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File: 147 KB, 663x650, 8570-unreal-gold-windows-other.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9546776 No.9546776 [Reply] [Original]

>Source code leaked three years ago
>Nobody has done anyway because Tim's a butthurt
>NightDive wanted to remaster it but Tim said NO, and now one nigger is doing the job
>Became abandoware because of a lawsuit against Fortnite
>Online is at verge of shutdown
Unreal bread i guess?...

>> No.9546786
File: 547 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never *got* its reputation as a tech demo. I've played plenty of old PC and console games and I can't see how at any point exiting the vortex rikers was impressive. I've heard like every vocal tech nerd and pc fag from the past 20 years praise it "how big" it was despite there being plenty of bigger games at the time.

Seriously someone enlighten me. What was the big deal? What were these people coming from that pic related was seen as jaw dropping.

>> No.9546798

I have the GoG version. I should play this. I only played Unreal 2 on the og xbox back in the day but it was a lot of fun. Is this similar?

>> No.9546803

can I get a qrd on this series? I've always heard of it but don't really know anything about it. Was it like the first online multiplayer FPS?

>> No.9546814

>because of a lawsuit against Fortnite
Care to elaborate?

>> No.9546831


>While Epic are totally guilty in this case of lining Fortnite with 'dark pattern' psychologies throughout the microtransaction system in Fortnite which mostly exploit (but not limited to) younger users, the FTC is also guilty too of driving the Unreal franchise off of storefronts.
>As part of the FTC's punishment towards Epic, the FTC basically (in a heavy handed and non legal way) invoked COPPA, and are now claiming that "Just because a game is labelled as mature or has a mature age rating, does not prevent underage users from playing it", meaning the FTC are threatening Epic that an age rating is not enough anymore, and give or take threatened them to either add COPPA compliant overarching parental controls to these titles or remove them from being sold.

>> No.9546863

In my eyes, pretty much the lighting and how easily it was to mod the fuck out of it.

>> No.9546864

there's no fog or trickery going on, can you *get* that? there's birds flying in the sky, if you shoot them they fall all the way down to the ground in front of you dead

>> No.9546867

It did a better job at presentation than Quake 2 or Half-Life, honestly.
The fog and music were used pretty effectively and the textures were better.

>> No.9546920

Just played the first couple levels, definitely enjoying the graphics. The use of lighting really helps. Pretty simplistic and straight forward so far, shoot x and press button or valve to move to next area. The opening is some pretty good atmosphere, third stage is pretty generic. When do I get to the castle in the opening?

>> No.9546972

It was among a group of games that were at the top of the genre for a minute.

>> No.9547095

I think you had to be there. Overall the lighting, the high polygon count, the art direction (color!), the fucking water, and the giant levels with no loading screens between sub areas. I mean the SPIRE is just one big ass level. Also the castle at the end is amazing.

Not only that but the gameplay is really fun with creative weapons and challenging (good) AI.

The castle is the second to last level in the game, and is the final level in the "world of unreal".

>> No.9547119
File: 46 KB, 602x452, unreal glide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plenty of bigger games at the time
>What were these people coming from that pic related was seen as jaw dropping.
What were the bigger games at the time in terms of real 3D levels and not faked 3D/2.5D stuff? What did graphics more impressive than pic-related in a FPS prior to this? The year before Unreal, there was Blood and Shadow Warrior, and Goldeneye on the N64. The year prior to that, we got Quake. Three years before that, Doom. Quake was good but I'm not gonna pretend the levels were fuck-heug and full of open spaces like Unreal. While the Glide version of Quake does have lighting effects, I don't recall seeing any reflection effects like Unreal had. Quake wasn't originally released with a Voodoo card in mind, since it released shortly prior, and didn't have Glide support on release.

>> No.9547132

I think Half-Life is more impressive, it doesn't have the repetition problem Unreal does. Unreal seems exciting until you get a few stages in and it reveals how 95% of the encounters are the same skaarj ambushes repeated. Unreal has fancy concepts but shit execution way too often.

>> No.9547175

Very different design philosophies underpinning these games. I personally prefer the story driven, episodic design of Half Life in spite of graphical shortcomings. Presumably the Unreal game design team was smaller?

>> No.9547235

I was thinking more in terms of first impressions. The crashed ship in particular I thought was an amazingly good start. The majority of it was forgettable, yeah. I remember the beginning and the end and nothing else. Half-Life was solid throughout but it never really wowed me at any point the way Quake 2 or Unreal did.

>> No.9547275
File: 257 KB, 750x738, 1665364345835439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hadn't seen anything that looked as good when it came out, looked better than Quake 2 on our Voodoo 2. God-tier music. It's a completely different game to half Life. I guess Tim doesn't want it associated with the engine now.

>> No.9547286

Massive outdoor environments with limitless draw distances in a polygonal 3D world
Incredible lighting effects with procedural animations
High res light maps
Procedural texture animations
Steve Polge's Bot AI
Amazing software renderer
Volumetric fog - even in software!
Amazing use of ambient sounds
Detail textures (not quite bumpmaps, but almost)
Shipped with fully tooled level editor

All of these things were cutting edge at the time.

>> No.9547287

Half-Life is much better in long term because it has a lot better storytelling and progression but Unreal had a much bigger imeddiate impact when you first saw it. I remember being absolutely blown away by it when I was like 10 or 11, when it came out.

>> No.9547482

is the source anywhere on git or something?

>> No.9547681

It's on Archive.org

>> No.9547712

Is the same as the one on Github?
I was able to compile that, but it's incompatible with the files of the final game. The associated Discord server is also just full of Russians talking about STALKER, so they are of no help.

>> No.9547728

It's much better than Unreal 2

>> No.9547782

The one in Archive.org it's the raw source code of the retail CD (v200), it also has the resource files from the 1998 Retail disc.
>I was able to compile that, but it's incompatible with the files of the final game.
Maybe you need the files from that release

>> No.9547784


>> No.9547851

we have a ut2004 with dx12 and vulkan but obviously we can't release it

>> No.9547862

>Online is at verge of shutdown
that game, ut99, and for some reason unreal 2, they have community master servers, and ut2004 can use openspy
ut4uu guy is making the ut4 master servers, already did the authentication
ut3 is the game truly fucked, nobody cares about that game, I assure you they will block modding in the eos release

>> No.9547864

1998 Retail CD:

>> No.9547870

what other game had that render distance in that year?
I was impressed by the deku tree that year, not even hyrule field, this was 10 times bigger

>> No.9547879
File: 180 KB, 634x833, PmumOFITMdtx4XgJazVWpjyiXVB_Q9QOODhKrXxHbCY[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too young.

>> No.9548161

whatever happened to that n64 version?

>> No.9548294

What other game was rendering big ass flat polygons

>> No.9548315

those are also not flat polygons

>> No.9548327

you needed to rewrite the entire engine, same with the ps1 version

>> No.9548338

The entire cliffside in >>9546786 is 3 giant polygons anon

>> No.9548340

>Nobody has done anyway because Tim's a butthurt
Nobody's done anything because Epic Megagays has more money than apple and more lawyers on retainer than Warren Buffet. You fucking idiot, you can never do shit with leaked source code other than paint a fat target on your stupid ass.

>> No.9548357

it clearly has a diffuse texture

>> No.9548367
File: 37 KB, 885x511, bruh_tm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can never do shit with leaked source code
>He doesn't know about Star Fox EX and Duke Nukem Forever 2001 restoration project WHICH IS MOSTLY LEAKED CODE
lol, lmao, kek even

>> No.9548381

They will be releasing a free to play version of UT3 in a few months

>> No.9548386
File: 30 KB, 375x187, 1642797593350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody has done anyway because Tim's a butthurt
if only you knew

>> No.9548389

>I assure you they will block modding in the eos release
eos = epic online services

>> No.9548391

Unreal is mediocre and UT was much better

>> No.9548414
File: 38 KB, 600x600, citationneeded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay but who is this guy to just release info like that in a random gog forum?

>> No.9548446

zoomer moment

>> No.9548645

>He doesn't know about Star Fox EX and Duke Nukem Forever 2001 restoration project
If those are your examples you're just furthering my point. What happened to the leaked Half-Life 2 source code? Right, some German moron got community service for a few years.

>> No.9548650

>asks for examples
>examples given
>"nu-uh these don't count"

you're an absolute retard

>> No.9548654

>no argument
>go back to previous null point out of frustration and impotence.
Get your shit together, kid. You argue like a hysterical woman.

>> No.9548748

>What happened to the leaked Half-Life 2 source code?
A russian dude did a port for Android with the leaked source, only TF2 didn't got ported, and it's because TF2 fanbase is annoying af

>> No.9549178


>> No.9549182

check https://4chan.org/banned you stuck fuck

>> No.9549207

It's like 60 at least.

>> No.9549245

It started out as an FPS where you break out of an alien prison and liberate slaves or something.
I didn't hear much about the gameplay, mostly how graphically advanced and beautiful it was for the time. It's where the Unreal Engine came from. From what I can gather it's got crazy weapons, but the combat can get repetitive.
They then came out with Unreal Tournament which I've heard plenty good things about.

>> No.9549356

Because the omahe was framed to be that. You didn't walk out of the vortex rikers and stare at a wall. You saw rocks, a shack in the distance, a pond, the ship, colored lighting, etc. You didn't run up to the most unflattering angle and say "it's shit" because it wouldn't get (you)s on a laotian fishing boat forum.

>> No.9549379

Image. Phoneposting like a fuck

>> No.9549456

>What was the big deal?
before 3D accelerator cards were a thing it was all about software rendering. at the time Quake was the best until Unreal came out. a few things I remember Unreal software engine could do that Quake software engine couldn't: reflections, colored lighting, and fog. also it ran at higher FPS

I sort of hate video cards and CPUs these days you just don't see this kind of tech magic anymore where the programmers have to outsmart the processors