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File: 3 KB, 256x224, Legend_of_Zelda_NES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9537045 No.9537045 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it slow down to a single digit frame whenever there are more than 4 enemies on screen? Robotron 2084 port on Apple II from 1983 never slows down no matter how many enemies it throws at you, like over 30 at times. Even the god awful Commando port on this system never slowed down. You couldn't even move diagonally here. What idiot programmed zelda? Why does everyone like this slop?

>> No.9537047

>Robotron 2084 port on Apple II from 1983 never slows down no matter how many enemies it throws at you
they dont make em like they used to

>> No.9537052

>What idiot programmed zelda? Why does everyone like this slop?
No one does. Zelda starts with ALTTP

>> No.9537076

You're just bad at clearing enemies lol

>> No.9537085

It's not that big of a deal + game is not designed for diagonal movement, so it's literally fine
the reason darknuts are so fun to fight is because there is no diagonal movement

>> No.9537106
File: 44 KB, 345x348, material.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys I said good game... NOT good!!

>> No.9537202

>good game
Ultima games are better, more fun to explore. Zelda's world is empty.

>> No.9537203

But have you played Ultima though?

>> No.9537204
File: 119 KB, 305x334, Wizzrobe-Blue-LoZ-Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, boys. I'm just on my way to blast OP's ass, because he's such a moist bitch.

>> No.9537205

OP will be glad there's slowdown when he encounters those or blue darknuts

>> No.9537207

With cheat engine, yes. I don't like turn based combat.

>> No.9537208
File: 104 KB, 329x297, Darknut-Blue-LoZ-Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'd probably have an aneurysm dealing with these guys.

>> No.9537603

My biggest gripe is the bugged interaction with Darknuts and bombs. This forced me to use save states in a swordless run because of how tedious it was trying to kill those fuckers with what was practically rng-based hit detection

>> No.9537641

easily explained. the NES has only a short amount of time during blank where you can move sprites around so too many will overload it while on Apple II you can just write to video buffer whenever.

>> No.9537839

Don't bombs work on as long as you drop them when you're not facing them?

>> No.9537847

That's likely the trick. They're supposed to work if you bomb them from behind.

>> No.9537853

Technically they're immune to frontal assaults, bombs included. However, the bomb is treated as "attacking" in the same direction you place when you drop it. Because of the somewhat erratic movement of Darknuts and that they'll still flash from the explosion even if they don't take damage, it's easy to waste bombs because they turned to "face" the right direction they needed to "defend" against the blast.

>> No.9537918

>You couldn't even move diagonally here
That's how you know you're playing a retro kino

>> No.9537945

I actually enjoyed the game back when I played it on NSO

Rewinds make some of the stupid parts very manageable

>> No.9537949

i'm not gonna play gatekeeper and say "anyone who needs the rewind feature is a fag" or whatever, but
i'm genuinely struggling to think of a part where you'd need to rewind in zelda 1
there's a room in the last dungeon that you can get stuck in forever if you run out of keys and never found the magical key—that's the only time i can imagine ever needing such a feature

>> No.9537951

>there's a room in the last dungeon that you can get stuck in forever if you run out of keys and never found the magical key
even then, there's still a way out of this:
Up+A on the second controller

>> No.9537957

Level 6 being full of tedious combat rooms with fucking wizzrobes. Pretty much just dying to enemies in general
Yeah it's gay but I don't care I enjoyed myself and the game. Next time I probably won't use it though

>second controller
>on the switch online

>> No.9537965

Why is there no loz or taol remakes for switch? Seems like a logical step and they could use la engine for loz and botw engine for taol. They could explain a lot of shit if they reworked the narratives of those games, which would be great for the loz timeline

>> No.9537970

You can split your joycons into two separate controllers.
So more like Up+X if you're using the right joycon, or Up+dpadR if you're using the left one.
But I get it, rewinding is a lot more convenient

>> No.9537972

Did you just Max stat your party or disable battles?

>> No.9537975

>taol remake
Man, this is literally all I want from Nintendo. The fact that they remade Link's Awakening gives me hope for this, since that game wasn't on anyone's radar when they announced it. The game is already great, but there's so much room for improvement.

>> No.9537994

We could start a petition and spread it on reddit, watch their open mouth soi faces light up like they just got bing bing wahooed in their hooha

>> No.9538001

What room would that be?

>> No.9538004

>wanting remakes while Eiji "Octoroks are impossible to fight" Aonuma is in charge of the franchise

>> No.9538019 [DELETED] 

You aren't even a zoomer... you literally posted this to troll. LoZ is a goat nes game. Go back to fortnite and saying gamer words over the internet until xbox live bans you... oh wait they did and that's why you are here.

>> No.9538024

>botw engine for taol
What the fuck is this abomination, you mean Zelda 2 but in 3D? I think if anything we should let Inti Creates develop the remake which should obviously be 2D

>> No.9538025

Inti Creates has never made a good game in their lives though.

>> No.9538027
File: 19 KB, 1280x880, Zelda1softlockroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one. Once entered, the door behind you shuts permanently, even after slaying all the enemies. The only way out is the locked door on the right side, so if you don't have any keys left before entering this room, you're fucked.
Gotta up+A in port 2 to save and quit, or reset if you didn't know about that trick.

>> No.9538051

No but they have though

>> No.9538060

slowdown is a common and annoying feature of NES game that you didn't see on home computers or pre-crash consoles and as anon said it's partially due to the architecture of the console. C64fags will often brag that their games never have slowdown/flicker/scroll artifacts like NES games usually always do.

>> No.9538065

and yet the NES has tons of classics and was super successful and all of us during that time chose it over the c64. Weird, I wonder why?

>> No.9538092

no? the NES's heyday was 1988-91 while peak C64 was 1983-86 (in North America--Europe a bit different).

>> No.9538102

NES had Mario in 83.... Everyone that I knew that had video games then had Mario and no one I have ever met in real life even knew what a C64 was. I'm sure maybe it felt that way if you were an adult then and had lots of money and you're in your 60s now, but for the average American Mario Bros. and Nintendo was king long before 91.

>> No.9538107

Why did Link and the Darknuts both use crusader shields? Wouldn't that mean they were on the same side?

>> No.9538116 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 509x184, 1650932918551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gamer words

>> No.9538125

Taol would work well in a 3d space, walking through towns in 2d like that is the fucking stupidest shit ever. Having actually 3d towns would be so much better. Maybe if I said "super mario bros. on nes should be remade in 3d" then you could tell me I'm a fucktard, but this ain't it queef.

>> No.9538128 [DELETED] 

Im who you are responding to and I audibly laughed when I saw this. :)

>> No.9538171

>Taol would work well in a 3d space
I mean, you want an entirely different game but with Zelda 2's storyline at this point. This is like wanting a Metroid 1 remake that would play like Metroid Prime. Like... how? Zelda 2 is too small to justify making a BoTW-style 3D remake. Again, if they actually did this it would be more of a reimagining than a remake

>> No.9538179

I didn’t say just like botw just use the engine. I already explained this in my posts, but you refuse to acknowledge that when you reply. A little reading comprehension goes a long way anon

>> No.9538180

You could add an oscillator into your nes to overclock the cpu and get rid of the slowdown. You'd also need to wire up a guitar pedal to pitch shift the audio back down.

>> No.9538184

The Darknuts fell to Ganon's influence and never got new equipment. Similar to how the soldiers in ALttP were mind controlled to be the Wizards slaves. Best guess.

>> No.9538257

That’s not even gatekeeping. Gatekeeping would be saying something like “anyone who uses rewind didn’t actually beat the game” (which is actually true). Gatekeeping is also a good healthy thing that every community should have and fragile Redditors fried your brain into believing otherwise.

>> No.9538779 [DELETED] 

if they saw the ending screen they beat the game

>> No.9539091 [DELETED] 

Zelda speedrun Youtube%

>> No.9539095 [DELETED] 

So if I watch a YouTube walkthrough of this game until the end then I beat the game? K.

>> No.9539154 [DELETED] 

This. I watched my brother play through Zelda 1 when I was 5 years old. I beat the game.

>> No.9539316 [DELETED] 

you guys are all very smart! totally got me with that semantics argument!

>> No.9539321 [DELETED] 

You’re kind of a baiting, lying, bad-faith arguing scum of this board. There’s no argument to be had here. You just say shit to annoy people. You believe nothing you say. Fuck off.

>> No.9539328 [DELETED] 

>getting this mad over someone using rewind to beat zelda 1

>> No.9539330 [DELETED] 

get better arguments then you fucking retard

>> No.9539343

>Zelda's world is empty.
you say this about NES zelda when every other screen has a secret or something on it?

>> No.9539348

>NES had Mario in 83
The NES didn't even release in America until nearly the end of 85

>> No.9539351 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares. Go back
Missing the point on purpose because it's the only argument you have. nobeatfags BTFO

>> No.9539359

>1.79/1.66 MHz cpu
>DUHHHHHH why does it slow down?????????
another retarded thread made by a homosexual

>> No.9539382

get better bait op

>> No.9539394

Apple II is 1.023 MHz and doesn't even have a sprite hardware.

>> No.9539397


>> No.9539403

Infinite health, or replenish it occasionally if the infinite health code doesn't work.