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9548312 No.9548312 [Reply] [Original]

what should I do? play on original hardware or master chief collection on pc (with ds4, still have a 360 controller though)?

>> No.9548316 [SPOILER] 
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Play the way the devs meant it to be played

>> No.9548334

gearbox pc port if you want sovl

>> No.9548450

og xbox with duke

>> No.9548458

hate linking to this faggot website but it's the best source for what you want. PC version with a couple tweaks looks the best, plays the best and has online multiplayer (sucks it's basically empty nowadays except for some beaners, but still)

>> No.9548493

Do you want to be able to whip the warthog around and turn on a dime or do you want the warthog to have a massive turning circle?
Play it on PC with a mouse. I don't even use the scorpion anymore when I'm playing through because the warthog is so damn fun when you can actually whip her around.

>> No.9548682

I know it was intended for Mac and I remember the footage back in the day before Halo even released and I was wondering if this was going to be a game changer and bring video games to the Mac.

what went wrong?
Did Apple just not care enough? did Microsoft see the potential and paid an insane amount of money because they KNEW they would need a killer app (I hate that word) for the Xbox?

I mean Halo is pretty much Xbox and maybe the Xbox would have never been a success without Halo.
Fuck I've always been a PC gamer but halo did revolutionize FPS on consoles. If it would have been released for the Mac (which only had one mouse button at that time lol!!!) who knows what FPS on consoles would be like.

Seriously so many what IFs and questions. I know they aimed for Mac because they released Marathon for it before. Is there even a Mac version and clearly it's a port so how well does it play and I'm wondering how late in development they switched from developing for OS6 or whatever it was to Xbox whatever it's called

>> No.9548683

so what's wrong with MMC?

>> No.9548695

IIRC carries over flaws from the gearbox port that can't be as easily patched as they can in the 2003 PC release. also there's just really no reason to give your money to homo companies when the original game is 600mb, easily accessible on tpb and can be modified in 5mins to clean up any loose ends. once you adjust things like the FPS and FOV, it's a killer way to play the game.

>> No.9548701

What makes this game amazing is the multiplayer

I have no idea why people even talk about the campaign

>> No.9548703

>should I play the original game as it was meant to be experienced or that abomination made by those piece of shit 343 faggots who raped, ruined and destroyed Halo

>> No.9548706

I only ever played ODST for like 30 minutes online. It's not for me. I play Halo for the story only.

>> No.9548719

>bring video games to the Mac.
Games were on the mac, it was just never a priority.
>what went wrong?
Bungie was hemorrhaging money after the recall and re-release of Myth 2, Microsoft needed to bolster their library for the Xbox, Bungie was made an offer that would keep them financially stable if they developed for Microsoft.
>Did Apple just not care enough?
Steve Jobs was infamous for being indifferent at best and hostile at worst towards games. He always envisioned Mac as a tool for artists and craftsmen, not software like games.
>gearbox with shit

>> No.9548747

Like all of that shit has been in MCC for the last year and a half, the only shitty thing now is the loading screens and some multiplayer things they don't care enough about.

>> No.9549487

play the original pc port with the 1.10 patch

>> No.9549505

Latest version of MCC with the original graphics mode on. The original Gearbox port is a fucking mess with loads of missing visual effecrs. But of course, we're on /vr/ and people will felate it simply because it's older. 343 sucks but they did actually patch all the old Xbox graphics effects back into the MCC version. It looks, plays and feels exactly like the original but with higher FPS, resolution, mouse+keyboard controls and widescreen. You can turn all that off and just play at 30fps 480p 4:3 with a controller too if that's your thing. Really the only thing that the MCC is missing is the original loading screens. Just play the MCC version, avoid the Gearbox version like the plague.

>> No.9549507

All the lingering issues from the Gearbox port have been completely fixed. I applaud the modders who were working to fix the original PC version but the latest MCC version of Halo 1 already fixed everything a year or so ago, rendering their work obsolete. Just pirate the MCC

>> No.9549518

definitely play it with m/kb, actually feels good to finish off elites with headshots.

>> No.9549525

>Just pirate the MCC
significantly bigger pain in the ass than getting an abandonware download of the gearbox port.

>> No.9549530

nta, but it was a decent port and we got extra maps and weapons for pvp
you can probably still find the silent cartographer demo kicking around somwhere

>> No.9549576

>download over 20GB instead of 1.5GB

>> No.9549592
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>> No.9549598
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>> No.9549607
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and this is with 2 and 3 installed as well.

>> No.9549625

either version is fine, but MCC has mouse look and 60fps
All the Gearbox mishaps have been patched, MCC even has the Xbox HUD now

>> No.9549627

It says 25GB for just installing CEA for me, and mind you that's with only 9GB of that being the CEA DLC, which is not exactly ideal no. The game tries really hard to make you start in the remaster graphics too. H2A is another 29GB because of all the fucking FMVs.

>> No.9549631

Oh yeah, the Xbox version has the most kino loading screens in history. Not worth buying an Xbox for that though if you don't already have one

>> No.9549774

Duke doesn't like Halo though.

>> No.9549848

20 gigs is nothing these days. You must be on a 13 year old machine.

>> No.9549937

I played them all OG, now play MCC.

>> No.9550460

MCC loses a lot of the atmosphere with the unreal engine menus. Loading screens are also pretty distance from what was originally intended.
It's fine if it's your only option, but playing the originals on Xbox is more or the intended experience.

If you do end up playing Anniversary or MCC, make sure to turn off the remastered graphics. They look nice on service level but ruin the atmosphere on some levels. Level geometry is based on the original too so you'll occasionally end up shooting a wall that isn't represented in the remastered version.

>> No.9551552

I got the gearbox version when it came out. I'll never forget this because this was the fastest download I ever had back in the day. It was some software like Kazaa but Shareazer or something. I think the logo was a red square???
It was a bank holiday and I watched Titan AE on TV and at the end of the day I could play halo.

Why do so many hear love the gearbox port? the Xbox version is technically superior, lots of graphical stuff PCs would have struggled with back then.

>play that game as intended by the developers
>use keyboard and mouse so much better

it's a console FPS after all. it showed that FPS with a controller was possible. keyboard and mouse beats the entire point, PC fags.

>> No.9551561
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shareaza is still going strong, suprisingly

>> No.9551563


i don't have to pirate the MMC.
I got the MMC via steam but I also have game pass but I also have the gearbox port but I also have it for my original Xbox

so this was never about what version I could get without trouble but which one is the best. I am happy to hear that they fixed a lot with the MMC nowadays. I wasn't aware of that.
Wondering if there is some adapter that lets me play with the Duke on PC.

I'm also wondering where the Xbox 360 anniversary edition (which I also own) lies technically.

I've to admit (sorry purists) but playing the original in 4K is tempting.

>> No.9551564

It wasn't even a first person shooter before Microsoft bought Bungie. Pretty sure it was still being developed as an RTS or something similar.

>> No.9551578

man thanks a lot!
I'm impressed that thing still exists and has an active user base even today. I didn't know.

I downloaded emule a while ago because I wanted to download
>bring em back alive
but I can't find that TV show anywhere and I didn't find any seeders on emule either
i don't even know how Shareaza works exactly like I know how a torrent works but this is P2P?

>> No.9551580

yeah, it's P2P

>> No.9551696

It was a third person shooter already in 1998. Basically the third person vehicles in the final game are a carry over but they changed on foot gameplay to first person to deal with issues with enclosed indoor areas and aiming.

>> No.9553035

Report back on MCC 4K original graphics pls

>> No.9553529

This. Jobs notoriously hated gaming. I remember one keynote where they actually demo’d Halo and he introduced it very dismissively, like “here’s some game, if you’re into that sort of thing…” I think he had so much antipathy for apple being involved in pc gaming because the company had tried and disastrously failed to enter the market in the late 80s-90s after he got exiled from the company.

Just get an Xbox or Xbox 360. They’re all over the place on eBay for bargain prices wi5 huge game bundles. Or do an oem retro pc. MCC was fucked from the beginning and so damn disappointing beyond a few cosmetic polishes. Also recognize that Infinite has solidified Halo as a declining franchise.

>> No.9553531

Does the MCC PC version of Halo 1 still have issues with co-op where you'll randomly get frozen in place unable to move? I remember having weird issues like that in Halo 1 when it first came out on MCC but none of the other Halos had this problem for me.

>> No.9553568
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Performance is bad enough on 360 I'm not sure I'd say it's worth it at this point. Plus Halo 2 is so fucking weird on there, there's that strange ghosting/burn-in bug and the fucked up HUD scaling.

>Or do an oem retro pc.
Oh wait you're retarded never mind.

>> No.9553690

>nta, but it was a decent port
No it fucking wasn't
>missing visual effects
>game runs at 60 fps but animations still timed for the original 30
>MCC was fucked from the beginning
FOR THE BILLIONTH FUCKING TIME the visual issues were fixed on MCC like a year ago.