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File: 233 KB, 389x260, inverse_grip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
953980 No.953980 [Reply] [Original]

I always hold controllers wrong, because having fingers on all possible buttons is faster than moving thumbs around.

>> No.953990

How is that wrong? Do as you please.

>> No.953997

So pro bro.

>> No.954006

Those are girl hands

>> No.954007

Your brain can acommodate to everything. If it works for you then do it

>> No.954008
File: 56 KB, 1084x493, 2531516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always held the NES and MegaDrive controllers like this, because it's the only adequate way, really. Then I had to twist my fingers on the silly PlayStation controller that was forcing me to hold it conventionally. I still think that using only your thumb on 2+ buttons while other fingers do nothing is stupid as hell, and pressing two buttons with the same finger is even sillier.

Not intended by designers is what he calls "wrong", my literal-minded friend.

And by "friend" I mean not a friend. Might as well explain, since you're a bit slow in this regard; and by "slow" I mean stupid, and by "a bit" I mean quite a bit indeed.

>> No.954009


you'd do well with an arcade stick

>> No.954023

I DO do well with it, thank you. All thanks to me holding the MD controller like that back in the days.

>> No.954037


I can't handle your edge, man.

>> No.954038
File: 136 KB, 620x558, rad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tough luck.

>> No.954040

you sound autistic as fuck, you should know they make accessories for controllers that allow you to do that without flipping the controller.

>> No.954046

Do you take everything as a personal attack?

But yeah, I've seen plenty of people place the controller down and use multiple fingers, particularly button mashing segments or fighting games.

>> No.954062

I have a bad habit of rolling my thumb over to press an NES game pad button instead of lifting my thumb to press it. It doesn't always work and it frustrates me while playing games. So when I speed run, I hold the controller upside down and vertically so I can press all the buttons fast enough.

>> No.954138


The autisim is strong with this one.

>> No.954147

I used to hold controllers like this, but now I use a arcade stick.

>> No.954201


is that... is that Koko B Ware and Owen Hart? ...in a tag team?

>> No.954217

I have my thumb in the middle of the 4 main buttons and just roll it. I still have to move between 2nd analog and them but few games are designed to make that a frequent task.

>> No.954235

you are gay, and by gay i mean a faggot, and by a faggot i mean holy shit fuck you

>> No.954245

This thread is pretty funny. Didn't expect that with such a lame topic at hand.

>> No.954283
File: 32 KB, 403x318, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a friend who used to play N64 like this. If you can't tell from the shitty drawing, he would hold the left handle, and extend his thumb over to use the analog stick. I have no idea why. It didn't really seem to hinder him, though.

>> No.954429

What about the z button?

>> No.954472

Sounds like a job for the knee.

>> No.954502

Pretty sure most games let you use the L button in lieu of the Z button.

>> No.954506

I have never even imagined anything like this being possible. Thank you for opening my mind.

>> No.954557


I do something similar to this but I grip the stick with my thumb and index finger. Something about only having 1 finger on the stick I feel I don't have enough control. I hit z with my right middle finger. Been doing this since '96 when i was 9 years old and just recently beat all cups on master in f-zero x so it clearly works fine for me.

I don't have the same feeling of lack of control with the PlayStation controller though and I hold that normally. Maybe because the sticks are bigger I don't know.

>> No.954563
File: 25 KB, 500x375, avenger_sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.954624

My dad does this.

The N64 controller really was the one for 3-handed aliens.

>> No.954628

Middle finger right hand

>> No.954632
File: 1.76 MB, 1060x1060, u don it now arry porrer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god, I did this and I don't know anyone else who did. I learned it by watching my dad do it and it just seemed right. Every time I'd see my friends use the controller the proper way I'd think it was insane and tell them they were using it wrong. I was like 10 or 11 or something.

>> No.954648

>hold an N64 backwards
>suddenly, the analog and button placement makes perfect sense and isn't the least bit awkward

>> No.954660

Does anyone have the picture of how that Super Metroid speedrunner holds the controller

Controller groping?

>> No.954669
File: 182 KB, 1920x1200, 1373936496718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ he's right

>> No.954681

Really? It hurt so much? I'm sorry.

>> No.954684

I do something similar to this, except I wrap my left hand a little farther to the side and hit the Z button with my left middle finger. That probably wouldn't work so well for people with smaller hands though...

>> No.954705

Congrats, you are on the same echelon as adolescent yellow people from the 80s.


>> No.954789

i fucking love star soldier

>> No.954880

When I'm being lazy or distracted I'll often play NES/SNES/Genesis games with my fingers. I'm about 99% as effective like this, and it seems to be a lot easier on my wrists and elbows.

Try this. Hold a controller in your hands the standard way. See how the inside of your wrists are now facing each other? That's putting a little bit of strain on them. Now hold the controller with your thumbs underneath, and a two fingers on the d-pad and two fingers on the buttons. The controller may also be slanted down. Your wrists should both be facing down now.

For me, it's a lot more comfortable for long spans of time.

>> No.954931

I was playing an N64 with a really shot-out controller the other day and HAD to hold the stick between my thumb and index finger so I could pull on it and stretch the elastic tight so my character would move.

I still kicked everyone's ass.

>> No.954953

I did this at first.

Then when I realized how it was supposed to be I never went back.
It works fine but using the analog stick this is way is a pain litterally