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9536609 No.9536609 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't this be settled?

What side do zoomers take? Do they hop on the Mario 3 bandwagon or form their own opinion and realize Mario World is superior?

>> No.9536614

The real answer is both are masterpieces.
But congrats, first smb3 vs smw thread of 2023!

>> No.9536620

Here's something we can agree on: Sonic will never EVER produce anything on this level.

>> No.9536630

Sonic 2 and 3&K are both on that level.

>> No.9536652

They're better than smw. I'd argue Sonic 2 is better than smb3 mainly because it's finishable in one sitting.

>> No.9536657
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Super Mario Advance 4 with all the e-reader content unlocked is basically the best platformer ever made.

>> No.9536671

>Why can't this be settled?
Because you keep trying to frame an 8-bit game as being in competition with an 16-bit game with these shit threads.

>> No.9536676

>Why can't this be settled?
Opinions are like assholes. You probably like the one you grew up with.

>> No.9536713

SMW literally plays better and has more responsive controls and more varied level design, so good question. No idea why SMB retards think it's better aside from nostalgia and liking the music more

>> No.9536718

Plenty of 8 bit games are better than 16. Nes battletoads, punch out, zeldas, Mario's are all better than their 16 bit versions

>> No.9536726

They're both fantastic games but I think the one you prefer depends on if you grew up with an NES or an SNES. That being said, I was a SNES kid.

>> No.9536740

Zoomer here, I only played like the first few levels of SMB3 and SMW but I like SMW more mostly cus of the save feature

>> No.9536749


>> No.9536756

>Mario World is superior
Elaborate on that
It has the same level of "responsive" controls, the only difference is that SMB3 is a faster game and has more momentum, and that "varied" level design doesn't mean much when SMW has much worse level design

>> No.9536773

what's there to be settled? they're both good mario games often seen as the pinnacles of the 2D games, i don't understand why it always has to be some kind of us vs. them thing going on with such threads.

>> No.9536784

Try the All-Stars version of SMB3, I prefer that one, also has a save feature

>> No.9536787

>SMW has much worse level design
A lot of 3's levels are just "suffer in this crowded auto-scrolling hallway for 20 seconds" or "dodge this motherfucker and then there's a goal"

>> No.9536790

>i don't understand why it always has to be some kind of us vs. them thing going on with such threads.
It's this way with everything. Even Sonic fans fighting over which is the worst Sonic game (for the record, it's Sonic Labyrinth)

>> No.9536791


I always thought Yoshi was a stupid gimmick so SMB3 it is.
Otherwise the levels/setting of SMW are more interesting and rewarding to explore.

Too bad they doubled down on the gimmick in Sunshine.

>> No.9536796

—better level design
—way more & better upgrades
—map items
—more varied music
—save feature
—1 big interconnected map
—better as collectathon (for exits & stuff)
Hard choice because I like SMB3 more, but I never got used to its lack of saves. inb4 SMA4—it looks like shitty eurojunk DOS platformer.

>> No.9536812

3d blast is worse.

>> No.9536814

Why do you hate Yoshi? He's one of the best additions to the series.
Just play the SNES version.

>> No.9536818

Clearly you've never played Labyrinth. 3D Blast is at least a fun game.

>> No.9536820

>Just play the SNES version.
I meant they both look the same

>> No.9536882

>It has the same level of "responsive" controls
It takes exactly 10 seconds to go on this website https://www.retrogames.cc/, type in "Super Mario Bros 3" and "Super Mario World", click any that fits the bill for each, then jump upwards from a standing position at a diagonal angle and try to reverse your trajectory at your maximum height H and see in which game it's easier to do that, and then repeating the same thing with sprints and other variables that come to mind. Then, if you aren't a dishonest, mentally ill person, you will come to the hardly shocking conclusion (newer game on newer platform) that SMW is a lot more responsive
>is a faster game and has more momentum
SMW is obviously designed around being played in a faster way while you can barely ever even run in SMB with all the obstacles everywhere, unless you're a speedrunning autist who knows every pixel inside out, but then the same applies to SMW at which point you try perfecting flying through the game at Mach speed

SMB had worse jumping than Mega Man and fucking elevator physics. Only retarded people say it's better than World

>> No.9536883

>I'd argue Sonic 2 is better than smb3 mainly because it's finishable in one sitting.
But Anon, SMB3 is finishable in one sitting, too.
You HAD to finish it in one sitting, in fact, because the original version of the game doesn't save your progress.
Unless you're saying that's the problem, in which case I agree.

>> No.9536890

Zoomer here. I think both are fun and I don’t really have a preference for one over the other.

>> No.9536891

>I'd argue Sonic 2 is better than smb3
How do people like you spend their whole life talking about video games just to not know anything about them? Sonic is legitimately a bad video game. it's not even better than those experimental Goemon games

>> No.9536894

there is a reason it's dead and buried despite world fame. sonic was never good

>> No.9536923

Well, SMB1+LL are clearly the best, the later ones are bloated collectathons

>> No.9536924

it's not dead at all. the reason it went to shit is because it's given to devs ho have no idea what they are doing. all the can do is take the good base gameplay of SA1/2 and make painfully shitty games with them. 3D Sonic hasn't had a truly great game in 2 decades, whereas Nintendo still puts effort into every Mario, be it Sunshine, SMG1/2, Odyssey.

>> No.9536932

>SMB had worse jumping than Mega Man and fucking elevator physics
As someone who's programmed a Mega Man engine (studied the physics and replicated it all), I love the games but can't agree with this. Mega Man's physics are very basic. You might prefer them because you like having more control after jumping, but there's zero momentum and I think they're much less interesting for platforming.

It works well for Mega Man which emphasizes shooting as much as jumping, but it would be boring for a more pure platformer like Mario.

>> No.9536934

In their context, when originally released, SMB3 was a better game. It was late in the NES life and was the crowning achievement of the console. It had horizontal and vertical scrolling (don't take that for granted), a huge number of levels and tilesets, a bunch of powers and upgrades, a diverse world, etc. In comparison, the base game of SMW is inferior.

However, currently, SMW is a better game due to rom hacks and kaizos. SMW does have far better movement than SMB3 and is a much better foundational "base" for hacks and mods.

SMB3 should've had tighter movement and fewer autoscrollers (way too damn many). SMW should've had better levels, but that's fixed with modern kaizos.

>> No.9536941

This is correct.

Look, I loved Mega Man when I owned an NES growing up. I had MM2-6 and played the shit out of them.

Unfortunately, I totally agree that the movement is barebones and basic. Mega Man turns on a dime and there's no acceleration or momentum. His horizontal movement is instant with no ramp-up. I think he even rises and falls vertically at a constant rate.

Mega Man is a game for kids. It's a great series, but it is for children. Maybe some stages in MM1 were tough, okay, but that's it. Any adult who plays platformers regularly should be able to beat MM2-6 easily in a blind run with no game overs.

>> No.9536951

>SMW is a better game due to rom hacks and kaizos
The absolute state of kaizo autists

>> No.9536954

The base game of SMW has shit levels and is way too easy, I literally don't know if I've ever seen the game over screen in my entire life (even when playing as a child).

With rom hacks and kaizo, there's a lifetime of content. Much of which has new gimmicks and mechanics, new graphics, etc.

SMW is a crap game, built on an EXTREMELY good foundation.

>> No.9536956

I think SMW vs. SMB3's movement is subjective in terms of enjoyment, though SMW is objectively more flexible in terms of what you can do. Otherwise I more or less agree with this. I'm sure 3 has some great hacks too, but there's so much for SMW now it can't compare in that regard.

I assume with these discussions people are just comparing the base games, but if you're including hacks in the discussion SMW wins.

>> No.9536960

I prefer 3, but I love the world map and hidden exits in World. Surprised more games didn't copy that.

>> No.9536996

It’s been settled for years. The correct answer is Super Mario All-Stars + World. That way they both count as one game and you don’t have to choose.

>> No.9537000

Aren't people saying All Stars SMB is bad? What's even wrong with it?

>> No.9537003

The physics are different but there’s a fan patch that fixes it.

>> No.9537060

Mario World is obviously the much better game, but the graphics and or art style is lazy.

>> No.9537272

Sonic 3 & Knuckles

>> No.9537274

Both are masterpieces but World has less autoscrollers so I prefer that.

>> No.9537281
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Honestly I don't even know why Sonic was considered Mario's rival to begin with. I grew up with both but Sonic 1 came out after fucking Mario World. If we are going by the fact that Sonic is supposed to outshine Mario and not just be his own thing then the series was pretty much dead on arrival. I also didn't think that any of the Sonic games on the MD were better than Castle of Illusion. And then there were the Master System and Game Gear games (I'm talking about mainline platformers because all the other stuff is not even worth mentioning) which were just shit and you will never convince me otherwise. Even SML1 was better than all of those I swear. I also believe that S3&K should be pitched against Yoshi's Island, not SMW and in this case, maybe they are equal. That being said, my favorite Sonic game and one of my favorite games ever is Sonic Adventure 1, I love it as much as SM64 but even then I do realise that the latter is objectively miles better
I will get Frontiers though eventually, I sadly never stopped buying those shitty games. Every time I hope it gets good and it just doesn't with the exception of Generations

>> No.9537391

Has anyone hacked together a Super Mario Bros 3 World sorta thing? Like... it's SMB3 but made in the SMW rom/engine, with or without the SMB3 power ups. I was imagining it as just SMB3 with mushroom, star, flower, feather and yoshi and nothing more.

>> No.9537392

Because both are good and contrarian, immature little children love arguing over pointless bullshit.

>> No.9537408


>> No.9537413

If most people like one or the other more, wouldn't the contrarian view be to state that they're both good?
IE no u, faggot.

>> No.9537491
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>> No.9537559

Sonic 3 and Knuckles is better than anything nintendo has ever made

>> No.9538889

World is better than 3. 3 has a few issues.
>Has too many auto scrollers
>Too many gimmick levels
>Levels are extremely short
>Cant save
>Boss battles stink
>Game is ugly
3 does nothing better than world except for power ups. Boss Battles, level design, music, controls, and art style are all better in World

>> No.9538901

I always felt like World's stages, while pleasant looking, were dull compared to 3.

>> No.9538917

>Sonic is legitimately bad
I haven't played a platformer that can top chemical plant zone to this day.
Yeah, I meant it takes too long. It's full of great content but having to leave your console on over night hoping no one turned it off sucked.

>> No.9538929

>walk speed is so uselessly slow that you might as well not have a run button
>cape powerup once learned invalidates the main challenge of getting a clear for the majority of levels
>one of the first platformers where lives are an awkward vestigial feature
world while arguably higher quality than 3 has very obvious friction in its design where 3's issues are more conventional, too many auto scrollers, levels that are too short.

>> No.9538940

>Game is ugly
pot meet kettle

>> No.9538943

>why won't everyone agree with me!?

This is you right now, and why this will never ever be settled. Do you not acknowledge different opinions in your world or something?

>> No.9538958

You can warp flute back to whatever world you were in within a matter of minutes. It's not ideal but it werks and it's how everyone played back then

>> No.9538973

>SMB3 should've had tighter movement
part of the fun of 1 and 3 is wrangling the momentum of mario, these are also the only two games where walking is somewhat useful. It's not 3 being bad as much as world simply having far more tricks and options in the moveset to be material for a hack.

>> No.9538985

3's levels were made way too short for the sole purpose of boasting more of them. I can't enjoy any flow sate gameplay because of that.

2 was the one I'd play at daycare when they had All-Stars in the SNES in the locked drawer. I never played The Lost Levels because i thought there was a hamburger on it which made it unappealing to me at the time

>> No.9538989

>3's levels were made way too short for the sole purpose of boasting more of them.
Source? Did they say that in an interview?

>> No.9539016

At least World actually has color.

>> No.9539024

Just play snes all-stars

>> No.9539051

most of the later levels in World are kinda shit. They reuse assets so much they look like they're from a romhack instead of an original game.

>> No.9539098

World was rushed for the SNES launch.

>> No.9539370

I never trust anyone who would put World over SMB3.

>> No.9539870

not that anon but it's pretty obvious. 3 has tons of levels but they're all 5 seconds long, so that the map feature will work as intended. NES games were famously strapped for content due to all the restrictions of the era, having a game where you could willingly skip tons of the levels in various ways meant that each one needed to be bite-sized so it wouldn't impact things too much on either end. but that wound up creating a negative experience in the end since by the time you get into the groove of playing the level will already be over, just as that anon said.

world was properly able to flesh out the idea of a map and tons of optional levels due to the console it was on, but unfortunately was rushed as mentioned above. both have many compromises for their respective systems.

>> No.9539875

BASED. Fuck the 3 vs World wars, both mog kusonic

>> No.9539948

>You HAD to finish it in one sitting
Warp whistles are your replacement for battery saves.

>> No.9540185

>mario world controls better
>therefore it's more fun to play
>but smb3 is better because "MORE ITEMS LOL"
who gives a shit if the base mario is infinitely worse, and with cape mario he curbstomps anything not only on the NES but the SNES as well in mobility and intricacy

>> No.9540210

>why can't this issue that is entirely a matter of opinion be settled?
This board gets dumber by the minute.
World is better by the way.

>> No.9540278

>It had horizontal and vertical scrolling (don't take that for granted)

Having horizontal AND vertical scrolling isn't a big deal.
Having diagonal scrolling in 4 directions is.

>> No.9540478

Sounds pretty bullshit, they could just as easily have had half as many levels that were twice as long or removed the whistles or whatever. It's far longer than e.g. Sonic 1 regardless. I like the short levels.

>> No.9540483

Debunked by not only logic (a game with so much polish and secretas within secrets, "rushed"?) But also the gigaleak that showed the insane amount of different development phases and changes the game had until its final form.
Games back in retro times didnt need 10 years of development, they weren't movies. 1 year was plenty of time. A rushed game would have something like 3 months of development.

>> No.9540565

don't know, but you might be interested in Super Mario Bros. 3X. It's not a remake, but it's a SMB3-style hack of SMW

>> No.9540772
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>zeldas, Mario's are all better than their 16 bit versions
Objectively wrong. OoT>aLttP>Zelda 2>[/ spoiler]Zelda 1

Also, Mario 64>Mario World>Mario 2>Mario 3>Mario 1

That's fact.

>> No.9540823

>What side do zoomers take
Zoomers bitch that they need saves for SMB3.

>> No.9541104

>What side do zoomers take?
Their opinion is irrelevant. Super Mario Bros. 3 is the real Super Mario World.

>> No.9541224

I have convinced two zoomers to play smb3 and both didn't realize saving wasn't an option because they were using savestates for progress persistence. One assured me he was only using them at them to pick up where he left off, and wasn't savescumming. I didn't have the heart to tell him part of the experience is to having to do it in one sitting.

>> No.9541323

Mario 3 is like Revolver
Mario World is like Sgt Pepper

>> No.9541332


>> No.9541429

>warp flute
>losing all power ups
Why bother

>> No.9541434

both are shit

>> No.9541436


>> No.9541440

This is the worst bait I've seen in a long time.

>> No.9541580

Is there an easy way to emulate these features on an actual handheld like a GBA Everdrive or Anbernic?

>> No.9541626

>no rebuttal
Sonic 2 is one of the best games of all time, cope

>> No.9541634

Mario 3 is the game that made me crazy about videogames but I just think SMW is better... I don't know, I think they perfected 2D plarformer physics, controls, the momentum, it's just so fun to pick up and play, even running left and right with Mario on SMW is already fun. Don't know about the levels, Mario 3 might have the best levels maybe, but the buttery smooth feel of being in total control of SMW just feels absolutely superior. And that's why it's better than Sonic and Donkey Kong too.

>> No.9541636

Sorry little /v/ troll you don't get free (You)s from me.

>> No.9541637

SMB3 has better variety of aesthetics and power-ups and is generally harder than SMW -- I'm not saying SMB3 is like kaizo compared to SMW.

I have more nostalgia for SMW, but I think SMB3 has more pros than SMW.

>> No.9541638

Pretty much this. That and having a truly open World Map as opposed to SMB3's Worlds. Shame they never gave later releases of SMB3 a way to travel to previous worlds or replay previous stages. Should've given it the SMB Deluxe treatment.

>> No.9541653

I tried replaying smw last week. Got all the star roads up to tubular, got the secret passages and switch palaces up to red. Did the dolphin one up trick and dropped it. I loved smw as a kid, first game I had on snes. Loved it more when my brothers friend showed me secrets I hadn’t figured out. This time around I felt zero nostalgia for the game, just the music and sound effects. It was fun but I have no desire even attempt to beat it. Though I can play smb3 a few times a year, I fucking love every world in smb3. They are magical and feel so exotic compared to smw. I also feel like smb3 is more challenging which helps me not get bored. There are parts in smw that can be challenging, but it’s not the same kind of challenging, basically only later star road levels are hard. I wish I could enjoy smw like when I was a kid, but I really think it doesn’t hold up to even newer Mario games like name or sm3dw

>> No.9541670

Pretty sure you can download rpm hacks with reader levels or use cheats to add them. Just google it, I’d do it for you but I’ve have really bad experiences with people who use anbernic, so fuck you bitch

>> No.9541681
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>but I’ve have really bad experiences with people who use anbernic, so fuck you bitch

>> No.9541716


>> No.9541765

The[redacted]depot dot com has it if you don’t feel like patching

>> No.9541820
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>The[redacted]depot dot com
nta but I genuinely don't know what this is and I've been coming to this board for three years.

>> No.9542032

Super Mario Bros. Advance (aka SMB2, aka the Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic redesign)
Is far superior to both OPs shit takes as the best game on the Mario Franchise for the handheld Gameboy consoles.
>I dare you to prove me wrong
>better gameplay dynamics
>Enemies filled with Sovl & personality
>a remake of retro gaming before retro gaming
>inb4 Reeee! it's not actually a mario bros. game... title says otherwise brainlet
>inb4 crybaby bitching about birdo mini-bosses
>inb4 some retard argues for Caping/Tailing over lvls as fun/interesting gameplay...
>inb4 Yoshi isn't just an updated birdo design & his fans don't just use him as a free death-save at every possible convenience...

>> No.9542046

Just what I needed!

>> No.9542113

I think I would have liked World a lot if I played it as a kid because of the presentation + yoshi. However, those qualities did not make as big an impact on me as an adult, and in pretty much every other category, SMB3 takes the cake.

>> No.9542132

objectively, SMW is a great game. there's just this thing where at the time it didn't seem like that big a deal. SMB3 meanwhile was a fucking monster. I made a deep connection with that game.

also there's something about the SNES that kinda put me off early on. SMW was polished, but a lot of games were bloated and sluggish. I have memories of cousins and friends having SNES's and the games that weren't SMW or F-Zero were garbage. I think what made "blast processing" marketing effective was that SNES shovelware played like molasses.

>> No.9542247

I've played SMB3 consistently from the day it released until now. I feel 0 nostalgia for it though because it was always present in my life. SMB is just a game I like to beat over and over. To me the controls are perfect and it represents the NES at its very peak.

SMW on the other hand makes me feel nostalgic as fuck. It reminds me of my bro and the hours we spent exploring every levels. The color palette reminds me of what my world looked like as a 6 years old in 1990. The SNES has a unique quality to its sound that really moves me more than any console before or since.

They're both great games, SMB3 in spite of the hardware and SMW in part because of it.

>> No.9542253

the real question is why the fuck are you guys so obsessed with zoomers?

>> No.9542274

I like mario games once in a blue moon, but replay sonic games to hell and back

>> No.9542278

zoomer here, grew up with the gba versions and my answer is I like 3 better than world.
I dont have some objective reason, I just think its more memorable. discovering the secrets in 3 on your own was so magical, and there was cool shit all over the place.

>> No.9542284

its crazy to me that people these days did not grow up with scrimblo platformers. I got my friend to play super metroid for the first time and he struggled with jumps the entire game and failed the escape sequence. I used to shit on mario games when I was a teenager, but looking back, its a pretty fundamental series

>> No.9542285

Check out some smw hacks, that should breathe some new life into the game for you. I've heard the 4chan hacks are pretty good though I haven't played them yet as I don't have an sa1 chip or whatever in my everdrive
I agree with your sentiments regarding world vs 3, though

>> No.9542346
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7000 rom hacks won't fill the void in my soul of there being no proper arcade version of Super Mario World.

>I'm aware of Super System version.

>> No.9542754
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>> No.9542779

I'm the other way around. I like thinking about Sonic games, listening to the soundtracks and all that shit, but they are all one and done games for me mainly because of the chaos emeralds. You don't have to collect them in Sonic Adventure so I've beaten both more than 10 times, not even Big's fishing stops me from doing so. Also way less tedious than getting 120 stars in SM64

>> No.9542956

Well it's fucking nice for being rushed.

>> No.9543457
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Both of them are masterpieces and I love them both! Summer vacation games!

>> No.9543516
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>he doesn't understand partial orderings

>> No.9543850

Mario 3 has more cool power-ups, therefore it is superior.

>> No.9545109

the final boss of super mario world ruins world for me. Bowser is much more epic and threatening in 3, he's a time sink goof in world.

>> No.9545115

Why does there need to be an arcade version of such a big game?

>> No.9545174

Mario 3 was better.

>> No.9545281

Smb3 has better level design and themed worlds that feel distinct. Smw levels are kind of all over the place and the ability to bypass everything with the cape is dumb. I do like how it has more exploration and the save system is nice but I prefer tightly designed levels, so smb3 wins in my book. I still like smb2 better than either of them though.

>> No.9545618

>Bowser is much more epic and threatening in 3,
You mean in how he kills himself through sheer stupidity? He can't even damage you if you don't touch his head when he lands on you.