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File: 1.57 MB, 1106x1003, contra 3 shit boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9537310 No.9537310 [Reply] [Original]

This is literally the worst designed boss in existence on hard difficulty.

There is no rhyme or reason or tells to any of his movements. His swaying is completely fucking random, when he decides to go in is completely fucking random, and how many attacks he does when he goes in is also totally fucking random. Not to mention his fake-outs are indecipherable from his attacks until the very last second, which combined with the massive hitbox and the fact that he oftentimes sways above/below you right before going in, you oftentimes will physically not have enough time to react, as you have to scale literally half the wall in a fraction of a second.

As someone who has played and mastered a lot of games, I could instantly tell within about a minute or two (after determining that there is no memo and it's all pure RNG bullshit) that this was a poorly designed shit boss from an incompetent hack; and usually Konami are pretty good, so I am very disappointed. Of course, I decide to check a no-miss hard run just to see how players tackled it. Of course, just as I thought and confirming my suspicions, literally the only way anyone ever deals with it is to use a bomb combined with the C-C weapon swap spam exploit. There is zero consistent method that doesn't involve the weapon swap spam exploit, and even that is likely not consistent every run due to the extreme RNG. Again, if he decides to sway towards your escape direction right before going in, you are FUCKED; there is no literally physical way you can escape in time, as even jumping literally does not give you enough time to escape.

>> No.9537317

You can learn to always keep yourself in a space where you can dodge, you just have to crawl up and down to trick him into hitting where you were.

>> No.9537321

That literally doesn't work. Sometimes he arbitrarily sways before going in to attack. So say you are at the top and going to dodge down, he will sway down before attacking and now you have a nanosecond to literally cover over half the wall (because both yours and his hitbox are massive).

I even tested with save states just to ensure that his behavior is completely independent of your movement, which it is (obviously he lazily tracks you, but whether he sways or not has nothing to do with any action of your own, and is purely random).

>> No.9537328

Also because the difference between his fakeout attacks and actual attacks is so minimal, you always have to move whenever he lunges, whether it's fake or real. What this means is that sometimes he can follow up a fakeout attack with a real double attack immediately, and then you are completely fucked, since the only way you can 100% dodge every time is if you are right on the very top or very bottom and start reacting as soon as he lunges (before you even know if it's fake or real). If you are anyway but the very top or bottom, and especially if he sways, then you just die if he goes for any attack, but especially a double.

>> No.9537354

Hard mode in Contra 3 is terrible in general. Enemies shooting you with hyperspeed bullets before they're even fully on screen, trash.

>> No.9537370
File: 355 KB, 250x165, CX-3_Secret_Ending.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't handle Tri-Transforming Wall Walker on hard
lol you wouldn't last on easy on the proper Contra, HARD CORPS!

>> No.9537379

Hard Corps is way easier, I've cleared the game with no damage.

The game on normal mode is like 10x easier. Hard mode really does just feel like poorly balanced garbage that they didn't even bother testing. There's a difference between "hard" and "you will die because of RNG and there's nothing you can do about it because we didn't test this shitty difficulty"

>> No.9537393

Hard Corps is very easy after you memorize patterns. Contra 3 is more random.

>> No.9537397
File: 20 KB, 256x223, cont3-22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be bothered to read your dumbass wall of text but it's really easy. Every time he comes towards you just let go of the wall with the jump button, and then press right right after to not fall to your death. Then you shoot him than you can and climb back up. Rinse and repeat, it's literally impossible to lose.

Imagine complaining about this when the game actually has this dogshit of a boss fight (on Hard at least).

>> No.9537410

Git gud

>> No.9537418

That doesn't work either for a few reasons. Since jumping is more of a commitment than moving down, you have to wait longer to jump, which means you have way less time to react, and he can still track you and sway downwards mid attack and hit you (it's actually so bullshit that he can track you so quickly as he is going in for an attack). Another way you can get fucked is after you're at the bottom, he can easily follow up with another attack and you are completely fucked (because again, you literally cannot escape unless at the very top or bottom edge), so climbing back up top is extremely dangerous and inconsistent.

The whole game is just untested dogshit on hard mode and it's no wonder everyone spams broken shit like C-C

>> No.9537428

It works. That's literally how I've always done it and I 1cc the game multiple times.

>> No.9537457

I've been playing the game for years. I've 1 life cleared it. The wall climber is one of the few things in hard mode that RARELY kills me. Dodging it is fairly consistent: just go to the top and MOVE DOWN when he starts to get to you. You don't even need to do the fancy "let go of the wall for a fast fall" shit. It's not complicated and not that hard at all if you don't have DOG SHIT reaction time.

Literally spend the time wasting writing walls of text on 4chan to git good at video games you stupid fucking scrub.

>> No.9537497

get good, that boss is piss easy compared to real bosses


>> No.9537501

I don't remember how I killed it, it could be that the concussion missile wrecks it, or maybe the homing missile. I think there's a way to fake it out. You also have super bombs at your disposal. It's been ages since I beat this on hard, easily over a decade. There is a way to do it consistently.

>> No.9537526

>1 pixel hitbox

>> No.9537580

The fake outs are irrelevant, just assume he’s going to hit you. Climb upwards and then let go of the wall so you drop halfway-two thirds and climb again and repeat always shooting diagonally upwards. I’d have to go start it up again to record the timing.

Also: probotector droids look cool as fuck

>> No.9537907

1CC means jack shit since the game gives you dozens of lives.

Record you completing it on hard 5 times consecutively with no C-C exploit.

You are so full of shit right now. There is no way to tell if it's going for a fakeout or an actual attack until the very last fraction of a second (well, well beyond the point you need to move), and as soon as you start moving to dodge fakeouts/attacks, he will start swaying and can literally homing track you mid attack as you're moving and instakill you (it's happened dozens of times as I was testing). Additionally, after the attack, as you are moving back to the top, he can follow up with another attack right after (again, it's all random) and kill you since you have nowhere to dodge unless at the very top/bottom.

Record you completing it on hard 5 times consecutively with no C-C exploit. Plus also show me your hard mode 1LC run.

It's about design and consistency. It's poorly designed trash on hard.

>> No.9537909
File: 96 KB, 720x542, 1vi8n2sy-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9537947

I can't be arsed, to be honest, mainly because you're spending more time drafting complaining posts than getting good.

Two different people gave you the exact same method and rather than go and use save states and test it out you're here whinging like a little girl.


He dies once during it but it's due to a little mis time. Same tactic; got to drop off the wall to avoid the crunch.

this guy:

doesn't even drop but uses the cluster bomb. Not sure why you're against using it. The last boss has a multi form attack and if you can cheese it into picking one with legs you can literally shoot it without being hit; you going to bitch that this is an exploit or something?

>> No.9537950

>There is no way to tell if it's going for a fakeout or an actual attack until the very last fraction of a second
additonally, I addressed this already - don't assumethere will ever be fake out unless you're at the bottom of the screen as dropping will kill you regardless.

>> No.9537954

Just pause the game a couple of times until you can figure out where he's gonna land. It's a bit annoying, but really easy.

>> No.9537960
File: 478 KB, 256x216, totally fair not bullshit game.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally spent almost an hour praciting it and that's how I dismissed it as unfair trash. Save states actually show you just how poorly designed and random it is and how you literally cannot dodge certain attacks with any consistency. It might be the first game I've ever seen to be even more cheap and poorly designed than Gunstar Heroes on Expert.

>can't be arsed, to be honest,
Yeah because for one, you're fucking bullshitting. And for two, you could never fucking complete this five times consecutively without exploits ever.

You post two videos here, the first video, he literally dies on the fight, plus the video is multiple runs edited and spliced together.

The second video, I've already seen, PEG is a good player, but he is using the weapon swap exploit and also his method is super unreliable and you can tell he is just really doing it by the seed of his pants. He would never be able to do this five times in a row without the swap exploit, and hell, I doubt he could ever even do it with the swap exploit.

webm related shows EXACTLY WHY this fucking boss is bullshit. Sometimes it just randomly tracks you as it is going in for an attack and literally CANNOT BE AVOIDED.

>> No.9537969

so if you won't listen to other anons is your point to say you are right and we're wrong

>> No.9537982

Basically the predicted area he can go between his massive, extremely fast tracking arc and his double attack is essentially the entire length of the wall. When he does a big tracking attack like that, you basically get hit unless you move the very first pixel of his movement (when he only has like a quarter chance of attacking), and excessive movement like that just makes him follow up with another attack while you are crawling back up top which leaves you with no escape room and instantly kills you.

That's why NO ONE can do this section consistently. It's complete RNG bullshit with no rhyme or reason. No way to affect his movements. No way to dodge consistently.

>> No.9538010

Dude I beat this game when I was 11 you faggot

>> No.9538021

you stupid fucking retard, by "beat" you probably used 30 lives plus multiple credits while playing on normal, so your opinion is worth absolutely jackshit. Just shut the fuck up unless you can do this section on hard without dying and without exploiting five times in a row (hell, even twice).

A game should be balanced around being able to be mastered and beaten consistently without dying. A mode should not be balanced around "just use this weapon swap exploit and then farm lives here and then just brute force your way through everything like a tard XD

I've done all the Contras up to this and include both Hard Corps games without taking damage, so that's why this is so appalling how poor the game design is.

>> No.9538047

Yeah, it's literally just impossible, I give up. I will just have to do the 1LC on Normal. I am not going to do runs hoping for a chance to get lucky every time due to shit game design.

The real fucking issue is sometimes he goes straight ahead when he attacks (as he should), but others, he does an extremely fast tracking adjustment as he attacks. So you move early to get out of his way, but then he literally MOVES FASTER THAN YOU and tracks your movement while you are moving up/down and then just slams right into you. I've had it happen over a dozen times now. There would be some small chance for consistency if he only did one or the other between the tracking and the double bounces, but since he does both, there is literally zero consistent method to beat him which is why no one will ever post them killing him five times consecutively on hard without C-C exploit.

It's just so insanely poorly designed.

>> No.9538052

Firstly, at no point did I say it WASN'T bullshit - it is but it's not impossible.

Secondly, you can call bullshit at people who are better at games than you all you like but the fact of the matter is I'm too lazy to go recording screens when you'll just claim it's stitched together. I fyou weren't such a whiney faggot I might just.Also: I fucking SAID he dies in the video so I'm starting to think you're not actually reading posts fully, taking me to...

Thirdly: Is that webm of you playing?

>> No.9538053

You're bad at video games man. I don't even do that jump strategy, I just move up and down and I don't get hit.

>> No.9538057

"a game should" nothing, faggot. They made the game that way. If you don't like it:
1) Play something else, or
2) Learn to code and hack the game
But most important: Quit your fucking whining, loser.

>> No.9538059


>> No.9538061

You play on normal and credit feed. Fuck off moron.

Anyone can record it. Just show me five consecutive times beating him (loading save state right before the fight) without dying and without using weapon spam exploit.

That will show me it's actually physically possible, but more importantly, it will show that there is actually some consistent method that I will have to figure out (which I am almost certain there isn't, which is why no such video will ever exist)

>> No.9538064

>method is super unreliable and you can tell he is just really doing it by the seed of his pants
but can be done by someone better than you, at least you admit it.

>seed of his pants

>> No.9538067

PEG is
a) using the weapon spam exploit
b) could never ever do that five times in a row. You can tell just by watching it that that probably works like 33% of the time max (even much lower with no weapon spam exploit)

>> No.9538068

I'm seriously considering doing it now just to fuck you right off but it's really hard to drum up the enthusiasm when you're such an obnoxious twat. Could you answer the question: is the webm you posted you playing?

>> No.9538071

>You play on normal and credit feed. Fuck off moron.
No. You just move up and down.
About to peace out man god you're a loser.

>> No.9538075

you know what he also is: someone who beat it in a video and uploaded onto the internet. What a pro.

>> No.9538082

shadowserg is literally tool-assisted videos you moron

I would never play a game that is poorly designed and requires luck and exploits to do with even a pisspoor level of consistency.

Yes, now post the video, but of course you will make some excuse.

>> No.9538093
File: 108 KB, 274x190, Maerio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shadowserg is literally tool-assisted videos you moron
Right this is a troll post I'm out boyos but not before protecting Sahdowserg's good name:

>Hello. This channel is about my challenges in retro video games. All gameplay footage is ORIGINAL and RECORDED BY ME & MY FRIEND (Arek The Dragon). It's NOT a compilation of other videos, not reupload, etc. Only 100% OUR gameplay.

>1) Originality of my content: I've added EXTRA UNIQUE VALUE to every of my videos by demonstrating my skill in the games. As you can see almost every of my videos are marked as 'No Damage'. It means that I defeated every boss in those games without getting hit. And it's very hard to do. It takes hours (and days) of practice. Also I'm only doing retro video games. It's a niche content and my channel is the only one entirely dedicated to challenges from old games.

>2) Education value: My videos are HELPING people to defeat hard bosses in many old retro games by showing them tactics, good strategies and attack patterns. Many people find it very helpful and they grateful to us. And we glad that we can help too.
Fucking faggot.

>> No.9538095

So, two of us told you how WE do it; a video is shown of a guy doing it by the same method who, admittedly, dies once due to bad timing and you upload a webm of you NOT doing what was advised/demonstrated. We told you, quite specifically, climb to teh top abd DROP when it comes for you. Even if it's a fake out the trick is to stay above and pot shot at diagonals.

watch this one closely, I will put any money that the little fake outs the player does resets the enemy's movement.

>> No.9538103

Shadowserg is just like Schluachi, PiE, NintendoComplete. It's tool-assisted, slowed-down, frame-by-frame, save states, spliced, etc. whatever is necessary. It is meant as a showcase of the game than any display of skill.

Not legit at all. That's why you will never find good routing from these videos, and the entire shmup/arcade community knows these runs are bullshit.

>> No.9538105

>watch this tool-assisted video closely
>watch this video where this player dies closely (even in a SPLICED AND EDITED VIDEO, HE STILL FUCKING DIES)
you are a moron.

>> No.9538109

Is this the Metal Slug schizo?

>> No.9538113

What's funny is there's other similar sections that are even harder than this section to do consistently (Scalpem on max rank, Metal Slug 2 mothership), but when you play those, you actually are impressed by the design that they are able to make something so high skill ceiling to do consistently. Here, it's "easier" but just pure RNG bullshit poor design. It was clear little thought was put into hard, that it was meant as a troll mode, and it was meant to be brute-forced through using exploits and lives farming.

>> No.9538114

You are stretching my patience to the absolute limit here, anon. Your webm was not the method we told you. Try dropping straight down when the enemy is moving forward, fake out or not. DROP; don't walk. Concentrate on survving as long as possible without firing a shot, worry about that when you've worked out how to advoid the attacks. You've clearly got it save-stated.

>> No.9538118

I have done that you stupid fuck. Dropping and falling with precision dozens of times in rapid succession is not nearly as easy as just moving, but even then it's super inconsistent because he will do multiple fakeouts in a row, then go for the real attack while you are in the middle. He will do a tracking attack while you are in a transition between moving towards the bottom/top edge and then you just have absolutely no fucking way to dodge it (and jumping here hits you into spikes)

Like I said, if you think it's easy, do it five times in a row consistently without dying on hard, or hell even just twice.

>> No.9538130

Seems like it.

>> No.9538134

you ignorant little cunt, at no point have I said it was fucking easy. Fucking SHOW us and we can see where your timing is off. What you aren't getting through your autistic little skull is we're TRYING TO HELP. Record a playthrough, webm it, and post it and let me see where it's going wrong. If you won't do this then give up like the little pussy you are because that's as far as my goodwill goes.

>> No.9538137

>seed of his pants.
Thanks I needed that, heh.

>> No.9538139

It's easy to be a backseat coach, but the issue is the massive amount of RNG between his swaying, his double attack, and most importantly his absolutely fucking pants on head retarded lightning fast mid attack tracking, there is literally no way to consistently dodge. You can look at one dodge in isolation, but the issue is following up that dodge, he will do multiple fakeouts or a real attack when you are not in an ideal position (because you quite literally don't have enough time to move into position) and you have no way to dodge it. The boss is just poorly designed and untested. If you actually attempted to do it with consistency, you would see that.

>> No.9538143

So the answer to my request is, "no"?

Chucked his pants on and seeded. Dirty bugger.

>> No.9538149

There is nothing you can tell me that I can't see myself. Play it for yourself and you will see there is no consistency to be had.

>> No.9538152

Best of luck then, anon. You're sure as fuck going to need it with that attitude.

>> No.9538161
File: 2.66 MB, 4000x3000, 20230102_121651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno what to tell you anon it was never that hard even when i was a kid. Im holding the cartridge right now.

>> No.9538164

Ok, now insert that cartridge, beat the game on hard without dying, and maybe anyone here will give a fuck about your opinion. No one cares that you beat the game on normal after dying 50 times as a kid.

As stated, you will cope and make excuses because it's simply not possible.

>> No.9538169

>Ok, now insert that cartridge
I would, but i think your butt might be hurting enough already

>> No.9538170

I'm coping with the fact you won't record yourself playing the miniboss fight start to finish when (alledgedly) you have save states ready to go and have just uploaded yourself doing it. I'm coping rather well in fact.

>> No.9538174

What's amusing is you're the only one in the thread who has given up. All you have is speculation and presumptions. What we have is solid proof: you gave up and refused to git gud.

>> No.9538191

>1CC means jack shit since the game gives you dozens of lives.

You might be right about the flaws in this enemy's design, but I gotta say, if you've reached the point where 1CC doesn't mean anything anymore then you've gone too far. You finished Hard Corps without taking damage? You're on the other side of the looking glass mang. This isn't the domain of humanity anymore, where you are. Maybe it's time to branch out into other areas of interest that deserve your attention.

>> No.9538197
File: 2.84 MB, 256x216, bullshit boss lucky.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can get lucky in a single attempt. The issue is CONSISTENCY because it's a bullshit RNG boss. Like how the EDITED and SPLICED video you linked literally has him dying because, even across three runs, he never did it without dying.

Now if I was one of these TAS channels, I would upload this as part of my "Contra 3 Hard Epic No Death Playthrough Pure Skills!!!" and you oblivious dumbfucks would link it.

Now, either post a video of you beating it five times in a row without exploits or dying (or hell, even just twice) or shut the fuck up.

>> No.9538227
File: 101 KB, 611x878, OPisFat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two anons give advice on how to beat boss
>ignores them and uploads video getting twatted
>anons berate him for not doing what they said
>doesn't ignore them and uploads video of him succeeding

You're welcome, you fucking fanny. Reminds me of pic related. All it took was our constant abuse and you manned up.wshaa

>> No.9538242

You stupid fuck, that method is extremely inconsistent and works at most like 1 in every 10 attempts.

>> No.9538262

Seems to have worked for you though, chief. You're welcome! Keep practicing and you may end up as good as:



>> No.9538271

Not a single person ITT can even complete that twice in a row without dying. You're delusional if you think I will attempt a 1LC of hard mode hoping for a 10% chance of good RNG. Fuck off defending trash design

>> No.9538278

You're welcome! Have fun

>> No.9538304
File: 53 KB, 354x286, pepe-listening-to-music.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel simply don't move until the last possible moment

Also Neo Kobe Steel Factory is the best Contra track

>> No.9538340

that doesn't work. Even the fastest human reaction times are like 150ms. Even jumping down (the fastest method) you basically have to be frame-perfect from the moment he starts his attack (again, impossible due to human reaction time). Unfortunately though, he also has a fakeout attack where he literally goes within like a few pixels of you, and that you have to dodge every single time because you wouldn't even come remotely close at all even with jumping if you waited that long (seriously, you would barely even start the movement animation before you're dead with how close he gets with that fakeout). And then once he fakes you out with that, he just does a bullshit tracking attack and double bounces and you have literally zero room to dodge regardless of timing (literally don't have enough wall space to escape)

I've practiced it a good bit, and it's just literally impossible to do consistently. It's not even hard. I've played a lot of shit that is just brutally difficult, but this is more just unfair RNG bullshit that is poorly designed.

>> No.9538442
File: 2.57 MB, 256x216, 4x.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since none of you frauds will post, here is me (the OP), doing it four times in a row but with the weapon spam exploit.

I might just say fuck it and use the weapon spam exploit for my hard 1LC. It's a fucking poorly balanced clown game so it seems only fair, and bursting him down is the only way to reduce the RNG factor, since the longer the fight goes on, the more likely you are to get hit with an unavoidable bullshit combination of attacks/movements and die to no fault of your own.

>> No.9538493

You still suck at it. You let go too soon and for some reason don't climb up again immediately after shooting it.

>> No.9538495

Funny how OP was the only one who delivered on his claims. Well done. In future I suggest maybe playing something fun and not something that infuriates you so much.

>> No.9538664

Honestly I think its mostly just certain attack patterns being too grueling for an arcade style game. In a default run of contra you can afford to get hit maybe 10-15 times? falling onto those bottom spikes is probably going to take a third of that.

>> No.9538728

>In future I suggest maybe playing something fun and not something that infuriates you so much.
Shattered Soldier is the better contra game anyway. It's hard, but not in the same way III is.

>> No.9538752

Funny how when OP actually took people’s advice he fucking did it, the monumental cretin

>> No.9538787

>waaaaah literally impossible

>> No.9538803

It clearly never does more than two in a row if you’re on the move and more often than not doesn’t bother if you’re too far away. OP is just bad at pattern recognition

>> No.9538830

>for my hard 1LC. It's a fucking poorly balanced clown game so it seems only fair,

If fairness is what you want then you're taking the wrong path. Attempting a hard-mode 1LC to begin with is inherently unfair. You're unfairly depriving yourself of your own life, for however many hours you spend beating your head against this wall.

>> No.9538850

That would make a lot of sense. Video games Require skills only obtainable through years of training and discipline and have totally never been dumpstered by an entire generation of 8 year olds

>> No.9538868

OP my entire neighborhood had no problem with this. The problems come later

>> No.9538874


Your neighborhood wasn't attempting one life runs on the highest difficulty. OP is insane yes, but you should keep up

>> No.9538876

I doubt every kid in your neighborhood was playing on hard.

>> No.9539591

No, dumbass, I'm doing it right. You can't let go too late or you will get hit. You literally have to treat every charge past a certain point as an attack. You basically don't even look at your guy, and just watch the machine the entire time and basically get a feel/intuition for what it's going to do.

The only room for improvement is that I need to get better with the jumping mechanics. It's actually really annoying because you need to hold up and no other direction to jump up, and then to jump down, you must either press down or no direction at all, and then press right into the wall at the precise time. If you mess up your inputs at all or jump without the proper direction pressed, you're basically fucked.

The other thing is that you have to be *extremely* close to the top and bottom. There's some kind of logic where it seems to like to hit you in a spot where you have an extremely small margin of error to dodge; there's many charges where you have to be within pixels of the top/bottom to avoid the second bounce. It's pretty fucking ridiculous.

Yeah I heard SS is more memo like Hard Corps, which I prefer. But I think with that playstyle, Hard Corps definitely should have been more forgiving on lives since there's a ton of gotcha moments before you learn everything.

No dumbass, I didn't use anyone's advice. Only through trial and error, extensive testing, and literally doing frame advance to see at what point you'd have to start moving (assuming 0ms reaction btw lol) did I figure out that climbing is simply not fast enough, not even close. But my method is totally my own, and the worthless fucking clears I can find use such shitty inconsistent methods it makes me question if they are even legit or maybe the players really do just brute force hundreds of runs until they get lucky like a jackass.

>unironically linking a TAS video
please be trolling

Your neighborhood played for months to credit feed normal.

>> No.9539883

> No dumbass, I didn't use anyone's advice
Well, you posted the evidence of you ignoring said advice and failing; then following it and consequently succeeding so…whatever you say.

Anyway, I look forward to the next thread when we have to help you past the first goomba in Super Mario Bros.

>> No.9539892


> You literally have to treat every charge past a certain point as an attack
Like we told you: >>9537580

> The only room for improvement is that I need to get better with the jumping mechanics.
Like we told you:>>9538114

> There's some kind of logic where it seems to like to hit you in a spot where you have an extremely small margin of error to dodge
Like we alluded to:>>9538095

All evidence posted to this thread suggests you’re an impatient little sod who doesn’t listen to good advice. Come back when your balls drip lad, 4chan is supposedly for adults.

>> No.9539902

The fakeouts are not irrelevant retard. Only some of them are. You don't climb up the wall, you always jump (both up and down)

The middle one is right, but is just very broad and not particularly useful.

The main thing is to only ever jump (whether up or down) to avoid, to always hug the extreme edge (both when preparing for the attack/fakeout and when he is doing double bounce), and to watch the enemy movements/sways instead of your character.


Now this run is interesting since he literally just stands in one spot, knows exactly when the enemy is going to attack, bombs instantly, and then repeats three times, while the enemy never does any fakeouts. I'm pretty sure it's a legit run and it looks very formulaic like it should be reproducible, but it doesn't work for me. So no idea what's going on here, and no other run does this, nor does this guy have any other gameplay like this on his channel, so I'm not even sure if it's legit or his run.

Anyways, I'm not sure why frauds are still responding when they can't even do this one time without dying let alone with even the slightest bit of consistency.

>> No.9539941

Just got 11 in a row, pretty trivial now. Still not sure how the method in some of those other runs work though, but I found a bait and jump method that works pretty consistently (like 80% of the time), which is good enough for me.

It's hard to describe how the behavior works aside from just having a "feel" for it. The boss fight could be decent with slightly different logic and mechanics.

>> No.9540029

Didn't read your retarded seething post.
This is probably my single favorite stage in all 16-bit run'n'gunners. I love the variety of encounters and the way the level changes up as you progress through it. I love that feeling of being hunted by this machine that keeps changing shapes. It's so fucking good. Is it tough? A little. But you can, you know, learn patterns. Imagine writing a giant indecipherable wall of text to seethe about how you were filtered because you're such a coddled infantile twat you can't spend 5 minutes replaying something to get better at it, you have to have all the bing bing wahoos right NOW mommy!! heh.

Zoomers really need to hang themselves. Death is the only release from their suffering.

>> No.9540103


Not reading the post leads to missing the point - anon's complaint is not that the game is too hard, but rather that it isn't perfect

>> No.9540124
File: 43 KB, 451x388, getgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter thread
>there are still people who believe all the famous youtube playthroughs aren't TAS

Come the fuck on now. Unless it's specified that it's not a TAS, then it is a TAS. It's not the other way around.

And even when it's specified "no TAS" you have no way to know if the guy """trained""" with tools like 1CC larpers do.

We live in a world of fakes. Take these quotes for instance >>9538093
Considering how proud of their own farts the guys are, if it wasn't TAS they would have mentionned it.

>> No.9540132

>video starts with a state load

as expected

>> No.9540843 [DELETED] 

You aren't even playing on hard. Just stop.

>> No.9540848

You aren't even playing on hard. Just stop

The challenge was to complete the section multiple times in a row without dying, no shit.

>> No.9540852

Here, fuckstick, I hate OP as much as everyone else and I can't wait for this thread to die but I have to give the pubeless little cunt credit he set himself a (stupid) challenge and that's the best way to record the video. If you're not going to even give a thread a cursory glance then fuck off somewhere else, you cretin.

>> No.9541632

Of course we were zoomies. It’s the only way to see the entire game. Everyone who owned the game played it on hard or you got made fun of. You’d know this if you were alive back then.

>> No.9541639

It wasn’t that hard. Most kids I knew could do it. Zoomers are strangely proud of retro game skills that every 8 year old had 30 years ago.

>> No.9541709

The TLB is like less than a minute long and the gave gives no hint that you have to beat it on Hard to reach it. Majority of players never even beat the game, and vast majority of those who did so beat it on normal. The kids who beat it on hard was big bragging rights, and even then most of them practiced for months, farmed lives, and died loads of times.

>> No.9541721

>The TLB is like less than a minute long and the gave gives no hint that you have to beat it on Hard to reach it.
Pretty sure there was a cutscene of the brain getting back up, and the game told you to try hard mode without showing any end credits, so yeah it wasn't exactly a mystery.

>> No.9541729
File: 2 KB, 256x224, Contra_III_normal_msg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it doesn't, and probably like <2% of Contra 3 players ever beat hard mode back in the day

>> No.9541761

You know that if you press start you immediately begin hard mode, right? And again, no end credits.

>> No.9541763

No one is going to play hard mode after they just finished the game.

>> No.9541835

Kek. Preach on, brotha. I've said this since the game came out. Was always a wall when me and my brother tried beating it on hard mode. I think we only made it to level 5 once. This guy was why we ended up buying a Game Genie, so we could beat this guy consistently and then the game. We couldn't figure it out at all how to not die on him. Always did and we could consistently not die all the way to the boss in level 4 besides this part.

>> No.9541879

Can't you just slide down walls quickly or am I confusing this with another game?

>> No.9542543

2% based on nothing but your own assessment of the game through the lens of your own garbage skill level

>> No.9542548

Or I did it in a weekend rental at like 11 years old because I’m not terrible at games like (You)

>> No.9542668

>No, it doesn't, and probably like <2% of Contra 3 players ever beat hard mode back in the day
A lot of people don't finish their games on the hardest difficulty. Anyone who looks at steam achievements can verify that. But Contra 3 on hard mode isn't THAT hard. There are far harder games. It's a game you'll need to practice for a while, but most people will be able to eventually beat it on hard if they put in the effort.

>> No.9542674

I did.

>> No.9543315


>> No.9544970


ONE LIFE RUN on hard, ten-hour-old. Is what I said. You weren't even alive when I made my post and had to be born and learn English and develop opinions about video games between then and now, so it's understandable that you messed it up so badly. But it's crucial to OP's complaint so it needs to be pointed out. Since your skull hasn't even formed yet let alone fused, there shouldn't be any trouble with hammering this into your brain: OP wants a ONE LIFE RUN ON HARD to be CONSISTENTLY VIABLE. Allegedly it isn't. No neighborhood full of children has ever tested this. None.

>> No.9545089

Ya you’re right. Beating a game on one life is too original of an idea for the millions of kids that played these games. No one ever thought of trying that until zooomers. You fucking retard, I beat almost every game I had on one life one afternoon or another.

>> No.9545529

Cope retards