into RGB
Well, there are three electron guns, one for each color channel, so something (the jungle chip) has to extract three separate signals from the composite signal to drive them properly. And then you can't really call that NTSC since it's not encoded anymore.

>> No.9557650

this is it you piece of shit

>> No.9557665

but it doesn't say general in the op

>> No.9557704
File: 94 KB, 540x404, 43425--blue-forest-story-kaze-no-fuuin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get new telly
>screen has a scratch
>deep scratches on crt screens are a bigger pain than it's worth to buff out
>get some glass cleaner, might as well spruce it up a bit
>clean the scratch and the scratch is gone

>> No.9557730
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>> No.9557757

probably wasn't an actual scratch

>> No.9557829

those actually do leak enough x-rays to worry about

>> No.9557935
File: 1.62 MB, 4096x3072, big dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9558147

Use the Super Game Boy core for the Pocket. DK94 takes advantage of a lot of SGB features

>> No.9558218
File: 424 KB, 1024x576, 1673335465534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man HDR OLED shaders are literally the new hot shit atm but I simply cant be bothered to autistically order an OLED monitor just for some bideogames. If you are using OLED bullshit then you have access for the best shaders these tools made, also I heard it's better via reshade than retroarch but idk
Also you better have a decent graphicscard or you wont run jack shit lmao

>> No.9558230

OLED's have horrible burn in from what I've been seeing

>> No.9558321

That's a meme. No burn-in at all on my CX and it's been getting really heavy use since I bought it two years ago.

>> No.9558323

How the fuck is it a meme when there's videos of burn in testing on youtube you dumb fuck?

>> No.9558329

At least hoover the dust.

>> No.9558428

It’s not a meme with those scanlines, over use and you’ll have that pattern on everything
The main issue is the motion clarity

>> No.9558453

How do HD CRTs compare to SD ones with RGB? Do 4/5th gen consoles look bad / gain input lag? I was considering getting one for OG Xbox and 7th gen consoles but I don't have the space to keep both TVs in the same room.

>> No.9558458

Anons, technical question without starting a new thread on /g/.

Say I wanted to connect a modern HDMI device to my CRT without spending fuckloads of money, what would be my best option?

I've found fuckloads of these cheap Chinese HDMI to SCART adapters, but it turns out that all of them actually output the signal as composite, so you're losing out on picture quality.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but would getting an HDMI to S-VIDEO adapter and then routing that through an S-VIDEO to SCART adapter give me better results?

Y/N? Any alternative solutions? Thanks in advance.

>> No.9558504

They can look really nice. How they handle 240p/480i can vary so you need to research whatever model.

>> No.9558509
File: 21 KB, 238x480, 6d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HDMI to S-VIDEO adapter and then routing that through an S-VIDEO to SCART

>> No.9558517

There's not lot of CRT posing in this CRT thread.

>> No.9558520

If this is a retarded idea, please explain why anon. I've seen this as a recommended option a few times while trying to Google-up a solution.

>> No.9558550

if your TV will take s-video over scart and don't want to spend much that's fine.

>> No.9558552
File: 19 KB, 413x395, 1477954267278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your screen output will look like dogshit bro

>> No.9558559

It has SCART, S-VIDEO and one of them yellow composite ports. Coaxial too, but I don't think that will ever come in handy nowadays.

I've watched a few YouTube videos on them cheap HDMI to SCART adapters and they look ok(-ish), but everyone complains about that "rainbow-like" effect to the picture quality which apparently happens due to them not outputting proper RGB signal.

I don't expect miracles here end of the day, just want to connect my laptop to the old TV every now and then to enjoy some emulators.

I had a proper, beautiful, huge modern TV that worked like a charm until my toddler decide to throw a toy at the screen and the whole thing got fucked. I cannot justify getting a new TV right now with the way my finances are, but I already have a CRT, so yeah.

>> No.9558573

If you have an s-video port then you don't need a s-video to scart adapter. The problem with those HDMI converters (and anything else that calls itself a converter/scaler) is that you'll have a bit of input lag and also your output will be 480i instead of 240p. Meaning the image will bounce and you won't get scanlines.

>> No.9558581
File: 11 KB, 285x298, 1311947915016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look man, if you want to get rid of rainbow-shit you would need an s-video tv or monitor, otherwise you will have to live with it. Reason for that is that china hardware adapters are dogshit in quality and wiring. It will not only give you a bad image, it will probably cut out every 10 minutes and last for 2 months until it's broken.
so SCART makes rainbowshit when the TV or wiring of the cable is cheap.

Best thing you can do is getting an HDMI to SCART adapter made in Europe or another first world country other than fucking China. And even then there is a good chance you still have fragments because of the Scart output. Seriously, stay away from chink shit, its a waste of money and time.

>> No.9558591

Thats a lot of glow , what brand is this crt

>> No.9558595

Got it, thank you both, appreciate you anons.

>> No.9558598

Sony 2730QM Hiroshima Glow PVM

>> No.9558619
File: 2.06 MB, 1364x1796, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought my screen looked fucked. The top part cuts off too soon. You're supposed to be able to see the full square around the weapon on top but my tv cuts it off. Yet, the bottom of the screen you would assume is too high, but it doesn't seem to be. Should I go into the tv's settings and just zoom the entire picture out a little and see what happens? Lowering it vertically to fix the top would just cut off the bottom.

>> No.9558627

If it's an emulator have multiple options, you can for example customize the video dimensions on the emulator to fit your tv, or you can scale the entire screen down
If it's real hardware either your tv has the wrong settings or your cartridge is fucked

>> No.9558640

It's a little hard to tell in some games, but with games that have the UI on top, like with Castlevania IV and Castlevania: Bloodlines, it's very easy to see that it cuts off the top. And since this occurs across consoles, it seems to be a tv issue.

>> No.9559028

you've got a little overscan but that's normal and no big deal, you should be able to adjust vertical size and position in the service menu for your tv.

>> No.9559029
File: 3.17 MB, 4000x3000, 20230110_113809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with a Sony CRT and old RM-Y144 remote. I'd love to get the Sony remote to work the volume on my Onkyo 605. I looked up codes but didn't see anything for AVRs just for VHS and LaserDisk players. Can this remote work a AVR?

>> No.9559131
File: 33 KB, 1090x1095, hi-tech-expressions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely normal, especially for the top and bottom. its called overscan. you'll notice most old games don't have status bar information in the very top and bottom of the screen because of this reason.
a little bit is fine and normal: about 8 pixels or one square in any direction. just center it the best you can.
FCEUX by default cuts off the top and bottom 8 pixels of the screen by default, it was assumed TVs just were this way.
WARNING: you don't want to go crazy adjusting it either: if you make it perfect for your NES, your SNES and PlayStation will be out of whack, etc etc. analog signals were never perfect.

>> No.9559186

Also known as sites of grace

>> No.9559227

>Tourist Trophy on PS2 gives in game horizontal/vertical alignment
>the menu to do this has the bottom of the screen black so you can't tell where it is
T-thanks Polyphony

>> No.9559321

I hope you die a lonely and painful death before you get the chance to hurt anyone.

>> No.9559326

I see that jar full of already vaped weed. We love to see a healthy king ditching combustion and medicating responsibly, we love to see it

>> No.9559396

>WARNING: you don't want to go crazy adjusting it either: if you make it perfect for your NES, your SNES and PlayStation will be out of whack, etc etc. analog signals were never perfect.
Yup, have this issue with my CRT. If I make it just perfect for my PS2 or Wii, SNES will look like shit and vice versa. I took pictures of the service menu settings once I got it right, so switching isn't super comlicated now and only takes a few minutes, but it's still annoying.

>> No.9559419

damn that girl in the background is kind of hotter than dizzy AND jam. both girls are really hot still but that background girl's skirt and thighs are too alluring!

>> No.9559694

Vertical is the same across the board for me, it’s only horizontal which is out a little bit, not enough to cut out anything though

>> No.9560025
File: 1.42 MB, 2959x2241, 20230110_193449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's everyone playing on thier CRTs? I'm moving my way through Brave Fencer Musashi now, plan to move onto Secret of Evermore next.

>> No.9560157
File: 490 KB, 1468x1524, mooooooon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Cloud
I’m not sure if I’m going to bother with the postgame dungeon yet. I’ve never done it, but I’m also anxious to move on to 2 since I’ve never finished it.

>> No.9560216

I'm playing the mega man series in order. I'm up to 8 now, playing the Saturn version. Not /vr/, but I'll probably play 9 and 10 on my CRT too since they're presented in glorious 4:3

>> No.9560243

I always assumed it was just a bad lazy port of the original when I saw it for years.

>> No.9560348
File: 130 KB, 815x849, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody know anything about the Exxis monitor brand? There is one up on the wall at a local gas station nearby, trying to persuade them into giving it to me.

>> No.9560740

I played the Saturn version of 8 too. It looks gorgeous on a CRT. I didn't mind the d-pad for Mega Man but the button layout of the controller feels off for it

>> No.9560741
File: 247 KB, 1696x740, Selection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, this seems to be the menu for Trinitrons in my area now.

Out of curiosity, what makes Trinitrons so great? Anyone got any guides/comparisons or anything?

>> No.9560754
File: 268 KB, 322x306, 1657299387791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find a single crt monitor in my area.

>> No.9560761

they are rated well because of the way the phosphors look and they're usually brighter
But I prefer the way slot mask looks to be honest

>> No.9560767

>But I prefer the way slot mask looks to be honest
What's slot mask?

>> No.9560769

this video is a decent explanation
this is a pretty good comparison

>> No.9560773
File: 417 KB, 2000x960, Shadow_mask_vs_aperture_grille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way that light is split to what you see

>> No.9560778
File: 2.37 MB, 4800x1836, 86selvy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here is the only comparison pic I could find though it's RGB and a bit close to the image

>> No.9560850

looks expensive, but not a bad selection

where have you looked so far?

looks like slot mask, dot mask, aperture grille?

>> No.9560879

I think dot mask is called shadow mask but yeah

>> No.9560907
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1440, wiiu letterboxed small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i took some pics to compare 16:9 mode anamorphic widescreen vs letterboxing.
i don't have any /vr/ games that do anamorphic widescreen, 240p or 480i, so here's a wiiu setting screen, connected to an sd flat screen tube (it needs some adjustment) that does 16:9 mode. the wiiu is here set to output 480i onto a 4:3 screen, which it automatically letterboxes. the result is that the picture is displayed in 360 horizontal lines.

>> No.9560910
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1440, wiiu 169mode small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's the same screen but with the wiiu set to output 480i anamorphic widescreen, and the tv set to 16:9 mode. this shrinks the vertical deflection so all 480 horizontal lines are used to display the picture. all wiiu examples are over component

>> No.9560916
File: 3.86 MB, 1920x1440, sf0 letterboxed small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a close-up of star fox zero's title screen letterboxed. i don't know if the wiiu internally renders at 360 or renders at higher and then downscales.

>> No.9560920
File: 3.78 MB, 1920x1440, sf0 169mode small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the same but in 16:9 mode. as for how it looks in person, the flicker is less in 16:9 mode, and the "scanlines" (black spaces) aren't as apparent. interlacing artifacts (because it's one frame per field, not sure what the terminology is) also seem to be less apparent in 16:9 mode, but i don't know why that would be. as far as picture quality goes, the difference didn't seem that big. noticeable only if you're looking for it. i'd say see for yourself if you have the option.

>> No.9560925
File: 3.10 MB, 1920x1440, picross 43 small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to better illustrate 16:9 mode's deflection modification, here's mario's super picross on snes over s-video at 240p.

>> No.9560928
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1440, picross 169mode small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the exact same thing but with 16:9 mode turned on. i've included the volume display to show that the entire raster gets squished vertically. you can also see that all the scanlines (horizontal lines of the picture) are the same, just closer together. the aspect ratio is now incorrect.

>> No.9560970

quite similar i think the black text looks a bit better on this image though

>> No.9561030

What's in the bag?

>> No.9561048

Mins also has this but you can see the beginning of the scan lines with three lines of RGB
Also thankfully it’s just one button on the remote instead of a menu setting

>> No.9561183
File: 102 KB, 1200x800, all the information is in the task.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9561358
File: 444 KB, 553x680, to_all_the_haters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons rocking an HDMI to component setup to connect your pc to a crt tv that have had luck with 480i modes? I can output 240p no problem with this modeline (if you're not on linux just paste it in a modeline calculator like https://kosshi.gitlab.io/vgatimingeditor/))

"1280x240p_5" 26.3627 1280 1440 1568 1658 240 255 259 265 -HSync -VSync

Yes I've tried multiplying the pertaining vertical values by 2 to get this mode in 480i and no luck, I just get a rectangle that doesn't fill the whole screen horizontally.

>> No.9561361

I'm pretty sure that bag is connected to a vaporizer, so probably vaporized marijuana.

>> No.9561436

"1280x480_30.00i" 26.1140 1280 1440 1568 1658 480 509 513 525 -HSync -VSync Interlace


>> No.9561458

I'll try it out, thanks!

>> No.9561783

What is coil whine a sign of? Also, what settings should I use for longevity.

>> No.9562473
File: 605 KB, 512x487, superscan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The screen was slightly tilted, I went in and adjusted the yoke.
Now I need to fix the top and bottom being cut off.
However, I can't find a service menu.
Can somebody help me figure this out?
Model number is SuperScan SSF420TR

>> No.9562501

>coil whine
Coil whine is the induction coils vibrating, however I doubt very much that is your problem, I guarantee it’s a capacitor vibrating in there

>> No.9562512
File: 3.08 MB, 3379x3009, 1996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I'm trying to use my crappy old laptop with a VGA output to test emulator line doubling on this monitor I managed to convince my family to not chuck all these years for this eventuality and finally can lift again after clavicle surgery last year but it's too crap to use Retroarch shaders and the overlays and filters are all fake as fuck scanlines instead of blacking out every other line. Only way to get it to sort of work is to turn off integer scaling on anything that isn't exactly 320x240 and crank one of the overlays opacity up, and trying to turn 256x224 into 640x480 does horrific things to a SNES game. I don't know if it's poverty scaling jank or having to use Yabause that's causing horizontal alignment issues while it stutters through Sakura Taisen (to be fair Yabause stutters on my very contemporary gaymen PC too) but a grid looks fine.

Scanlines look better than I was afraid of based on how thicc most CRT monitor pictures look. It's a little sharper horizontally than I'd like but I'll take it over buying a Saturn and making more offerings to the CD-R reading gods assuming I can get a DP to VGA adapter that doesn't suck nuts and somehow find a way to fit this into my desk setup.

>> No.9562547

>"1280x480_30.00i" 26.1140 1280 1440 1568 1658 480 509 513 525 -HSync -VSync Interlace

Sadly, same problem.

>> No.9562584
File: 110 KB, 1080x1440, VideoCapture_20230111-184112[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up a samsung at the thrift store for 15 dollars, it looks great except the geometry is super fucked up. It's hard to see unless the screen is scrolling so I've mostly been ignoring it until now. I bought a universal remote and figured out how to get in the service menu but I don't know where to start with fixing it.

>> No.9562598
File: 2.03 MB, 3024x4032, 20230111_184742[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9562603

Sounds like a vert linearity issue

>> No.9562698

>offerings to the CD-R reading gods
Sakura Taisen is dirt cheap though, why would you need a CD-R for that?

>> No.9562930

shadow mask can refer to both dot mask and slot mask

>> No.9563069

Can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone call it dot mask
They’re all shadow masks though that’s true, it’s just that it’s the default shadow mask before slot and aperture grille was made

>> No.9563072

Yeah unfortunately I have a fat PS2. I guess there's some shit where you can use black tape and play burned discs but I haven't felt like fucking with the disc drive.

>> No.9563075

So I'm trying to get into the service menu on my CRT (Sharp 20F630), but even though I believe I'm doing it right (unplug TV, press and hold vol down and ch up while plugging the TV back in) I can't seem to bring it up. I'm retarded when it comes to CRT stuff so apologies in advance if the answer's obvious.

>> No.9563097

There isn’t a service button on your remote?

>> No.9563119

>(unplug TV, press and hold vol down and ch up while plugging the TV back in)
that sounds like a pain in the ass. I have to use a button sequence and the power button on the remote to enter the menu on my sony CRTs

>> No.9563142

You can use Tonyhax pretty trivially for fats that have the iLink and not a DVD remote receiver if you have certain extremely common games, but compatibility is not as good as on PS1 or for PS1 discs normally because the BC configuration is locked in for the game you're exploiting with and not the one you're playing.

>> No.9563143

I'm using a universal remote and it doesn't have a service button unfortunately.

>> No.9563523

Those videos were pretty informative. And looking at the comparison video, the top one, consumer slot, looked blurry as hell. I'd rather have aperture or pro slot. But since I was asking about Trinitrons, the comparison video doesn't seem to show that. Unless the Sony PVM is the same as a Triniton? In which case, why would PVM be more sought-after than Trinitron is they're using the same kind of display?
Yeah, $300 is pretty expensive, but sadly, the only option I've got.

>> No.9563531

do there exist crt tvs with digital tuners other than atsc?

i've also heard the tubes being called delta gun and inline gun

>> No.9563665

For a CRT from a thrift store this looks pretty fucking nice, ngl

>> No.9563724

I have checked facebook, craigslist and ebay

>> No.9563727

quit while you're ahead that looks fine

>> No.9563741


> sold my pvm as it was heavy as shit

Why the fuck do you need to move your display so often? Just set it up and play and never move it except to move house. Are you one of those retards who takes a CRT with them to meet up and play that party-fighter game?

>> No.9563752

>cause it was heavy as shit
how often were you moving it?

>> No.9563767

you might live in an area where there just aren't many crts, but here are some more options:
-check your listings daily for several months, including curb alerts, garage/yard sales (if such things exist where you live), and estate sales
-create a wanted/buying listing on craigslist
-expand your search area and do a road trip
-ask your friends and relatives if they have any laying around
-see if you can't get any from a local recycling facility, including any organizations that accept electronic donations for reuse
-thrift stores, although some don't accept crts anymore
-flea markets and swap meets
if all that fails or if it's easier, you could pay ebay price and hope the seller packages it properly

>> No.9563872

>universal remote
makes mustard gas

>> No.9563908

If I ever lose my CRTs for whatever reason I'm getting rid of consoles as well and just emulating.
Like why would you $300 on shit that looks like emulator

>> No.9564053

Your mistake is searching for "Trinitron" in the first place.
Just search for "TV" until you spot a Sony one.

>> No.9564283

All sony crts are trinitrons. There is more to the picture quality than just the tube itself. PVMs have higher quality components that allow for greater horizontal resolution among other things.

>> No.9564309

>All sony crts are trinitrons
as long as it's a color tube

>> No.9564345
File: 1.14 MB, 714x953, gamepon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All sony crts are trinitrons
I introduce you the Sony Game Pon.

>> No.9564397

One of my Trinitrons has a similar method for getting into the service menu. You need to hold two buttons on the TV's front panel while powering it on (not from standby). Fortunately the main power button on the front panel works for this (as it's essentially the same as plugging the TV into the wall).

>> No.9565176

>PVMs have higher quality components that allow for greater horizontal resolution among other things.
So PVM is just an even better Trinitron? They're pretty small though... I guess the trade-off is you have to choose between great image and larger screen, or even better image and smaller screen?

>> No.9565201

>So PVM is just an even better Trinitron?
"Trinitron" is a brand of CRT. "PVM" is a line of Sony monitors, some of which contain Trinitron CRTs, with others using flat panel LCDs or OLEDs.
>They're pretty small though
Sony made PVMs ranging from 8 inches all the up to 42 inches. They also have a line of BVMs which go up to 32 inches.
>I guess the trade-off is you have to choose between great image and larger screen, or even better image and smaller screen?
Other way around actually. Larger PVMs typically have better image quality, though, image quality has little to do with screen size. Resolution/dot pitch is what matters. Typically, though, the smaller the screen the lower the resolution.

>> No.9565261
File: 1.09 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20230112_23025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9565358


>> No.9565428

I'm actually looking to set Retroarch up on my Wii to play all kinds of stuff in the future (probably Mother or Dragon Quest will be first). Any recommendations for the settings? I have a feeling I don't just want to leave shit on default.

>> No.9565448
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9565567
File: 111 KB, 900x1200, toshiba xflat 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a Sharp 20" Xflat be good for $40? I want too have a back up to my I'art 27" that as s-video at least and this seems to have component.

>> No.9565628
File: 18 KB, 450x600, b8df3329d31535dc060d6cfae05c95f3.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please respond

>> No.9565631

looks fine

>> No.9565643

How are Sharps? I saw someone mention that the xflats seem to be very good models a 20" component model is like a dream TV to me. I love my 27", but 20" seems great too.

>> No.9565661

The truth is nobody knows man. The condition of the TV picture is more important than the model.

>> No.9565698
File: 1.74 MB, 1280x1029, 1673570981415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9565724

Looks like there's only one CRT in this photo. Far back, in the silver, egg-shaped enclosure.

>> No.9565779

How would you judge the condition of it when you go to pick one up? I would use a PSPGo as a test unit, but I funny have any of those AV cables.

>> No.9565874

Use something you can run 240p test suite on or maybe a dvd with test patterns on it.
Is the picture dim at max brightness? Does it have color purity issues?
Is the geometry good? Do lines look like lines and circles look like circles? Does the image look tilted?
How is the convergence? It's typical to have problems but is it noticeable if you're not looking at a test pattern?
Some of this stuff is fixable if you know what you're doing, but I'd avoid anything with big geometry problems or a dim picture.

>> No.9565879
File: 3.61 MB, 3816x2856, trin_service_success.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i survived service mode /vr/os
got it looking straighter, the colors way nicer, and most importantly i didn't destroy my TV lol
there is still a slight bow on the right / bottom right and the red still bleeds more than i'd like but overall i am super happy with the results

>> No.9565928

I'll probably go full autism and bring my wii to do a quick visual test. Maybe now I'll get a cheap PSPGo composite cable set to make things easier.

>> No.9565930

Congrats! I was scared when I did my first service menu adjustments too. What CRT do you have?

>> No.9565960
File: 678 KB, 1486x1732, 20211005_112705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trinitron, KV-27FS320. i've had it for a couple years now, the alignment was ok honestly but it was starting to get more out of whack lately so i finally took the plunge into the service menu. totally worth it.

>> No.9565961
File: 1.09 MB, 2635x2823, DSC_0144~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first spyro

>> No.9565969
File: 1.11 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230112_203323966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing some Rockman 2 right now. What are you guys playing?

>> No.9565974
File: 339 KB, 220x205, 1672700668655907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit the image is sideways...

>> No.9566016
File: 2.47 MB, 3544x2680, trin_ridge_racerrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ridge racer 64, god i miss arcade racers, and its nice that i can actually see the dark parts of the track now lol >>9565879

>> No.9566171

Lmao rent free

>> No.9566268

Why can’t I find good shelving for my consoles?

>> No.9566280
File: 677 KB, 1125x1460, 77A40C1E-D325-4426-9ECD-AD6B52E8BAD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this fixable? The tv cosmetics still looks great but need to open it up to fix the buttons. Can I fix this by myself? It’s a rca

>> No.9566283
File: 356 KB, 1125x1299, 09F4FDB9-C4B7-4068-92A2-4CDEFA652A6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9566315

fix what?

>> No.9566330

That little dot on the sides of the tv. Each side has a dot

>> No.9566334

That's supposed to be there.

>> No.9566335

that's supposed to be there, that's what they used for setting up the geometry

>> No.9566440

Really? Damn it looks like shit!!! I have to open it up now to fix the front buttons. 3 of them don’t work.

>> No.9566542
File: 1.39 MB, 1788x1288, trin_20230113_005432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely happy with adjustments, it looks ultra vibrant and crisp in real life, the pic doesn't quite do it justice... trinnies are Not A Meme whatsoever

>> No.9566614

Anyone ever downscale VGA 480p from a PC using a gbsc? From what I've seen on forums its unreliable unless I output csync from the gpu. Does hvsync cause rolling images?

>> No.9566698

How should I open this without getting electrocuted? I need to fix the front buttons. The menu and low volume button don’t work. Every time I press the menu button it turns off

>> No.9566706

No idea how gbsc handles RGBhv, but you could stick something like an Extron RGB interface between the GBSC and your pc and get RGBs that way.

>> No.9566716

Make one of these
So you can do this

>> No.9566731

Thank you nigga

>> No.9566738 [DELETED] 
File: 299 KB, 430x430, jaguar_do_the_math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh just get a universal remote...
also just power it off for 24 hours before you go fuckin around in there touching the flyback transformer or any of that shit

>> No.9566740
File: 26 KB, 480x360, mah_boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh just get a universal remote...
also just power it off for 24 hours before you go fuckin around in there touching the flyback transformer or any of that shit

>> No.9566763

I tried using a universal remote but every time I push the menu button on the remote it shows something different. What if I buy a different remote and it does the same? I need to get into the menu

>> No.9566780

is it possible to convert rgb scart to atsc to put rgb onto an sdtv?

>> No.9566806

>looks like shit
The point of them is so you don’t stretch the geometry too far
They’re supposed to be black

>> No.9566809
File: 100 KB, 800x754, remote_SpaceCommand_Zenith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> every time I push the menu button on the remote it shows something different
try a different code, RCA should have like a million of them, and most of them will kinda half work with with the channel and volume, but if you find the specific one for your TV you should be good

>> No.9566948

When you hook up an OG Xbox via component, where do games put their resolution options? Is it like gamecube games where they just ask you to enable 480p every time you start them or like PS2 games where there's usually built in menu options for it?

Not sure where the best place to ask this is and it's an Xbox related question so I'm not even going to try and get a google search to actually figure out which console I'm talking about.

>> No.9567010

Doesn’t Xbox deal with it in the bios?

>> No.9567204

basementchads rise UP

>> No.9567424

You have to enable 480p by pressing both triggers and both analog sticks in the dashboard, then games will enter 480p mode as they launch. 720p and 1080i can be enabled in the dashboard settings

>> No.9567773

So it didn't work out. The brightness was set to 48/50 when I thought that it was set to like the average of 25. Then when I put it to 25 it seems like it might be darker than it should, plus it didn't have an s-video port only composite and component. I also noticed on the Wii Menu screen that there was also some wrapping on the lower right corner on the tv screen. I hated to leave it, but honestly I'm more concerned with getting a second TV with S-video on it than component. Component would just be a nice bonus.

>> No.9568963
File: 1.82 MB, 3000x2721, IMG_20230113_202432536~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9569197
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 1561536929131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, cool
>"For parts"
>"There is some screen burn-in."
>"Tube powers on, but no image."
>Okay then...

>> No.9569216

To be honest, I just gave up on PVMs, these are just pure memes right now.
I've bought a GBS Control and I'm using a mid-2000s Samsung CRT PC monitor with a random soundbar I bought for 20 USD. That's it, I'm not paying 200 bucks for an 8-inch PVM, plus the PC monitor fits on my desk.

>> No.9569221

What game is this?

>> No.9569229

red faction ps2

>> No.9569292
File: 124 KB, 400x400, __yamamura_sadako_the_ring__aa5b52759171569dc9329854bc508ab1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using your crt NOW or this will happen.

We at reddit are giving you your FINAL chance

>> No.9569302

pelco makes a similar pvm style monitor (same number of lines) if you absolutely insist on making your games look weird

they often go at auction for around 120+ shipping
i prefer consumer crt or pc monitors/vga>hdmi adapters

>> No.9569303
File: 308 KB, 755x1280, FE3608E6-B35A-40C8-B1AB-E7C7CB732F14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant take a non-shit photo of any crt i own sorry anon

>> No.9569331

it's true, this happened to me and we got married. look out guys.

>> No.9569689
File: 285 KB, 1208x1617, 070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9570170

I actually had a PVM at some point, but I paid cheap for that.
PC monitors are cheaper, better and less fragile than PVMs, the GBS Control is doing a perfect job transforming SCART RGB to VGA.

>> No.9570367
File: 3.77 MB, 4000x3000, 20230114_162034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how it's supposed to look on a CRT?
Why do I still see the grid in the textbox?
Is RGB output too good?

>> No.9570418

yeah. s-video and higher is enough to discern individual pixels. try composite or rf

>> No.9570525

that's a nice self-commenting image
but then again, it's a shitty american composite-only set, nothing of value was lost

>> No.9571926


>> No.9571931

How do you know it's composite only, Einstein? Can you see the rear inputs?

>> No.9571954

Yeah, you nailed it. Another game that has this problem is Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei. The fog effect in blind corridors is dithered and loks funny outside of composite. You can use the system's native composite or try running the RGB output through an external encoder, though if you do you'll want to find one that has a variable resistor (apologies if that's not the right term) to adjust the dot crawl effects. If you search "Mister Composite" on AliExpress the first result should cover all the necessary bases, minus needing a sync separator/SCART to VGA connector; this device was obviously built for a slightly different use case. RGB is a dangerous road, anon... unless you really like arcade games. Then it's pretty stellar.

>> No.9571958

>5480 in 1980 dollaridinos
The crazy thing is that their profit margins on TVs weren't very high. They even took on losses with the original Chromatrons.

>> No.9572306
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, 20150510_110900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the PVM 1390 support VGA? Can I get some sort of adapter to play Dreamcast on it? I have S-video for it but I'm curious if VGA works

>> No.9572317
File: 136 KB, 1130x1200, 4395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does suppport RGB through the 23-pin connector. Don't think it supports VGA though. IIRC it's limited to monitors that support more than 15khz.

>> No.9572372

Do you use artificial scanlines on your CRT monitor? I’ve tried that but it makes the image so fucking dark and trying to adjust other setting to compensate just washes out the image. Starting to think I got memed going the PC CRT route lmao

>> No.9572375
File: 15 KB, 365x365, 1656241251240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An old Sylvania television.
It plays my Genesis and N64 games very nicely.
I don't use it otherwise. Very big, noisy TV with a great picture, very much in the attitude of those consoles.

>> No.9572383
File: 3.35 MB, 4160x3120, 35in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think having a 35 inch Trinitron is a bit TOO much?

>> No.9572384

Also Revenge of Shinobi.
You're a ninja super-hero before that got especially big.

>> No.9572389
File: 68 KB, 480x480, 1656797449079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a chance on a massive one and dropped it on the ground on the way out the door, still had to pay for it. Fuark.

>> No.9572394


>> No.9572407

How much was it? Got mine for 35 bucks
Shit feels like it could swallow me whole

>> No.9572556
File: 1.80 MB, 2656x1494, trin_20210322_145139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 27" trinny weights almost a hundred pounds so that is a heavy boi

>> No.9572591

Any good DVD player to recommend? I heard using a ps2 to play dvds damages the master in the long run so which should I jock up to my 480p/1080i beast?
I ha e the Evangelion Silver collection complete and wanna do a rewatch on my CRT.

>> No.9572759

Thanks anon, I have this adapter from Antonio villena https://www.antoniovillena.es/store/product/vga-ypbpr-adapter-rca/
But it's completely useless despite it saying composite and requires modification, I'll get the aliexpress one

>> No.9572760

Just pick anything from a major brand. Sony, Panasonic, Denon, etc. They even used to have pretty good DACs on board, especially in those models that could read SACDs. You can probably still find replacement lasers for some of those, too.
You can look up specific models on hifiengine.com, they have a pretty good database of various AV equipment, including DVD players, with user reviews, photos, specs and even service manuals. Check out what's available to buy in your area and use the site to see if you're lucky.

>> No.9572767


Is this also what I'm looking for? I don't see a potentiometer for dot crawl though, but shipping is much faster compared to the aliexpress one

>> No.9573447

I recently picked up a B&O Beovision mx8000. Unfortunately, when I try to power it on, the status LED jumps to green for a couple of seconds and then back to red again.
The previous owner gave me a code for the anti-theft feature whenever de TV isn't plugged in for a while. But I think it's useless right now as the TV doesn't even turn on.
I also contacted him about this and he told me that he had the exact same issue like 10 years ago but he somehow fixed it and doesn't remember how.
Does anyone here have any idea what could be wrong here?

>> No.9573584
File: 3.74 MB, 3415x2481, crisis whore final fantasy vii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crisis Core

>> No.9573625
File: 3.01 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20230114_124846528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this a few days ago. Have no idea to rate the picture quality, is this good?

>> No.9573627
File: 2.83 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20230114_124736476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic,I know the pictures are crap sry.

>> No.9573636

first off, use a better connection if you can
close the curtains, wait till it gets dark, whatever
then, ISO way down, 1/60 time on the camera and maybe we'll be able to tell you anything about the picture quality

>> No.9573686

you've got some vertical bowing at the top, could be that the yoke's shifted. the picture's a little further left than it is right, but only a little. the blue is higher up at the bottom a little to the left. colors look good, tube looks to be in pretty good shape overall. no telling about focus from a picture. the real test for geometry is scrolling, but the 240p test suite doesn't really have a good horizontal scroll test imo.

>> No.9573827

Hey is this cable enough to connect my TV to my PC?

>> No.9573849
File: 399 KB, 948x613, 437242147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crap forgot pic.

>> No.9573962
File: 739 KB, 698x794, mister-composite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second anon has the appropriate adapter, since the first depends specifically on some MISTer cores and I'm not sure what the wiring inside is actually doing. The second requires you to use separated H and V sync and power of VGA pin 9, otherwise it won't work. If you get creative you can probably wire power another way yourself or find a sync separator that does that or that you can otherwise modify. The AliExpress composite adapter has the adjusting potentiometer dead center and an optional set of pads for external 5v power. Mine should arrive within the month and I intend to test with a few oddball scenarios.
Got a link to the listing? If that doesn't do any sync combining or you don't have any sync combining in the chain you might have some issues. You'll also have some issues if you feed anything about 640x480i to the TV while it's on unless it's a TV that can do 640x480p.

>> No.9573981

I have a 32" and I'd have to completely rearrange my furniture to put anything bigger in its place.

>> No.9573989

No such thing as a CRT being too big. Just make sure you have a definitive spot for it, and hopefully don't move out.

>> No.9574049

oh sick never heard of this

>> No.9574093

>unless it's a TV that can do 640x480p
even if it is, the scart is SD only. sure, you could send a higher signal through it, but i don't think any tv would interpret it correctly even if it's capable of displaying 480p unless it was modded. it would be interesting to try, but if it does 480p it probably has vga anyway.

>> No.9574245

Maybe you can find something here?

Try also archive beoworld..

>> No.9574382

Those of you who watch video on your CRT, how do you encode it? Through experimentation I've determined that my TV can't show 480 lines in full, and trying to remove the overscan through the horizontal and vertical controls makes the overall geometry of the image a lot worse. It can display 448 lines easily, though, so I've been resizing my video to 656x448 and padding it out to 720x480 (DVD resolution). Works pretty well and prevents subtitles from being cut off but I'm curious how other people do it.

>> No.9574419

I think i still got a trinitron, anybody in Kentucky want it?

>> No.9574515

>first off, use a better connection if you can
what do you mean by this? It only has SCART in the back, and I use some crappy adapter to plug in my ps2. Yeah I know the pics are almost useless but hey..
> yoke's shifted
is this something I need a remote for, is it even fixable? Thanks for the response anon, I'm pretty happy with it being it's my first CRT. And for 15EUR I'm happy that it even turns on desu.

>> No.9574534

Thanks for the link. There is one PDF named:
>Tekniske informationer MX8000
Seems to be talking about this issue I think. It's in Danish so I put it through translate. The first step is to set OPTION to 1 from the remote which I already had done. Still nothing. The rest of the steps aren't really making any sense to me and you need ServiceTool or something as well. I really hope this isn't an EEPROM issue.

I'll probably check the inside of the TV later again to see if a loose connection anywhere.

>> No.9574563
File: 299 KB, 1280x949, D026403B-54DC-4EA0-B900-836099E521C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s a good Retroarch shader for a CRT computer monitor? CRT easy mode seems a bit off overkill since the monitor already has vertical scanlines. Using a basic scanlines-only filter makes the image very dark. I basically want it to look like 240p coming out of a PVM without looking dark as fuck. Any suggestions? Also, picrel is the best Castlevania.

>> No.9574580
File: 1.43 MB, 2697x2093, purikkyua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So have this thing set up with my main PC now. Retroarch is of course a cunt and suddenly doesn't even want to work with the same controller as yesterday let alone full screen on the correct monitor to let me set things the way I want, but Mednafen is looking good enough with 100% scanlines to nearly make me regret the money and effort I put into finally getting a PS1 working with CD-Rs. Ideally I'd have a better TV and get the best of both though.

What I really feel dumb about though is how much effort (and hardware power) I put into setting up scaling 480p video to 1080p to not look like shit a while back when I had this thing available.

>> No.9574593

based 1390 chad, we will rise up brother.

>> No.9574771

I'm interested. Where at in Kentucky?

>> No.9574847

This Anon again. 640x436 seems to be the sweet spot for me. I'm encoding with xvid at 7000kbps and watching on a Wii and it looks great. I'd use x264 but the Wii seems to drop frames when using it.

>> No.9574876

>what do you mean by this?
I mean that you should get a true RGB SCART cable. The quality will be much better than what you're getting now with a composite-to-SCART adapter.
>Yeah I know the pics are almost useless
Taking photos of CRTs can be a bitch, but with a few basic steps you can make them pretty serviceable. Proper camera settings (low ISO, matching the shutter speed to the 50/60Hz refresh) and shooting in a dark room will help you a lot.

>> No.9574916

VGA output from an old laptop into an Extron VSC 700 to downscale it to 480i. The VSC has size/position controls so you can fit it perfectly on the screen. Works great with 480p sources and most HD movies. Also have a dvd/bluray player with s-video output that I use.

>> No.9574938 [DELETED] 

That sounds nice. That kind of equipment seems nice to have, unfortunely all I have access to is a Wii. It does have component though. Also I did some more tweaking, and now I think I'll settle on this process:

>scale video to 656x448 (assuming it's already in a 4:3 ratio)
>crop to 640x480 (you don't see the 8 pixels on the sides anyway due to overscan, and the new width prevents subtitles from going off the sides of the screen)
>pad out the rest of the video to 720x480 to match DVD standard
>in WiiMC video options turn "Set VI Width to 720" to "On"

>> No.9574940

That sounds nice. That kind of equipment seems nice to have, unfortunely all I have access to is a Wii. It does have component though. Also I did some more tweaking, and now I think I'll settle on this process (using ffmpeg):

>scale video to 656x448 (assuming it's already in a 4:3 ratio)
>crop to 640x448 (you don't see the 8 pixels on the sides anyway due to overscan, and the new width prevents subtitles from going off the sides of the screen)
>pad out the rest of the video to 720x480 to match DVD standard
>in WiiMC video options turn "Set VI Width to 720" to "On"

>> No.9574949

if you have a mister and want s-video\composite without having to setup\download special cores for mikes adapter then yes

i havent tried mikes but supposedly its better for the dot-crawl issue on some cores

also antonios adapter doesn't work properly with 32x still and might never work honestly

it produces acceptable signal though
i use it for basically everything on my mister

>> No.9574990

What I had to do to get s-video working on all my cores was vga -> extron rgb 192 -> vga to s-video transcoder sold here on ebay by wakabavideo (aka linuxbot3000 or jam). I have antonio's adapter too, but IIRC had problems with Sega systems on it that I didn't have with jam's transcoder. Adding the Extron RGB interface in fixed an issue I was having with Dodonpachi where there was no chroma. I do not understand what the actual problems were.

>> No.9575119
File: 1.21 MB, 1051x814, my shtuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9575381
File: 26 KB, 716x754, PrimeChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatcha been playing lately, fren?

>> No.9576039
File: 457 KB, 974x1100, Geometric-Distortion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the yoke is part of the crt on the back of the tube with the deflection coils on it. sometimes the yoke of a crt will shift a little in a way that makes the picture bow at the top. i've seen it myself on two wegas in person. now, sony sets also tend to have in-depth service menus. i'd guess that you need the remote, but you can check the service manual for your model. the service menu might have an option called VCEN. i'm calling it bowing, but there's also a service menu option called VBOW which is different. if the service menu doesn't have the VCEN option or if you can't access it, you can also address the bowing by carefully adjusting the yoke by hand while the set is powered on. carefully not only because of the high voltage, but also because the neck of the tube is fragile and yokes are made of plastic which gets brittle with age. here's some videos about yoke adjustment:
not sure if your set has the adjustment rings, check pic related under V-CENTER and V-PIN. in your case the bowing's so small that the difference might not be worth the effort anyway. up to you. i'd recommend reading the service manual if you want to do picture adjustments anyway.

>> No.9576169

You cans still see the dither pattern on the actual SNES through composite.
Only SNES game where dithering actually works as transparency is Kirby 3, since that game uses hi-res mode for dither.

Don't get this, it costs the same as YC core adapter but composite looks like SHIT through it, rainbow up the ass, not worth it.

>> No.9576383
File: 1.68 MB, 1080x1173, Screenshot_20230116-104529~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9577083
File: 55 KB, 1250x959, SWS2325H_37-IMS-en_US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this for a $1 at my thrift store today. This will pair great for my composite only console like the famicom, pc engine and genesis on my Philips 9" or JVC 13".

>> No.9577120

I hate the shape of these fuckers and how light they are. When you have the ports filled in the back, the weight of the cables causes it to pop a wheelie and the front lifts into the air unless you strap it down.

>> No.9577274

looks pretty comfy anon and brings back memories.

>> No.9577581

I got it for 50 bucks at a game store like 8 years ago, I remember it sat in there for a while, same store now carries PVMs for hundreds lmao

>> No.9577626
File: 413 KB, 750x563, hamuzou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a GVM series? No Sony badge tho.

>> No.9577627
File: 446 KB, 780x585, qm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9577645
File: 377 KB, 780x585, ver5.66_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9577651
File: 258 KB, 443x600, great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dug up more info and the owner called it a "SHARP Multi-Scan Monitor".

Is it a 20" size? Larger?

>> No.9577654

oops this one is a different monitor than the others!

>> No.9577661
File: 353 KB, 500x667, tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9577678

post a photo of your s-video transcoder
i have the keene electronics rgb>svideo converter and it is lagless

but i would like some redundant hardware in case it fails

>> No.9577689

Been playing Ganbare Goemon: Oedo Dai Kaiten. Pretty fun. Also been playing some Splinter Cell: Double Agent, and Hitman 2 again. How bout you?

>> No.9577719

It's times like these I regret not being Japanese

>> No.9577746
File: 3.12 MB, 3976x2672, my shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret the feeling every day. Worse part is my middle name and last name is Japanese with the first name being a white name with a dad whose father left Japan because he thought USA would be exciting and "opportunistic". I am extremely OCD and Tokyo is perfect for someone like me who loves small areas, cramped living, arcades, pachislots, etc. I am cursed to know my grandfather fucked me over.

>> No.9577845
File: 3.78 MB, 3214x2949, c25a11e3279942163d5cdb51800ed9297f662190-20221022121150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are probably something like this:


Either by SHARP or NEC. Most likely 20" or 21" viewable.

>> No.9577875

If they've survived until now, they should last another 50 years. They dont really have components that wear over time. Due to the high internal voltage, they would explode if they were made wrong or used garbage quality parts. The only things I can think of would be hysteresis in the yoke magnets, maybe some electrolytic capacitors might go bad.

I've got a 32" Panasonic..something. My grandparents had it around for years. At least it doesnt have the CNN logo or the 50 yard line burned into it. I've managed to hook it up to a PS2 and have been working through my DVD anime backlog. Even on the shittiest builtin composite video, color accuracy is astounding. On "Noir" I can hold up the concept art in the booklet right to the screen and its a perfect match. The only thing that hampers the experience is the occasional tearing from fast motion competing with interlacing video signal.

>> No.9577887

Been slapping on Ninja Gaiden Black via an Xbox One S using an HDMI-to-VGA adapter while forcing the X1S into 640x480. I'm pretty sure running the game this way renders it as 640x360 inside the 480p window vs the OG's native output of 720x480. If my understanding of how all this rendering works is right, I'm getting improved rendering resolution that is then being output at a lower output than the original, which is especially humorous to me.

>> No.9577892

this is the listing https://www.ebay.com/itm/174151197805

>> No.9577895

True, but you can just put a rock or something to weight it down. How do you like yours if you use it still?

>> No.9577971

Very interesting and based

>> No.9578282

>Rio Tachibana
damn that is some good taste

>> No.9578791

>i havent tried mikes but supposedly its better for the dot-crawl issue on some cores
There's no dot crawl at all on every supported core.

>> No.9579183

Holy shit I think I might have accidentally nudged this part when I was dusting off the insides of my tv, but now I'm afraid to tamper with it and make it even worse. I already lost 2 of the screws that held the outer plastic shell of the tv.

>> No.9579863

Either a shitty camera or your sharpness is up way too high on your HDTV

>> No.9580292
File: 3.77 MB, 4032x3024, 3B2E4906-9FE0-4758-B747-130DE422DD70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to fix the distorted geometry on the right side of this monitor? It only happens at 640x480 at 60hz. All of the capacitors on the board look fine at least visibly.

>> No.9580332

Bros what was the name of that arch-based linux distro that outputted 15 khz mode automagically?

>> No.9580371
File: 271 KB, 1007x782, samsung monitor FOR FREE COP IT 4chan(nel).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only I lived in PA I would've gotten this. not sure why out of state listings show up when I live in NY even.
Samsung SyncMaster 955df 19"

>> No.9580391

Groovy Arcade? Not arch based but is for CRT.

>> No.9580403

straight outta the trash can, nice

>> No.9580741

out of stock ;_;
i'll keep an eye out anon

>> No.9580815
File: 212 KB, 1600x1600, gbsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought one of these for my 32inch CRT. These things do fake scanlines too right? not that I care much but it was hard to decipher the chink description

>> No.9581020

>all those chink pseudo-cases for electronics
How expensive is it to make a custom metal case of similar size? I've been thinking of making one for my GBS because I want it to look in line with all the various AV equipment I have. I don't need anything fancy, a raw, industrial Extron-like look would be perfect.
My guess is that bending two sheets of thin metal, mounting them and the front and back panels with screws and spraying some black paint on everything should be pretty affordable, but maybe I'm wrong?

>> No.9581054
File: 41 KB, 492x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to get this resolution to appear on retroarch so I can use it on my crt monitor. I was able to use it twice and then it disappears from the resolutions list. How do I stop that from happening?

>> No.9581435

You could get Pcbway to do it for you, but it will come out to be around $60 gice or take including shipping. You could also make your own with sheet metal if you have a dremel, mallet, drill, and a lot of time. It's not for the faint of heart.

>> No.9581636

Why would you need a scaler for CRT?

>> No.9581680

The VGA input on my CRT bypasses the real ugly 100hz processing and it looks really amazing, I want to hook up a few consoles to it.

>> No.9581693

what's the model?

>> No.9581697

GBS-C firmware does fake scanlines, so if this thing actually uses that then you're good.

>> No.9581701

I unironically like the plexi and standoff look for project electronics

>> No.9581710

>industrial Extron-like look would be perfect
Look for rack mount project box and drill a bunch of holes in it

>> No.9582134

just expand your search i drove 10 hours to get mine

>> No.9582141
File: 3.15 MB, 1796x2500, Fk0FsDBaUAIrQMJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pay a decent amount i have no regrets paying £200 + £100 in petrol for mine kek

>> No.9582147

just use composite its perfectly fine on crts

>> No.9582928

I feel like a complete asshole using linear interpolation on the x-axis for 240p on 640x480 with software scan lines but I swear it looks right.

>> No.9583024
File: 1.07 MB, 614x486, Would you like to save.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture on this is insane.

>> No.9583048

My 100hz set lets me turn off the "digital scan" which really should just be translated to deinterlacing, the deinterlacer is a nice feature for 6th gen consoles though.
oh and the guncon2 has a 100hz mode, thought that was interesting

>> No.9583361

What model? My KV-29X2D has a similar setting called "Digital Mode", selecting mode II disables 100Hz.
>oh and the guncon2 has a 100hz mode
I've never heard of this before, but a quick Google search tells me that even Namco customer support wasn't fully aware of this as some people asked them about 100Hz and got told that it's not supported, kek.

>> No.9583385

Anyone know anything about Apex? I've never heard of them but my girlfriend brought one home. It's an Apex AT2408. It's got S-video at least, but I don't have anything to test that with.

>> No.9583408

That's what CRT shaders do, except they do it even better.

The advice of "just use a simple scanline filter in 480p" on a PC CRT is erroneous. I wish that had never got spread around.
Use the highest resolution you can + CRT-Royale or Guest-Venom-Advanced.

>> No.9583483
File: 42 KB, 600x579, Comfy_guy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand very little about CRTs, and really TV technology and video coding, outside of resolutions.
I use a CRT because it's comfy, looks nice to me, reminds me of when I was a kid, and I like the hum.

>> No.9583536

Eh that's kind of overkill on filtering and 640x480 is actually the largest 240p integer 4:3 resolution that works lmao. It does 1280x1024 but 1280x960 is fucked for some reason and I don't want to set crazy overscan. But using the goat filter's RGB horizontal divergence does have a similar blending result achieved in a way that seems more accurate.

>> No.9583753


>> No.9583898

what is a good price for a 13" pvm with s-video only?

>> No.9583920

When I was a kid, I remember some dude showing me that you can twist those cables and plug it into the hole in the coax port and it did work, albeit very shittily

>> No.9584298

I wouldn't pay more than $20 for it. You can still find larger consumer sets that'll have s-video and component for free if you look hard enough.

>> No.9584397

Scroll down to the post by "fatass"

>> No.9584567

Is 4k worth it over 1440p for shaders?

>> No.9584670

you might have better luck asking in the shaders thread

>> No.9584692

Horizontal linearity or H.LIN most likely

>> No.9584949

>tower on mousepad
>still hangs off desk
>looks like the crt does too
>faggy little trinkets strewn everywhere
you fuckin live like this? you seem obese.

>> No.9584954

So realistically $100 then? Thanks, got it.
Who the fuck is getting good condition PVMs for $20 these days you absolute fucking moron? No one, thats who.

>> No.9585118

It's a PVM, but it has less functionality than a consumer set. A larger consumer Trinitron with an equivalent tube and more connections will cost less. But if you're that desperate for a PVMeme, go ahead and waste your money.

>> No.9585524
File: 325 KB, 689x551, retrotink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really should archive all documentation regarding connecting your PC to your CRT consumer set, I know it's been discussed to death but it still is confusing, even moreso when talking about where to buy what you need. So, I was looking at picrel, and it's expensive, but any anon here can testify about this working?
For what I remember of past threads, you'd like to use a display port to SCART adapter, and then hook it up to this thing, or directly to your tv if you're an eurobro. Which displayport to scart adapters do you recommend? What is their cost and where can I buy them?
Software side, how's this on linux? Does it work with both 240p and 480i modes? And finally, regarding CRTs, can we say for certain that a working setup on a certain model CRT will work with no hassle with another, differently branded (or just a different model) CRT?

>> No.9585606

where do i get that test pattern?

>> No.9585657


>> No.9585665
File: 1.50 MB, 1074x1384, Screenshot_20230118-105953~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to pick this up from a local recycling store tomorrow. My grandparents had the same HP pavilion when I was a child and I'm wanting to find all the necessary components to set one up as a Windows 98 or XP gaming machine.

>> No.9585668

>display port to SCART adapter
Are those even a thing? I've always seen anons talking about DP to VGA and then some sort of (probably DIY) VGA to SCART adapter combining the sync signals.

>> No.9585669
File: 119 KB, 749x1080, vintage-retro-hp-pavilion-xe783_1_17d520e2cc2949bc6f85fd2d8234231a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does anyone know anything about procuring a new PSU for an old PC? I'm sure standards were different, but I know nothing about PCs pre-2015 in terms of construction.

>> No.9585687

If it's ATX it should just be a drop-in replacement. Look at the amps available per voltage rail though. Older computers sucked up more power from the 5v line than modern computers, which do that instead on the 12v line.

>> No.9585715

i have the mx50, which looks very similar. i think the 70 does around 70kHz horizontal. be gentle with the base, though, mine cracked just from setting the monitor down.

>> No.9585750
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_0143.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arrived today

>> No.9585752

>can we say for certain that a working setup on a certain model CRT will work with no hassle with another, differently branded (or just a different model) CRT?
if we're talking sd component, the only reason i can think of that this wouldn't be the case is if the crt doesn't properly display a 240p component signal, but that only applies to hd sets afaik.
there was this WIP pastebin, but it's not much

>> No.9585820

use 2560x240 and enable super resolution in retroarch.

>> No.9585825

must have something set up wrong or that is one shitty adapter.
check for interference in your room

>> No.9585839

it's going through a 2nd adapter to a cheapass portable tv, that's probably the best i can get its picture quality to

>> No.9585859
File: 487 KB, 600x794, 1655136977183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys didn't, I made several threads on how to connect my pal crt to my pc through "vga to scart" cable.
A lot of generous anons here helped me.
But when I used my crt again, I saw these white vertical lines "jail bars" that were really annoying, I thought that tv was like this when I got it.
So I got another small crt (works fine with no issues), connected it to my pc and then the same problem?
Turns out, when I connect my crt to my pc, the tv gets fucked, I don't know why.
I had to find a third crt and I swore to never connect it again to my pc.
Thanks for listening

>> No.9586443

anybody using a crt monitor as second screen on linux? Shit is dim as fuck, what to do? It worked fine on windows and now is really dark at full broghtness

>> No.9586453

No idea what causes that but I've seen it on several Sony WEGA TVs. I highly doubt connecting to your PC is the issue.

>> No.9586497
File: 87 KB, 194x228, nintendo_world_class_service.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a trinny with a bit of bowing. be careful with the service menu: you can get those box corners looking straighter, but, it can warp the rest of geometry in scrolling pretty badly.
i just deal with the edges bowing at the price of the scrolling and the center having correct(ish) geometry. just make sure you test it properly: that box pic and those edges aren't everything.

>> No.9586719
File: 448 KB, 1024x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone familiar with this "configure crtc # failed" error? I get it while trying to set 320x240@120hz into a crt monitor as second screen. (not my pic but I get the same error)

>> No.9586767
File: 2.54 MB, 3648x2736, 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9586965

does the tv have fine-tuning?

>> No.9586987
File: 73 KB, 800x800, tarjeta-grafica-arcade-vga-1gb-gddr5-pci-express.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9587160

your PC cant do 240p

>> No.9587171

so i've played through this, 2 (last night), and 3
on original hardware, i think pt1 might be a conversion
but 2 &3 have the foil effect on the label

which slug was the best? 3?

>> No.9587172

i never used mint for that honestly
i did have some 4:3 lcd panels i got for free in college mint played fine with those over vga?

i was using a 2008 macbook and daisychaining adapters
so technically it was probably still a digital signal

sorry anon

>> No.9587175
File: 225 KB, 640x480, backgroundDefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working how?
i use mine but i dont use it to connect to a crt
another anon was posting in the previous thread showing various rgb>scart adapters and one that does vga>s-video

i dont have an rgb tvset to test directly
but when i use a keene electronics rgb>s-vid adapter it takes the signal from the tink and displays a (somewhat useable) signal in composite\s-vid

hope that helps

>> No.9587178

i made my post autistic\confusing

>i dont NORMALLY use the tink to blast to a crt
it WILL work though if you have a set that can process the signal either rgb or converted with a lagless\analog converter of some sort

>> No.9587179


I use that along with a VGA2SCART for my CRT_EmuDriver PC and it works just fine

>> No.9587181

I tried this kinda shit and it looks terrible in motion.

>> No.9587182

how can a crt display more than 60hz?
how can a crt possible display MORE frames than what it was built to show?

its refresh rate is hardset by the manufacturer right? for most normie consumer crt tv sets designed for watching tv

>> No.9587189

>how can a crt display more than 60hz?
VGA crts can
There's a trick where you double the framerate to get in range of horizontal frequency supported by VGA CRTs to trick them into displaying 240p but since the games you're gonna emulate will be running at 60 fps it will double each frame and look like shit in motion.

>> No.9587191

He’s talking about a monitor which is 31khz, not 15khz

>> No.9587205
File: 2.41 MB, 1077x1429, Screenshot 2023-01-20 040336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i dont know what im doing wrong
no matter what vga source i throw at this thing i never get any semblance of a picture on ANY crt

it probably is laggy af anyways
but it was cheap, CiB and i just wanted to play rpgs ;_:

what am i missing?

>> No.9587208

maybe i can configure the mister to poop out the exact resolution\refresh rate this thing wants?
or pi3?

i hate the idea of it just being a paperweight

>> No.9587212
File: 136 KB, 677x901, NOamnot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my original plan was to build a windows box that could run coinopsgold++ and have a mini arcade setup
but realistically i think this box might have some latency issues even if i get it up and running

>> No.9587238

>There's a trick where you double the framerate to get in range of horizontal frequency supported by VGA CRTs to trick them into displaying 240p but since the games you're gonna emulate will be running at 60 fps it will double each frame and look like shit in motion.
It looks fine. all BFI does is make it look vaguely dimmer

>> No.9587261

what are the setups you've tried so far, and have you confirmed that everything else in the signal chain is working as expected?

>> No.9587275

We're not talking about BFI here

>> No.9587286

>maybe i can configure the mister to poop out the exact resolution\refresh rate this thing wants?
Get YC cores, hack together vga and s-video cables and skip this fucking thing altogether.
Also I suspect that if the thing worked it would output interlaced signal anyway.

>> No.9587338

Except it can. What it can't do is give a 15khz signal. Since I was trying 240@120hz the signal ends up being ~31khz which is fine for a crt MONITOR

I think you can kinda fix that with bfi.

I know it won't be 100% the real thing but I'm doing what I can with what I have

>> No.9587417

I honestly think playing the games in 480p with 100% scanline filter would look better than 120Hz shit, even if you figure out how to add bfi.

>> No.9587427

for me it's integer scaling

>> No.9587430

it could just be DOA honestly
i have never procured a signal out of it besides vga passthrough to a pc crt monitor

i have tried a few of those pandora pcb that have the vga output built in but maybe they are producing a signal that is too high resolution\off-scec

>> No.9587540

Happened to me as well. Use super resolutions anon, instead of 320x240 try something like 1280x240 for a 4x scaling. Don't worry though, CRTs don't really care about horizontal resolution.

Any links for the adapters anons?

Try configuring the brightness through xrandr, I think the parameter is --brightness but I'm not really sure, try first with a 1.1 brightness and just make it bigger if it's still dim.

>> No.9587628
File: 1015 KB, 500x375, 6zN36c0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will give it a try

could you elaborate?

tried 2560x240 and no dice, should I try other super res?

>> No.9587658

With no dice you mean xrandr outputted the same message? If not, yeah, try with another modeline. I haven't had luck with 2560 super resolutions, only with 1280 and 1440. This is the one I use, perhaps it will work for you as well?

"1440x240_4" 26.7168 1440 1480 1580 1698 240 243 246 262 -HSync -VSync

If it doesn't work output this one first and then the 1440 one:

"1280x240p_4" 26.0642 1280 1440 1568 1658 240 258 262 262 -HSync -VSync

>> No.9587661

only has brightness, contrast, and vertical hold

>> No.9587706

>could you elaborate?
outputting 640x480 60Hz and setting emulators to do integer scaling, giving linedoubled 240p. same as the other suggestion to play in 480p with a scanline filter, but without the scanline filter.

>> No.9587807

might do it automatically, then. fine tuning can clean some snow from an rf signal

could be, but if it were me i'd troubleshoot it first, confirm that you're giving it a vga signal within the specifications, check the cables you're using, and make sure the tv you're using can display an s-video/composite signal ok

>> No.9588742
File: 181 KB, 417x493, 1664690376097139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm fucking lost here, does the Saturn always output non-square pixels? What I'm getting implies its full 4:3 output is 352x240p/704x480p and then cut down from that rather than re-proportioned and I haven't seen a real Saturn in 25 years.

>> No.9588743

*480i, fug

>> No.9588985
File: 913 KB, 1040x780, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fucking it, thanks anon. Scanlines look dope but needs some tweaking I think, also dpad on controller doesn't respond ingame for some reason. Anyways, its the best I'm getting I suppose

>> No.9589070

yeah the set works
the modulation boxes i was using worked also

i have to build a toaster pc to do further testing
i'll report back though
maybe the box is low latency and cheap?

>> No.9589318
File: 263 KB, 491x688, 1648423401996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after days of struggling with how to optimize non-square pixel games on my VGA monitor I finally figured out that it looked completely fucked when trying to use arbitrary resolutions just because there's no preset so it defaults all the settings to max, which makes like a 10:1 beveled trapezoid that's half off the screen.

This is pretty much ass for like half the consoles that even use 240p and gives a 240 pixel tall box and/or shimmering and uneven pixels. 2560 allows games with 256, 320, and 512 horizontal resolutions to all be integer scaled to it and even for the 352 width Saturn uses the pixels are narrow enough it hides the unevenness a lot better like when you're scaling on an HD screen. 3840 is the next standard because that also covers the 384x240 resolution used by some Atari stuff, arcade games (most notably Capcom), and some PS1 games (eg. Tomb Raider and Ape Escape) Unfortunately to integer scale the Saturn's 352 width at the same time as 512 you'd need to get up to 16896 and if you wanted to include all the interlaced resolutions you're into the 6 digits, but that's frivolous.

>> No.9589325

60hz is usually just a television thing. CRT monitors usually support a range of horizontal and vertical frequencies rather than just one fixed frequency.

>> No.9589408

What’s your current setup like? I’m struggling to get my VGA monitor looking decent as well. For 480p stuff it’s awesome but anything from the 240p consoles you mentioned is kinda ass.

>> No.9589426
File: 55 KB, 1082x609, saturn_resolution_autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff in a 352-line mode is going to have non-square pixels. If I'm not mistaken a lot of the Capcom CPSII game conversions like Vampire Savior use this resolution, either at 224 or 240 vertical lines. If the vertical resolution is 224 lines, it should mean that it's really 240 lines with 8 empty lines at both the top and bottom of the image. Those 16 pixels on the left and right sides of the image are squashed inwards to fill the same amount of space as 320 pixels normally would. Integer scaling the image would make it look wider than it should. If something is 320x224 or 320x240, you can expect square pixels. That's my understanding of how it works, at least. Someone hop in and correct me if I'm off.

>> No.9589461
File: 120 KB, 727x500, 1631055650695.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else experienced the same issue with d-pad (up-down-left-right) on retroarch? I can use it fine on the menu but ingame It doesn't respond. I'm using linux and tried checking/unchecking the "unified menu controls" thing

>> No.9589484

What do you mean?
Diagonals are a combination of 2 buttons

>> No.9589492

exactly that. I can use all the buttons on the menu but ingame the d-pad doesn't work

>> No.9589498

Maybe you have it mapped wrong or assigned to emulate the analog stick or something. It's easy to mess up the controls in RetroArch since there's general button mapping for the whole frontend AND separate mappings per core.

>> No.9589503

have you got some setting where the DPAD is applied to the stick?
Maybe it'd be better asked in an emulation thread where more people use it

>> No.9589523

nevermind, I switched so only one "profile" is available. I think p2 or something had the same bindings which caused the problem

>> No.9589538
File: 484 KB, 640x960, mariaopsaturndreamcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why the fuck I never thought to check it with the anime FMVs rather than pissing around looking at sprites until now, but that does seem to check out with the Dreamcast version of Sakura Taisen.