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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9543304 No.9543304 [Reply] [Original]

>General Info

>Where To Buy
If starting from scratch, get a DE-10 Nano directly from Terasic.

>Community Trusted Stores
North America

>How to play on a CRT

>> No.9543314

When will Stratix be affordable?

>> No.9543334

I don't think very many of those bleeding edge FPGA's will ever be affordable. This is why Sorg is using the DE-10 Nano since it's the cheapest for the performance you can get out of it. What I want to know is when is someone going to make their dream console core.

>> No.9543340

Would a Sony Trinitron KV27FS100 be a good pair with a MiSTer? How is the geometry/convergence on it? I would use it mostly for 8bit and 16bit games, arcade games, and a lot of shmups/action/platformer

>> No.9543343

Is it possible to overclock SNES CPU/Super FX CPU using the MiSTer core?

>> No.9543418

After doing a quick google search, I learned that the KV-27FS100 has component at 480i only which makes it perfect for pairing it with the Analog I/O board and simply using a VGA to component breakout. Cleanest analog picture you can get on a stock consumer tube. Personally, my only concern is that since it's a flat panel (as opposed to curved), it will most likely have noticeable geometry warping which is very common but easy to get used to. I don't have personal experience with this set though and only basing my assumption on previous experience with Sony flat tubes.

Yeah, there is a setting if you look through the core's OSD options. Increasing the clockspeed to turbo helped me out a ton in several games that don't have the SA-1 patch like Battle Pinball. Unfortunately, I don't think it helps much in a game like Starfox which still chugs.

>> No.9543425

Awesome thanks

>> No.9543828

>Cleanest analog picture you can get on a stock consumer tube
direct video is better, but the MiSTer IO board is still awesome.

>> No.9543847

Ah yeah, I continue to neglect that you get better color space using direct video from the DE-10 Nano.

>> No.9543864

I actually had this TV, and a MiSTer. Colours look good, image is sharp, but the flat panel caused geometry warping that bugged the hell out of me since I play a lot of action/platformer/shmups. I had it for over a year but sold it because I never could get used to the rippling, even after I adjusted convergence as best as I could.

Maybe you’d be fine and I’ve just got advanced autism, but I wanted to provide a counterpoint.

>> No.9544076

Is there any easy way to hook up MiSTer to a CRT with only composite/RCA connections without any extra lag and with good image quality? Or should I only be looking for TVs with component connections?

>> No.9544312

>rippling, even after I adjusted convergence as best as I could.
Good news: you aren't autistic.

>> No.9544315

There some new developments there, but i can never figure out quite what. Not sure if it's cores that output composite natively, or if more hardware is needed, even if not much.

>> No.9544328

Yea, you can even set the frequency yourself if you compile the core in intel quartus, a long time to compile cores tho, like a good 20-30minutes even with a good cpu

>> No.9544334

>Is there any easy way to hook up MiSTer to a CRT with only composite/RCA connections without any extra lag and with good image quality? Or should I only be looking for TVs with component connections?
easiest way would be to just find a RGB VGA -> composite encoder, if it's an analog encoder there will be zero lag

>> No.9544431

No thanks, I'll stick to using my PC for emulation. Not some gay little emulation box.

>> No.9544432

Okay. See you next thread anon.

>> No.9544446

My mom’s going to be so proud to hear that!

>> No.9544535

mister, when you want something that can't even emulate the SID chip properly

>> No.9544590

still no god damn analog video support for 32X core

color\tint is WAY off
im using antonios adapter
i flipped my original mister setup for 300$ markup
repurchased everything a month ago
still the same faggy problems

worth it for:
pc engine cd
sega cd
bally astrocade

>> No.9544629

look up MikeS Y/C adapter. It's currently the best way to get composite without any lag. I suggest waiting for the active adapter of that to come out within this and next month which gives you the best possible composite signal.


>> No.9544637

I mostly got it for PC-Engine, Genesis, NeoGeo and CPS-II. Already had a PlayStation but the release of a core was the icing on the cake. As far as Saturn goes, I just want to play the superior PlayStation counterparts of arcade ports since my 27" CRT is not really ideal for playing TATE mode without pretending the game is a horizontal shooter.

>> No.9546157

Hyped up for MSX1 core getting MSX2 support. Screw that 1chpMSX core, it's too inconvenient.

>> No.9546175

update_all doesnt download arcade roms, right? just the cores? is there a pre-packaged arcade romset for games that has an arcade core?

>> No.9546178

you have to turn the setting on in the options for it to download the roms iirc

>> No.9546186

well shit, thanks. that's way easier than setting up arcade roms manually

>> No.9546208

>This is why Sorg is using the DE-10 Nano since it's the cheapest for the performance you can get out of it. What I want to know is when is someone going to make their dream console core.

It's the cheapest even compared to dozens of others that perform worse... and are just a FPGA alone with no additional ARM CPU on the board. It being subsidized is the main reason the DE-10 nano is used, if some weaker one that could only do up to SNES was the only available subsidized board, they would be using that instead even if the DE-10 still existed at full price. Shame that it's likely never going to do N64 but I guess we should consider it lucky that one that can do up to PS1/Saturn is a subsidized model. I can't imagine how absurd even if subsidized a board that could handle up to Gen 6 would cost.

>> No.9546274

Unironically, I would have settled for a timeline where the MiSTer could only do up to 4th gen consoles and arcade hardware.

By the way, for anybody that doesn't know, MiSTer is derived from the MiST project. Can't remember why Sorg forked but I seem to remember it being drama.
This video demonstrates the MiST.

>> No.9546298

Sorg wanted an HDMI output. MiST only does VGA.

>> No.9546310

I see, that makes a lot of sense since HDMI is compatible with dang near anything if you wire things up correctly.

>> No.9546315

It is ironic that MiSTer tirned out so convenient to use with analog displays, while the project lead originally just wanted to play retro games on a modern monitor.

>> No.9546326

Well, Sorg did develop the Analog I/O board, didn't he? I presume mostly for VGA monitors, but I don't think he expected the perseverance of people who would rather play on a consumer tube. Kitrinx did express a lot of concern with unforeseeable bugs or incompatibilities which is why the main dev team was apprehensive about proper composite or s-video output.

>> No.9546331
File: 891 KB, 1441x1264, IMG_20221125_154557~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no god damn analog video support for 32X core
What makes you think that? Picture definitely related.

>> No.9546362

>300 million gates

>> No.9546367

just fucking enjoy the games mou~

>> No.9546403
File: 3.79 MB, 2999x3000, IMG_20221219_095220~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your neural network needs some improvement.

>> No.9546440

>Yeah, there is a setting if you look through the core's OSD options. Increasing the clockspeed to turbo helped me out a ton in several games that don't have the SA-1 patch like Battle Pinball. Unfortunately, I don't think it helps much in a game like Starfox which still chugs.

That's unfortunate to hear, I definitely get FPS increases on FX games when I virtually overclock the FX chip on software emulation, I was hoping it would be the same if MiSter had CPU and FX overclocking options. Have you ever tried those 30FPS and 60FPS patches for Starfox 1 and 2 which require an emulator running an SNES overclock to function properly on MiSTer? Curious if they would work on it with an overclock applied.

Surprised there is an option to download ROMs like that. Usually the emulation/homebrew dev communities are very autistic about "no piracy!" and banning you if you ever even imply you downloaded ROMs instead of dumped them yourself.

Yeah, I am well aware it started out as the MiST project and had Sorg take it and turn it into something far more than just a FPGA based Amiga and AtariST emulator.

Speaking of which, how well does it do with HDMI output? I am likely just going to use it on a modern TV or monitor. Is it still viable to use HDMI or is there significant lag or other issues that make analog far more preferable? I don't like dealing with large clunky CRTs anymore, also don't have a lot of room for them.

>YFW the Cyclone V has a "mere" 300K gates
I assume this thing is meant to be able to prototype modern embedded CPUs over FPGA? Must cost in the millions, could probably do at least up to PS3.

>> No.9546468

I finally have my mister set up with a lot of games on it... and I have no idea what to play, too much choice

>> No.9546480

Play Outrun

>> No.9546484

>Have you ever tried those 30FPS and 60FPS patches for Starfox 1 and 2 which require an emulator running an SNES overclock to function properly on MiSTer?
I wouldn't mind testing it out if you can link me to your preferred resource.

>how well does it do with HDMI output?
That is actually the DE-10 Nano's native output. To mitigate display lag as much as possible, make sure the DE-10 Nano is rendering at your monitor's native resolution; highest it seems to do is 1440p@core's refresh rate, in order to prevent the display from processing the image through it's internal upscaler, and after that all you are left with is the display's own lag.

>Is it still viable to use HDMI or is there significant lag
At this point, if lag is still a concern, using SNAC will provide virtually no lag but there are USB options with arguably unnoticeable lag. The main advantage of using a digital display is that you don't have to tilt your display to play vertically oriented games (not just SHMUPs use this orientation).
>issues that make analog far more preferable
Regarding analog and CRTs, I recommend going through the playlist below that covers these topics in much better detail. The best summary I can make is that you get the game's intended input timing and appearance using a CRT as your display.

Soldier Blade on the TG16 core.

>> No.9546487

>Soldier Blade on the TG16 core.
sure I'll try that
not into it

>> No.9546494

how are you getting composite signal anon.

>> No.9546498

That's RGB

>> No.9546506

>I wouldn't mind testing it out if you can link me to your preferred resource.



They're intended to only work in emulators, but that's because they require a CPU overclock. I don't think anyone has tested them on a MiSTer. There are instructions on how the emulator's overclock is supposed to be setup and various different versions of the patch that change the framerate in different ways.

>but there are USB options with arguably unnoticeable lag
Any specific ones you're aware of?

>Regarding analog and CRTs, I recommend going through the playlist below that covers these topics in much better detail. The best summary I can make is that you get the game's intended input timing and appearance using a CRT as your display.
Yeah, I am aware of games using checkerboard and flickering to fake transparencies, additional colors, and other tricks back in the day. Wasn't that more though due to the poorer quality RF or Composite connections instead of the CRT though? I remember being confused when I first heard of ZSNES over 20 years ago why there was so many checkerboard visuals in games despite my monitor obviously being CRT at the time. Wouldn't the RGB/Composite/VGA outputs the MiSTer has still be too high quality for these effects that depend on blur to work properly?

>> No.9546539 [DELETED] 

Well, let's hope this thread doesn't go anywhere by the time I get home. As a bonus, I'll see about uploading video footage and not just a text post.

>> No.9546547

Well, let's hope this thread doesn't go anywhere by the time I get home. As a bonus, I'll see about uploading video footage and not just a text post.

>Any specific ones you're aware of?
This database has most of that information. If you need more details, the original spreadsheet is linked on there too. One bit of hardware not listen there is the Pico Fighting Board which has less than 1ms, but this is for arcade stick (and hitbox) users.

>> No.9546548
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 240npl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FGPA Everdrive and system>Aya Neo pro>>AnbernicRG552>Anberic 351p>Analouge Pocket>Odroid>>Odin>Aya Neo regular>Anberic 353p>>Retro Pocket 2/2+>Raspberry Pi>>Coolboy rs-97+>Evercade>>>Miyoo>>Powkiddy v90>Minisforum>>pirate multicart>>>Powkiddy a66>Coolboy rs-97>>MiSTER

>> No.9546549

This has input lag tests for usb controllers https://rpubs.com/misteraddons/inputlatency
You can sort by lowest to highest latency and see if there's anything that looks cheap and usable. There's a lot that have around 1ms latency like the M30 that I'm using

>> No.9546568

>Wasn't that more though due to the poorer quality RF or Composite connections instead of the CRT though? I remember being confused when I first heard of ZSNES over 20 years ago why there was so many checkerboard visuals in games despite my monitor obviously being CRT at the time. Wouldn't the RGB/Composite/VGA outputs the MiSTer has still be too high quality for these effects that depend on blur to work properly?
I've been wondering about this, I tried playing some snes games and I noticed that the shadow flickering is very noticeable even on RGB, I should try some composite

>> No.9546660

>Wouldn't the RGB/Composite/VGA outputs the MiSTer has still be too high quality for these effects that depend on blur to work properly?
The MiSTer can output to composite natively now with MikeS' Y/C board and the unofficial Y/C cores. The active filtering Y/C board has the best you can get out of composite which does away with the rainbowing and dot crawl. The Y/C board also comes with S-Video output if you want a cleaner signal for text heavy games or arcade games that were meant to be displayed on RGB monitors.

>> No.9546791

Sadly, I could not get these hacks to run on the MiSTer even with FX and CPU at turbo. If it's of any value, setting both chips at turbo does make vanilla SF1 slightly more playable than with stock settings. Also, I did check out the Star Fox EX romhack a while ago, and for MiSTer, you have to specifically use the hardware version of the ROM hack. Same result as with with and without overclock settings.

>> No.9546850

I see, shame that it did not work but it was a bit of a long shot, thanks for trying it. Did you verify the hacks worked in a software emulator? I recall it was tricky to get them to even work in software emulators.

>> No.9546851 [DELETED] 

Placebo scam general

>> No.9546871

I read the page and I don't have any of those software emulators on hand since I haven't had to do any testing for them. It also looks like they can provide you with the specific emulator needed to run the game on their Discord.

>> No.9546882

Any small keyboard recommendation? Kinda sucks one seems necessary.
I've been swapping in my computer keyboard but that's tedious and i dont want a regular USB keyboard when im gaming on the couch

>> No.9546942

MiSTer doesn't support composite, only RGB/VGA/HDMI. If you want composite you will have to go off trac.

>> No.9546962

it do. it also download stupid homebrew roms. I tell it not to dl that crap as well as fonts, docs, and cheats. everybody should disable dling cheats. that fucker downloads every fucking cheat every fucking update thrashing your sd card writes

>> No.9546963

Vic20 with Megacart.

>> No.9547016
File: 339 KB, 1200x1596, IMG_20230105_205714_hdr_kindlephoto-6618840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keyboard isnt necessary. I made pic related and remapped every shortcut to it but I only use it to take screenshots, which is virtually never. I do everything from the game pad by opening up the osd meu by pressing my shortcut Down + Select.

I'll probably use this thing for Coleco in the future. Thats why I switch the numbers around to look like a coleco numpad

>> No.9547138
File: 137 KB, 879x937, 71i0KTfLo3S._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one of these it works great for loading computer games and also for mapping keys to controller buttons for couch gaming. I also have a full size USB keyboard and mouse plugged in, you can keep multiple devices connected.

>> No.9547296
File: 95 KB, 1024x1024, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this keyboard for my htpc setup, love this thing. Smells funny and uses nokia battery. Only if there was a version with trackball since trackpad is not that good. I mean, it works but pretty shitty and to small for me.

Also bros I have a problem. I have a "new" tv, some old sony lcd. Can't make mister work over hdmi. It only works on dvi mode, 1280x720 only but if I launch any core I get no signal. On other lcd every thing worked out of the box. Not that I use it for anything than update_all tho. Is there a way to launch and have control remotely?
Also what's the mister problem with not launching scripts on a crt?

>> No.9547503
File: 137 KB, 375x500, A6b9223422ebe423c86378ddf1ef120a2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is that adapter compared to the Retro Castle adapter?

>> No.9547593

I suspect the Retro Castle adapter works more like a transcoder (Antonio's and Jam's are like this) since it is reportedly compatible with main cores. From what I've read, it still has dot crawl, which is normal without active filtering. These are only worth getting if you are an S-Video user.

MikeS' adapters are merely VGA breakouts which require special Y/C cores in order to display the signal properly. His passive filter adapters are perfect for S-Video users and have minimal artifacts over composite. The active filter will completely eliminate rainbow and dot crawl over composite.

Here is a brief demonstration of that.

>> No.9547608

>newfag doesn't know every thread is a mister general for the branch copevidians

>> No.9547787

>im using antonios adapter
It sucks
You have to use Mike Simone's adapter and YC cores if you want quality composite
It still does look different than composite from the original consoles so if you're autistic about composite specifically Mister is not a replacement for your consoles.

>> No.9547817

>vga to s-video transcoder to hook up to my crt
>toslink to analog converter because the analog out from the i/o board sounds shitty
>extron rgb interface to fix sync issues with some arcade games
>mt32-pi for better music on pc cores
I have so much shit hooked up to my MiSTer. I really just want to consolize it. I have to have these 4 different little boxes next to it if I want to be able to play everything.

>> No.9547858

I'm considering just getting multisystem case. I'm tired of having to drag out the harddrive or have things jutting out of the side.

>> No.9548289
File: 204 KB, 1200x338, pc engine vs mister express case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the MiSTer Express case will be the answer to a lot of people's problems. Someone was chatting up Porkchop about it on the Discord about it and it's basically going to consolidate a lof of the extra wiring and dongle stuff into one PCB. Also, front side USB hub with power and video coming out the back for a cleaner look.

>> No.9548318

That would require getting the board as well.

>> No.9548328

>The MiSTer project was created by Alexey “Sorgelig” Melnikov, and was introduced on GitHub in June 2017.
Not retro.

>> No.9548384

How is FPGA for arcade and is it expected to improve a lot, or is MAME going to still be the main method for years to come?

>> No.9548412

It's limited in the number of games available but significantly better in terms of accuracy. In fact there's now a weird symbiotic relationship where the MiSTer cores use the MAME implementation as a base, figures out the bugs, and then that core ends up being used to fix bugs in MAME.
Same limitations apply though, there's an upper ceiling to how complex the cores can be. I don't even think Model 1 is possible, but CPS3 is being worked on.

>> No.9548486

Out of those two, I prefer the PC Engine! The MiSTer Express looks soulless, I may as well be using my PC.

>> No.9548631

I do like the look of the mister express.

>> No.9548871

>significantly better in terms of accuracy.

>In fact there's now a weird symbiotic relationship where the MiSTer cores use the MAME implementation as a base, figures out the bugs, and then that core ends up being used to fix bugs in MAME.
That's only because the people in charge of MAME now are a bunch of attention whoring troons

Just look at this video

Some guy fixed some sound issues on MAME which among other things allows some arcade games which had surround sound to actually play sound from the correct speakers etc. and he submitted his fixes but Haze and Cuavas being the butthurt troons they are didn't accept it.

There's no reason to run Vanilla MAME anymore
Just run Gour MAME and latest updates instead

>> No.9548894

Someone post it.
Anyway, the people in charge of MAME have always been degenerates who could never have even decide on what the project is. Hopefully the FPGA degenerates can save us

>> No.9548925

Honestly the FPGA faggots are just as bad
Analogue being the worst offenders of course

>> No.9548948

I hope in a few years we'll have more cores built via de-lidding and less from copying emulators.

>> No.9549064 [DELETED] 

>In fact there's now a weird symbiotic relationship where the MiSTer cores use the MAME implementation as a base
you have a source for this?

>> No.9549067

>In fact there's now a weird symbiotic relationship where the MiSTer cores use the MAME implementation as a base

Any examples or sources?

>> No.9549513

Then get to work motherfucker, it’s open source stop freeloading and contribute if you have a problem

>> No.9549590
File: 548 KB, 1920x1080, Multisystem MT32-Pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main issue I have with that thing is my options for a MT-32-Pi. The official adapter only takes a Pi Zero 2, but those things are apparently not powerful enough even if overclocked for some of the more complex MiDi tracks some software might have, the full-sized Pi 4 is.

(P.S. The dude in the video I took this screenshot from did an unbelievably shitty solder job for this thing)

>> No.9549632

This is the most retarded thing people say. "Oh there's a Listeria outbreak? Farming is open source. Better get working!"

>> No.9549747 [DELETED] 

I wish there was a Listerind breakout in your mouth OH SHIIIIIT NIGGA

>> No.9549752

I wish there was a Listerine outbreak in your mouth OH SHIIIIIIIT NIGGA

>> No.9549760

Lol @ this. Reminds me of needing a kinect to turn on your xbox one. Pure trash.

>> No.9549796


>> No.9549828

Xbox One originally shipped with the Kinect, making it cost $100 more than a PS4. And MS used to boast about how the Kinect was required to even turn the console on.

I know that is no longer the case, but I don't recall if they did a 180 on that before or sometime after launch, like that bullshit they attempted by turning physical media into essentially digital by removing any First Sale Doctrine rights.

>> No.9550062

yeah but how does my numpad remind you of that

>> No.9550069

No clue, I am not >>9549760

>> No.9550227
File: 2.11 MB, 2120x1590, 20230107_130710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this one along with the rgb cable, that's the one, right? Do I need the special cores?

>> No.9550249
File: 2.43 MB, 1590x2120, 20230107_132549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is so bad, I used the special core and this was the only settng that loomed somewhat decent, ntsc was all in black and white, all other settings are black and white

>> No.9550727
File: 3.83 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220430_015331669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't recognize the board you posted, but here is what MikeS' looks like. The final Y/C board looks slightly different.

If you're getting black and white image, double check your ini settings.

read up on this to see if anything else here is useful.

>> No.9550808

more like HipSTer huuhuhuhuuhu

>> No.9550921

>I used the special core
You need special adapter for YC cores, what you have is for regular cores and it's gonna suck no matter what.

>> No.9551132

I think only HipSTers buy this piece of crap.

>> No.9551567

only hipster here is you.

>> No.9551686

I guess that's why most MiSter setups tend to be in a square shape

>> No.9551695

I use this one too.

>> No.9551787
File: 41 KB, 545x198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's this one: https://www.antoniovillena.es/store/product/vga-ypbpr-adapter-rca/
>This adapter outputs component video from the VGA connector of your MiSTer. Includes sync on green circuit, so you can use also with direct video (hdmi to vga adapters) and MiSTer without SOG switch like SLIM or DRIVE.
>The composite mode need special cores to work. You can download here these cores.
Maybe I have to make a cable like this?

>> No.9551826


>> No.9552225

Oh I can slightly understand what Antonio was going for here. This is a very weird solution though. If the composite switch does what I think it does, you should just be able to connect a yellow cable on green port, but if not then you will have to use an RCA stereo to mono for composite.

This video might help out more.

>> No.9552251

If that were the case, then I'd build myself a MiSTer. But I haven't because I'm not a HipSTer.

True, Hipsters are a bunch of squares with no sense of style or individuality.

>> No.9552320

Does the 486 core have ethernet or support for external USB devices? I have a USB floppy drive, a serial mouse, and a flightstick, and I'd like to see which of these can work. If ethernet works, does it require a driverm

>> No.9552369

... USB on a 486?

>> No.9552961

It uses the regular mister interface for controllers and such so it might work
Networking needs drivers in dos and windows just like a real PC yeah

>> No.9553281
File: 87 KB, 482x571, 1238549712628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, with DE-10 Nano boards continuing to go up in price and prebuilt units costing even more, how long before we see a potentially more powerful FPGA setup as a future alternative?
Do you think we might see something like what Kevtris' Zimba 3000 project was before he sold out to Analouge?

>> No.9554140

DE-10 Nano is very cheap for what it is, most FPGA are very expensive. There are some cheaper alternatives like Sidi out there which are getting ports of MiSTer cores.

>> No.9554159

What would a more powerful board even be good for? N64? 6th gen is in another league, despite the pressing need for a superior form of emulation.

>> No.9554275

I was hoping that the MiSTer would internally translate USB to IDE and Serial for an emulated mouse and direct floppy access. At least with >>9552961 it means that my two main concerns are covered.

>> No.9554281

N64, Jaguar (may be possible on the DE-10 but memory bandwidth is an issue), the Sega Saturn video card probably. Consolidating the 32X, Mega CD and Mega Drive into one core would be easier. A better PC core with a Pentium or better video card could be built. Nintendo DS and PSP perhaps. Sega Model 1 and other arcade boards, depending on the gate count.
Aside from N64 and perhaps a hypothetical AO586, you're right, not a lot unless there's a massive leap in logic unit count to get to 6th gen.

>> No.9554348

The problem is that the DE-10 is subsidized pretty heavily. Boards with an even weaker FPGA than the DE-10 Nano has on it while also not having the additional ARM CPU or many other components cost several HUNDRED more than the DE-10 Nano does.

By the time there is an affordable FPGA that is more powerful than the Cyclone V... and on a board that has the mandatory additional components like the ARM processor, it will be many many years from now. The DE-10 being a viable board was itself essentially a happy accident, a FPGA and ARM board that happened to be powerful enough for the project while actually being affordable enough for consumers to do, despite it being not intended for consumers at all and for the education or home engineering market.

And like >>9554159 mentioned, currently the DE-10 Nano is able to do just about everything up to Gen 5 except the N64, and Gen 6 is a massive leap in power that said theoretical future "affordable" FPGA would still not be able to do. All a more powerful one would be able to do is N64 and a tiny handful more arcade cores like probably the Sega Model 2.

I don't think that would be viable at all to do. The MiSTer would already be emulating a virtual floppy drive, to mount a USB drive in place of that would be a mess to do as that's several layers of translation when very few users would care to use real floppies instead of just disk images. Plus considering the FPGA replicates the hardware physically it would be far easier to use the SNAC port or GPIO pins to connect it to a real floppy drive instead of a USB or emulated one, but I doubt any core has that functionality as the use-cases for it would be extremely slim.

Last I checked the PS1 core doesn't even support real PS1 memory cards, and that's a considerably bigger use case than people using real floppies on a 486 core.

>> No.9554851

so if the subsidy gets taken away because of all this demand would the mister project be dead?

>> No.9554858

>Mister is not a replacement for your consoles
i would never sell my tower of power anyway anon

but i DO wish i had a better alternative
component trinitrons are v expensive in my area
"i know what i have hurr durr $350+"

>> No.9555289

I can't see it being taken away, but more or less yeah, it would be way too expensive otherwise.

>> No.9555367

kek. good thing i already have mine.

>> No.9555592

>Last I checked the PS1 core doesn't even support real PS1 memory cards
PS1 controllers and memory cards are both supported via SNAC

>> No.9555594

Antonios adapter doesnt require special cores

mikes does

>> No.9555704

I got my trinitron free and also chucked it out when I moved. Consider moving to a real city.

>> No.9555718

Intel will never take away the subsidy because they want a cheap board or there to get new engineers used to using their FPGA tools and not AMD's. It's working, though, even MiSTer core devs are now arguing that the next board should let them use the same development tools.

>> No.9555724

>PS1 controllers and memory cards are both supported via SNAC

I knew controllers were, but I didn't know the memory cards were too. Do they both work at the same time? I recall hearing that if you were using PS1 controllers via SNAC then not even the virtual memory cards would work.

Also any idea if the MemCard PRO has any issues working on a MiSTer?

>> No.9556792
File: 55 KB, 1280x697, PlayStation-Multitap-Adaptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that controller and memory card ports on PS1 are connected to the same bus and can be technically considered a single port split in two. That's why enabling SNAC for PS1 controller forces you to use a physical memory card as it is essentially a part of a controller as far as console thinks. The official PS1 multitap supports memory cards while not being connected to the memory card slot (unlike PS2 multitap which connects to both slots).

>> No.9556806

not that anon, I just ordered a PS1 multitap for the hell of it, since my PS1 is pimped as fuck already. I've tons of weird controllers for it, a Gameshark for the parallel port and a Tomb Raider 3 memory card, might as well go the whole hog.
Does it recognize more than 2 memory cards?

>> No.9557323

Any idea of a MemCardPRO works with the SNAC adapter on the MiSTer?

(Also, I never had a Multitap, but from my understanding only player 1's memory card slot works and the rest don't do anything even on 100% original hardware right?)